Lustleigh Archives Database

This searchable table offers an insight into the range and type of information we have assembled over more than the past ten years.

File last updated 10th January 2024

It was not initially designed or intended to be available for external use but even with its limitations it may provide an interested visitor sufficient information to make contact with our volunteers to obtain more details.

Record numberObject simple nameBrief DescriptionDateBegin
LUSSA:2008.1bookletSurvey of Wreyland, 19th August 1566, for private circulation
LUSSA:2008.1.1bookletSurvey of Wreyland, 19th August 1566, for private circulation
LUSSA:2008.1.1abookletSurvey of Wreyland, 19th August 1566, for private circulation
LUSSA:2008.2letterNotes from Cecil Torr on the Subject of Wreyland Path - two handwritten notes regarding the path and bridge from Wreyland to Lustleigh23.2.1906
LUSSA:2008.3letterLetter addressed to "George" from Cecil Torr 1919 5.2.1919
LUSSA:2008.4letterA letter regarding a proposal by Cecil Torr to transfer Wreyland to the Parish of Lustleigh, from Bovey Tracey Parish.21.1.1908
LUSSA:2008.5letterA letter regarding a proposal by Cecil Torr to build a small bath-house, on his land in Wreyland, for the use of the people living in the smaller houses there.10.7.1905
LUSSA:2008.6notesNotes on Cecil Torr's studies of the Manor of Wreyland
LUSSA:2008.7extractExtract from the "Feet of Fines" 1272 - 1369 - Giving of the Manor of Lustleigh to William de Moelys, see page 251
LUSSA:2008.8notesNotes on the Manor of Wreyland from Cecil Torr's Wreyland documents
LUSSA:2008.9notesNotes on Wreyland Manor House from Hugo Pellew's Brief History of Lustleigh
LUSSA:2008.10memorabiliaWartime memorabilia related to Mrs Cozens who lived at Well Park - WW-II ration book, clothing coupon book, air raid waden correspondence1939 AD
LUSSA:2008.11notesPrinted list of names and information relating to ten men known to have died during world war II listed on the Lustleigh War Memorial. Additional written note with further information on R C Mocock.1939 AD
LUSSA:2008.12transcriptMrs Iris Gould: Memories of World War II - Transcript of memories of life during World War-II1939 AD
LUSSA:2008.13bookletProvisional Civil Defence Plan for Lustleigh Parish1939 AD
LUSSA:2008.14bookletVarious items including the War Book and local defence committee minutes book and on the back of a pamphlet entitled "Housewives' Anti-Gas Cleansing Service" some notes and a plan (untitled)1939 AD
LUSSA:2008.15booklet14th (Moorside) Battalion Devon Home Guard "Stand Down Parade" - Farewell Address given by Col P I Newton, Battalion Commander3.12.1944
LUSSA:2008.16bookletConsolidated Instructions to Invasion Committes in England and Wales. Issued for use of the ARP representative of the Invasion Committee7.1942
LUSSA:2008.17bookletLustleigh Women's institute, Booklet of the diary of events for various years between 1958 and 20031958
LUSSA:2008.18musicMusical score to Jerusalem by William Blake, Music by C Hubert Parry
LUSSA:2008.19bookletWomen's Institute Devon News, No 124, August/September 1962
LUSSA:2008.20presscuttingCutting from Daily Telegraph 21.12.1928. Death of MR Cecil Torr, Man of wide interests21.12.1928
LUSSA:2008.21presscuttingArticle about Cecil Torr and the book Small Talk at Wreyland, following the authors reading of the Times newspaper which contained photographs of Lustleigh May Day10.5.1956
LUSSA:2008.22presscuttingRewarded by the Fruit of Their labour: Lustleigh Town Orchard Article about the orchard in Lustleigh from The Independent (Weekend)27.6.1992
LUSSA:2008.23notesResume of the History of the Ownership of Lustleigh Town Orchard
LUSSA:2008.24brochureBrochure for Southerwold2001
LUSSA:2008.26brochureBrochure detailing self-catering accommodation at the Mill
LUSSA:2008.27brochureBrochure detailing Bed and Breakfast accommodation at Parklands
LUSSA:2008.28letterLetter from the members of the Lustleigh Society, to the planning department at the Dartmoor National Park Authority objecting to planning application Pound Cottages and Barn20.2.1986
LUSSA:2008.29documentTenancy Agreement, Cleave Hotel, between William Pinsent and Scott Painter28.10.1905
LUSSA:2008.30documentTenancy Agreement, Bell Inn, Bovey Tracey, between William Pinsent and George Ellicott10.5.1898
LUSSA:2008.31documentAuction Details, 132 Acres, 0 Roods - 7 Perch - Higher Hisley, Waye and Ellimore Farms and Accomodation Land 19521952
LUSSA:2008.32notesThe History of Rudge
LUSSA:2008.33notesSeveral documents including History, Wills family trees, photographs, for comparison, for the years 1958 and 1998
LUSSA:2008.34notesBarne Court Rateable Value, giving pastures and Arable land, 1918, 1948
LUSSA:2008.35extractExtract from a publication (unattributed) listing several landmarks in Lustleigh, Sanduck reference has been marked with a cross
LUSSA:2008.36notesLetter to The Times newspaper on the fire at Yonder Wreyland in April 1932, also a correction by the same author regarding the confusion between this house and Wreyland Manor. Note from parish magazine from Beryl Greer, expressing thanks to the village for their assistance at the fire.9.4.1932
LUSSA:2008.37extractArticle about Cecil Torr and Small talk at Wreyland
LUSSA:2008.38brochureYonder Wreyland Sales Details - Brochure, advert and article
LUSSA:2008.39brochureYonder Wreyland For auction by Williams and Cox at the Globe Hotel, newton Abbot
LUSSA:2008.40brochurenotesBrief summary of the historic houses of Lustleigh and Wreyland
LUSSA:2008.41brochureBrochure for auction of the estate of Wreyland, Michelmore, Loveys and Sons1932
LUSSA:2008.42presscuttingExplains the custom of placing a plaque on a building to record the granting of a lease. The writer gives the example of Wreyland manor having a plaque dated 1680, being the leasehold of Stephen Coyshe.31.7.1958
LUSSA:2008.43documentBoundary Cottage Deeds of Conveyance , assent and abstract of title1932
LUSSA:2008.44transcriptPrinted listing of Baptisms, Marriages, Burials, with list of Rectors 1607 to 1847, Churchwardens and the Wills family1987
LUSSA:2008.45transcriptBirths, Marriages and Deaths from Lustleigh Parish Magazines, 1888- Actually records Baptisms.
LUSSA:2008.46transcriptWritten List of Baptisms and Marriages for various years betweeen 1748 and 1821
LUSSA:2008.47transcriptIndex to matters pertaining to Lustleigh and the surropunding areas, that appear in the publication Small talk at Wreyland
LUSSA:2008.49presscuttingAdvertisement for freehold building site in Lustleigh, on which now stands Loxtor Wrey
LUSSA:2008.52presscuttingReview of the Royal Albert Hall Festival of Remembrance 1989, by Clive Simpson1989
LUSSA:2009.1bookletWreyland - Cecil Torr's Poem in Stone and Thatch. Booklet for private circulation about Wreyland and Hall House, 19311931
LUSSA:2009.2presscuttingArticle announcing death of John Collier, headmaster of Lustleigh Primary School for 17 years
LUSSA:2009.3presscuttingTribute to Miss Grace Brinicombe, former teacher at Lustleigh School during the thirties7.4.1989
LUSSA:2009.4presscuttingArticle recounts the history of the Dame School and then the Board (Council) School.
LUSSA:2009.5presscuttingArticle from Herald Express describing the local reaction to the closure of the school16.5.1963
LUSSA:2009.6documentPhotocopy of a photograph of infant section school children, and their teacher, at Lustleigh School dated 1907 or 1908
LUSSA:2009.7documentPhotocopy of a photograph of school children, and their teacher, at Lustleigh School in 1904 or 1905
LUSSA:2009.8documentPhotocopy of a letter to a newspaper with a photograph of boys in the Upper School in 1898
LUSSA:2009.9documentCopy of the document of conveyance between Thomas Wills of Eastwrey and the School Board, assigining the use of the land known as Little Hill for the sum of fifty pounds13.1.1876
LUSSA:2009.10periodicalThe Lustleigh Wren - Lustleigh School Magazine, Issue no 2, summer
LUSSA:2009.11periodicalThe Lustleigh Wren - Lustleigh School Magazine, Issue no 3, autumn (1997?)
LUSSA:2009.12presscuttingArticle regarding a Concert given by children of Lustleigh School on Christmas in Victorian Times
LUSSA:2009.13presscuttingHarry Russell, from Bridford, wins first place in School Art Competition
LUSSA:2009.14presscuttingLustleigh School children win nationwide art competition
LUSSA:2009.15documentNursery Education Inspection Report - Report of Inspection on 6/5/199726.5.1997
LUSSA:2009.16documentNursery Education Inspection Report - Report of Inspection on 10/5/199924.5.1999
LUSSA:2009.17documentList of winners of Davy trust Prizes and money given. These prizes were awarded for good attendance at Lustleigh School
LUSSA:2009.18transcriptLustleigh Day School list of most regular attendance, 1898 - Taken from Parish Magazine August 18988.1898
LUSSA:2009.19memorabiliaInvitation card for celebrations at the Church House, 10th anniversary of Lustleigh School
LUSSA:2009.20presscuttingObituary of Clive Simpson, fundraiser for local causes
LUSSA:2009.21extractAccount of the filming of the Hound of the Baskervilles film at Lustleigh station in 19311993
LUSSA:2009.22extractObituary Mr J Powlesland, Stationmaster at Lustleigh2.1912
LUSSA:2009.23extractLustleigh Station - extract from the book The Moretonhampstead and South Devon Railway by Jenkins and Pomroy, Oakwood Press1989
LUSSA:2009.24letterAccompanying letter from Stephen Coombes detailing his research on Lustleigh Station8.3.2007
LUSSA:2009.25presscuttingAnnouncement of the death of former Lustleigh Stationmaster John Hannaford Waldron. Mid-Devon and Newton Times2.1928
LUSSA:2009.26presscuttingAnnouncement of the death of former Lustleigh Stationmaster Fred J Haywood, Mid-Devon Advertiser26.7.1947
LUSSA:2009.27presscuttingVarious copies of photos of trains in Lustleigh station, filming of the Hound of the baskervilles and information from a book relating to the railway itself. Particular mention is given to the grave in lustleigh Station of Jumbo, the station cat.
LUSSA:2009.28presscuttingArticle about Mike and Jane Jacobs acquiring and renovating the old station, the Advertiser29.6.1973
LUSSA:2009.29letterLetter from stephen Coombes, contains his findings that two porters at Lustleigh station died in WWI - Francis Candler and James Ridgway. He notes that they are not listed on the War memorial.8.1.2007
LUSSA:2009.30extractF Haywood and J Hayman, stationmaster and porter, help to rescue a dog near Lustleigh Station on 14th July 1911. They were awarded certificates by the R.S.P.C.A. From Great Western Railway Magazine.8.1911
LUSSA:2009.31extractStationmaster F Haywood introduces a visitors' book at Lustleigh station in 1916. Great Western Railway Magazine, Vol 35 no 7 July 1923.7.1923
LUSSA:2009.32extractStationmaster F Haywood retires from Lustleigh station in 1930. The Mid-Devon and Newton Times11.10.1930
LUSSA:2009.33extractStationmaster F Haywood retires from Lustleigh station. Great Western Railway Magazine, Jan 19311.1931
LUSSA:2009.34extractChapter from a book - The Moretonhampstead Branch - Lustleigh Station2000
LUSSA:2009.36transcriptFive typed transcripts concerning the GWR Camping Coach at Lustleigh Station and its water Supply, from the Mid-devon Advertiser 1937/382006
LUSSA:2009.37extractNotice of alteration of gauge, from broad to narrow, of the Main Line between Exeter and Truro and the following Branch Lines - Newton Abbot and Moretonhampstead to include Lustleigh Section. Friday May 20th 1892.1892
LUSSA:2009.38presscuttingThe Hound of the Baskervilles at Bovey. Shots from a train.28.2.1931
LUSSA:2009.39extractAccount of the filming of the Hound of the Baskervilles at Lustleigh station. From the book The Hound of the Baskervilles - Hunting the Dartmoor Legend, Devon Books, 20002000
LUSSA:2009.40extractReview of the film The Hound of the Baskervilles, to be shown at the Alexandra Theatre, Newton Abbot. Mid-Devon Advertiser March 5th, 19321932
LUSSA:2009.41extractLustleigh's Tribute to Popular Ex-Stationmaster, F J Heywood, on his retirement. Mid-Devon Advertiser1.11.1930
LUSSA:2009.42extractStaff Changes at Lustleigh Station - A W Penfound, leading porter and W R Bishop parcel Porter. Newton and Mid-Devon Advertiser.4.6.1938
LUSSA:2009.43memorabiliaReturn Child's Train Ticket dated June 6th 1960, Paignton to Moretonhampstead, 2nd class half day excursion6.6.1960
LUSSA:2009.44presscuttingCecil Torr objects to Erection of Three Iron Directing Posts at Lustleigh (source unknown)16.4.1921
LUSSA:2009.45extractThe Moretonhampstead Branch of the Great Western Railway. From The Moretonhampstead and South Devon Railway by S C Jenkins and L S Pomroy
