Lustleigh Graves

An extract of the Lustleigh Graves database.

Lustleigh Church taken from the north sideThe stones, location and inscription on the graves have been carefully logged and this table can be searched to identify those deceased whose names appear on the database.
For further enquires please contact the Archivist by email or pay us a visit on the days we are open to the public.

Lustleigh Graves 1801-2020

GodifordJohnFebruary173157Here lyeth ye body of
John Godiford
Who was buried ye
? Day of February
1731 Aged 57
WillsElizabeth21January178032Dark smooth stone: pair of wings at top and possibly angel’s faceThis stone is erected
Wife of John Wills who
Died January 21st 1780
Aged 32 years
Weep not for me my Children dear
I am not lost but gone before.
As I am now, so you must be,
Prepare for death and follow me.
WillsJohn19May1791South Harton47Same description as Grave 2This stone is erected
To the memory of
Mr John Wills
Of South Harton
In this parish
Who departed this life
May ye 19th 1791
Now my dear Children I Bid adieu
Heaven takes your Father from your view
Therefore my counsel do you take
your Creator for my sake
WillsGeorge25January1792Rudge61Pale grey stone yellow lichenIn Memory
Of Mr George Wills
Of Rudge in this parish
Who died Jany 25th 1792
Aged 61 years
Behold? Good Christian friend
Now free from all his pain
He hoped his parting with Mortal Life
Would be his endless gain
Death was a happy change to him
It gave him no alarms
This is the way the Righteous go
Into their Saviour’s arms
HancockSidney31August18824?Dark stone very close to LychgateIn loving memory of
Albert Sidney Hancock
Who died August 31st 1882
Aged 4 (?) years
Thy will be done
Small very badly worn stoneInscription illegible
WillsJoseph Son of George Wills4February1781Rudge10Here lieth the
Body of Joseph the
Son of Mr George Wills of Rudge in this parish who
Died Feby ye 4th 1781 in the
10th year of his age
Also the Body of Mary ye
Wife of the said Mr George
Wills who died Novr the 5th
1781 Aged 49 years
WillsMary wife of George Wills5February1781Rudge49
WillsMr J28November1802Gatehouse88 plusSmall black stoneIn Memory
Mr J Wills
Of Gatehouse who lived
Above 88 years Universally
Respected was buried ye
28th of November 1802
another line illegible
WillsThomas13AugustGatehouseDark stone badly leaning, much yellow lichenThis
Stone is erected
To the memory of Mr Thomas Wills
Of Gatehouse who died the 13th August in the year of our Lord (date illegible)
To the memory of
Charles Wills
Who departed this life on
The 17th day of September 1860
Aged 45 years
Twas in the blooming age of man
God took me from this wicked land
I left my wife and children dear
Unto the God of Israel’s care
In whom I trust that he will bless
The widow and the fatherless
Also of Louisa Wills
Daughter of the above
Who died
On the 5th day of January 1857
Aged 6 weeks
Also of
Elizabeth Wills
Wife and mother of the above
Who died
The 29th day of September 1881
Aged 72 years
Though lost to sight, in memory dear
Wills Louisa daughter of Charles5January18576 Weeks
WillsElizabeth Wife and mother of above29September188172
GouldEdward Blencome16November191669Edward Blencome
Born 9th August 1847
Died November 16th 1916
Also of his wife
Alice Elizabeth
Born 20th August 1869
Died 13th January 1956
GouldAlice Elizabeth13January195687
Stone cross No inscription at all
JNG EGLantern on wall of churchyard. Inscription on stone under lanternLighten our darkness
We beseech Thee O Lord
GouldEdith13December190041Small double stone opposite lantern The peace
Of God
Edith Gould
10 May 1859
13 Dec 1900

James Nutcombe Gould
21 February 1849
10 October 1899

Small stone between lantern and above
I will lift up
Mine eyes to
The hills

GouldJames Nutcombe10October189950
GouldOwen16July192973Owen Gould
Jan 4 1856 – July 16 1929
Mary Beatrice Gould
GouldMary Beatrice1January194376May 20 1867 – Jan 1 1943
AmeryJohn or JeanDark stone covered with yellow lichenJohn or Jean (?) Amery
Rest quite illegible
AmeryThomas25July1889Mapstone70In loving memory of Thomas Amery
Of Mapstone
Who died July 25th 1889
Aged 70 years
Also of Emma Amery
Wife of the above who died Jan 6th 1890
Aged 76 years
Small stone no nameThe care of them is with the Most High
WillsGeorge21October188249Very light grey stoneIn
Loving remembrance of
George Wills
Who died October 21st 1882
Aged 49 years
He giveth His beloved sleep
Also of Mary Jane wife of the above who died May 30th 1912
Aged 68 years
Peace, perfect peace
WillsMary Jane30May1912
WillsGeorge1February1870Knowle63Dark stone, worn but cleanSacred
To the memory of
George Wills
Died February 1st 1870
At Knowle
Aged 63 years
Also of his first wife
Maria Wills
Died August 6th 1849
Aged 31 years
FrenchThomas17February186764Large, very light grey stone, badly wornIn
Thomas French
Of this parish
Who died February 17th 1867
Aged 64 years
Weep not for me ye standing by
As you are now so once was I
As I am now so you must be
Prepare for death and follow me
Also of Mary French wife of the above who departed this life
May 2nd 1884
Aged 85 years
French Mary2May188485
HenwoodMary4August1886Cleave House56In the midst of life we are in deaths
Affectionate remembrance
The beloved wife of Richard Skewes Henwood
Of Cleave House
Who departed this life
4th August 1886
aged 56
also Susan Angel
aunt of the above
who died October 8th 1885
aged 85 years
AngelSusan8October1885Cleave house85
StockArthur James5October1932WelparkGranite cross on 3 stepsArthur James Stock
Welpark, Lustleigh
Son of Edward Wood Stock
And Barbara Forbes Innes
Born March 22nd 1867
Died October 5th 1932
BartlettWilliam Henry10April1932Bishopstone73Granite cross and surround with flat stone at footIn loving memory of
William Henry Bartlett
Who died at Bishopstone, Lustleigh
April 10th 1932. Aged 73 years.
Also Rhoda Ann, wife of the above
Died May 31st 1944 aged 79
BartlettRhoda Ann31May194479
WillsJohn12October1931Rudge24Granite cross on baseIn
Loving Memory of
John Wills
Who died at Rudge, Oct 12th 1931
Aged 24 years
Granite cross on rough base
Spencer-SmithMary Aurora20July195883Granite cross on baseIn memory of
Mary Aurora
Born December 4th 1874
Died July 20th 1958
Beloved mother of
Etienne, Peter and Hugh Boilead
LeachMarie5April188278Granite headstoneIn
Loving memory of
Wife of Joseph Leach
Who died April 5th 1882
Aged 78 years
Also of the above Joseph Leach
Who passed away
March 11th 1887
Aged 86 years
This is my beloved son
Webb Stone DaniellEdward15September1890Knowle75Polished pink stone cross on 3 steps. HIS in centre of cross. Inscription on steps, both front and sidesUnder the shadow
Of the everlasting
Hills rest
The body of
Edward Webb Stone Daniell
Died September 15th 1890
Aged 75
I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course. I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness.

Until the day dawns and the
Shadows flee away
Ellen Gertrude
Wife of Alfred William Barker
Born September 2nd 1860
Married April 9th 1886
Died August 23rd 1891
Concerning them that are asleep, sorrow not even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died, and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus, shall God bring with him
BarkerEllen Gertrude23August189130
RashleighGeorge Vernon10October191364Granite cross on 3 steps. Inscription on middle stepGeorge Vernon Rashleigh
Paymaster-in-Chief R.N.
Born May 8th 1849
Died October 10th 1913
From death unto Life
BoPeter Claude12September193126Granite cross on flat pedestalPeter Claude Bo
43rd light infantry
dearly loved and loving son
killed while flying 12 September 1931
Aged 26 years.
HoggLucy Jane19February190484Granite cross on 3 large steps. HIS in centre of crossIn loving
Memory of
Lucy Jane Hogg
Born 25th February 1819
Died 19th February 1904
GouldHannah Nutcombe8April188489Polished light grey granite cross on 3 large steps HIS centreIn
Remembrance of
Hannah Nutcombe Gould
Called to rest April 8th 1884
BradfordMary Ann Ellen3May1905Welparke59Large granite cross on large rough baseIn loving memory
Mary Ann Ellen
Wife of Lieut Colonel Oliver J Bradford
Born 22 February 1846 Died 3 May 1905
“Simply to Thy cross I cling”
Also of the above
Oliver John Bradford
Born 13 Jan 1840. At rest 9 Dec 1924
“Thine eyes shall see the King in his beauty
BradfordOliver John9December192484
GregoryJane Eloise Garnham26February192984Granite cross on 3 large steps HIS in centre of crossIn
Loving memory
Jane Eloise Garnham Gregory
Wife of
William Gregory
Fell asleep Feb 26th 1929
Aged 84
JacksonAgnes Florence Melanie30April190432Granite Cornish cross on rough pedimentIn loving memory of
Agnes Florence Melanie
Wife of Feilden Jackson
“Blessed are the pure in heart”
On north side of base
Also in devoted memory of Agnes S I Applin
Her mother and wife of
Captain VJ Applin
ApplinCaptain VJ5July1915
Rough granite cross HIS in middle. No name at all
MorrisMary Frances26June1918Cut granite cross on 3 stepsJesus Mercy
Mary Frances Morris
Fell asleep
26th June 1918
Rough granite cross. No name at all
EllisJohn25March1931Narramore69Granite headstoneIn
Loving memory
John Ellis
Of Narramore, Lustleigh
Who passed away march 25th 1931
Aged 69
At rest
ChudleyJohn23January192968Low rectangular granite headstoneIn loving memory of
Jojn Chudley
Died Jan 23rd 1929 Aged 68
Also of his beloved wife
Clara Isabella
Died April 21st 1940 Aged 82
In God’s keeping
ChudleyClara Isabella21April194082
SmalridgeRose13June184669Pale grey mossy headstoneIn loving memory of
Rose Smalridge
Who died June 13th 1846
Aged 69
Looking Jesus
Also of Joseph Smalridge
Husband of the above
Who died Nov 20th 1857
Aged 71
Christ in him the hope of glory
Very small headstoneR.S.