LUSSA:2009.46extractRecollections of the Moretonhampstead Branch of the Great Western Railway during the war. (unattributed)
LUSSA:2009.47extractCamp Coach Holidays on the Great Western Railway - Lustleigh 1935 and 1936. From Camp Coach Holidays on the GWR by Mike Fenton1999
LUSSA:2009.48presscuttingBefore Beeching - A trip Down Memory Line. Review of book Branch Lines of Devon, by Colin Maggs, Alan Sutton Publishing.29.4.1995
LUSSA:2009.49presscuttingReports on the Demolition of the Railway Line of the Moretonhampstead branch of the Great Western Railway. South Devon Journal12.5.1965
LUSSA:2009.50documentLetter, Land Ownership and two Deposited Plans of the Railway
LUSSA:2009.51extractWhen the Steam Age Came to LustleighArticle about the Railway in Lustleigh from Dartmoor Magazine, No 32, Autumn 19931993
LUSSA:2009.52transcriptWritten list of field names, Rudge Estate, dated 1961
LUSSA:2009.53transcriptWritten list if Field names in Waye farm, Ellimore farm and Higher Hisley, dated 1952
LUSSA:2009.54transcriptTyped and Written lists of Field names in Foxworthy, Kelleigh, North Harton, Narramore, Sanduck, Wrey, Wylmeade, Yeo (undated)
LUSSA:2009.55transcriptWritten lists and plans of Field names Lustleigh Glebe in 1727, 1838 (year of the Tithe Map) and 1963
LUSSA:2009.56diagramDiagram Showing the Lustleigh Parish Boundary and the one kilometre Squares of the Ordnance Survey Map
LUSSA:2009.57transcriptList of landowners from 1643 to 1829 for Foxworthy, Eastwrey, Ellimore, Hisley, Sanduck, Elsford, Hatherleigh, Kelly, Knowle, Higher Yo, Pepperdon, Pullabrook, Gate House, Willowray, Foxworthy, Barn, North Harton, South Harton, Lower Coombe, Mill, Willmead, West Fursdon, Lyssicombe, Mapstone, Petherbridge, Rudge, Wreyland, Narramore
LUSSA:2009.58transcriptLustleigh Tithe Apportionment - Typed Lists plus Extra Notes for Small Spaces
LUSSA:2009.59transcriptLustleigh Tithe Apportionment 1837 - Written list of twenty six acres of Glebe with occupier also Altered tithe Apportionment 15th July 1899
LUSSA:2009.60transcriptThe Lustleigh Tithe Map and Schedules of 1837 - Chapter 14 from The History of Waye by Hugo Pellew
LUSSA:2009.61transcriptThe Lustleigh Tithe Map - Written list of Field Names and Annual Rent Paid
LUSSA:2009.62extractNotes relating to religious worship by Baptists in Lustleigh from 1835 and 1855. taken from leaflet of 150th Celebrations of Lustleigh Baptist Chapel
LUSSA:2009.63brochureLustleigh Baptist Chapel 150th Celebration in Lustleigh Village Hall Saturday 28th December 1985 - Programme1985
LUSSA:2009.64documentPhotocopy of two photographs of Lustleigh Baptist Chapel - unattributed
LUSSA:2009.65notesNotes on the history of Lustleigh Baptist Chapel
LUSSA:2009.67documentVarious Documents Relating to Beating the Bounds of Lustleigh Parish, 19751975
LUSSA:2009.68documentCard to commemorate Beating the Bounds of Lustleigh Parish, 11th May 19571957
LUSSA:2009.69documentVarious Documents Relating to Beating the Bounds of Lustleigh Parish, 19801980
LUSSA:2009.70documentVarious Documents Relating to Beating the Bounds of Lustleigh Parish, including various boundary changes1885
LUSSA:2009.71documentDocument Relating to Beating the Bounds of Lustleigh Parish, 19901990
LUSSA:2009.72documentMinute book for Beating the Bounds of Lustleigh Parish, 1985 and 19951990
LUSSA:2009.73documentCard to commemorate Beating the Bounds of Lustleigh Parish, 28th May 20052005
LUSSA:2009.74documentWar Memorial to the Fallen at Lustleigh, Ceremony for the Unveiling Saturday 11th April 19251925
LUSSA:2009.75documentForm of Service at the Dedication of the War memorial Tablet and Village War Memorial, St John the Baptist Church, 7th November 19481948
LUSSA:2009.76bookletProgramme, The Royal British Legion, Devon County Festival of Remembrance 2006, Great Hall, University of Exeter, 9th November 20062006
LUSSA:2009.77posterPoster Advertising The Royal British Legion, V E Day 50th Anniversary Celebrations 8th May 19951995
LUSSA:2009.78documentPresentation to Mr Vanstone by Lustleigh Branch of Royal British Legion in apprecialtion of 15 years service as Honorary Treasurer, 27th June 19381938
LUSSA:2009.79posterPoster advertising a dance at the Conservative Hall Lustleigh, Friday 31st december 1948, Lustleigh British legion1948
LUSSA:2009.80presscuttingArticle from Farmers Weekly about Lustleigh Town Orchard Apple Day16.10.1992
LUSSA:2009.81presscuttingArticle Lustleigh Town Orchard Apple Day, October 1992. Mid-Devon Advertiser 23rd October 199223.10.1992
LUSSA:2009.82posterPoster Advertising Lustleigh Apple Day, Saturday 17th October 1992, Lustleigh Village Hall and Orchard1992
LUSSA:2009.83bookletLustleigh Women's Institute Results of Competitions for various years between 1986 and 19961986
LUSSA:2009.84documentCertificate of Congratulations to Lustleigh Women's Institute on their Golden Jubilee, from Devon Federation of Womens Institutes, 18th March 199118.3.1991
LUSSA:2009.85documentCertificate of Accomplishment in Recognition of Walking Achievement and recording Mileage in 2005, Lustleigh Women's Institute. Awarded by Devon federation of Womens Institues4.2006
LUSSA:2009.86documentAttendance Register Lustleigh School for School years ending 1989, 1990, 19911989
LUSSA:2009.87documentLease between Richard Neville Palmer and Lustleigh Parish Council for Piece of Land to be used for the Siting of the Village Bus Stop18.2.1960
LUSSA:2009.88documentCensus Lustleigh Parish 1841 to 1891, Ennumeration Districts 13 and 141841
LUSSA:2009.89documentParochial Church Council Minutes April 1989 to January 1993 and April 1995 to January 19981989
LUSSA:2009.90documentParochial Church Council Minutes January 1986 to January 19941986
LUSSA:2009.91documentParochial Church Council Annual Minutes February 1985 to April 1993, Including Annual Vestry Meeting (Now called Annual Meeting of Parisioners)1985
LUSSA:2009.92documentParochial Church Council Minutes 1970 to 19801970
LUSSA:2009.93documentInventories of Church Documents that are stored in the Old Vestry (Archive Room)1992
LUSSA:2009.94documentList of Lustleigh Documents held by the Devon record Office, plus correspondence4.2005
LUSSA:2009.95documentCorrespondence between Parishioners, Parochial Church Council and Diocese of Exeter Regarding Retirement of the Reverend E.W.F. Deacon8.1985
LUSSA:2009.96documentCorrespondence Regarding Categorisation of Churches and Ecclesiastical Map and Parish Populations from Diocese of Exeter to Lustleigh Parochial Church Council9.1985
LUSSA:2009.97documentVarious Written notes and typed lists relating to Faculties and Gifts to the Parish Church of Saint John the Baptist, Lustleigh1935
LUSSA:2009.98documentVarious notes and lists relating to Effigies in Lustleigh Church, includes six slides of Medieval Stained Glass
LUSSA:2009.99documentVarious notes and lists relating to Lustleigh Parish Church, includes information on Memorial Plaques, Past Rectors (1262-1873), Architecture and History, Dunn Windows, Effigies, Rood screen Rennovation, Church Wardens, Church Rates 1806
LUSSA:2009.100documentCorrespondence and notes Regarding Church Celebration of the Second Millennium and Millennium Gifts1999
LUSSA:2009.101documentThe Parsons/Rectors of Lustleigh 1847 to 199530.7.1996
LUSSA:2009.102documentChurchyard and Extension Churchyard memorials - Lists and Plans1978
LUSSA:2009.103documentLustleigh's Last Resident Parson, the Reverend Kenneth E. Jackson, 1986 to 1995, presentation on Retirement and Llist of Donors
LUSSA:2009.104documentCelebration of a new Benefice of Moretonhampstead, Manaton, North Bovey and Lustleigh, March 1996. Order of Service and Arrangements15.3.1996
LUSSA:2009.105documentAppointment of a new Incumbent 2000 - 2001 and Institution and Induction of the Reverend Ian Hellyer, $th July 20012000
LUSSA:2009.106bookletCrowning Glory Flower Festival, A Tribute to Her Majesty's Golden Jubilee 1952 to 2002, Lustleigh Parish Church, 1st to 4th June 20022002
LUSSA:2009.107presscuttingVillagers' Hopes Dashed. Lifting of Celtic Tombstone from South Porch of Lustleigh Church with Correspoondence and Outline Specification for Removal of Stone1979
LUSSA:2009.108bookletLustleigh Church Order of Ceremony February 10th 19231923
LUSSA:2009.109bookletSt John the Baptist, Lustleigh, The Church Duplex Fund Budget for 19303.193
LUSSA:2009.110extractGlass Discovered Stored in The Old Vestry - given by Tudor, via Miss Tracey of Bovey, to Mr Johnson (Rector 1914 to 1926) and the Dunn Window (in memory of Lady Louisa Dunn).1982
LUSSA:2009.111bookletA brief Guide to the History and Architecture of the Parish Church of St John the Baptist Lustleigh2000
LUSSA:2009.112extractExtract from a guide book with details about the Church and other notable buildings in the village (see below)
LUSSA:2009.113bookletParish of Lustleigh, St John the Baptist Mission Audit 2002 - Let Us Listen
LUSSA:2009.114memorabiliaRestoration of the Church Roof - memorabilia relating to Fundraising and Charity Dance at Victoria Hotel Torquay 28th December 19511951
LUSSA:2009.115documentCorrespondence Relating to Lustleigh Church Restoration of the Church Roof 1950-19511950
LUSSA:2009.116documentCorrespondence Relating to Lustleigh Church Redecoration 1953 - includes Specification of Work, Tenders and Acceptance of Tender8.1953
LUSSA:2009.117documentCorrespondence Relating to Lustleigh Church New Heating Installation 1952 - includes Specification of Work and Tenders1952
LUSSA:2009.118paintingWatercolour drawing or Painting of the Gould Lantern - Provenance Unknown (possibly Eleanor Fox Strangways?)
LUSSA:2009.119notesNotes on Lustleigh Church Sanctuary Tiles, from Parish Magazine July 1922
LUSSA:2009.120notesCorrespondence and documents Relating to Pastoral Reorganisation 1979 to 1986, Appointment of Reverend K. E. Jackson and Complaints and Submissions in Relation to the Parochial Share
LUSSA:2009.121documentCertificate of Contract for Redemption of Land Tax Mill Meadow - Purchase of Extension Churchyard 193321.3.1933
LUSSA:2009.122documentDischarge of Queen Anne's bounty, Rectory of Lustleigh, 1934 Charging Assessment under section 38 of Ecclesiastical Dilapidations1.12.1934
LUSSA:2009.123documentOrgan Tuning Contract february 19796.2.1979
LUSSA:2009.124documentPurchase Deed land and House known as Undercleave for a parsonage 192821.1.1928
LUSSA:2009.125documentInstrument Fixing Table of Fees for the Parish of Lustleigh 194627.6.1946
LUSSA:2009.126documentEcclesiastical Delapidations Measures 1959, 1963, 19671959
LUSSA:2009.127documentChurchyard and Extension Churchyard memorials - notes, plans, records of burials and proposed grave recording system
LUSSA:2009.128transcriptWritten List register of Burials from 1978 to 1996
LUSSA:2009.129extractThe register of Baptisms, Marriages and Burials of the Parish of Lustleigh, Devon 1631 to 1837 and Extracts from the Bishops' Transcripts 1608 to 18111927
LUSSA:2009.130documentWritten List of Donors for the Old Vestry Restoration Fund and details of Name to be put on Slate30.5.1987
LUSSA:2009.131documentDocuments Relating to the History, and in Particular the 1987 Restoration of the Old Vestry and Presscutting for "Adopt a Tree Boosts Roof Fund"1987
LUSSA:2009.132memorabiliaCard thanking Donors for their Contribution to Tree Planting to Raise Funds for the Repair of the Old Vestry1.11.1986
LUSSA:2009.133paintingBlack and White drawing of the Old Vestry Building, Lustleigh
LUSSA:2009.134presscuttingPermission to Change the Church House from a Private School into Business Use for a PR Company. Mid-Devon Advertiser 13th June 200313.6.2003
LUSSA:2009.135presscuttingPeople of Lustleigh Give Support to Continued Use of The Church House. Friends of Church House Meet to Save Church House being Sold. Mid-Devon Advertiser 29th January 198829.1.1988
LUSSA:2009.136presscuttingFinal Negoatiations are Underway to use the Church House as a Private School and a Local Body Set up to Administer the Church House1.4.1988
LUSSA:2009.137documentConveyance of a Piece of Land Adjoining the Church House Lustleigh between the heavitree Brewery Ltd and Others and the Reverend Herbert Johnson12.8.1924
LUSSA:2009.138notesBooklet - Church House Lustleigh. Important Records since 1899 to 1925. Written Statements and Figures1899
LUSSA:2009.139bookletBooklet - Some Account of The Church House at Lustleigh by Reverend Herbert Johnson M.A., Rector 1914 to 19251925
LUSSA:2009.140bookletBooklet - Some Remarks on an Account of the So-Called Church House at Lustleigh by Reverend Herbert Johnson M.A., Rector of Lustleigh, by Cecil Torr M.A.1925
LUSSA:2009.141documentVarious Minutes and Fundraising notes Friends of Church House 1987 to 19881987
LUSSA:2009.142documentVarious Correspondence Relating to the Church House 1982 to 19891982
LUSSA:2009.143documentThe Ensor Manorial Room. The Churchwardens of Lustleigh with the Reverend Harry Tudor Agreement for Lease of Dwellinghouse in the Village of Lustleigh for 99 years from Michaelmass 18881888
LUSSA:2009.144transcriptThe Old Vestry and Church House Lustleigh. A short Talk to the Lustleigh Society by J.C. Wallace Kemp on 6th October 19866.10.1986
LUSSA:2009.145notesRevised Account of the Church House Lustleigh and Historical Notes on the Church House by Hugh Peskett1970
LUSSA:2009.146notesNotes on the Church House Lustleigh by H Pellew Regarding Ownership Throughout Its History
LUSSA:2009.147extractExtract from a Publication Relating to an Inquiry held in the Church House Lustleigh concerning Various Local Charitable Organisations
LUSSA:2009.148documentWadham Survey 1615 Photocopy and Translation by W.T. Amery
LUSSA:2009.149documentWadham Survey 1624 Photocopy
LUSSA:2009.150documentWadham Survey 1624 Translation
LUSSA:2009.151documentProceedings of the Manorial Court held by Wyndham Steward on 6th May 1667 photocopy6.5.1667
LUSSA:2009.152documentLustleigh Cleave Commoners Association Management Objectives6.1997
LUSSA:2009.153documentLustleigh Cleave Commoners Association List of members and their properties with Rights and Contact Details
LUSSA:2009.154documentLustleigh Cleave Management Proposals Lustleigh Cleave (CL 57) Under the Dartmoor Commoners Council and Dartmoor Commons Management Project 1999 to 20005.1999
LUSSA:2009.155documentLustleigh Cleave Commoners Association Annual General Meeting Agendas, Minutes and Accounts 1980 to 1985, 1993 to 1999 and 20011980
LUSSA:2009.156documentLustleigh Cleave Commoners Association Correspondence Concerning Public Rights of Way, Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), Management of Common Land and General Matters1976
LUSSA:2009.157documentLustleigh Cleave Commoners Association Correspondence with Dartmoor Commoners Association and Dartmoor Commoners Council1981
LUSSA:2009.158documentLustleigh Cleave Commoners Association Commons Registration Act 1965 and Dartmoor Commons Act 19851967
LUSSA:2009.159documentReview of Charities Report for the Parish of Lustleigh 1905 and Local records of the Charities Associated with Lustleigh14.5.1907
LUSSA:2009.160documentLustleigh Coronation Committee - List of Members
LUSSA:2009.161documentLustleigh Coronation Committee - Minute Book1.10.1952
LUSSA:2009.162documentCoronation Day Programme
LUSSA:2009.163documentLustleigh Coronation Fund, records of Receipts, Expenditure, Subscriptions and Donations by Household
LUSSA:2009.164documentLustleigh Coronation Committee Various Correspondence
LUSSA:2009.165bookletLustleigh Cricket Club Constitution4.1997
LUSSA:2009.166bookletLustleigh Cricket Club yearbook and Fixtures 20012001
LUSSA:2009.167bookletLustleigh Cricket Club yearbook and Fixtures 20022002
LUSSA:2009.168bookletLustleigh Cricket Club A Glorious Half Century 50th Anniversary Programme1988
LUSSA:2009.169presscutting50 Not Out Lustleigh (Cricket Club) Celebrate Golden Jubilee, Mid-Devon Advertiser 20th May 198820.5.1988
LUSSA:2009.170presscuttingCycle Routes - County May Need Buy-outs. Devon County Council May Need Compulsory Purchase to Introduce New Teignbridge Cycle Routes, Mid-Devon Advertiser 7th April 20067.4.2006
LUSSA:2009.171paintingCopy of a Book Cover Depicting an Image of the Reverend William Davy A.B.1825
LUSSA:2009.172extractShort Biography of The Reverend William Davy from Lustleigh Parish Magazine July 1984. Reprinted from Alphington Life7.1984
LUSSA:2009.173presscuttingThe Lustleigh Curate who Wrote and Printed His Own Book - The Story of William Davy and his Sermons - "System of Divinity"
LUSSA:2009.175presscuttingParson who Built his own Printing Press and Invented a Diving Bell, Express and Echo 2nd October 1958
LUSSA:2009.176documentIndenture between the Reverend Charles Davy, Son and heir of the Late Reverend William Davy, Curate of the Parish of Lustleigh, and others19.6.1826
LUSSA:2009.178documentConveyance in fee of Lowton Meadow in the Parish of Moretonhampstead for the Endowment of a School in the Parish of Lustleigh between the Reverend Charles Davy to Mr George Wills and Others20.6.1826
LUSSA:2009.179documentIndenture between the Reverend William Davy, the reverend Charles Davy and Mr George Wills and Others for the Lease for a year of Lowton Meadow in the Parish of Moretonhampstead3.8.1825
LUSSA:2009.180documentAppointment of New Feoffees and Conveyace of Lowton Meadow between William Amery and Thomas Amery the Surviving Feoffees in the Parish of Lustleigh and Thomas Wills and others4.1.1848
LUSSA:2009.181documentDavy Charities Summary by Joe Crowdy and Charity Commission orders for Regulating the Davy Trust, Division of the Trust into Scool and Church and Appointment of Additional members1880
LUSSA:2009.182documentIssue of 4% Funding Loan, 1960-90 for Lowton Meadow12.6.1919
LUSSA:2009.183documentValuation of Lowton Meadow and Correspondence Regarding its Sale in 19211921
LUSSA:2009.184documentPapers relating to Discharge and Appointment of Trustees of Davy Charities, 1899-19461899
LUSSA:2009.185documentCommunication from Board of Education - Davy Charities, 1905-19141905
LUSSA:2009.186documentCharity Commissioners Papers Relating to Sale and Investment from Sale of Lowton Meadow 1921-19221921
LUSSA:2009.187documentEndowed Charities County of Devon, Reports made to the Charity Commissioners of Inquiry of Charities in the Parish of Lustleigh, 190714.5.1907
LUSSA:2009.188certificateCertificate Awarded by the Thomas Hickman Educational Trust for Diligence and Good Conduct
LUSSA:2009.189documentThe Development of Lustleigh Project 1840 to 1980, an Investigation into the Physical Changes in the Village and Parish
LUSSA:2009.190transcriptLustleigh Women's Institute Committee Meeting Minute Book November 1955 to December 19621955
LUSSA:2009.191transcriptLustleigh Women's Institute Committee Meeting Minute Book February 1963 to July 19711963
LUSSA:2009.192transcriptLustleigh Women's Institute Committee Meeting Minute Book September 1971 to July 19781971
LUSSA:2009.193transcriptLustleigh Women's Institute Committee Meeting Minute Book May 1979 to July 19861979
LUSSA:2009.194transcriptLustleigh Women's Institute Committee (Friday) Meeting Minute Book July 1986 to November 19901986
LUSSA:2009.195transcriptLustleigh Women's Institute Committee (Friday) Meeting Minute Book October 1993 to May 19971993
LUSSA:2009.196transcriptLustleigh Women's Institute Committee (Friday) Meeting Minute Book May 1997 to October 20011997
LUSSA:2009.197transcriptLustleigh Women's Institute Monthly Meeting Minute Book May 1949 to May 19521949
LUSSA:2009.198transcriptLustleigh Women's Institute Monthly Meeting Minute Book June 1952 to November 19581952
LUSSA:2009.199transcriptLustleigh Women's Institute Monthly Meeting Minute Book February 1959 to November 19661959
LUSSA:2009.200transcriptLustleigh Women's Institute Monthly Meeting Minute Book April 1967 to May 19731967
LUSSA:2009.201transcriptLustleigh Women's Institute Monthly Meeting Minute Book June 1973 to March 19791973
LUSSA:2009.202transcriptLustleigh Women's Institute Committee Meeting Minute Book 1978 to July 19861978
LUSSA:2009.203transcriptLustleigh Women's Institute Committee Meeting Minute Book September 1947 to November 19551947
LUSSA:2009.204transcriptLustleigh Women's Institute Committee Meeting Minute Book 1986 to 19921986
LUSSA:2009.205transcriptLustleigh Women's Institute Committee Meeting Minute Book 1992 to 19951992
LUSSA:2009.206transcriptLustleigh Women's Institute Committee Meeting Minute Book May 1995 to December 20001995
LUSSA:2009.207presscuttingLustleigh Women's Institute Presscutting - Report on Meeting held in January 19591959
LUSSA:2009.208presscuttingLustleigh Women's Institute Presscutting - Report on Annual General Meeting undated and unattributed
LUSSA:2009.209presscuttingLustleigh Women's Institute Presscutting - WI Sale and Village Seat undated and unattributed. Details sale following handover of Village Seat in the Orchard, a gift of the WI to celebrate their Golden Jubilee
LUSSA:2009.210presscuttingLustleigh Women's Institute Presscutting - Party for Old Folk arranged by Lustleigh Women's Institute. Undated and unattributed
LUSSA:2009.211extractWhite's Directory Entries for Lustleigh, 1850, 1890,1902,1850
LUSSA:2009.212documentRegister of Electors Lustleigh Parish, 1962 - 19631962
LUSSA:2009.213documentRegister of Electors Lustleigh Parish, 1945 - 19461945
LUSSA:2009.214extractKelly's Directory Entries for Lustleigh, 1873, 1860, 1883, 1889, 1902,1930/31 19351873
LUSSA:2009.215extractBilling's Directory Entries for Lustleigh, 18571857
LUSSA:2009.216extractExtracts from Census Records between 1821 and 1971, 1991 and in particular Detail 1841 and 18511821
LUSSA:2009.217notesDraft for Lustleigh Women's Institute heritage walk - undated
LUSSA:2009.218notesWomen's Institute Register of Attendance at Friday Meetings 1982 to 19991982
LUSSA:2009.219memorabiliaLustleigh Women's Institute Choir, Scrapbook compiled by Margaret Burgoyne1959
LUSSA:2009.220diagramMaterial relating to the Datuidoc Stone, with diagram, after its removal from the South porch of Lustleigh Church
LUSSA:2009.221letterLetter re Comments made about Lustleigh Church and Effigies by Miss Hall
LUSSA:2009.222reprintLustleigh, South Devon. Its Inscribed Stone, Its Churchyard and its Parish. Reprinted from The Early Church in Western Britain and Ireland, Studies by Devon Archaeological Society and Exeter Museum.1982
LUSSA:2009.223notesLustleigh Church, Notes for Lustleigh Guide
LUSSA:2009.224bookletList of Names Joining a testimonial to Mr Albert Vanstone on his Retirement as Headmaster of Lustleigh School after Thirty Years Service1.7.1938
LUSSA:2009.225extractExtract from Lustleigh Parish magazine on the event of the Retirement of Mr Albert Vanstone, Headmaster of Lustleigh School8.1938
LUSSA:2009.226presscuttingFarewell to Mr Vanstone Headmaster for Thirty years, Presentation to Mr A Vanstone at Lustleigh, Good Service Appreciated. From Mid-Devon Advertiser, undated1938
LUSSA:2009.227memorabiliaLustleigh Women's Institute Drama Group, Scrapbook 1966 onwards1966
LUSSA:2009.228documentsWomen's Institute Teign Valley Group Minutes and Attendance Records, Various1963
LUSSA:2009.229documentsLustleigh Cleave An Appreciation of the Situation by F.H. Pellew4.1993
LUSSA:2009.230posterEvents File - Posters Publicising Village Events
LUSSA:2009.231notesFamily Tree of Nicholas Amery 1696- from research conducted by J.S. Amery3.1949
LUSSA:2009.232extractHarrow School register 1801-1900, extract Showing Names and Careers of the three Sons of C.S. Amery - Leopold, Geoffrey and Harold1901
LUSSA:2009.233documentCopy of Census 1881 Brighton Area where the Family of C.S. Amery Lived1881
LUSSA:2009.234extractHandwritten Extract from "In the Rain and the Sun" by Rt. Hon. L.S. Amery
LUSSA:2009.235letterCopy of Letters from John Amery Regarding his Families Connection with Lustleigh
LUSSA:2009.236letterLetter to Miss Saville from Amery Adams enclosing some Notes on the Amerys of Lustleigh15.2.1950
LUSSA:2009.237articleArticle from History Today The Secret of Leopold Amery, Life and Career of L.S. Amery and the Execution of his son John in 19452.1999
LUSSA:2009.238presscuttingTraitor in the Family - John Amery. Article from Daily Telegraph, September 15th 200115.9.2001
LUSSA:2009.239presscuttingAnnouncement of the Death of L.S. Amery, undated and unattributed but probably from Western Morning News Sept 17th 195517.9.1955
LUSSA:2009.240presscuttingObituary of L.S. Amery, Western Morning News Sept 17th 1955. Mr L.S. Amery Proud of Devon Forbears, Death Loss to Country17.9.1955
LUSSA:2009.241presscuttingDevon memorial Service to Mr Leonard Stennett Amery, undated and unattributed1955
LUSSA:2009.242presscuttingWilliam Spark Amery Retires after Forty Eight Years Service on Parish Council, The Advertiser 7th May 19767.5.1976
LUSSA:2009.243notesVarious Notes on the Coles Family bewteen 1854 and 1945 and Correspondence with S Ryan, great-granddaughter of Mary Ann Coles
LUSSA:2009.244notesDescendants of William Leathbridge (Lethbridge), Family Tree and Family Group Sheet2001
LUSSA:2009.245notesNotes on Osborne Family and Correspondence with Great-Great-Grandson J.D. Osborne1991
LUSSA:2009.246bookletThe Recollections of the Pearses and Pethybridges of Devon and Cornwall
LUSSA:2009.247transcriptTed Robinson, Funeral Order of Service and two Funeral Orations
LUSSA:2009.248notesResearch on Southcott Family connected with Barne (Barnecourt?)