WillsHenry27November1917Higher Hisley32Large granite headstoneIn loving memory
Beloved husband of
Emma Wills
And son of J. Wills, Hr Hisley
Who died Nov 27 1917
From wounds received in action near Ypres
Aged 32
Also in memory of Emma Jane Wills
Who died 3. 1. 1972
Aged 92
WillsEmma Jane3January197292
WillsJean (nee Wills)6December201194
TremlettEleanor20September1866Small cut headstoneSacred to the memory
Wife of Robert Tremlett
Who departed this life
20th September 1866
FrenchMary Agnes9November1894Narramore51Large stone headstone, rather soft and badly chippingIn
Loving memory
Of Mary Agnes French
Daughter of the late
John French of Narramore
Born October 23 1843
Died in Newton Abbot Nov 9th 1894
Present with the Lord.
Rough, rugged square stone with broken metal attachments. Appears to have had a slate slab in front with inscription. Nothing visible now
PohlMaria25June189576Light grey stone cross on 3 large stepsIn remembrance of
The beloved wife of
Adolphus Pohl
Who died 25th June 1895 aged 76
Until the day break and the shadows flee away
SandusKatherine24March 1811Plain cross on 3 stepsIn loving memory
Katherine Sandus
Entered into rest
March 24th 1811
JabetHarriet160ctober188368Plain stone cross on 3 stepsIn affectionate
Remembrance of Harriett
Daughter of Richard Jabet
(Of Birmingham)
born June 18th 1815
died October 16th 1883
SandersBertha8October1888Plain stone cross on 3 stepsIn
Loving Memory
Of Bertha Sanders
Entered into rest
October 8th 1888
ColvileEmily14January188972Dark stone Cornish cross with inscriptions on four sides of the base.On front
I am the Resurrection
And the life
Emily Colvile born 24th June 1817
ColvileEdenEaster Day189374On right side
Ad finem fidelis
Eden Colvile
Born 18th February 1819
Died Easter Day 1893
ColvileJane9December189575On left side
Be faithful unto death
Jane Colvile
Born 21st August 1820
At rest 9th Dec 1895
On back Thou lord, art my hope
Very small stoneE.G
Rough granite cross. No name or inscription
BrownJoseph15September1910Hill Hayes86Granite cross on large baseIn loving memory
Of William Joseph Brown
Born May 30th 1824
Died at Hills Hayes, Lustleigh
September 15th 1910
“There remaineth therefore a
Rest to the people of God”
Granite cross. No name or inscription
MounceyHannah8April191167Stone cross with inscription on each of 3 stepsTo the dear memory
Of our Beloved Mother
Hannah Mouncey
Widow of the late Robert Butterfield
Who entered into rest
8th April 1911, aged 67, and
Emily Crookes (Janet)
For 31 years faithful and beloved
Servant and friend who fell asleep
13th July 1911, aged 58
Requescant in peace
PriorClara Dorothy26August192887Granite cross on 3 steps IHS in centre of crossIn memory of
A Loving, Beloved Sister
Clara Dorothy Prior
Youngest daughter of the late
Rev Henry Prior
Vicar of Boston, Lincolnshire
Born July 21st 1859, died August 26th 1928
ChudleyArthur Henry12September192636Light stone cross on 3 steps HIS in centre of crossIn ever loving memory of
My beloved husband
Arthur Henry Chudley
Who entered into rest
September 12th 1926 aged 36 years
“To live in hearts we love
Is not to die.”
WillsFrancis4September1886Harton67Long, prone triangular stoneOn west side: In memory of
Francis Wills of Harton
Died September 4 1886 aged 67
WillsHenry Robert8September189282On east side: I.M.
Robert Henry Wills
Died September 8th 1892
Aged 82
WillsJohn19April1828North Hisley60Plain oval headstone. Very badly weatheredSacred
To the memory of
John Wills
Of North Hisley in this parish
Who died April 19th 1828
Aged 60 years
Also of his sister
Who died March 25th 1850
Aged 76 years
Resting in Hope
Wills Sarah25March185076
WillsElizabeth30March1925Higher Hisley77Polished grey granite headstoneHIS
Loving memory of
Wife of John Wills
Of Higher Hisley
Who died March 30th 1925
Aged 77 years
Peace, perfect peace
Also of John Wills
Who died September 13th 1932
Aged 87 years
Plain grey stone – nothing legible
WillsJohn22March1885Higher Hisley66Light grey stoneSacred
To the memory
John Wills
Of Higher Hisley
Who died March 22nd 1885
Aged 66 years
Also of Susan
Wife of the above
Who died December 13th 1903
Aged 88 years

“Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord
For they rest from their labours” Rev.xiv 13
Also Elizabeth
Their daughter
Died May 15th 1929
Aged 77 years
WillsGeorge Jnr10April1842Rudge41Plain grey stoneSacred
To the memory
George Wills Jnr
Of Rudge, who died April 10th 1842
Aged 41
“Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord”.
Also of George William son of the above name George Wills. Who died
March 3rd 1842 aged
One year and nine months
“His banner over me was love”. Cant. 11.4
WillsGeorge William3March18421Plain grey stone
AggettEmma29January191871Small light coloured stoneIn
Loving memory of
Beloved wife of
James Aggett
Died January 29th 1918
Aged 71 years
WillsWilliam8May1839Rudge37Light grey stoneSacred
To the memory of
William Wills
Son of George and Mary Wills
Of Rudge in this parish
Who died at Pentonville, London
On the 8th of May 1839
Aged 37 years
FrenchSusan Anne10March187638In
Affectionate remembrance
Susan Anne
Beloved daughter of the late
John and Mary French
Born February 17th 1838
Entered into rest
March 10th 1876
“There shall be no night there”. Rev. xxi.25
AmerySarahOctober188843Pointed dark stone. Inscription nearly illegibleIn
Remembrance of
Sarah Amery
Who died
Dear ? of
John and Mary French
Born 26th August 1845
Died ? October 1888
More follows?
JohnBarnGrey stone very badly wornTo the memory of John
Of Barn in this parish
FrenchWilliam29May1879North Bovey Hookner80Oval grey stone, badly wornSacred to the memory of
William French
(of Hookner)
in the parish of North Bovey
who died on the 29th May 1879
in his 80 year
AmeryThomas25April1827Higher Coombe85This stone
Raised to the memory of
Mr Thomas Amery
Of Higher Coombe
In this parish
Who died on the 25th of April
1927 Aged 85 years
Also to the memory of
Ann his wife
Who died on the 17th of February
1832 aged 88 years
Amery Ann17February183288
AmeryThomas Ford8July193253Thomas Ford Amery great grandson of the above
Lieut. R.A. 1914-1918
Died July 8th 1932
Aged 53 years
Greatly mourned.
AmeryLeopold Stennet195583Blueish oval stoneHere lie the ashes of
Leopold Stennett
Statesman and mountaineer
AmeryJasper25November1831Machinstone In the parish of Bridford50Very worn stoneSacred
The memory of
Mr Jasper Amery
Of Machinstone (?) in the
Parish of Bridford
Who died on the 25th of November
1831 aged 50 years
SmithA.W. Douglas3March1899Cross on pedestalIn loving memory of
Lieut. Colonel
A.W. Douglas Smith
(late R.M.L.I.)
died 3 March 1899 and of his daughter
Katie Laura
Douglas Laurie
Died 13 May 1957
JeffreyWilliam22February192856Square grey headstoneIn
Loving memory of
William Jeffrey
Beloved husband of
Died 22nd February 1928 aged 56
Also of Jessie died 7th April 1952 aged 83
Peace, perfect peace.
Powles (?)JohnLower?77Stone cross on 3 steps mostly illegibleIn
Loving memory
John Powles (?) of
Lower ?