LUSSA:2009.249letterSome Notes regarding the Torr Family6.8.1984
LUSSA:2009.250notesSome Notes regarding John Wadham NOTE MISSING FROM FILE 5/6/23
LUSSA:2009.251notesSome Notes regarding The Wills Family of Lustleigh, notes and Family Trees
LUSSA:2009.252notesSome Notes regarding The Wills Family of East Wrey (Eastwrey)
LUSSA:2009.253notesSome Notes regarding The Wills Family of Higher Hisley
LUSSA:2009.254notesSome Notes regarding Lord Dynham, 1509, by Mark Hughes
LUSSA:2009.255presscuttingLustleigh Fire Guards Win Special Cup in Training Exercise in 1943 Mid-Devon Advertiser25.6.1993
LUSSA:2009.256documentA Tale from Sunnymount Cottage - A story by Jean Green about the Large Rock in the Field Through the Orchard1980
LUSSA:2009.257memorabiliaLocal Defence Volunteers and Home Guard Diary 1940 to 19441940
LUSSA:2009.258notesNumerous research Notes concerning the Ancient History of Lustleigh, complied my Mark Hughes
LUSSA:2009.259documentsLustleigh Deeds Housed in the Harvard University Library, Correspondence and Photocopies of Two Deeds (Quitclaims) Relating to Lands in Lustleigh dated 1294
LUSSA:2009.260notesDr. R Sellman - Notes on Parish Records with Particular Reference to Lustleigh, Tax Assessments 1524/25 and Devon Hearth Tax 167410.1979
LUSSA:2009.261extractSome Extracts from a book - The County of Devon During the Civil War - Concerning Lustleigh
LUSSA:2009.262notesA Brief History of Lustleigh by Jan Rowe
LUSSA:2009.263notesA Brief History of Lustleigh by Hugh Peskett
LUSSA:2009.264letterLetters to Captain G Faulkener, Regarding Hugh Peskett's Brief History of Lustleigh3.197
LUSSA:2009.265presscuttingPresscuttings Regarding the Water Supply at Lustleigh1898
LUSSA:2009.266notesSome Notes on the Winser Family
LUSSA:2009.267extractObituary of George Rogerson, Priest6.9.1933
LUSSA:2009.268articleLustleigh's Flower Loving Lady, Julia Louisa (Rowlandson) Richmond, Dartmoor Magazine No 39, Summer 19951995
LUSSA:2009.269notesBiography - Walter Symons Osborne (Osborne's Bakery)3.1988
LUSSA:2009.270notesLife of a Child Born and Brought-Up in the Country. Early 20th Century Mid Devon.5.1.1926
LUSSA:2009.271articleSherlock Holmes of the Family Tree - Hugh Peskett
LUSSA:2009.272notesThe Daniell Family and Extracts from the Diaries of Francis Daniell 1780 to 1855, who lived at Knowle
LUSSA:2009.273periodicalKelly Mine Preservation Society, Newsletters 1988 to 19931988
LUSSA:2009.274periodicalKelly Mine Preservation Society, Newsletters 1994 to 20031994
LUSSA:2009.275periodicalKelly Mine Preservation Society, Newsletters 2004 to 2017 (digital from 2018)2004
LUSSA:2009.276articleKelly Iron Mine, Near Bovey Tracey. Article in Devon Historian , October 197510.1975
LUSSA:2009.277documentsKelly Mine Preservation Society Minutes of Annual General Meetings 1987 to 1994, Publicity Material and Old membership Form and List of members1987
LUSSA:2009.278presscuttingSad Fatality at Lustleigh, Miner Crushed to Death in a Shaft (Kelly Mine). Western Guardian 191016.6.1910
LUSSA:2009.279memorabiliaPage of Calling Cards dating from the 1920's to the 1940's with names and addresses of some Local residents
LUSSA:2009.280notesHistory of Lustleigh - for the Lustleigh Guide
LUSSA:2009.281notesThe Present Parish of Lustleigh - An Historical Overview. Prepared for the visit of the Devonshire Association Buildings Section16.9.1995
LUSSA:2009.282notesLustleigh in the Middle Ages, Talk by Ted Robinson
LUSSA:2009.284extractExtract from Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries - John Damarel, Knight (Daumarle)1986
LUSSA:2009.285extractReference from Exon Domesday Book relating to Bee Keeping in the Lustleigh Area
LUSSA:2009.286presscuttingObituary of Lord Amery of Lustleigh (Lord Amery), Unatributed and undated
LUSSA:2009.287notesSome Notes on Lord Amery of Lustleigh (Julian Amery) and his family9.9.1996
LUSSA:2009.288notesNotes on the family of Fred and Margaret Amery of Mapstone1930
LUSSA:2009.289presscuttingLustleigh Association of Drivers Makes 1000th Trip, Mid-Devon Advertiser 28th July 200628.7.2006
LUSSA:2009.290presscuttingJust one of the Lads - Lustleigh Association of Drivers Volunteer of the Year Award to Phil Smith Mid-Devon Advertiser 10th June 2005,10.6.2005
LUSSA:2009.291brochureLustleigh Association of Drivers Leaflet from August 2002 and Advertising Poster8.2002
LUSSA:2009.292notesInventory by Hugh Peskett of Historical Parish Documents Held Originally in the Parish Muniments Room, April 19701970
LUSSA:2009.293documentListed Buildings as at 1984, Department of the Environment District of Teignbridge Lustleigh Parish1984
LUSSA:2009.294mapMap of Conservation Area
LUSSA:2009.295documentList of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historical Interest - Parish of Lustleigh
LUSSA:2009.296memorabilia3 Railway parcel or luggage labels detailing journeys between Lustleigh and Wolverhampton, Manchester and Newton Abbot
LUSSA:2009.297presscutting'Lone' Lustleigh Scramble to Third Round. Report of Lustleigh's win over Halberton in the National Village Cricket Competition. Unattributed and undated1972
LUSSA:2009.298presscuttingLustleigh Book Semi-Final date with Abbots. Match Report as Lustleigh beat Stoke Gabriel in the third round of the Haig National Village Cricket Championship. Mid-Devon Advertiser 7th June 19747.6.1974
LUSSA:2009.299notesLustleigh Scores to Date 27th June 1926. Written list of Batting Scores with Teams and Top Scorers1926
LUSSA:2009.300letterLetter regarding Rudge from William Wills of Ontario Canada, Great-Great Grandson of Thomas Wills3.9.1990
LUSSA:2009.301letterTwo letters Giving information on Rock Villa, now known as Rock Vale1996
LUSSA:2009.302documentQueen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Celebrations - file containing Minutes of the Committee and Related Correspondence6.1977
LUSSA:2009.303documentQueen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Celebrations - Silver Jubilee Appeal1977
LUSSA:2009.304presscuttingLunacy at Lustleigh Nutcracker Stone Dislodged by Vandals. Parish Council Discusses Action. Undated and unattributed1950
LUSSA:2009.305presscuttingLustleigh Nutcracker Stone Dislodged by Vandals. Undated and unattributed1950
LUSSA:2009.306presscuttingLustleigh Sensation. Famous Pre-Historic Logan Stone Toppled by Vandals. Not Possible to Replace. Mid-Devon Advertiser 13th May 195013.5.1950
LUSSA:2009.307presscuttingLustleigh Rock - Army Aid Sought. Woman Says she saw Men with Crowbars. Express and Echo 12th May 195012.5.1950
LUSSA:2009.308presscuttingNutcracker Rock Beats the Army. Army Unable to Replace Toppled Rock. Unattributed20.6.1950
LUSSA:2009.309diagramHand Drawing of the Nutcracker Logan Stone - The Rock that Was
LUSSA:2009.310documentLustleigh Dairy Ltd Annual General Meeting 20th August 2005, with Minutes of the meeting from 2004
LUSSA:2009.311documentProgramme She Stoops to Conquer (1931?)1931
LUSSA:2009.312documentProgramme - A Greenwood Carol - Adapted by Sandy Mason, Music by Will Carnell1979
LUSSA:2009.313documentProgramme - Come Into the Garden Maude - A Miscellany of Victorian Parlour Songs Readings and Music1979
LUSSA:2009.314documentProgramme - The Beggars Opera1983
LUSSA:2009.315documentProgramme - Music Hall
LUSSA:2009.316documentProgramme - - The Government Inspector
LUSSA:2009.317documentProgramme - Cold Comfort Farm2001
LUSSA:2009.318documentProgramme - Christmas Lights - A Seasonal Miscellany
LUSSA:2009.319presscuttingReview of The Threepenny Opera by Lustleigh Drama Group. Advertiser/Post 29th November 20022002
LUSSA:2009.320presscuttingReview of Cold Comfort Farm by Lustleigh Drama Group. Western Morning News 8th June 20012001
LUSSA:2009.321presscuttingSomething Special, Article on Janet Power prior to the performance of The Threepenny Opera. Advertiser/Post 15th November 20022002
LUSSA:2009.322bookletCollection of Material Relating to Production of The Lustleigh Guide. Includes Editorial Information, Diagrams and Maps, Drafts and Costings
LUSSA:2009.325bookletThe Lustleigh Guide - Front Cover of an Old Edition, undated
LUSSA:2009.326bookletThe Lustleigh Guide - Incomplete copy of Old edition, undated and with annotations
LUSSA:2009.327notesA Brief History of Lustleigh, Written for 1997 Edition of The Lustleigh Guide1997
LUSSA:2009.328documentLustleigh Girl guides Local Association Minute Book September 1953 to October 19611953
LUSSA:2009.329brochureLyrics - the Lustleigh Music Society Presents the Dartmoor Cantarta by Will Carnell and Alexa Romanes. Performed by the Lustleigh Village Choir and the westerleigh Sinfonia2007
LUSSA:2009.330posterPoster Advertising a Performance of the Green Man, A village Cantarta on Saturday March 19th 2005 (?)2005
LUSSA:2009.331musicA Jubilee Cantarta, Written for the Golden Jubilee of Queen Elizbeth II, Musical Score2002
LUSSA:2009.332documentCollection of Papers relating to the Compliation of Lustleigh - A Pictorial History. Includes Outline of Project, Minutes of Compliers' Meetings and list of Compilers and maps1998
LUSSA:2009.333documentLustleigh Society AGM (Annual General Meeting) Minutes and Treasurer's Reports 1985, 1992 to 20061985
LUSSA:2009.334documentLustleigh Society Office Bearers 1991 to 20071991
LUSSA:2009.335documentLustleigh Society Constitution and Amendments, Constitution Amended 1996, Revision 2006, Decennial Review, Amendment 20071996
LUSSA:2009.336documentLustleigh Society Correspondence. Painting by Mary Rogerson, Painting by O Bradford from Well Park mentions Aboveways, L. K. Hall who worked for Cecil Torr, Granite Gateposts at Lowton meadow, Lustleigh Church,
LUSSA:2009.337documentLustleigh Society Committee Minutes and Agendas 1988 to 20031988
LUSSA:2009.338documentLustleigh Society Committee Minutes and Agendas 2003 to 2008 End of Year Accounts for 2011 to 20202003
LUSSA:2009.339documentLustleigh Society Programme of Events for Various Years1985
LUSSA:2009.340posterLustleigh Society Events Posters for Various Years2002
LUSSA:2009.341transcriptLustleigh Society Events - Talk on Lustleigh One hundred Years Ago. Transcript of Readings Given at a Talk to the Lustleigh Society 19941994
LUSSA:2009.342transcriptLustleigh Society Lectures - Talk on Dartmoor Forest Its Laws and legends. Being a Lecture Delivered to the Ashburton Mutual Improvement Association on Devember 18th 18881888
LUSSA:2009.343transcriptLustleigh Society Lectures - The History of Lustleigh in the Middle Ages
LUSSA:2009.344transcriptLustleigh Society lectures - Strange Happenings in Lustleigh
LUSSA:2009.345transcriptLustleigh Society lectures - The Church House and Old Vestry6.10.1986
LUSSA:2009.346transcriptLustleigh Society Lectures - Farm Buildings. A Talk by Peter Beacham, Historic Buildings Advisor to the Devon County Council20.3.1989
LUSSA:2009.347transcriptLustleigh Society Lectures - The History of Lustleigh [in the Middle Ages] - Continued18.9.1989
LUSSA:2009.348transcriptLustleigh Society Lectures - The Medievil Landscape of Devon.9.10.1989
LUSSA:2009.349transcriptLustleigh Society Lectures - Parish and Other Records
LUSSA:2009.350transcriptLustleigh Society Lectures - The Newton Abbot to Moretonhampstead Railway14.1.1991
LUSSA:2009.351transcriptLustleigh Society Lectures - Mines and Minerals of Devon19.10.1991
LUSSA:2009.352transcriptLustleigh Society Lectures - Dartmoor Longhouses
LUSSA:2009.353transcriptLustleigh Society Lectures - Report on Visit to Devon and Exeter Institution with comments by Hugo Pellew8.1992
LUSSA:2009.354transcriptLustleigh Society Lectures - History of Rudge
LUSSA:2009.355transcriptLustleigh Society Lectures - Ash Houses27.10.1992
LUSSA:2009.356transcriptLustleigh Society Lectures - Discovering Local History16.1.1993
LUSSA:2009.357transcriptLustleigh Society Lectures - National Trust Houses in the Close Season
LUSSA:2009.358transcriptLustleigh Society Lectures - Report of a Visit to the House of Marbles and Bovey Potteries26.10.1993
LUSSA:2009.359transcriptLustleigh Society Lectures - The Reave System of Field Division23.11.1993
LUSSA:2009.360transcriptLustleigh Society Lectures - Report of the Visit to Neadon - Brief Historical and Architectural Notes on the Upper Hall, Neadon, Manaton16.4.1994
LUSSA:2009.361transcriptLustleigh Society Lectures - Inland Waste Water Management10.5.1994
LUSSA:2009.362transcriptLustleigh Society Lectures - The Work of a Dartmoor Ranger21.2.1995
LUSSA:2009.363programmeHandwritten Programme for Lustleigh May Day 19395.1939
LUSSA:2009.364bookletSmall Handwritten Booklet Containing May Day Songs or Verse. Undated and Unattributed
LUSSA:2009.365documentDevon County Education Committee Maypole Dances4.10.1951
LUSSA:2009.366bookletProgrammes for May Day, Ranging from 1970 to 2005, to current (incomplete Set)1970
LUSSA:2009.367articleLustleigh May Queen Celebrations 2000. Article from Devon Life Vol 4 Issue 11 May 20005.2
LUSSA:2009.368posterPosters for Lustleigh May Day from 1969 to current (incomplete set)1969
LUSSA:2009.369presscuttingFirst May Day for a Village, recalling May Day 1905
LUSSA:2009.370presscuttingPresscuttings File for May Day 19541954
LUSSA:2009.371presscuttingPresscuttings File for May Day 19551955
LUSSA:2009.372presscuttingPresscuttings File for May Day 19561956
LUSSA:2009.373presscuttingPresscuttings File for May Day 19571957
LUSSA:2009.374presscuttingPresscuttings File for May Day 19581958
LUSSA:2009.375presscuttingPresscuttings File for May Day 19591959
LUSSA:2009.376presscuttingPresscuttings File for May Day 19601960
LUSSA:2009.377presscuttingPresscuttings File for May Day 19611961
LUSSA:2009.378presscuttingPresscuttings File for May Day 19621962
LUSSA:2009.379presscuttingPresscuttings File for May Day 19631963
LUSSA:2009.380presscuttingPresscuttings File for May Day 19641964
LUSSA:2009.381presscuttingPresscuttings File for May Day 19651965
LUSSA:2009.382presscuttingPresscuttings File for May Day 19661966
LUSSA:2009.383presscuttingPresscuttings File for May Day 19671967
LUSSA:2009.384presscuttingPresscuttings File for May Day 19681968
LUSSA:2009.385presscuttingPresscuttings File for May Day 19691969
LUSSA:2009.386presscuttingPresscuttings File for May Day 19701970
LUSSA:2009.387presscuttingPresscuttings File for May Day 19711971
LUSSA:2009.388presscuttingPresscuttings File for May Day 19721972
LUSSA:2009.389presscuttingPresscuttings File for May Day 19731973
LUSSA:2009.390presscuttingPresscuttings File for May Day 19741974
LUSSA:2009.391presscuttingPresscuttings File for May Day 19781978
LUSSA:2009.392presscuttingPresscuttings File for May Day 19851985
LUSSA:2009.393extractReport - Mr Lowe, organist at Lustleigh Church leaves after offering his services to RAF9.194
LUSSA:2009.394extractObituary of Marie Delbrassine1934
LUSSA:2009.395extractObituary of Des (Desmond) Waldron and details of his will as published in the Daily Telegraph27.12.1997
LUSSA:2009.396extractObituary of Joan Mary Salmon of Cothland Barn1.1992
LUSSA:2009.397extractObituary of Bridget (Biddy) Short of Cothland Barn9.1999
LUSSA:2009.398documentFinancial Statements Lustleigh Parish Council - 1897 to 1899, 1902 to 1904, 1943 to 1053, 1955 to 19751897
LUSSA:2009.399documentFinancial Statements Lustleigh Parish Council - 1897 to 1899, 1902 to 1904, 1943 to 1053, 1955 to 19751897
LUSSA:2009.400documentVarious items of Correspondence, mainly regarding Clerk's Salary, Lustleigh Parish Council 1993 to 1996 including Rhyming Minutes1993
LUSSA:2009.401documentRecords Detailing the Election of Lustleigh Parish (District) Councillors for 1910, 1919, 1946, 1964, 19067, 1970, 1973, 1976, 1978, 1979, 1983, 19871910
LUSSA:2009.402presscuttingLustleigh Loses new Council Merger Appeal, Western Morning news, 11th January 19731910
LUSSA:2009.403letterLetter Detailing Planting of Trees in Wreyland Meadow in Honour of Coronation of King George 6th1939
LUSSA:2009.404documentParish meeting for the Adoption of the Lighting and Watching Act, 1833, Ivy Cottage to North Harton Cross7.1905
LUSSA:2009.405documentVarious Documents Relating to Parish Council Matters Including Repair of Footbridge Between the Meadows, Repairing Footbridge at Wreyland Path and Footpath near Pound Cottages, Materials Costs, Printing of Notices, Water Supplies Hammerslake and South Harton1902
LUSSA:2009.406documentLustleigh Returns under the Smallholdings and Allotments Act 1907, for the year 19081908
LUSSA:2009.407documentAppointment of Overseers Parish of Lustleigh 19091909
LUSSA:2009.408documentCorrespondence Relating to Local Government Reorganisation 1972-19731972
LUSSA:2009.409articleArticle Regarding Bovey Tracey - Lustleigh - Moretonhampstead Cycle track Proposals, Cottage magazine, July/August 20032003
LUSSA:2009.410notesWritten Notes on Wreyland Footpath - undated and unattributed
LUSSA:2009.411documentCorrespondence relating to Footpaths at Higher Combe (Coombe)1905
LUSSA:2009.412documentCorrespondence relating to Parish Paths - Letters and Notices Regarding Footpaths and Byways 1905 to 19761905
LUSSA:2009.413documentCorrespondence relating to Parish Paths - Letters and Notices Regarding Footpaths and Byways 1977 to 19861977
LUSSA:2009.414presscuttingThe West's Village Post Offices Here to Stay - Article on Saving Village Post Offices with Photograph of Lustleigh Post Office, western Morning news, 15th September 199715.9.1997
LUSSA:2009.415presscuttingArticle on Lustleigh Post Office, Western Morning News, March 4th 20004.3.2000
LUSSA:2009.416presscuttingArticle on Lustleigh Post Office - Stamp of Disapproval, Hands off our Post Office Says Village, Mid-devon Advertiser 30th March 1979
LUSSA:2009.417articleLustleigh Post Office Matters! Article from Lustleigh Campaigner 20082008
LUSSA:2009.418brochureSales brochure for Claremont (Lustleigh Post Office)2009
LUSSA:2009.419brochureSales brochure for Combe Hill (Caseley Lane)2001
LUSSA:2009.420letterCorrespondence Regarding the History of Caseley Court22.1.1989
LUSSA:2009.421letterCorrespondence Regarding the History of Combe Hill and also some mention of Sentry12.6.1991
LUSSA:2009.422bookletA History of Combe Hill11.2001
LUSSA:2009.423extractNotes on a Conversation with Marion Elsey of Caseley9.1999
LUSSA:2009.424extractAncient History of Caseley - Extracts from Documents held at Exeter City Library1563
LUSSA:2009.425letterSome notes on the History of Caseley Cottage29.3.1999
LUSSA:2009.426documentCopy of Conveyance Document Eastwrey Barton Lustleigh, between Mr A.A. Knight and Mr H.J. Evans8.3.1928
LUSSA:2009.427extractDirectory Entry for Wrey Barton (unattributed)1954
LUSSA:2009.428documentDeeds for Copperwood (Copperwood Lodge) - Formerly Broom Close1920
LUSSA:2009.429diagramPlan of Cleave Lodge, Hammerslake
LUSSA:2009.430documentCopy of an Invoice for Works Completed for Mr French at Cleave Lodge, by Mr Lambe of Lustleigh17.7.1892
LUSSA:2009.431transcriptExtracts from Letters of Mrs Dorothea Grant, regarding her Holidays at Cleavelands, Lustleigh8.1991
LUSSA:2009.432documentParticulars Relating to the Auction of Higher and Lower North Harton farms, Arable land - part of Middle Coombe - and Cottages in the Village of Lustleigh - Pound Cottages and Old Post Office and Stable House11.1919
LUSSA:2009.433documentParticulars Relating to the Auction of Lower Harton Lustleigh5.1982
LUSSA:2009.434emailHistory of Narramore Farm1.11.1998
LUSSA:2009.435letterNotes on South Harton from 1930 onwards12.7.1989
LUSSA:2009.436brochureSales Brochure Beckamoor, Knowle Road2000
LUSSA:2009.437brochureSales Brochure Westwinds, Knowle Road7.2003
LUSSA:2009.438brochureSales Brochure Stondtorre, Knowle Road
LUSSA:2009.439transcriptInformation Relating to the Deeds of Higher Knowle, 1825 to 196727.3.2000
LUSSA:2009.440transcriptNotes on the History of Higher Knowle3.2
LUSSA:2009.441presscuttingNotes on the History of Higher Knowle annotated with details of the Burial of Edward Blencowe Gould in 19161994
LUSSA:2009.442brochureSales Brochure Swiss Cottage, Mapstone Hill7.2007
LUSSA:2009.443brochureSales Brochure Combe Barn, Mapstone Hill
LUSSA:2009.444brochureSales Brochure Upalong, Mapstone Hill1.2009
LUSSA:2009.445brochureSales Brochure Middle Coombe, Mapstone Hill10.2001
LUSSA:2009.446presscuttingArticle Regarding Construction of Lakes at Middle Coombe, Mid-Devon Advertiser 9th May 19909.5.1980
LUSSA:2009.447presscuttingVarious Correspondence and Notices pertaining to the Construction of Lakes at Middle Coombe1980
LUSSA:2009.449presscuttingGlass-Eyed Slug Wins Approval - Planning Decision for Sentry, Mapstone Hill, Mid-Devon Advertiser 12th March 200412.3.2004
LUSSA:2009.450presscuttingAll The Right Curves - Article about Sentry, Mapstone Hill, Sunday Times 16th April 200616.4.2006
LUSSA:2009.451extractCopies of Documents Relating to the History of the Old Rectory, Mpstone Hill (Great Hall), 1601 to 183311.1978
LUSSA:2009.452letterLetters Regarding an Old Postcard of the Old Rectory (Great Hall), Mapstone Hill30.12.1997
LUSSA:2009.453documentSix Legal Documents relating to Thomas Amery and Higher Combe, with reference to Lands at North Harton. Includes Probate Will of Thomas Amery of 18281805
LUSSA:2009.454documentCopy of Indenture Regarding Land at Knowle Cottage, Knowle Road, Yeo, North Yeo and one Little Orchard1737
LUSSA:2009.455transcriptWritten note Containing Information Regarding an Old Coach Spring between Easton Lea and Parklands
LUSSA:2009.456brochureSales Brochure Auberies1999
LUSSA:2009.457brochureSales Brochure Cleavelands St. Mary10.2001
LUSSA:2009.458notesShort History of Hawkmoor, Bovey Tracey to Moretonhampstead Road
LUSSA:2009.459documentsQueen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Celebrations - Minutes of Planning Meetings, Posters and Disco Tickets, February to May 20022002
LUSSA:2009.460transcriptA Short Recollection of the Events in Lustleigh to Celebrate the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria in 1887 and those for her Diamond Jubilee in 18971986
LUSSA:2009.461extractExtract from Lustleigh Parish Magazine - Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee Celebrations 18971897
LUSSA:2009.462extractExtract from Lustleigh Parish Magazine - Coronation King George V7.1911
LUSSA:2009.463periodicalCopy of Lustleigh Parish Magazine - Golden Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II Issue7.2002
LUSSA:2009.464documentVarious Documents relating to Miss Saville's Projected History of Lustleigh1950
LUSSA:2009.465posterCollection of Posters for Events in Lustleigh Village Hall
LUSSA:2009.466documentCorrespondence Concerning Improvements to the Staging in the Village Hall and Diagrams of Staging in Old village Hall (Erica Read)1992
LUSSA:2009.467documentFile Containing Reference papers and Copy of Trust Deed of 1976 - Lustleigh Village Hall1976
LUSSA:2009.468documentFile Containing Details of History of Purchase of Lustleigh Village Hall, Early Accounts and Meetings of Steering Committee and Correspondence1976
LUSSA:2009.469documentFile Containing Documents, Records and Correspondence relating to the Purchase and Setting Up Village Hall1976
LUSSA:2009.470documentFile Containing Documents Regarding Improvements and Extensions to Village Hall1979
LUSSA:2009.471documentFile Containing Documents Regarding Village Hall Development - Appeals and Plans1989
LUSSA:2009.472posterGrand Opening of New Village Hall - Poster26.2.2005
LUSSA:2009.473documentLustleigh Horticultural Society History , Growth and Current Activities
LUSSA:2009.474documentLustleigh Horticultural Society - Annual General Meetings, Agenda and Statement of Accounts 1957, 1964 to 20031957
LUSSA:2009.475documentLustleigh Horticultural Society - List of members 19911991
LUSSA:2009.476bookletLustleigh Horticultural Society - Mad Hatters Supper Party Song Sheets
LUSSA:2009.477bookletLustleigh Horticultural Society - Gardener's Question Time Transmitted on the BBC Radio 4 on 7th July 1985. presscutting and Correspondence7.1985
LUSSA:2009.478bookletLustleigh Horticultural Society - Minutes Book 19471947
LUSSA:2009.479bookletLustleigh Horticultural Society - Minutes Book and Correspondence Copies 1970's1975
LUSSA:2009.480bookletLustleigh Horticultural Society - Minutes Book 1983 to 19931983
LUSSA:2009.481bookletLustleigh Horticultural Society - Rules of the Society1.1958
LUSSA:2009.482bookletLustleigh Horticultural Society - Entries 1966 to 19791966
LUSSA:2009.483bookletLustleigh Horticultural Society - Programmes for Spring Show (years in notes field)1975
LUSSA:2009.484presscuttingThousands Flock to Show, Article on Lustleigh Show, Mid-Devon Advertiser 1st September 19891989
LUSSA:2009.485presscuttingRecord Entries at Show, Mid-Devon Advertiser 2nd September 19881988
LUSSA:2009.486presscuttingVandals Chased off by Alert Air Cadets, Louts Lose out at Lustleigh. Herald Express 31st August 19881988
LUSSA:2009.487presscuttingSun Brings out Record Crowd to Show, 4th September 19871987
LUSSA:2009.488presscuttingShow Pulls Crowds, Herald Express 1st September 19871987
LUSSA:2009.489presscuttingLustleigh Show 1984 - Best in Horticultural Show Award, Western Morning News August 19841984
LUSSA:2009.490presscuttingBumper 700 Entries for Lustleigh's Big Show, Herald Express 1st September 19811981
LUSSA:2009.491presscuttingLustleigh Show's Sunny Centenary, Western Morning News 1st September 19871987
LUSSA:2009.492presscuttingHolidaymaker Elizabeth Tapper Pictured with a Goat at the Lustleigh Show, unattributed and undated
LUSSA:2009.493presscuttingLustleigh Show a Big Success, unattributed and undated
LUSSA:2009.494presscuttingCashing in on Policy, rain lashed down for Lustleigh Show - 1986? Plus letter of thanks to Clive Simpson August 1986
LUSSA:2009.495documentLustleigh Summer Show - Lists Exhibitors and Entries 1967 to 1980
LUSSA:2009.496documentThe Lustleigh Show - A Brief History
LUSSA:2009.497documentHurricane Charlie Comes to the Show - Report on the events of the 1986 Show8.1986
LUSSA:2009.498documentCorrespondence and Minutes Lustleigh Show Committee, covering the period 1978 to 19871978
LUSSA:2009.499brochureLustleigh Horticultural Society and Lustleigh Summer Show Programmes for the Period 1892 to 2024 (incomplete set) NB No shows 2020 & 2021 due to Covid 191892
LUSSA:2009.500documentLustleigh Horse Show, Minutes and Correspondence 1947 to 2002 schedule for 1999 and 20081947
LUSSA:2009.501monographHistorical Atlas of South West England2015
LUSSA:2009.502monographThe Story of Waye, In the Manor of Lustleigh1986
LUSSA:2009.503monographThe Book of Lustleigh - Portrait of a Dartmoor Parish2001
LUSSA:2009.504monographGuide to Lustleigh, Devon 1959 edition and 1963 edition1959
LUSSA:2009.505monographGuide to Lustleigh, Devon. A Short History of the Village and details of All walks in the Parish1975
LUSSA:2009.506monographGuide to Lustleigh, Devon. A Short History of the Village and details of All walks in the Parish1979
LUSSA:2009.507monographLustleigh Conservation Area Appraisal, Draft2005
LUSSA:2009.508monographTin Mines and Miners of Dartmoor (Lustleigh references pages 9,19,55)1986
LUSSA:2009.509monographDevon and Somerset Mines
LUSSA:2009.510videoKelly Mine, Years 1 to 4, 1986 to 1989 (Video)1990
LUSSA:2009.511monographSome Old Devon Churches (St John the Baptist, Lustleigh page 84)1908
LUSSA:2009.512monographRailways on and Around Dartmoor - Moretonhampstead and South Devon Railway (pages 7-15)1997
LUSSA:2009.513monographAt the Going Down of the Sun - British First World War Memorials (WWI), (Lustleigh War Memorial page 76)1988
LUSSA:2009.514monographThe Childhood of a Devon Maid1995
LUSSA:2009.515monographThe Devonshire Lay Subsidy of 1332 - Devon and Cornwall Record Society New series Vol 141969
LUSSA:2009.516monographDartmoor National Park Authority Annual Report 1980-19811981
LUSSA:2009.517monographSouth Devon, Painted by C. E. Hannaford and Described by Chas R. Rowe - Black's Smaller Series of Beautiful Books1907