Aged 77 years
WillsGeorge29November187334White marble slab with black iron rail round itIn affectionate remembrance of
George Wills
Who departed this life November 29th 1873
Aged 34 years
He is not dead, but sleepeth
WillsGeorge25September1847Rudge78Large stone sarcophagusIn memory of
George Wills of Rudge who died 25th September 1847 aged 78
And of Mary his wife
Died 24th June 1832 aged 59
BrimblecombeMary6March192962Square stoneIn
Loving memory of
Beloved wife of
Walter Augustus Brimblecombe
Died march 6th 1929 aged 62 years
Also of Percival George
Youngest son of the above
Killed in action in France
May 31st 1918 aged 19 years
“At Rest”
BrimblecombePercival George31May191818
HineEliza1July193062Small flat stoneIn loving memory of
Eliza Hine
Died 1st July 1930 aged 62
LaxtonGeorge W P24April1932Very small pointed headstoneTo
The dear memory
George W P Laxton
Who fell asleep April 24th 1932
It is well
OsborneJames3March1871Middlecombe69Large pointed headstoneIn
Loving memory
James Osborne
Of Middlecombe
Died march 3rd 1871 aged 69
Also Elizabeth his wife
Died August 29 1877 aged 78
And of Elizabeth Osborne
Died July 2nd 1895 aged 64
And James Osborne , her husband
Died November 11 1911 aged 84
And of their daughter
Hannah Maria Osborne
Died march 18 1904, aged 44
At rest
OsborneHannah Maria18March190444
DiscombeWilliamIn memory of
William Discombe
Rest illegible
OsborneJohn15December190036Cross on granite base In
Loving memory
John Osborne
Who died December 15 1900
Aged 36 years
AggettAnne17November189134In loving memory of
Anne Aggett
Who departed this life
November 17th 1891
Aged 34 years
“Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord”
BondJames22March188671Large grey headstoneIn loving memory
James Bond
who died March 22nd 1886
aged 71 years
also of
Susan Bond
His wife
Who died November 24th 1900
Aged 82 years
And of
Mary Ann Bond
Their daughter
Who died August 27th 1896
Aged 44 years
“And there shall be no night there
For the lord God giveth them light”

BondSusan24November 190082
BondMary Ann27August189644
LaddMary A W5February192989Very small pointed headstoneMary A W Ladd
9th January 1840
5th February 1929
“In hope”
Loving memory
Ann the beloved wife of
Daniel Harvey
Late of Fursdon
Entered into rest June 6th 1901
Aged 71 years
Looking unto Jesus
Also of the above
Daniel Harvey
Died June 28th 1913
Aged 86 years
All the days of mine appointed time will ?
OsborneJames23February189324White cross on pedestalIn loving memory
James Osborne
Who fell asleep February 23rd 1893
Aged 24 years
“Thy will be done”
OsborneJohn23August187741Small plain headstoneIn loving memory of
John Osborne
Died August 23rd 1877
Aged 41
Also Jane his wife
Died February 28th 1919
WillsTom22March189320Small solid cenotaphIn
Loving memory of
Tom T Wills
Died March 22nd 1893
Aged 20 years
Also of Bessie
Sister of the above
Died November 5th 1888
On east side
Also of their sister Clara
Died February 7th 1967
Aged 90 years
Very close to 13“Lord I believe”
E D1895Very small pointed headstoneE.D.
J D1871J d
E D1877
NickolsJames5May188164Blackish headstone, badly chippedIn
Affectionate remembrance of
James Nickols
Who died May 5th 1881
Aged 64 years
Also of his daughter
Elizabeth Mortimore
Who died August 18th 1881
Aged 21 years
The resurrection and the life
Memory of John Nickols
Who died November 2nd 1864
Aged 86
Also of Grace, his wife
Who died April 17th 1869
Aged 75
As above
NickolsStephen6May190569Cross on 3 steps HIS in centreIn loving memory of
Stephen Nickols
Who died May 6th 1905 aged 69
The lord gave and the lord
Hath taken away.
Two granite crosses, close together, with no trace of any inscription
Hampden SmithAnn Ellen26September1928Small pointed headstone, close to wallIn memory of
Ann Elllen
Beloved wife of
Sir Rudolph Hampden Smith, Bt
Died September 26th 1928
Loving and loyal
EdwardsRose Lavinia191940Light grey polished headstoneIn
Loving memory of
Rose Lavinia Edwards
also of her husband
George Bullied Edwards
and of their eldest son
EdwardsGeorge Bullied194971As above
EdwardsHarry195956As above
EdwardsNancyAs above
HooperEdwin1August1915Narramore72Pointed polished marble headstoneHIS
Loving memory of
Edwin Hooper
The beloved husband of
Mary Ann Hooper
Of Narramore, Lustleigh
Who died August 1st 1915
Aged 72 years
Peace, perfect peace
Also of the above
Mary Ann Hooper
Who passed peacefully away
July 27th 1929
Aged 79 years
HooperMary Anne27July192979As above
NewboldMary28March1911Cross on rough granite boulderMary Newbold
Called home
March 28th 1911
LambeJamesSeptember180280Cross on 3 steps HIS in centreSacred
To the memory of
James Lambe
Died Sept. ? 1802 aged 80
Also of his wife
Elizabeth Arbery Lambe
Died Dec. 27th 1809 aged 87
And of their daughter
Elizabeth Lambe
Died January 1809 (last line nearly illegible ? above dates not possible
LambeElizabeth Arbery27December180987As above
LambeElizabethJanuary180927As above
NickolsElizabeth22October190577Large headstone badly wornIn
Loving memory
Of Elizabeth
The beloved wife of
Samuel Nickels
Who died October 22nd 1905
Aged 77 years
Sextoness of this church 28 years
I have loved the beauty of
Thy house
Very small stone. Nothing legible
Loving memory of
John Holman
Died May 14th 1919
“In Faith”
also of Charlotte his wife??????
HomanCharlotteAs Above`
SquiresSamuel18July192880Pointed grey headstoneIn
Loving memory of
Samuel Squires
Who died July 18th 1928
Aged 80 years
Gone but not forgotten
Also Jane
Beloved wife of the above
Who died Jan. 19th 1948
Aged 89 years
Rest Eternal grant unto them, O Lord
SquiresJane19January194889As above
HamlynEmma JaneEaster Sunday192559In loving memory
Emma Jane Hamlyn
Who departed this life
Easter Sunday 1925
Aged 59
“Until the day break”
MayLouisa28January1911Rudge55Granite cross on 3 stepsIst step
Loving memory of
The beloved wife of
2nd step
Edwin may
Who died at Rudge, Jan 28 1911
Aged 55 years
A curious 3 step pedestal. Looks as if a cross had been removed from top step. No inscription of any kind.
WrayfordMary7June188858Large granite headstoneIn
Memory of
The beloved wife of
Samuel Wrayford
Who departed this life
June 7th 1888
Aged 58 years
Also of the above named
Samuel Wrayford
Who died January 31 1891
Aged 64 years
And of Elizabeth
Their youngest daughter
Who died at Gale Bickington
Aged 36 years
The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away
WrayfordSamuel32January189164As above
WrayfordElizabeth18February1899Gale Bickington36As above
ErnestWilliam Charles14January1879Granite cross on rough base, very badly wornIn
Loving memory of
William Charles
First born child of
Alfred Ernest
Alice Ea….ldron
Born October
Died Jan 14 1879
1765Very small square stoneF.C.
ColesOlive Amanda31March1930Small pointed headstone, very close to wall of churchyardIn
Loving memory of
Olive Amanda Coles
Died March 31st 1930
“Jesus called a little child unto Him”
Very small stone cross on 3 steps. Nothing legible
EmmetAnne27September188267Whitish cross on 3 steps, badly covered with lichenIst step
Memory of
2nd step
wife of ? Emmet
entered into rest Sept 27
1882 aged 67
AmeryMary Fabyan Sparke26September1833Narramore17Large rectangular sarcophagusUnderneath are deposited the remains of
Mary Fabyan Sparke Amery who entered into rest the 26th Septr. 1833 aged 17 years.
Also Sarah Ann Amery who …..anged Life for ……… the 4th of Janry 1834 aged 20 years.
Likewise Hester Margery Amery who fell asleep in Jesus the 13th of April 1839 aged 22 years.
And Elizabeth Nosworthy Amery whose spirit too
Its Flight on the 2nd of August 2839, aged 15 years
These all died in Faith
Also to the memory of ??? all children of the
Late Mr John Amery.
(On the opposite side of sarcophagus)
This stone is erected to perpetuate
The memory of Mr John Amery of Narramore
Whose silver was loosed on the 22nd of
March 1833 aged 50 years..
Having found Redemption through the Blood of the Lamb.
Also Mary Fabyan relict of the above who departed this life and entered into rest the19th July 1862 Aged 84 years
“The joy of the Lord was her strength”
AmerySarah Ann4January183420As above
AmeryHester Margery13April183922As above
AmeryElizabeth2August183915As above
AmeryJohn22March183350As above
AmeryMary Fabyan19July186284As above
WescombeFlorence20lApril190626Stone crossFlorence Wescombe
April 20th 1906. Aged 26
LeamanGeorge13December190880Stone cross on 3 steps, set cornerwise: raised lead letters.1st step
Loving memory
2nd step
George Leaman
Who died 13th Decr. 1908
Aged 80
On the side
1st step
Also of
Mary Ann
His wife
2nd step
who died 26 Septr. 1912
Aged 71
Peace perfect peace.
LeamanMary Ann26September191271As above
TunstallRemnie23December1910Whitish cross on 3 steps, badly covered with lichenIn loving memory
The beloved wife of
T.H. Tunstall
Who fell asleep
December 23rd 1910
“Safe in her Father’s home”
ThomasVery small rough stone
GredifordThomas30April185279Large light grey stone, much lichenIn
Memory of
Thomas Grediford
Who died April 30th 1852
Aged 79 years
Also of Grace Grediford
Wife of the above who died June 25th 185?