LUSSA:2009.518monographWreyland Documents, Copy Number 1691910
LUSSA:2009.519monographSmall Talk at Wreyland, Second Series1921
LUSSA:2009.520monographSmall Talk at Wreyland, Third Series1923
LUSSA:2009.521monographSmall Talk at Wreyland, Combined edition, paperback1979
LUSSA:2009.522cassetteSmall Talk at Wreyland, Talking Book1996
LUSSA:2009.523monographWalks in the Dartmoor National Park , Number 1, From Moretonhampstead, Manaton and Lustleigh1977
LUSSA:2009.524monographA Century of Progress 1856-1956. To Commemorate one hundred years of Public Ownership of the Borough of Torquay Waterworks Undertaking1956
LUSSA:2009.525monographFrom Haldon to Mid-Dartmoor in Old Photographs1990
LUSSA:2009.526monographGeologists' Association Guides Number 33 - Dartmoor, the North-West Margin and other Selected Areas1962
LUSSA:2009.527monographMediaeval Effigies and other Sepulchral Memorials in the Parish Churches within a Ten Mile Radius of Newton Abbot1952
LUSSA:2009.528monographThe Country Railway1977
LUSSA:2009.529monographDevonshire Parishes, volume two (II) - or - The Antiquities, Heraldry and Family History of Twenty-Eight Parishes in the Archdeaconry of Totnes1889
LUSSA:2009.530monographCrossing's Guide to Dartmoor1990
LUSSA:2009.531monographCrossing's Guide to Dartmoor1946
LUSSA:2009.532monographIn the Rain and the Sun (Memories of Lustleigh Chapter 2)1946
LUSSA:2009.533monographOne Thousand years of Devon Beekeeping - Ebtry in Domesday Book regarding Bee Keeping in Lustleigh1975
LUSSA:2009.534monographThe Local Historian's Encyclopedia, 2nd edition reprinted 19931986
LUSSA:2009.535monographRhodes in Modern Times - Family History/Chronology of Cecil Torr on page XLIII2003
LUSSA:2009.536monographA Systematic Procedure for Recording English Vernacular Architecture1976
LUSSA:2009.537videoLustleigh Millennium Year Video2000
LUSSA:2009.538dvdSouth West Film and Television Archive - Lustleigh Film Show (Shown at Lustleigh Society Meeting November 2006)2006
LUSSA:2009.539dvdDigitised Version of the Lustleigh Tithe Map of 1837
LUSSA:2009.540monographA Guide to the Parish of Lustleigh in the County of Devon1997
LUSSA:2009.541documentRudge Farm, Accommodation, Land and Freehold Cottages to be Offered for Sale by Public Auction. Freehold Dairy and Stock Farm, Land and Cottages, April 19614.1961
LUSSA:2009.542brochureBrochure for Stable House Cottage8.2009
LUSSA:2009.543presscuttingPresscuttings File for May Day 20092009
LUSSA:2009.544documentProgramme Robin Hood10.2005
LUSSA:2009.545documentProgramme The Singing Bones12.2.1994
LUSSA:2009.546presscuttingNotice of the Death of the Reverend William Gordon Baillie, Rector of Lustleigh 1904-1910, Mid-Devon Advertiser27.11.1937
LUSSA:2009.547presscuttingWonderful Show in Spite of the Weather, Report of the Lustleigh Show, unattributed and undated
LUSSA:2009.548articleCelebrating May Day, Article from Devon Life Vol 13 Issue 11 May 20095.2009
LUSSA:2009.549monographThe Newton Abbot to Moretonhampstead Railway2004
LUSSA:2009.550monographSunday School Superintendents Register 1924 to 19321924
LUSSA:2009.551monographLustleigh Parish Council Receipts and Payments Book 1896 to 19191896
LUSSA:2009.552monographLustleigh Parish Council Payments Book 1908 to 19811908
LUSSA:2009.553monographLustleigh Parish Council Receipts and Payments Book 1927 to 19501927
LUSSA:2009.554monographLustleigh Parish Council Receipts and Payments Book 1951 to 19711951
LUSSA:2009.555monographLustleigh Parish Council Receipts and Payments Book 1971 to 19861971
LUSSA:2009.556monographLustleigh Parish Council Correspondence 1912 to 19331912
LUSSA:2009.557monographLustleigh Parish Council Correspondence 1928-19371928
LUSSA:2009.558monographLustleigh Parish Council Correspondence 1934-19451934
LUSSA:2009.559monographLustleigh Parish Council Declarations on Acceptance of Office of Parish Councillor 1895 to 19041895
LUSSA:2009.560monographLustleigh Parish Council Correspondence Regarding Water Supplies 1912 to 19481912
LUSSA:2009.561monographLustleigh Parish Council Declarations on Acceptance of Office of Parish Councillor 1904 to 19421904
LUSSA:2009.563monographLustleigh Parish Council Agendas 1898 to 19641898
LUSSA:2009.564monographLustleigh Parish Council Minute Book 1894 to 19131894
LUSSA:2009.565monographLustleigh Parish Council Minute Book 1913 to 19391913
LUSSA:2009.566monographLustleigh Parish Council Minute Book 1939 to 19551939
LUSSA:2009.567monographLustleigh Parish Council Minute Book 1955 to 19641955
LUSSA:2009.568monographLustleigh Parish Council Minute Book 1965 to 19701965
LUSSA:2009.569monographLustleigh Parish Council Minute Book 1970 to 19761970
LUSSA:2009.570monographLustleigh Parish Council Minute Book 1976 to 19801976
LUSSA:2009.571monographLustleigh Parish Council Minute Book 1980 to 19871980
LUSSA:2009.572monographLustleigh Parish Council Minute Book 1987 to 19921987
LUSSA:2009.573monographLustleigh Parish Council Minute Book 1992 to 19961992
LUSSA:2009.574monographLustleigh Parish Council Minute Book 1996 to 20011996
LUSSA:2009.575monographLustleigh Parish Council Minute Book 2001 to 20062001
LUSSA:2009.576monographLustleigh Parish Council Minute Book April 2006 to Present2006
LUSSA:2009.577monographEast of the Suez, West of the Panama - The Memoir of Bill Squires
LUSSA:2009.578monographPortrait of a Village - Lustleigh, Devon
LUSSA:2009.579monographDevon Bridge Names (Clam Bridge) in The Devon Historian, No 42, April 1991
LUSSA:2009.580presscuttingGP Wins Tory Open Primary Contest, Dr Sarah Wollaston (Sarah James) Voted Conservative Candidate for Totnes. Mid-Devon Advertiser 7th August 20097.8.2009
LUSSA:2009.581presscuttingVoters Send for the Doctor in first Primary by Post, Dr Sarah Wollaston (Sarah James) Voted Conservative Candidate for Totnes. The Times 5th August 20095.8.2009
LUSSA:2009.582presscuttingMajor General Joe Crowdy, Army Doctor Determined to Ensure That His Men Were Fit for Battle. The Daily Telegraph 7th August 20097.8.2009
LUSSA:2009.583presscuttingMajor General Joe Crowdy, Physician Who Carried Out Valuable Research into Factors that Can Affect Soldier's Battle Readiness. The Times 28th July 200928.7.2009
LUSSA:2009.584bookletThanksgiving Service for the Life of Major General Joseph Porter Crowdy CB, DTM+H, DPH, DIH 1923 to 2009. St John's Church, Lustleigh, Friday 17th July 200917.7.2009
LUSSA:2009.585presscuttingLustleigh Loses its Elm Trees, undated and unattributed
LUSSA:2009.586presscuttingWestcountry Shaken by Earthquake, Sticklepath - Lustleigh Fault. Western Morning News 19901990
LUSSA:2009.587bookletA Short Guide to the Church Bells of Devon, Rings of six to twelve bells.
LUSSA:2009.588presscuttingLustleigh Bellringers Entertained Twenty Teams at Six Bell Contest, Western Times and Gazette 27th June 195827.6.1958
LUSSA:2009.589monographLetters, Historical and Botanical Relating Chiefly to Places in The Vale of Teign and Particularly to Chudleigh, Lustleigh, Canonteign and Bovey Tracey (With some Geologic Notices by Dr. Croker)1851
LUSSA:2010.1presscuttingLustleigh Again in Danger of Losing Village School, 1963 Unattributed and undated1963
LUSSA:2010.2documentLustleigh Village Appraisal 1995, Notes, Documents and Correspondence1995
LUSSA:2010.3extractExtract from Black's Guide Books - Devonshire, Pages 162-163 Lustleigh (1911)1911
LUSSA:2010.4brochureSales Particulars Lussacombe, 1991 (Atton to Perry) - Two Advertisements from Newspapers (1983) and Article from Herald express Property Guide - 1983-19941983
LUSSA:2010.5extractNotes Taken from the Deeds to Ardmeanach1837
LUSSA:2010.6brochureSales Particulars The Tennis Pavillion, Ellimore Road for sale by auction July 20097.2009
LUSSA:2010.8presscuttingArticle on Lustleigh Community Archive - Village History Lesson at Archive Unveiling, Mid-Devon Advertiser/Post, May 1st 20091.5.2009
LUSSA:2010.9presscuttingArticle on Lustleigh Community Archive - Everyday Story of Life in a Dartmoor Village, Western Morning News May 21st 200921.5.2009
LUSSA:2010.10posterArchives Room Re-Opening, Poster Advertising the Grand Re-Opening of the Lustleigh Community Archive, 25th April 20094.2009
LUSSA:2010.11articleWho do we think we are? - Community Archives around Dartmoor, Dartmoor Magazine Winter 20092009
LUSSA:2010.12transcriptBill Squires - Memories of Lustleigh, as Told to Dr F Mason and read by Peter Mason at The Lustleigh Society Meeting
LUSSA:2010.13transcriptA Talk on The Old Lustleigh, Given to Moretonhampstead Women's Institute June 1973, by Mary Knight Lustleigh Resident since 19057.1973
LUSSA:2010.14transcriptLustleigh of Long Ago by Mary Knight Lustleigh Resident since 1905
LUSSA:2010.15transcriptTranscript of Tape Recording of an Interview with Norah Wright and Bill Squires, By Dr Mason
LUSSA:2010.16transcriptConversation Between Bill Squires and Dr Mason at the Old School House January 19851.1985
LUSSA:2010.17transcriptTranscript of Interview with David Williams and Eileen Williams January 200211.1.2002
LUSSA:2010.18bookletLustleigh Community Archive Newsletter - Various Dates
LUSSA:2010.19articleThe Clam Bridge, Bovey Valley Article about the New Bridge over the River Bovey from The Dartmoor Society Newsletter No 32 June 20086.2008
LUSSA:2010.20articleThe Clam Bridge, Bovey Valley Article about the New Bridge over the River Bovey from Dartmoor Magazine No 91 Summer 20086.2008
LUSSA:2010.21articleVillagers Vow to Protect Historic Crossing - The Clam Bridge, Bovey Valley, Herald Express March 200810.3.2008
LUSSA:2010.22articleCampaigners Fight to Save Old Clam Bridge - The Clam Bridge, Bovey Valley, Western Morning News March 200815.3.2008
LUSSA:2010.23articleHistoric Footbridge Faces the Chop - The Clam Bridge, Bovey Valley, BBC Devon March 200818.3.2008
LUSSA:2010.24articleLocals Fight to Retain Clam Bridge - The Clam Bridge, Bovey Valley, Mid-Devon Advertiser/Post March 200828.3.2008
LUSSA:2010.26articleBridge Solves Problem in Remote Spot - The Clam Bridge, Bovey Valley, Letter from Alexa Mason, Mid-Devon Advertiser/Post April 20084.4.2008
LUSSA:2010.27articleWalkers Fight to Keep Old Bridge - The Clam Bridge, Bovey Valley, Western Morning News April 20085.4.2008
LUSSA:2010.28articlePetition with a Cross to Bear - The Clam Bridge, Bovey Valley, Mid-Devon Advertiser/Post April 200811.4.2008
LUSSA:2010.29articleDartmoor's Historic Bridges Under Threat, Fear that monstrosities will replace crossings deemed unsafe - The Clam Bridge, Bovey Valley, Western Morning News April 200822.4.2008
LUSSA:2010.30articleCompensation Culture Leads to Closure of Tree Trunk Bridge - The Clam Bridge, Bovey Valley, The Times Online May 20085.5.2008
LUSSA:2010.31articleA Bridge Too Far for Safety-First Culture - The Clam Bridge, Bovey Valley, The Times May 20085.5.2008
LUSSA:2010.32articleBattle to Keep Ancient Bridge Open - The Clam Bridge, Bovey Valley, Grantham Journal May 20086.5.2008
LUSSA:2010.33articleClam Bridge to be Fenced off for Safety - The Clam Bridge, Bovey Valley, Mid-Devon Advertiser May 20089.5.2008
LUSSA:2010.34articleCampaigners Fight to Save Historic Bridge - The Clam Bridge, Bovey Valley, Western Morning News May 20089.5.2008
LUSSA:2010.35articleHikers Risk a Final Crossing as Safety Rules Shut Historic Bridge - The Clam Bridge, Bovey Valley, Western Morning News May 200810.5.2008
LUSSA:2010.36articleLustleigh's Clam Bridge - Bovey Valley - Reprinted from Legendary Dartmoor - The Clam Bridge, Bovey Valley,12.5.2008
LUSSA:2010.37articleBattle to Keep Ancient Bridge Open - Clam Bridge - Bovey Valley - Three Versions of article from Scotsman, Southern Reporter, Hastings Observer, Sunderland Echo May 20085.2008
LUSSA:2010.38articleIt's For Your Own Good - Clam Bridge - Bovey Valley - Reprinted from Life, The Universe and Everything Blog, May 200811.5.2008
LUSSA:2010.39letterDartmoor Clam Bridge - Letter to The Times - Clam Bridge - Bovey Valley, May 20086.5.2008
LUSSA:2010.40letterDartmoor Clam Bridge - Posting on Website in Support of Saving Clam Bridge - Bovey Valley, June 200811.6.2008
LUSSA:2010.41presscuttingFight is on to Save Moor Clam Bridge - Clam Bridge Bovey Valley, Western Morning News November 200820.11.2008
LUSSA:2010.42presscuttingBridge Brigade Bolster Battle - Clam Bridge Bovey Valley, Mid-Devon Advertiser March 200920.3.2009
LUSSA:2010.43presscuttingBattle to Save Old Bridge Continues - Clam Bridge Bovey Valley, Mid-Devon Advertiser April 20093.4.2009
LUSSA:2010.44presscuttingNotes on Sanduck Searchlight Site6.2009
LUSSA:2010.45documentLustleigh (Home Guard) Rifle Club Minutes of Annual General Meetings and Treasurers Reports 1962 to 19911962
LUSSA:2010.46documentLustleigh (Home Guard) Rifle Club Hon Secretaries Reports 1984/85, 1986/87, 1987/881984
LUSSA:2010.47documentLustleigh (Home Guard) Rifle Club Renewal of Affiliation 1976 and Rules and Regulations 19751975
LUSSA:2010.48presscuttingPresscutting with Photograph Showing Distribution of Canadian Red Cross Food Parcels at Lustleigh (On Church Steps) March 29th 195029.3.1950
LUSSA:2010.49letterCorrespondence Regarding research into the Thorn Family9.1.1992
LUSSA:2010.50presscuttingMum's Bid to find Portrait, Esther Germon seeks Portrait of her Son Steven, Express and Echo May 20045.5.2004
LUSSA:2010.51presscuttingAsbo and Jail for Man, 74 - Frederick George Amery - Persistent Offender Admits Assault Charges, Herald Express September 20099.9.2009
LUSSA:2010.52presscuttingMan Jailed for Persistent Offending - Frederick George Amery - Mid-Devon Advertiser Sept 200911.9.2009
LUSSA:2010.53presscuttingPrison Term for Pensioner who Slapped Bank Worker - Frederick George Amery - Herald Express Jan 20102.1.2010
LUSSA:2010.54letterCorrespondence Regarding the Aggett Family of Sanduck from Veronica Gimbel (nee Aggett)26.6.2007
LUSSA:2010.55letterResearch and Family Tree - Parker Family connected with Middle Wreyland. File includes information on Frederick Parker who died in WW1 and is on the war memorial.
LUSSA:2010.56letterCorrespondence regarding Research into the Hunt Family
LUSSA:2010.57presscuttingCharles Amery Kelly farm - Farmer's Positive Neglect of Sheep, Herald Express May 200829.5.2008
LUSSA:2010.58presscuttingCharles Amery Kelly farm - - Fifty Year Animal Ban for Cruelty Case Farmer, Herald Express August 20085.8.2008
LUSSA:2010.59presscuttingCharles Amery Kelly farm - - Fifty Year Animal Ban for Cruelty Case Farmer, Admits Causing Suffering to Sheep, Herald Express August 20085.8.2008
LUSSA:2010.60presscuttingCharles Amery Kelly farm - - Livestock Ban for Guilty Stockman, Mid-Devon Advertiser August 20088.8.2008
LUSSA:2010.61letterCorrespondence regarding Research into the Bennett Family5.11.1996
LUSSA:2010.62documentThree Programmes from Performances by Constitutional Club and Sports Club plus Waifs and Strays Society1928
LUSSA:2010.63posterPoster for Performances by Village Choir and Mummers at Castle Drogo 13th December 200912.2009
LUSSA:2010.64programmeProgramme, Playhouse Creatures, 19th to 21st february 20092.2009
LUSSA:2010.65programmeProgramme, Dad's Army, 18th to 20th february 20102.201
LUSSA:2010.66notesNotes on the Wreyford (Wrayford) Family of Wreyland, dating from 1344 to 18431.3.2010
LUSSA:2010.67notesNotes on the Wreyford (Wrayford) Family of Wreyland, dating from 1344 to 18431.3.2010
LUSSA:2010.68presscuttingLustleigh Show - Two Wonderful Days Mid-Devon Advertiser 31st August 200131.8.2001
LUSSA:2010.69presscuttingLustleigh Show - Tiddler Steals the Limelight at Lustleigh, The Advertiser, Sept 1st 19721.9.1972
LUSSA:2010.70extractNotes on Sanduck Siding - or Sanduck Wood Siding with Photographs (Courtesy of Mike Jacobs)
LUSSA:2010.71letterCovering Letters for Payment of Rent for Rangers and Guides Meetings at Church House, 1935 - 19371935
LUSSA:2010.72documentStatements and Receipts for Hire of Village Hall by Conservative Association, 19761976
LUSSA:2010.73letterLegacy for Lustleigh Bellringers Society, from Henrietta (Betty) Payne of Pound Cottage 19618.3.1961
LUSSA:2010.74presscuttingLighten Our Darkness, article on St John the Baptist Church, Lustleigh, 195729.5.1957
LUSSA:2010.75documentParochial Church Council Statement of Accounts for Year Ended December 19541954
LUSSA:2010.76extractShort Extract Regarding Redecoration of Lustleigh Church in 1871
LUSSA:2010.77documentAgreement for the Seat by the Church Door, 17551755
LUSSA:2010.78notesExtract from The Survey of the Manor of Lustleigh and notes on the Deeds of the Old Manorial Farms and Cottages, 1600 to 1805
LUSSA:2010.79diagramThe Tombs of Nicholas (1609)and Dorothy (1618) Wadham, Lord of the Manor of Lustleigh at St Mary's Ilminster
LUSSA:2010.80notesAnalysis of the Six Lustleigh Glebe Terriers, 1601 to 1745
LUSSA:2010.81documentConditions for Letting Lowton Meadow in the Parish of Moretonhampstead, Devon, 183212.10.1832
LUSSA:2010.82articleCecil Torr - A Devon Author (Small Talk at Wreyland) in Devon Life (no date)
LUSSA:2010.83articleA Precious Present - Reflections on Devon's Past Through the Eyes of Author Cecil Torr (Small Talk at Wreyland)
LUSSA:2010.84extractPhotocopy of Page from a Book Depicting a Portrait of Cecil Torr's grandfather, with some text by Cecil Torr added
LUSSA:2010.85articleArticle Detailing Proposed sale at Auction of a Painting of Wreyland Manor, by F. Parr, Western Morning News, July 2001
LUSSA:2010.86notesNotes Regarding Hall House (The Old Rectory) - Great Hall Mapstone Hill
LUSSA:2010.87presscuttingA Take on Floral History, Festival to Mark Rededication of the Bells of Lustleigh Church, Mid-Devon Advertiser, Sept 200811.9.2008
LUSSA:2010.88letterLustleigh Women's Institute Items of Correspondence, 1959 to 19741959
LUSSA:2010.89musicBabe in a Stall, Carol Entered for Women's Institute Competition (County) Christmas 19951995
LUSSA:2010.90musicWomen's Institute 21st Birthday Song1995
LUSSA:2010.91transcriptTranscript of Interview Joan Ellis 19966.1996
LUSSA:2010.92transcriptTranscript of Interview Source Unknown
LUSSA:2010.93transcriptForgotten Children, Living At Lustleigh During the War Years, Source Unknown. Published in Tracey Vale Home Newsletter, Jan 19961996
LUSSA:2010.94transcriptMemories of an Evacuee Living in Lustleigh, by Harry Howarth, 20062006
LUSSA:2010.95transcriptNotes on Reflections by Mary Stewart of Mapstone House, 20092009
LUSSA:2010.96documentLustleigh Devon, A Study in the Development and the Changes in Function of a Dartmoor Fringe Village, 1983
LUSSA:2010.97monographDartmoor National Park Authority Oral History Project Report (Moor Memories), 2001-2008
LUSSA:2010.99monographThe Parson Printer of Lustleigh, Parson William Davy1999
LUSSA:2010.100bookletBovey Tracey Church Rates and Poor Rates, 1596 -1729 (for private Circulation)1928
LUSSA:2010.101presscuttingVillage Goes Back to War, Review of Dad's Army, Performed by Lustleigh Drama Group 18th to 20th February 2010, Mid-Devon Advertiser March 5th 20105.3.2010
LUSSA:2010.102documentMay Day Minute Book for 1987 to 19921987
LUSSA:2010.103documentMay Day Minute Book for 1971 to 19771971
LUSSA:2010.104documentMay Day Minute Book for 1963 to 19711963
LUSSA:2010.105lettersMay Day Correspondence File - 1970's and one from 20081970
LUSSA:2010.106bookletArticles Published in Dartmoor News, July/August 2000 - New Throne for May Queen and May Day Celebrations 2000. Proposed Sale Moorwood Cottage2000
LUSSA:2010.107posterMay Day Committee Poster Advertising Valentines Day Square Dance 14th February 19752.1975
LUSSA:2010.108documentDartmoor Crosses - The Bishop's Stone (Caseley)
LUSSA:2010.109documentLocal Archaeology - Parish Checklist, Includes prehistoric, Roman, Crosses, Medieval, Farms, Industrial and Bishops Stone and Gatepost near Cleave
LUSSA:2010.110documentLocal Archaeology - Checklist of Various Items of Archaeological Interest in and Around Lustleigh, 20039.4.2003
LUSSA:2010.111documentLocal Archaeology - Enclosure and Hut Circles on Lustleigh Cleave
LUSSA:2010.112documentDevon Committee for Rescue Archaeology Register - Bishops Stone, Description and History, undated
LUSSA:2010.113documentDevon Committee for Rescue Archaeology Register - Bridge (Railway) Over Road at Caseley, undated
LUSSA:2010.114documentDevon Committee for Rescue Archaeology Register - Caseley Court, undated
LUSSA:2010.115documentDevon Committee for Rescue Archaeology Register - Ruins of Bovey Combe Farm, undated
LUSSA:2010.116documentDevon Committee for Rescue Archaeology Register - Kelly Mine, undated
LUSSA:2010.117presscuttingCouncil Aims to make Devon Top Cycle Destination, Wrey Valley Trail, Mid-Devon Advertiser 6 November 20096.9.2009
LUSSA:2010.118presscuttingPublic Notice, National Parks and Access to Countryside Act, Modifications to Footpaths Lustleigh and Manaton Parishes, Mid-Devon Advertiser 10th January 195910.1.1959
LUSSA:2010.120presscuttingProperty Guide - Chance to go Back to School, Old School House on Sale with Palmer and Radclyffe, Herald Express 22nd December 199222.12.1992
LUSSA:2010.121notesLustleigh Schools, Brief Notes on their Histories, undated
LUSSA:2010.122presscuttingObituary of Major Richard Percival (Tim) Owen, Mid-Devon Advertiser 12th June 200912.6.2009
LUSSA:2010.123notesKelly Mine - The Early Years, Extract from Exeter Flying Post 6th April 1797
LUSSA:2010.124presscuttingLustleigh Edge into Brockman Cup Semis, Unattributed and Undated
LUSSA:2010.125presscuttingPeter O'Toole Remembers his Last Game of Cricket at Lustleigh, Guardian Online, Jan 20074.8.2008
LUSSA:2010.126notesThe Ceramic Artist, Peter Crotty, Oxshott Pottery, 2009
LUSSA:2010.127extractLord Hambledon and Moretonhampstead, Reprinted from Transactions Devon Association for Advancement of Science, Vol 123, p 167 to 188, December 199112.1991
LUSSA:2010.128notesNotes on Hugh Routledge, Led 1933 British Everest Expedition and Lived at Lower Coombe, undated
LUSSA:2010.129presscuttingCarolyn Seaward Wins national Finals of Miss England Competition, Western Morning News 13th March 197913.3.1979
LUSSA:2010.130presscuttingMoreton Sessions - Larceny Cases at Lustleigh and Manaton, Mid-Devon Advertiser 27th November 193713.3.1979
LUSSA:2010.131presscuttingGreater Lustleigh Celebrates New Boundaries, Villagers Beat The Bounds of recently Enlarged Parish, 19571957
LUSSA:2010.132presscutting25 years Ago From Mid-Devon Advertiser 1982 - No Border Incidents as Lustleigh Parisioners Beat the Boundaries, 19571982
LUSSA:2010.133presscuttingReport on Beating Bounds, Mid-Devon Advertiser 19756.6.1975
LUSSA:2010.134extractParish Notes Regarding Beating The Bounds Revived in 1924 and 1925 when the Second Half was Completed1924
LUSSA:2010.135extractDartmoor's Enigmatic Ash Houses, Dartmoor Magazine 19951995
LUSSA:2010.136extractExtracts from the Title Deeds of Criddaford, Knowle Road8.5.2001
LUSSA:2010.137brochureSales Particulars, The White Cottage, Pethybridge - August 20098.2009
LUSSA:2010.138extractThe Old Rectory or Great Hall - Advertisement from Newspaper Regarding Sale - June 19836.1983
LUSSA:2010.139notesThe Old Manor House (Rectory) or Great Hall - Notes on Architecture 19962.1996
LUSSA:2010.140notesThe Old Manor House (Rectory) or Great Hall - Notes on History and Architecture - undated
LUSSA:2010.141documentCertificate of Guarantee for Woodworm and Dry Rot Treatment, The Rectory, 195818.10.1958
LUSSA:2010.142documentInvoice for Various Items Purchased for Mapstone by Fred Amery, 193830.6.1938
LUSSA:2010.143letterLetter Regarding Planning Application Numbers one and Two Pound Cottage, Reinstatement of Two Former Cottages, 198614.3.1986
LUSSA:2010.144documentPlanning Application, Primrose Cottage, change of Use of bedroom to Antique Shop and Antique Shop to Tea Room, 19861986
LUSSA:2010.145documentPlanning Application and letter, Barn Adjacent to Gospel Hall, Convert Barn to Dwelling, 19861986
LUSSA:2010.146documentRockmead Reassignment of Reversonary Interest and Policy, 18982.2.1898
LUSSA:2010.147letterTruckle Park - Correspondence between Lustleigh Community Archive and Whilma Boyce Regarding Original Name of Truckle Park, 200910.2009
LUSSA:2010.148documentList of Species Recorded at Lussacombe During the Years 1991 to 1995
LUSSA:2010.149monographThe Moretonhampstead Branch - A Railway from Shore to Moor2000
LUSSA:2010.150brochureProgramme - The Lustleigh Music Society Presents A Mellstock Cantarta, Poems by Thomas Hardy, Music by Will Carnell. Performed by the Lustleigh Village Choir and the Westerleigh Sinfonia25.4.2010
LUSSA:2010.151extractExtracts from the Deed Box for Lustleigh Conservative Club (now Village Hall) found at The Pippins in 2003.2003
LUSSA:2010.152memorabiliaSmall Booklet Produced for W. Peters, Grocer, Lustleigh in 1916/19171916
LUSSA:2010.153notesMillennium and New Year's Eve Celebrations at Lustleigh Church, 1999 to 2005, including Programmes for 1999 to 20032009
LUSSA:2010.154extractExtract from China Clay Trade Review - Lustleigh. Volume 3, No 32, January 19221.1922
LUSSA:2010.155extractExtract from GENUKI website - Lustleigh, accessed online 28 January 20092009
LUSSA:2010.156extractLetter, Diagram and Description of Entry in Victorian and Edwardian Devon from Old Photographs pertaining to a photo of A Woman on a Tedding Machine in Lustleigh9.1979
LUSSA:2010.157letterLetter Regarding a Meeting in Lustleigh about Badgers, from Dartmoor Badgers Protection League15.11.1983
LUSSA:2010.158letterLetter and Notes regarding the Origins of the Name Hammerslake, 199823.7.1998
LUSSA:2010.159bookletLustleigh - Devon and West Photo Feature Number 11, November 198211.1982
LUSSA:2010.160articleA Place Apart - a Five Mile Ramble along Lustleigh Cleave is Perfect for Boxing Day Outing, Devon Life December 200912.2009
LUSSA:2010.161bookletHousing Needs Survey Report, Lustleigh, Devon August 20068.2006
LUSSA:2010.162presscuttingLustleigh Loses Village Green Elm Trees, Added to Beauty But Dangerous, undated and unattributed
LUSSA:2010.163presscuttingDevon Village Lying in a Lovely Combe, undated and unattributed
LUSSA:2010.164presscuttingMyriad of Masts, Anne Mackay of Sanduck Cross Farm Writes about Planning Applications for Further Mobile Phone Masts in Lustleigh Area, Mid-Devon Advertiser 200223.8.2002
LUSSA:2010.165presscuttingLustleigh - The Trains Came, with Property Guide including Details of Spring Cottage, Willow Bank, Brookside, East Lower Sanduck, Pepperdon Mine, Lussacombe and Lower Coombe (lower Combe), Herald Express 198410.2.1984
LUSSA:2010.166presscuttingIn Love with Lustleigh - Runner up in Women's Weekley's Britain's Prettiest Village Competition, Mid-Devon Advertiser, August 200131.8.2001
LUSSA:2010.167presscuttingVillage May be Almost Too Pretty, Laura Joint Visits Lustleigh, Western Morning News, April 19977.4.1997
LUSSA:2010.168presscuttingMoor Mystery of the Phantom Host, Tales of the Phantom Nights on Lustleigh Cleave, Herald Express, March 196229.3.1962
LUSSA:2010.169presscuttingPilot's Home Landing is Aired, Andrew Harvey Helicopter Landing Planning Application, Mid-Devon Advertiser, September 200812.9.2008
LUSSA:2010.170presscuttingPensioner Escapes From Home Inferno, Fire at The Pippins, Mid-Devon Advertiser, January 20092.1.2009
LUSSA:2010.171presscuttingLetter "Village Must Tidy up Unsightly Approach", Regarding Neglected Barn near brookfield, Mid-Devon Advertiser, January 199428.1.1994
LUSSA:2010.172presscuttingLetter "We Don't Prettify Village for Sake of Visitors", Reply to Letter Regarding Neglected Barn near Brookfield, Mid-Devon Advertiser, February 199411.2.1994
LUSSA:2010.173presscuttingLetter "Is Old Barn In Lustleigh or Bovey?", Further Correspondence on Brookfield Barn, Mid-Devon Advertiser, February 199425.2.1994
LUSSA:2010.174presscuttingTwo Letters regarding Brookfield Barn and Parish Boundary Changes - Further Correspondence on Brookfield Barn, Mid-Devon Advertiser, March 199411.3.1994
LUSSA:2010.175bookletProgramme of Service, Funeral of Denise Mitchell, 1946-2010, In Lustleigh Church 8th, February 20108.2.2010
LUSSA:2010.176memorabiliaReverend George Rogerson - Scrapbook, Lustleigh References. Contains Several items relating to various events held at St. John the Baptist Church, Lustleigh 1925 to 19401925
LUSSA:2010.177presscuttingPresscuttings File for May Day 20102010
LUSSA:2010.178brochureLustleigh Parish Church Open Day, Programme of Events 20th to 24th June 19986.1998
LUSSA:2010.179documentNotice to Shareholders, Lease of Dairy to be Given Up by Wendy Manners-Chapman, 199818.6.1998
LUSSA:2010.180documentPoster for Auction of Higher Hisley Farm, By Sawdye and Harris at The Commercial Hotel Newton Abbot on February 19th 19581958
LUSSA:2010.181documentPoster for Auction of Higher Hisley Cottage, By Sawdye and Harris at The Commercial Hotel Newton Abbot on February 19th 19581958
LUSSA:2010.182posterPoster - Let's Do it - Let's Fall In Love, performed by Cygnet Theatre, Village Hall, 19th November ????