Aged 77 years
Also of
Thomas, son of the above
Who died April10th 1831
Aged 28 years.
Also of
Grace, daughter of the above
Who died may 19th 1864
Aged 48 years
GredifordGrace25June185?77As above
GredifordThomas10April183128As above
GredifordGrace19May186448As above
Large rough pointed headstone, covered with black lichen. Nothing at all to be seen.
WyseMary Ann14April194488Flat chipping covered space with granite surroundIn loving memory of Mary Ann Wyse died April 14th 1916
Also her husband Henry Wyse died April 11th 1944 aged 88 years
Maria Loder Wyse died Jan 31st 1955 aged 78
At rest
WyseHenry11April194488As above
WyseMaria Loder32January195578As above
LuscombeSarah28October1897Wrey VillaCross on 3 stepsSarah Luscombe
Of Wrey Villa, Lustleigh
Died 28th October 1897
ClarkeLoetitia8October1885WoodfieldCross on 3 steps1st step
wife of Herbert Clarke
2nd step
of Woodfield in this parish
died 8th October 1885
3rd step
Herbert Clarke died 29th Oct. 1888
ClarkeHerbert29October1888As above
LowenSusannaAugust189283Cross on 3 stepsI1st step
In memory of
2nd step
Widow of John Lowen
Who died Aug 1892
Aged 83 years
(another line illegible)
WebberElizabeth Mary31January189468Cross on 3 steps1st step
In loving memory of Elizabeth Mary Webber
Wife of William Amery
2nd step
died January 31st 1894
aged 68 years
“Father in Thy gracious keeping
Leave we now Thy servant sleeping”
LakeEllen Jane11December192464Two low slabs of whitish stoneIn ever loving memory of a dear wife and mother Ellen Jane Lake
At Rest Dec. 11 1924 Aged 64
“Her children arise up and call her blessed”
Jeremiah Jarvis
Husband of the above
Died March 20th 1932 aged 77
Also of “Frank” only son of the above
Who died prisoner of war in Germany
Sept. 9th 1918 aged 33
“Together in God’s keeping”
LakeJeremiah Jarvis20March193277As above
LakeFrank9September191833As above
RiceElizabeth Agnes24December1906Ellemore10Stone cross on rough baseIn
Loving memory of
Elizabeth Agnes
Eldest child of M & T.S.Rice of Ellemore
Born July 25th 1896
Died Decr. 24th 1906
“He shall gather the lambs
with his arms”
SaleRobert20February1917DerbyStone cross with small stone in frontIn loving memory of
Robert Sale, of Derby
At rest Feb 20th 1917
“Until the day dawn”
Ber…..JamesJanuaryDark headstone with much yellow lichenIn Memory of
James Ber…
Who died Jany….
……beloved wife
who died August 1790
another line below ground level
Ber…..August1790As above
HackblockWilmot21July191066Large polished granite headstoneIn
Loving memory
Wilmot Hackblock
The beloved wife of
Elias White
Who fell asleep July 21st 1910
Aged 66 years
“Them also which sleep in Jesus
will God bring with Him” 1st Thess. IV 14
Also of the above named
Elias White
Who fell asleep Nov 24th 1919
Aged 77 years
“With Christ which is far better” Phil 1.23
WhiteElias24November1919As above
FisherWilfred12November1907Stone cross on 3 steps much yellow lichenWilfred Fisher
Nov 12th 1907
Elizabeth Mary Fisher
August 9th 1899
He careth for you
…..his beloved
FisherElizabeth Mary9August1899As above
GorleAnne Myra81Stone cross on 3 steps IHS in centre1st step
Memory of
2nd step
Anne Myra Gorle
On left side of steps
Also in memory of
Louisa Gibbons
Who died June 20th 1901
GibbonsLouisa20June1901As above
CaseleyJames17September190183Rough granite cross with scroll round baseIn memory of James Caseley
Died 17th Sepr 1901 aged 83
CallEmily25September189126Smooth dark headstoneIn loving memory of
Emily Call
Who died September 25th 1891
Aged 26 years
Her end was peace
Not gone from memory, Nor from Love But gone to our Father’s house above
RiceJohn15December189880Stone cross on large stone baseIn
Loving memory
John Rice
Who died Decr 15th 1898
Aged 80 years
“Blessed are the dead which die in the
Lord, for they rest from their labours”
Also of Elizabeth, his wife
Who did June 1st 1908
Aged 79 years
Rest in Peace
RiceElizabeth1June190879As above
EastonWilliam29December192781Large grey granite headstoneIn
Sacred memory of
William Easton
Who died Dec. 29th 1927
Aged 81
And of Mary Ann, his wife
Who died Aug 1st 1925
Aged 83
“Rest in Peace”
EastonMary Ann1August192583As above
EastonGeorge11February192780Large rough granite stoneIn
Loving memory of
George Easton
Born Febry 19th 1846
Fell asleep Febry 11th 1927
Also of
Emily, wife of the above
Born Septr 27th 1846
Fell asleep August 5th 1925
Kate Mortimore
Beloved wife of Sidney Gray
And youngest daughter of the above
Born August 6th 1886
Fell asleep July 25th 1924
Lo! There breaks a yet more
Glorious morning
EastonEmily5August192578As above
MortimoreKate25July192437As above
WillsCharles Pearce Germon197574Inside iron chains Very small light granite stoneCharles Pearce
Germon Wills O.B.E., D.L.
Brigadier Worcs. Regt
1901 –1975
WillsMary Louisa1August193663Inside iron chains Cornish cross on 3 steps2nd step
In loving memory of
Mary Louisa Wills
Fell asleep Aug.11th 1936
Aged 63
WillsAlice BabbacombeEaster day190025Inside iron chains Granite cross with scrollAlice Babbacombe Wills
Died Easter day 1900 Aged 25
Jesus lives
WillsMary Babbacombe24September1888East Wray50Inside iron chains Oblong slabIn loving memory of
Mary Babbacombe, the beloved wife
Of Thomas Wills, of East Wray, who died
Septr 24th 1888 Aged 50 years
(on opposite side of slab)
And also of
Thomas Wills
Of East Wray who died
Novr 18th 1891. Aged 68 years.
WillsThomas18November189168As above
WillsCharles Germon24August194271Inside iron chains Granite cross on 3 steps1st step
In loving memory of
2nd step
Charles Germon Wills
Who fell asleep
24th August 1941
Aged 71 years.
3rd step
and of his wife
Died November 4th 1949 Aged 81
Rest in peace, Beloved
WillsCharles Leigh Drake20August193018Inside iron chains Small cross on 3 steps1st step
In loving memory of
2nd step
Charles Leigh Drake
The beloved son of
Charles and Gertrude Wills Died Aug 20th 1930 Aged 18 years
3rd step
For of such is the Kingdom of Heaven
Rough granite cross nothing at all visible
GribbleJohn BeveridgeAugust189160Very rough and worn granite headstone John
….August 1891
aged 60 (?) years
MaunderSamuel6June191526Flat stoneHere lyeth
Samuel Maunder
Sapper, Royal Engineers
Born at Lustleigh
12th September 1888
died in the Military Hospital
at Dunrobin Castle of illness
contracted in the war in France
6th June 1915
This stone was placed here by his friends and neighbours.
ArnoldJohn18April188858Large pointed granite headstoneIn memory of
John Arnold
Who died April 18th 1888
Aged 58 years.
Also of Mary Ann Arnold
Wife of the above
Who died Dec. 26th 1917
Aged 78 years
Also of Lucy Ann Lusmore
Daughter of the above
Who died Decr. 20th 1907
Aged 39 years
Also of Harriet Baker
Who died April 10th 1888
Aged 84 years
ArnoldMary Ann26December191778As above
LusmoreLucy Ann20December190739As above
BakerHarriet10April188884As above
SmithAnne7May1886Late of Westwell Oxon63Oval topped granite headstoneIn
Loving remembrance of
Anne Smith
Late of Westwell, Oxon
Who died May 7th 1886
Aged 63 years
Loved in life, in death
Deeply lamented
SmithCaroline21August192572In memory of
The beloved wife of
Thomas Smith
Who entered into rest
August 21st 1925
Aged 72 years
Peace, perfect peace.
Also of the above
Thomas Smith
Who died February 18th 1927
Aged 73 years.
GilleyEdward30January186971Pointed stoneSacred to the memory of
Edward Gilley
Who died Jan 30th 1869
Aged 71
“Behold I come quickly and my
reward is with me” Rev xx11.12
26April177065Small dark stone, damaged and very wornThis…..Erected
of note in Bovey
who departed this life
April ye 26th 1770 aged 65
I …….to the mother of
2 more illegible lines
EastonSarah30March191377Cross on 3 steps1st step
To the memory
2nd step
Sarah Easton
Who fell asleep in Jesus
March 30th 1913
Aged 77
“the memory of the just
is blessed”
EastonJohn31January188075Large light coloured pointed stoneHIS In memory of
John Easton
Who died 31st Janry 1880 aged 75
For 30 years parish Clerk and a member of
The Choir from his youth Good Shepherd may I sing Thy praise within
Thy Courts for ever
Also of Elizabeth his wife
Who died October 7th 1870 aged 59.
Her rod was peace.
And of their children
William Frost died April 1832 aged 6 months
Mary Ann Frost died March 1841 aged 11
Susan Frost died Feb 1857 aged 16
John died March 1863 aged 30
The lord giveth and the Lord taketh away
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Mary Ann Easton
Who died 21st Dec. 1921 aged 78
Trusting in Jesus
EastonElizabeth7October187059As above
Frost WilliamApril18326 monthsAs above
FrostMary AnnMarch184111As above
FrostSusanFebruary185716As above
FrostJohnMarch186330As above
EastonMary Ann21December192178As above
DamerellEmma Jane11October1877Stone crossIn loving memory of
Emma Jane Damerell
Who fell asleep
11th October 1877
Small rough stone covered with black and grey lichen
WillmanW.J.17January191940White headstone: Royal Berkshire crest in circle302J3 Private
W.J. Willman
Royal Berkshire Regiment
17th January 1919 aged 40
Rest in peace
SpragueJoseph26April190978Large dark grey (slate?) headstoneIn Loving Memory
Joseph Sprague
Who died 26th April 1909
Aged 78
Thy will be done
Also of Mary
Wife of the above
Who died at Drefach
October 2nd 1930
Aged 88 years
Interred at Capel Seion Drefach
SpragueMary2October1930As above
MealeAnn15March190687Slate ? same decoration as previous oneIn loving memory of
Ann Meale
Died march 15th 1906
Aged 87 years
Her end was peace
WaldronElizabeth Jane12May190165Badly worn grey headstoneIn loving memory
Elizabeth Jane Waldron
Died may 12th 1901
Aged 65
FarrierJohnGrey headstone covered with black and yellow lichenSacred
To the memory of
John Parrier
Mary his wife
………….aged 79
Also Elizabeth Satterley
Who died Dec 25th 1861
Aged 50 (?)
FarrierMary79As above
SatterleyElizabeth25December186150 (?)As above
AustinRobert19March187461Dark grey (?) slate headstoneIn affectionate memory of
Robert Austin who departed this life march 19th 1874
Aged 61
“And now Lord what is my hope
truly my hope is even in Thee” Psalm xxx1x.7.
Also of Grace Austin
Wife of the above who departed this life
January 1st 1878
Aged 68 years
Austin Grace1January187868As above
RalfeMargaretLight grey stone covered with lichen, very crumblyIn memory
Of Margaret Ralfe
Wife of Captn Ralfe
died after very long and
Bovey Tracey
their sorrow
HolmesRichard24April188868Small grey headstoneIn loving memory
Richard Holmes
Who died April 24th 1888
Aged 68 years
Also of
The beloved wife of the above
Who died July 1st 1888
Aged (?) 86 years
Gone but not forgotten
HolmesAnn1July1888? 86
HorrellElizabeth4December192772Rectangular grass plot with stone surroundA dear wife and Mother Elizabeth Horrell who passed
Away Dec 4th 1927 aged 72 years
Peace perfect peace
Also of her son Arthur George who passed away 3rd Nov 1964 aged 73 years
HorrellArthur George3November196473As above
AtkinsHenry26July186516Large grey stoneIn
Loving remembrance
Henry Atkins
Who died July 26th 1865
Aged 16 years
Also of
Frederic Atkins (his brother)
Who died Dec 20th 1876
Aged 23 years
The lord gave and the Lord hath taken away
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Also of
John Atkins
Father of the above
Who died Oct 13th 1900 aged 81 years
To be with Christ which is far better
And of Harriet
Wife of John Atkins
Who died Nov 3rd 1912
Aged 84 years
AtkinsJohn Frederic20December187623As above
AtkinsJohn13October190081As above
AtkinsHarriet3November191284As above
HursonJames Ponsford21January187332Pale grey stone, 4 decorative holes in topIn
Affectionate remembrance
James Ponsford Hurson
Who died jany 21st 1873
Aged 32 years
Thy will be done
Also of
Wife of the above
Who died January 3rd 1916
Aged 72 years
HursonSusanAs above
Dark grey stone: much black lichen
AggettGeorge16June188133Rough granite cross, lead lettersIn loving memory of
George Aggett
Who died 16th june 1881
Aged 33
Also of Susan his wife
Died nov 24th 1919
Aged 70. At Rest
AggettSusan24November191970As above
Flat dark grey slab, very worn, quite illegible
HursonAnnMarch187059Pointed stone, much lichenHIS
The memory of
The beloved wife of
John Hurson
Died March (?) 1870
Aged 59 years
Large grey stone covered with black and grey lichenIn
Memory (Names quite illegible)
WoodwardWalter21November188944Stone cross on 3 steps. Lead letters IHS1st step
in loving memory
2nd step
Walter Woodward
Who fell asleep Nov 21st 1889
3rd step
Thy will be done
Rough granite cross: appears to have no inscription
SquiresFlorence May26November190514Rough granite cross on 3 steps HIS1st step
In loving memory of
Florence May
The dearly loved child
2nd step
of Samuel and Jane Squires who fell asleep Dec 26th 1905
aged 14 years
“Not dead but sleeping”
Stone cross on rough stone base. Quite illegible
EnsorFrederic25December1887Polished granite cross on 3 steps1st step
“A good Soldier
of Jesus Christ”
2nd step
Frederic Ensor
Rector of Lustleigh for 40 years
Entered into rest Christmas Day 1887
DymockFrancis Douglas12July1906Inglescombe SomersetRound-topped narrow stone, with crucifix on reverse sideIn
Loving memory
Priest of the
Church of God
Of Inglescombe
Fell asleep
12th July 1906
Anna Louisa
His wife
Eve of the
Epiphany 1924
Large grey sarcophagus, covered with grey and black lichen, inscription on top. But letters quite illegible.
MartinHenry Basil2May192761Granite Cornish cross on large base: lead letters.Henry Basil Martin
Rector of Lustleigh 1926-1927
Died May 2nd 1927 aged 61
Also Gertrude Mary his wife who died Jan 27th 1951 aged 82
MartinGertrude May27January195182As above
HaiclardDorothy 1885Small stone cross on base:much yellow lichenDorothy
? Haiclard?
Jesus called a little child unto Him
Small round topped stone No name, but this could mark the foot of grave 103Jesus
Close to Vestry door, two iron crosses, very rusty no names
MothJohn R1998891909   In
Loving Memory of
John R Moth
Beloved husband of
ElsyGordon1993Casely Court74Gordon Elsy
1919 - 1993
Dearly beloved husband
Casely Court
ChallonJohn Dennis19June1990Chevy Chase81John Dennis Challon
Chevy Chase
August 14th 1899
June 19th 1990
Maud Challon
December 28th 1906
December 5th 1992
ChallonMaud5December199286As above
KempJean May1990Middle Wreyland76Jean Mary Kemp
Beloved wife of
Wallace Kemp
Middle Wreyland
Much loved
And sadly missed by all their family
KempWallace199583As above
LloydJoan22July200182In loving memory of
Joan Lloyd
Died 22 July 2001
Aged 82 years
Also her husband
John Elliott Lloyd
Died 1st January
Aged 84 years
LloydJohn Elliott 1January 200584As above
WaldronPhyllis Amy22April1998In loving memory of
Phyllis Amy
Died 22nd April 1998
JacksonAnnie P3March1995The Rectory96Annie P Jackson
The Rectory
7th January 1899
3rd March 1995
Kenneth E Jackson
7th January 1930
31st January 2005
JacksonKenneth E31January200575As above
TaylorKeith Gordon1993Long Tor73Keith Gordon Taylor
Long Tor
1920 – 1993
BarkerAir Vice Marshall John Lindsay200494In memory of
Air Vice-Marshall
John Lindsay Barker
1910 – 2004
and his wife
Eleanor Margaret Barker
1911 – 2001
BarkerEleanor Margaret200190As above
CrowdyJoseph Porter
Major General RAMC CB
200986Major General RAMC CB1923-2009
and his wife Elisabeth
TudorAurora1879Recumbent figure(stone) with shield and sword. No inscription. Stained glass window above“Restored in A.D. 1880 in pious memory of Aurora Tudor died 1879
SandersBertha1904Mosaic on wall of Our Lady with lily.In loving memory of my dear sister Bertha Sanders 1904
SandersKate24March1911Brass plateIn loving memory of Kate Sanders March 24th 1911
Those whom we love in Him we cannot lose.
Recumbent stone figure of a womanNo inscription
RyderRobertSmall stained glass panel in window aboveIn memory of Robert Ryder, priest
JabetHarriet1904Mosaic panel on wallIn loving memory of Harriet Jabet 1904
DanniellAnthony Frederick4February1890Stained glass windowPresentation of our Lord
Lord now letest Thou Thy servant depart in peace
DaniellEdward Webb15September1890
BarkerEllen Gertrude23August1891
DaniellClinton Francis21April1887
WingfieldSelina Emily21April1923Brass plateI believe in the Communion of Saints
To the glory of God and to the dear memory of Selina Emily Wingfield who entered into higher Life 21st April 1923
“The Master is come and calleth for thee”
BennettWilliam Lionel GaltonOil painting. Virgin and Child. Murillo, copy C FalciniIn loving memory of William Lionel Galton Bennett
Churchwarden of this parish R.I.P
WillsElizabeth17September178943Oval marble wall plaqueNear this place are deposited the remains of
Miss Elizabeth daughter of Mr Thomas Wills of Gatehouse
In this parish who depart4ed this life Septbr ye 17th 1789
In the 43rd year of her age.
HarrisNoel Hamlyn1903Small stained glass window depicting Centurion“Truly this was the Son of God”
To the glory of God and in loving memory of noel Hamlyn Harris
Major General R.A. The offering of his wife Isabella Harris 1903
WallerJames13October1960Casely Close62Carved wooden plaque below; The clock in this tower was given by his wife and daughter in happy and loving memory of Capt. James Waller Gargrave Convention 103rd Mahratta L. I. Indian Army (retired) of Casely Close , Lustleigh, who died as the result fo an accident 13th October 1960 aged 62. Memor Esto
Large carved wooden plaqueRemember the men of Lustleigh who gave their lives in the war 1914 – 1919
BradfordCecil Aubrey
NewdigateRichard Francis
WilliamsCharles Ellicombe
BrimblecombePercival G
HineJames Ernest
MayEdwin Wilfred W
WhiteWilliam Charles
BunclarkFrank Charles
DraysonGareth Fitzalan H
HancockRichard Claude
KitsonEdward Woolaston
LaxtonBrian Eric B
McLerethHope Baker
MocockReginald Crosby
SquiresErnest John
WillsThomas18November1891East WreyBrass plateTo the glory of God and in loving memory of Thomas Wills of East Wrey, for many years churchwarden of this parish and chairman of the Newton Abbot Union, who entered into rest November 18th 1891. The ancient font of this church was restored and this brass erected by many parishioners, friends and neighbours.
AmeryLeopold Stennett195582Large marble oval plaqueTenax propositi
In the graveyard of this church, where his forebears worshipped through many generations, lie the ashes of
Leopold Stennett Amery
Privy Councillor, Companion of honour, Fellow of All Souls
Born in India 1873, Died in London 1955
As Times Correspondent, Author, Member of Parliament for Birmingham, First Lord of the Admiralty, Secretary of State for
Dominions and Colonies
Secretary of State for India and Burma, he devoted his life in Peace and War to the service of the British Commonwealth and Empire
On his death, Sir Winston Churchill said:
“I mourn the loss of my friend, Leo Amery, statesman and
man of letters, he was above all a great patriot”.
This tablet was erected by his wife and surviving son.
EdwardsThomas15November1924Carved wooden wall plaqueIn loving memory of Thomas Edwards, Captain Royal Irish Rifles, who died 15 November 1924.
There shall be no more pain.
Recumbent stone figure with shieldNo inscription
WillsThomas1850East WreyStained glass window depicting the AscensionIn memory of Thomas Wills of Eas Wrey who departed this life A.D. 1850, and of Elizabeth, his wife, who departed this life A.D.1864
BoileauFrank Ridley Farrer27August191446Carved wooden plaqueIn loving memory of
Frank Ridley Farrer Boileau
Colonel General Staff
Born November 1867 died
For his country at Ham, France 27 August 1914
Also of Mary Aurora his wife
Born 4 December 1874 died 20 July 1958
Amavimus, Amamus. Amabimus.
Crest and motto on left top corner: “De tout mon Coeur”
BoileauMary Aurora20July195884
WoodJane3July1614PepedonUnderneath, brass plaque, removed from floor oppositeHere lyeth the body
Of Jane the wife of
Richard Wood gent
Of Pepedon who
Deceased the 3rd of July
AD ONI 1614
NickollsStephen6May 1905Brass or copper plaqueIn loving memory
Stephen Nickolls
25 years clerk
of this parish
fell asleep
6th May 1905
Erected by his widow
EnsorFrederick25December1887Brass plaqueTo the glory of God
And in loving memory of
Frederic Ensor
Rector of Lustleigh
For more than 40 years and
Who entered into his rest
On Christmas Day 1887
The east window of this
Church was dedicated
By Mary Ann Ensor
His widow
OxenhamFrank Nutcombe17December1908Wooden carved plaqueIn
Sacred memory of
Frank Nutcombe Oxenham
Died17th December 1908
The Body of our Lord Jesus Christ
Which was given for thee
The Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ
Which was shed for thee
Preserve thy body and soul
Unto everlasting life
MartinHenry Basil11May1930Wooden plaqueTo the glory of God
This altar was dedicated
11 May 1930 in memory of
Henry Basil Martin
Rector 1926-1927
HarrisLouisa17January1884Wooden plaqueTo the glory of God and in
Loving memory of Louisa
Wife of Noel Hamlyn Harris Lt. Col
R.A who entered into her rest at
Aden on 17th January 1884
This window is dedicated by
her parents Frederic Ensor
Rector of Lustleigh and Mary
Ann his wife
TudorOwen Montagu30October189122Wooden screenA.D.1892
To the glory of God and in loving
Memory of Owen Montagu Tudor
Of Pembroke College, Cambridge who
Entered into rest October 30th 1891 aged 22
This ancient screen was restored
?gentRichard26April1674Badly worn stoneHere lyeth
The body of
…d of William Caseley of ? Barn
who was buried ye xxvl
of April 1674
TrendMartin31January1634Very badly worn stoneHere lyeth…..
Was buried
The xxx1 of
Jan 1634
HallingWilliamMay1713William Halling
Of this parish was
Buried on the… of
Anno 1713
DavieJohn8May1739NarrowmoreIn memory of
Jon Davie of
Who was buried ye 8th
Day of May 1739
Death is kind. Weep not for
...gone before. John
........of Nicholles Helling
...buried 18 January.....
1629Here was buried.....
HellingJoseph18October1680Here was
Buried the
Body ofJo
Seph Helling the 18th day
Of October an.1680
Nicholas Helling
Aged 61 may 1
BasillMargaret18November1696Margaret ye daughter
Of Edward Basill
Dyed ye 18 day of
November and was
Buried ye 22 day
Of ye same anno
Dom 1696
Katherine22June 1634....who died 23 November 1911.....1633
Here was buried the body of Katherine (inscription continues underneath the choir stalls) then in the middle) who died ye xxii
Of June
1600Here lyeth the body of Nichollas Copi...
Anno Dni
....the body of Percy
BasillTimothy5November1676Timothy ye son
Of Edward Basill
Died ye 5th of Nobre
Was buried ye 8th of
Ye same Anno Dom 1676
Edward Basill
Rector of Lustleigh
Died ye 6th of January
And was buried ye
5th ye same
Anno Dom 1697
BasillMargaret22January1678Margaret Basill
Mother of Edward Basill
Was buried ye22
Of January Anno Dom 1678
John ye son of Edward
Basill buried ye 29
Day of March Anno Dom1679
Joan ye sister of Edward Basill
Was buried ye 29th of June Anno Dom 1691
9October1649Very badly worn stoneHere lyeth the body of....who died the 5th day
Of October
DynhamAlicia4June1532When this brass was removed from the floor an earlier inscription was found on the reverse side, Translated by Dr Hughes of Lustleigh

Hic sepult
Ex Alicia uxo
Ioanni Dynham quae obit iv junis

Here is buried Alice wife of John Dynham who died 4th June in the year 1532
Two teak garden seats outside Old Vestry Given by late Richard Jordain
Given by Veronica Hughes (Brass plate) in loving memory of Dr Mark Henry Hughes
Church notice Board Lych-gate Given by Kenric Foster
St John the Baptist
In memory of Marjorie Elizabeth Joyce Foster
Wooden box for contributions for upkeep of ChurchAnn Jones and Patricia Roberts in memory of their parents
Black gate to Church porch and plaqueJoan Mary Kemp
Of Middle Wreyland
Given in loving memory
By her devoted husband
Restoration of Gould memorial Lamp (Granite Tablet) in 1994This lantern was restored
In loving memory of
Philip St Leger
By his wife Kathleen and family
Wall outside VestryThis wall was rebuilt in memory of Maj Gen W. J. Fawcett C.B. R.A.M.C. and his wife Alice
His daughter
Katherine Fawcett R.R.C. Q.A.I.M.N.S
His son
Col. H.H.J. Fawcett R.S.O. R.A.M.C.
And his wife Margaret
Of this parish

Pellew F Hugo23September200898Double Depth
JenkinsReginald Ewart10March199986.672142368241HeadstoneIn loving memory of a dear husband and father
Reginald Ewart Jenkins
Born 7th July 1912 Died 10th March 1999
JenkinsDavid Ewart31August201655.731690622861HeadstoneAlso of his son
David Ewart Jenkins
7 Dec 1960 - 31 Aug 2016
RogersonMary E17January200097Mound
HarveyFred James16March 199887Headstone
HarveyPhyllis 11December200390Headstone
ShipleyJennie Brigdon28December199889Headstone
BrockPeggy N A Eilleen3February199978Headstone
BrockGordonPlot reserved by Diocesion Faculty of 13.3.2001
JenkinsReginald Ewart10March199986Headstone
CrumpClifford30August200865Headstone Double Depth
ParkerDavid11April1940 b11 monthsUnmarked
WebberMary3December1932 b62Iron Cross
WebberWilliam Henry21July1949 b81Iron Cross
WardPercy9June1934 b75Iron Cross
WardMillicent Mary7April1952 b86Iron Cross
RogersonElizabeth Lucy9August195478Headstone
HeathDavid13June1934 b80Unmarked
RedcliffeNellie 18November195985Headstone
BunclarkWilliam20December1934 b47Headstone RAF
BunclarkF C11November194227Headstone RAF
ParrJulia Millicent24March193586Kerb
DunlopArchibald Samuel24November193671Headstone
ParkerDavid11April1940 b11 months
KookerIrene Joyce18February200782Mound Wooden cross
FarmerMagdalene Julia29August194661Headstone
RobertsonJohn Graham15November193774Headstone Kerb
AllinDavid John7October193713Headstone
AllinFlorence Mary Thorn198688Headstone
AveryEvelyn27August1937 b52Headstone
LaxtonHarriet Emily12January193750Headstone double death
HallAnn20October193689Headstone Kerb
HeathGertrude17September1936 B51Iron Cross
EdwardsBlakeney John10September1936Headstone Kerb
EdwardsEdith12July1954Headstone Kerb
EdwardsNora16April1982Headstone Kerb
ParkerReginald11December199893Headstone Flat
ParkerMabel25July198884Headstone Flat
VoadenStephen24April198982Iron Cross
JonesWilliam John15April190678Headstone Kerb double depth
TwitchettJoseph3October1946 b84unmarked
ChudleyFlorence Ann18January1938 b69Iron Cross
LandonElizabeth22April193890Headstone Kerb
BennettIda Cassandra23August193854Headstone Kerb
BennettWilliam Lionel Galton10May196578Headstone Kerb
BennettJohn Frederick15September200385Headstone Kerb
BennettAmelia Elizabeth12July200588Headstone Kerb
MottonElizabeth Ann9June1939 B71Iron Cross
BennettEliza Margaret5December193979Headstone
BennettCharles Davey14June194986Headstone
HancockKathleen Irene OBE15May198989Headstone
HarmanNicholas Richard6February200653Headstone
RiseleyGeorge Herbert14January194773Headstone
BrothwoodFlorence May22February1941 b32Iron Cross
GibsonEmily Mary6February194178Headstone Kerb-
AggettEmily17January194159Headstone Kerb
AggettErnest1December196486Headstone Kerb
ColesThomas17September1940 b59Iron Cross
LaxtonB.E.P. R.N30May194020Headstone Military
Iron Cross
HillSamuel Lewin31December194159Urn
HirstBlanche25July194274Headstone Kerb
HirstEdith Mary12February195374Headstone Kerb
HirstLilian22September1972103Headstone Kerb
WollenPatrick Hugh Gram?15September200540.40793976728318.4.1965 - 15.9.2005
He lived life to the full and was loved by many
RapierAlun Richard5December200412Headstone Double Depth
RapierPeter Douglas8March200548Heastone Double Depth
HatherlyLottie Mary Ann12March1947 b 67Iron Cross
HatherlyErnest1July1950 b70Iron Cross
WiseHugh Stanley11May194176Headstone
WiseMargaret Helen28November194476Headstone
HancockR.G. Wing Com RAF10June194139Headstone Kerb
WrightWilliam Jacob24September1941 B75Iron Cross
ColeWilliam Henry14January1942 B65Iron Cross
ColeEdith Mary15November196383Iron Cross
MuirJessie26January194282Headstone Kerb
CrosbyEllen11June194288Headstone Kerb
WillsGertrude Helen29June199791Headstone
WollenPatrick H. G.15September200439Mound
WinterMinnie Charlotte12April194784Headstone Kerb
WaldronCharles Edwin26February194472Iron Cross
MuirHerbert4April194380Headstone Kerb
MuirMary Graham30January195485Headstone Kerb
JohnsonFrances Isobel29December194260Headstone Kerb
JohnsonHerbert28March194385Headstone Kerb
KewleyAlbert20October1942 (b)62Iron Cross
RixonMarjorie6August194235Headstone Kerb
WillsJean Mary May2008Headstone
AndersonHelen Margaret8October201087Cross Double Depth
TuckerMary Jane30April194786
CollingsLouisa28October195580Headstone Kerb
RiceMary Agnes5March194488Headstone
CattonFlorence Mary27May194480Iron Cross
FaulknerThomas George20September 194483Headstone
FaulknerLily Edith28August196284Headstone
Horne Eleanor Violet2December194452Headstone
OldingMary Jane16December 194470Headstone Kerb
OldingGeorge Henry29March194878Headstone Kerb
MaxwellOlive Gertrude25February194561Headstone Kerb
ChartresMarjory E9September200291Headstone Double Depth
ChartresKenneth31July200696Headstone Double Depth
ThorburnEdith7July194773Headstone Kerb
ColesGeorge F T14September194566Headstone
HaigDouglas de Hoga21July194563Headstone Kerb
HaigKathleen16March194925Headstone Kerb
ClarkeEllen Govier19May1961Headstone
HynesGeorge W4April1991Iron Cross
EdwardsKatherine Mary24March1945Headstone Kerb
LeeTerence24October201063Mound Double Depth
DraysonVivien Howard17August200179Headstone
PriceJames Edward2August194776Headstone
PriceLaura Nellie14February195570Headstone
WestcottEmily28September194575Iron Cross
WoodCaroline K21November194543Iron Cross
SmaleFrancis Lee25December194578Headstone
SmaleMary Elizabeth17November195478Headstone
SkinnerGeorge Henry23January194651Headstone
SkinnerDorothy Alice26April199183Headstone
ArnoldEdwin Victor2February194674Mound
VoyseyOlive Ada10March200391Cross
VoyseyClaude Samuel28January200186Mound
GouldArthur Nutcombe19August194751Headstone Kerb
GouldMarjorie Iris5October199691Headstone Kerb
StuddyRobert Frank Barton28April194658Headstone Kerb
Studdy11August1975Headstone Kerb
ReynoldsRichard A W1June199166Headstone
AttenboroughPhilip St Leger8July199183Headstone
AttenboroughKathleen Cecilia23September199685Headstone
LakeSimon Phillip29May1997BabyHeadstone
TremlettHilary Evelyn30March19487Headstone Kerb
WillsJohn25August194772Headstone Kerb
Wills Louise8March196085Headstone Kerb
AmerySarah16September194776Headstone Kerb
AmeryCharles Sumpter26January195690Headstone Kerb
BartonFrancis Rickman7October194782Iron Cross SV
BredinWilliam Bruce28March194846Headstone Kerb
RabbageFrances30October194864Headstone Kerb
RabbageErnest23April196174Headstone Kerb
HiltonAlice13November194899Iron Cross
PayneTom3December194870Headstone Kerb
PayneBetty10December1960Headstone Kerb
HeelasMabel Constance23August197495Headstone
KingHarry Robert14June197572Headstone
RobertsonBarbara Joan26November197566Headstone
SquiresSarah Ann24February194974Headstone Kerb
SquiresSamuel20June195787Headstone Kerb
StocksJean3April194943Headstone Kerb
StocksEdith Fanny3September196489Headstone Kerb
AmeryJohn Francis Sparks7April194922Headstone Kerb
CockElizabeth Susan17May194972Iron Cross
RobertsAlice21June194972Headstone Kerb
RobertsCharles Lloyd3August196094Headstone Kerb
BourneWilliam Henry13January195063Iron Cross
AllinAnnie Mary21January195065Iron Cross
YardeMary Annette16February195067Headstone Kerb Double Width
YardeAmy Margaret4July195070Headstone Kerb Double Width
BunclarkJames Edwin6March195082Headstone
BunclarkEliza Ann23September195382Headstone
MorecombeMichael19April195044Headstone Kerb
MorecombePhyllis Marie2May199392Headstone Kerb
BourneDorothy May20June195049Headstone Kerb
BourneRichard8June197482Headstone Kerb
RuseIrene Mary1January195143Headstone Kerb
EastonWilliam John6February195164Headstone
StevensonSheila Mary12March195154Headstone Kerb
WhiteHugh Basil Claude21March195156Headstone
MorecombeElizabeth Emily8August195176Headstone Kerb
MorecombeGeorge2November1959Headstone Kerb
NetleyJames24August195176Iron Cross
LangfordGodfrey Ward31August195119Headstone Kerb
LangfordPercy6July195955Headstone Kerb
GoaterEdith Winifred19November197686Mound
KeenAlice Maria13March195278Headstone
LeachMary Jane19April196088Headstone
EastonEliza Grace17April195272Headstone
RowellMary Annie20November195265Headstone Kerb
RowellLeslie2December196676Headstone Kerb
WagnerNoel Anna Lucinda30April195245Iron Cross
DyerPhyllis Ellen9August195333Headstone
PainterScott Thorn20December195374Headstone
PainterFlorence Lillian4January1969Headstone
BondHenry Stanley9March195477Headstone Kerb
AmisAgnes Louisa25October195967Headstone
Haydon-BaileyOrmond Adare 3July197734Mound
AmeryFrederick5September195459Headstone Kerb Double Depth
AmeryE Margaret29December200096Headstone Kerb Double Depth
RyderRobert5May195584Headstone Kerb
RyderEmmeline Hester Wolferstan18February195682Headstone Kerb
HancockHenrietta Maria20February196799Headstone
BloxhamElizabeth Ann24September195576Headstone
VanstoneBeatrice Mary19August195678HeadstoneWill
WillsGertrude Susan19December195662Headstone (flat)
WillsHarold George19December195680Headstone
OwenPhyllis Clare6May1970Headstone
BurtonRobert Clarke4March196284Headstone
BurtonFlorence Maude Mary7November196976Headstone
HittArthur Lloyd17February196264Headstone
AmeryEdith Madeline15September197787Headstone
AmeryWilliam Sparke27December198990Headstone
WillsElsie Emelyn28February195767Headstone
FosterMargaret Eleanor Constance1October195792Headstone
OldingElsie28August195767Stone Vase
OldingHarold George28November195759Stone Vase
PolyblankWilliam Martin13April195877Headstone
WillsWilliam Henry22May195838Headstone Double Depth
SquiresNellie Emelyn16January200783Headstone Double Depth
SquiresWilliam Henry23April200886Headstone Double Depth
PageNaomi Julia21September195895Headstone
PageErnest William22April197875Headstone
DrayElsie Caroline14February198286Headstone
PageArthur Frederick19March198385Headstone
DyerKathleen Elsie28November200285Headstone
NewmanBernard Robert1October195865Headstone
EdwardsCyril Kent Dodwell13March195960Headstone Double Depth
DavisWinifred Mary19April195973Headstone
RymondStanleyJune195958Headstone Double Depth
KingCharles Wallis9April1960Headstone Double Depth
HorrellEarnestSeptember196071Stone vase double depth
HobsonEmily RoseOctober196086Iron Cross
RiddlerAlice Maude26October196084Headstone
NewmanRupert Edward13March196171Headstone
NewmanBeryl M19December199185Headstone
JacksonEdith Lemira15October197368Headstone
SmithAnnie Maude Jocelyn16April1961Headstone
BeerRobert GeorgeMarch196679Headstone
ChambersViolet Elma9July1966Headstone
StockJohn Rudolf Wood30June196171`Headstone
HowardTherese Margaret4February196173Iron Cross
HowardWilliam E W2510197689Iron cross
LindsayEvelyn Mary19August196268Headstone
LindsayRonald Patrick25February196663Headstone
AggettAlice Annie12January196381Headstone
HareEdward W16July196369Headstone
BunclarkeAlice Ellen21March196477Headstone
HealFrancis William21March196475Headstone
HealLaura Ann30July196776Headstone
SouthgateSidney Charles21January197582Headstone
AmeryJohn Charles7December197778Headstone
AmeryHilda Ruth24December198389Headstone
HowardWilliam Henry19February196560Mound
HowardEsther Ruby21April198674Mound
SmithMarjorie Gladys30May196668Headstone
SmithWalter Stanley20August196770Headstone
OldingAlfred Ernest30November196667Headstone
OldingCaroline Florence8March197471Headstone
MeardonBertram J11June196763Headstone
MeardonKathleen Maud15March197270Headstone
HackerWinifred Mary26February198184Headstone
MooreHarry2August 196778Headstone
Beresford PeirseSuzanne 5October1967Headstone
Beresford PeirseRaymond Windham de la Poer1March197174Headstone
TremlettWm Henry3November196872Headstone
Tremlett Evelyn4March196968Headstone
TapperJohn James27September196971Headstone
TapperEdith Elsie20February198082Headstone
MannsPercy George20October196978Headstone
VanstoneClifford24August197869Headstone Double Depth
ClarkeAnnie Louise15October199183Headstone
McGeeBessie Lousie19September199079Headstone
BowdenCharles Victor Morecombe6December197050Headstone
FrankliinRonald W V6May198369Headstone
BennettMargaret Ellen5October197170Headstone
BallHenry Frederick25November197180Headstone
BallAileen Mary3May198685Headstone
GellEthell Stuart20February197297Headstone
HowardMarjorie Ethell11November199890Headstone
GellCyrilla Rosemary26December200492Headstone Ashes
VallenceCatherine Jane7January197378Headstone
MorecombeSusie 7November197376Headstone
SmithAmy Elizabeth 7February197472Headstone
DraysonHilda Jeannie12April197491Headstone
DraysonEdwin Howard28October1977Headstone
FaulknerMarjorie Lucy15July197482Headstone Double Depth
VoadenViolet2February198070Stone base
PearseJames10April198032Headstone Double Depth
ClarkeThomas Edwin30May198065Headstone
RichardsonJohn27September 198064Headstone
RichardsonMary DoreenNovember201088Headstone Ashes
SquareySimon F23June199764Headstone Ashes
SqyareyIris Margaret6November200573Headstone Ashes
St John FrenchLawrence5February198173Mound Double Depth
KitsonEvelyn Marjorie24July198187Headstone
BrownFrancis Joy29September198150Headstone
DrayR F3November198159Headstone
WrightOlive Norah4July199073Headstone
HookerCecil James4April198284Headstone
HookerHazel4September200689 Headstone
GossHector W C4August198278Stone Base Mound
JohnsonAlan Woodworth5December198265Headstone
JohnsonLucy Ida Celia21November199581Headstone
FaulknerGeorge Haines22August198390Headstone
FaulknerMarjorie C13July199090Headstone
SymesArthur Leonard29January198469Headstone
Powys-LybbeChristopher Francis23January198520Headstone
HarmanEthel Isobel2October198589Headstone
WalterMary Maude13January198696Headstone
EllisIvy Gladys24June198680Headstone
EllisGeorge Eber6September198676Headstone
ColeSidney Alfred20August198664Headstone
ColeWinifred Bessie2February198778Headstone
ColeWilliam Ernest5May 199684Headstone
HatherleyErnest William13May198782Headstone
GerachtyJanet Mk2June199576Headstone
GrantCicely Mary4November198771Headstone
WilsonLouise Kirsty20October200736Headstone Double Depth
AmeryWilliam Charles Richard7April198862Headstone Double Depth
JelfFrancis Mary Alice21February196081Headstone
JelfCharles Richard8June196086Headstone
BibbingsMary Hole11May197066Headstone
CoverntonMonica Mary3September197068Headstone
GrayWilliam Patterson23February197285Headstone
BaudouyGui Charles31May197229Headstone
BaudouyAlain James Gilbert11December198852Headstone
TristArthur Ronald24January197397Headstone
FaulknerKathleen6March194751Headstone Died at sea
DrewThomas Rennels6April197669Headstone
LynchAlbert Edward24February197863Headstone
CouchmanEvelyn Beatrice 25June197795Headstone
ChisholmKathleen M2June200482Headstone
SneapDorothy Hannah3March198173Headstone
AmeryEmma Louise5February198389Headstone Flat
DrayArthur Ernest14July198363Headstone
MasonEdna H22February198478Headstone
BottomMary11May198489Iron Cross
GlennieJohn David Forbes5April198581Headstone
JordainNoel Megan 25July198664Headstone
BloomerEthel Francis8February198787Headstone
HendersonJosephine Mary21May198742Headstone
BaudouyMarcel Louis Gerard26March199185Headstone
WallerAnthony W C22May198864Headstone
DrayGeorge R31August198582Headstone
CadleSidney197682Headstone Fat
CadlePhylis197978Headstone Flat
RuddSteve10November199471Stone Vase
ReadJoan Leslie10February199583Headstone Flat
Openshow-StaynerSally Colleen14May200069Headstone
GotschKlaus Rudolph6February200478Headstone Flat
EdwardsHugh2July199880Headstone Wood
EdwardsPatricia Anne29January199971Headstone Wood
HalseyJohn Edward20December200049Headstone
AgettWilliam Henry11December200072Headstone
CrayCarol A11July200160Headstone Flat
OsbourneDouglas J4July200375Headstone
BallardMary Joy6July200361Headstone
JonesMargurette E25April200395Headstone Flat
StewartJames McI1April200484Headstone
VosperSilvia Miriam19January200680Headstone
JowittJohn Berry12May200677Headstone
HayterRobert John19May200777Iron Headstone
HayterHazel Mary29April200984Iron Headstone
OwenRichard Percival10May200989Headstone
DartGwendolen Rosa18November200985Headstone
NixVera Mary2012
RileyJames Patrick1August201252
RoweJan201678Headstone1938 - 2016
Loved by all of us
RoweMike202078Headstone1935 - 2020
Loved by all of us
JohnsonMeryl Elizabeth20July201488.479123887748HeadstoneMeryl Elizabeth Johnson
Born 26 January 1926
Died 20 July 2014
Loved by all
JacobsLynn Margaret13May201773.07871321013Headstoneand
Lynn Margaret Jacobs
Born 14 April 1944
Died 13 May 2017
The moon, the stars and the sun
BallardJames201955HeadstoneBringer of love, joy and laughter
Forever in our hearts
RogersAlf201777HeadstoneA wonderful husband
and dad
Forever unique
WootenIan Hugh29April201987Aged 87 years
RossJean Mary20January201895.778234086242HeadstoneRemembered with love
Jean Mary Ross
nee McWatters
11.4.1922 - 20.1.2018
Much loved and missed by all
ChisholmRobert201858HeadstoneLoved eternally.
DaleElizabeth ('Betty')201777HeadstoneElizabeth ('Betty') Dale
1940 - 2017
To live in the hearts of those
we love, is never to die
StewartJames McIntosh1April200484.386036960986HeadstoneTreasured memories of
a loving husband
father & grandfather
Born 12 Nov 1919
Died 1 April 2004
StewartIsabel "Betty"20April201689.793292265572HeadstoneAlso
Isobel "Betty" Stewart
nee Bowden
Much loved by all
her family
Born 5 July 1926
Died 20 April 2016
Home again