LUSSA:2010.183bookletWreyland Players Concert in aid of Moretonhampstead Hospital Appeal Fund and The Exeter Festival, 27th and 28th February ????
LUSSA:2010.184articleArticle Dartmoor Becomes Popular with Artists - Frederick Foot, Artist who died at Lustleigh 1908
LUSSA:2010.185documentVarious Notes, Correspondence and Plans for the Property/House at Pepperdon Mine, Moretonhampstead Road. Includes Sales Brochure for 2009, History and Tithe Map Information
LUSSA:2010.186documentVarious Notes, Extracts, Correspondence and Plans for the Mine Situated at Pepperdon Mine, Moretonhampstead Road. Some Letters Regarding Radon Gas and its Effect on Miners and Local Population
LUSSA:2010.187presscuttingGranite Hill Yields Valuable Material, Article on Kelly Mine Probably from Western Times 20th April 1951, also Photo of Ore Sack from Great Rock Mine20.4.1951
LUSSA:2010.188documentNotes on Kelly Mine, Micaceous Iron Oxide and Kelly Mine Preservation Society Literature
LUSSA:2010.189documentMinutes of Open Meeting 30th June 1998, Purchase of the Waldron Site for Building New Village Hall30.6.1998
LUSSA:2010.190articleLetter of Thanks from Laura Dale, May Queen 1997, for Inclusion in Parish Magazine. Covering Letter from Betty dale6.5.1997
LUSSA:2010.191cdPeter Mason 9th April 2010 stick containing images from the community dig at Sanduck Cross farm
LUSSA:2010.192documentCertificate Awarded to those who Completed the beating the bounds of Lustleigh parish, 29th and 31st may 20105.201
LUSSA:2010.193documentList of Prints and Paintings of Lustleigh Exhibited at Lustleigh Community Archive Exhibition, Village Hall, 12th June 201012.6.2010
LUSSA:2010.194presscuttingPresscuttings File for May Day 20042004
LUSSA:2010.195presscuttingMan, 74, Jailed for 162 - Frederick George Amery - Advertiser/Post 4th June 20104.6.2010
LUSSA:2010.196transcriptMemories of Life in A Devon Village by Lillian Jones (Reprinted in Parish Magazine Feb 1977)1977
LUSSA:2010.197transcriptFurther Memories of Life in A Devon Village by Lillian Jones (Reprinted in Parish Magazine May 1977)1977
LUSSA:2010.198transcriptNotes of a Meeting with Mr Long, Sometime a Member of Station Staff at Lustleigh and his Handwritten Notes about the Grave of Jumbo - the Station Cat26.11.1972
LUSSA:2010.199documentExtracts from The Punishment Book, Devon County Primary School Lustleigh Ranging from years 1913 to 1939. Original Book held at Devon Records Office
LUSSA:2010.200documentNotes and Description of the Village Collage, Created by Schoolchildren of Lustleigh (Church House School) in 2000
LUSSA:2010.201extractExract from the book Bovey Tracey History and Legend with mention of the Railway and a Runaway Food Train at Lustleigh.1968
LUSSA:2010.202extractExract from the book The Regional History of Railways, Volume 1 - The West Country - with mention of the Railway at Lustleigh1973
LUSSA:2010.203presscuttingThe Moretonhampstead and South Devon Railway, Description of a Journey along the Branch Line. possibly 1866
LUSSA:2010.204documentGreat Western Timetable Ashton and Moretonhampstead Branches 1902 and 1910
LUSSA:2010.205extractA train for Moretonhampstead pulls out of Lustleigh in 1912, from Kingdom The Great Western at the Turn of the Century1977
LUSSA:2010.206presscuttingBranch Line to the Moor, article on the Railway and Lustleigh Station, undated
LUSSA:2010.207presscuttingVarious Presscuttings Relating to the Closure of the Moretonhampstead to Bovey Tracey Branch Line, 1957 to 19591957
LUSSA:2010.208documentFile Containing Correspondence, Planning Notices and Plans to Convert Disused Railway Line to a Bridleway and Footpath - 1965 to 19691965
LUSSA:2010.209documentMemorandum of Agreement between Great Western Railway Company and Samuel Squires to Erect a Notice Board on Land Adjoining Lustleigh station and Rock Villa, 26th April 188826.4.1988
LUSSA:2010.210documentAgreement between Great Western Railway Company and John Drew Higgins and Emily Colvile to Lay a Pipe near St Andrews, 26th July 188826.6.1888
LUSSA:2010.211documentAgreement between Great Western Railway Company and Kate Rainforth Kay and Gertrude Mary Kay of St Andrews, to Maintain Two Gateways, Plan attached, 20th February 194520.2.1945
LUSSA:2010.212dvdAlec Coulter Family Films and Village Events - May Day 1964 and 1967, Lustleigh Show 1965 and Royal Horse Artillery 1966
LUSSA:2010.213documentLustleigh Society Proposed Constitution, Agenda for Inaugural Meeting and letter to Devonshire Association 19781978
LUSSA:2010.214documentRegister of Electors Lustleigh Parish, 1972/19731972
LUSSA:2010.215documentRegistration Form for Formation of First Lustleigh Scouts, December 192912.1929
LUSSA:2010.216presscuttingLustleigh Scout Group, Open Night at Village Hall and Photograph of Members with Original Flag of the Former Troop, Mid-Devon Advertiser 13th November 200913.11.2009
LUSSA:2010.217presscuttingLustleigh Scout Group, Helping Haiti Washing Cars to Raise Funds to Help Victims of Earthquake, Mid-Devon Advertiser February 20102.201
LUSSA:2010.218presscuttingLustleigh Scout Group, Helping to Raise Funds to Help Victims of Haiti Earthquake and Explorer Group Hedge-laying , Mid-Devon Advertiser February 20102.201
LUSSA:2010.219documentDeed of Conveyance - Brookside. Florence Lilian Painter to A.E. Inwood Ltd, 29th September 196729.9.1967
LUSSA:2010.220documentDeed of Conveyance - Brookside. A.E. Inwood Ltd to Mr and Mrs S.D. Cathcart, 7th December 19677.12.1967
LUSSA:2010.221documentDeed of Conveyance - Freehold Land at Brookside, British Railways Board to Mr and Mrs S.D. Cathcart, 29th October 197429.10.1974
LUSSA:2010.222documentDeed of Conveyance - Brookside - Brian and Ann King to Malcolm and Jennifer Bell, 14th November 198614.11.1986
LUSSA:2010.224documentDeed of Conveyance - Brookside - Thomas Wills Esquire and the Moretonhampstead and South Devon Railway, 31st December 186931.12.1869
LUSSA:2010.225documentConveyance Dartmoor Cottage - Emily Bibbings to Mr W.J White 20th April 193620.4.1936
LUSSA:2010.226documentAbstract of the Title Dartmoor Cottage, (Two Cottages Known as Dartmoor Cottages) Covering 1882 to 19351936
LUSSA:2010.227documentConveyance Dartmoor Cottage, William White to Muriel Stowe and Olive Whyte 16th March 193916.3.1939
LUSSA:2010.228documentConveyance Dartmoor Cottage, Leonora Martin to Emily Bibbings and William White 15th March 193915.3.1939
LUSSA:2010.229documentMortgage for Dartmoor Cottage, Muriel Stowe and Olive Whyte and Gertrude Bragg, 16th March 193916.3.1939
LUSSA:2010.230documentEpitome of Title - The Crags, Pethybridge 1945 to 2007 plus Various Legal Documents, Pertaining to Probate, Relating to the Same Property,1945
LUSSA:2010.231documentConveyance - The Crags, Pethybridge Duncan McNaught to J Raikes, 12th March 194512.3.1945
LUSSA:2010.232documentConveyance - The Crags, Pethybridge, John Raikes and Misses E.K and J.M Raikes to Mr and Mrs M Baudouy, 9th July 19769.7.1976
LUSSA:2010.233presscuttingExhibition Shows Village History in Pictures, Lustleigh Society Art Exhibition 14th June 2010, Mid-Devon Advertiser 2nd July 20102.7.1910
LUSSA:2010.234programmeMidsummer Melody, Concert by the Ashburton Singers, Lustleigh Parish Church 15th july 201015.7.2010
LUSSA:2010.235notesThe Manor of Lustleigh - the Descent of the Manor of Lustleigh after 1609, The Division of the Manor between the Heirs of Nicholas Wadham11.1969
LUSSA:2010.236notesAffidavit Before the Commons Commissioners at the Inquiry into the Ownership of Lustleigh Cleave, July 198228.7.1982
LUSSA:2010.237letterLetter to Jeff Cushman from Col Pellew - and reply in pencil - regarding the Old rectory (great Hall) and its relationship to the Ancient Manor of Lustleigh9.1993
LUSSA:2010.238notesBrief Historical and Architectural Notes on the Upper Hall, Neadon, Manaton following a visit by The Lustleigh Society April 19944.1994
LUSSA:2010.239presscuttingGeneral Godley Unveils Legion Memorial to the Fallen at Lustleigh, Dedication by the Bishop of Exeter (Saturday 11th April 1925), undated and unattributed1925
LUSSA:2010.240articleThe Smallest Sorting Office on Dartmoor Closes Closure of Lustleigh Post Office and Interview with Nick Wotton, Postman. Dartmoor News, Jan/Feb 2009
LUSSA:2010.241presscuttingPresscuttings File for May Day 19131913
LUSSA:2010.242presscuttingBeating the Bounds at Lustleigh, 11th May 1957, Photograph of Group Studing a Map before Moving Off, Mid-Devon Advertiser 18th May 195718.5.1957
LUSSA:2010.243documentMinutes of Meetings and Summary by Patrick Barker, Lustleigh Millennium Celebrations 20001999
LUSSA:2010.244memorabiliaTwo Beermats Produced for Lustleigh Millennium Celebrations - Once a Knight Ale and The Cleavage Old Ale House1999
LUSSA:2010.245bookletLustleigh Millennium Fayre - Souvenir Programme- 24th June 20002000
LUSSA:2010.246posterLustleigh Millennium New Year's Eve Celebrations - 31st December 19991999
LUSSA:2010.247posterLustleigh Millennium Fayre, June 24th 2000, Preliminary Announcement2000
LUSSA:2010.248presscuttingFrom Bond to Beer as Carolyn Opens Fayre, Village Turns Back Clock to Celebrate the Millennium, Lustleigh Millennium Fayre, Western Morning News 23rd June 20002000
LUSSA:2010.249periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1904, Incomplete1904
LUSSA:2010.250periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1907, Incomplete1907
LUSSA:2010.251periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1910, Incomplete1910
LUSSA:2010.252periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1911, Incomplete1911
LUSSA:2010.253periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1912, Incomplete1912
LUSSA:2010.254periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1913, Complete1913
LUSSA:2010.255periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1914, Incomplete1914
LUSSA:2010.256periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1915, Incomplete1915
LUSSA:2010.257periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1916, Incomplete1916
LUSSA:2010.258periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1917, Complete1917
LUSSA:2010.259periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1918, Incomplete1918
LUSSA:2010.260periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1919, Complete1919
LUSSA:2010.261periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1920, Incomplete1920
LUSSA:2010.262periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1921, Incomplete1921
LUSSA:2010.263periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1922, Incomplete1922
LUSSA:2010.264periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1923, Complete1923
LUSSA:2010.265periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1924, Incomplete1924
LUSSA:2010.266periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1925, Complete1925
LUSSA:2010.267periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1926, Complete1926
LUSSA:2010.268periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1927, Complete1927
LUSSA:2010.269periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1928, Complete1928
LUSSA:2010.270periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1929, Complete1929
LUSSA:2010.271periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1930, Complete1930
LUSSA:2010.272periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1931, Complete1931
LUSSA:2010.273periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1932, Complete1932
LUSSA:2010.274periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1933, Incomplete1933
LUSSA:2010.275periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1934 complete1934
LUSSA:2010.276periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1935 complete1935
LUSSA:2010.277periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1936 complete1936
LUSSA:2010.278periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1937 complete1937
LUSSA:2010.279periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1938 complete1938
LUSSA:2010.280periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1939 complete1939
LUSSA:2010.281periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1940 to 1949 complete1940
LUSSA:2010.282periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1950 complete1950
LUSSA:2010.283periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1951 complete1951
LUSSA:2010.284periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1952 complete1952
LUSSA:2010.285periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1953 complete1953
LUSSA:2010.286periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1954, Incomplete1954
LUSSA:2010.287periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1955 Incomplete1955
LUSSA:2010.288periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1956 Incomplete,1956
LUSSA:2010.289periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1957 Incomplete,1957
LUSSA:2010.290periodicalLustleigh Parish Magazine, 1958 Incomplete,1958
LUSSA:2010.291bookletProgramme of Service, Funeral of Terry Lee, 1947-2010, in Bovey Tracey Church, 5th November 20105.11.2010
LUSSA:2010.292memorabiliaLustleigh Drama Group Scrap Book 1973 to 1977, Programmes, Cuttings, Photos1973
LUSSA:2010.293memorabiliaLustleigh Drama Group Scrap Book 1973 to 1977, Programmes, Cuttings, Photos1973
LUSSA:2010.294memorabiliaLustleigh Drama Group Scrap Book 1977 to 1984, Programmes, Cuttings, Photos1977
LUSSA:2010.295memorabiliaLustleigh Drama Group Scrap Book 1981 to 1991, Programmes, Cuttings, Photos1981
LUSSA:2010.296memorabiliaLustleigh Drama Group Scrap Book 1984 to 1985, Programmes, Cuttings, Photos1984
LUSSA:2010.297documentLustleigh Drama Group Minutes, 1973 (first meeting Dec 73) to 19821973
LUSSA:2010.298documentLustleigh Drama Group Minutes, 1982 to 19941982
LUSSA:2010.299documentLustleigh Drama Group Minutes, 1994 to 19971994
LUSSA:2010.300bookletThe Lustleigh Players, Programme for When we are Married, 19461946
LUSSA:2010.301bookletAn Evening of Music and Poetry, William Barnes the Dorset Poet, Devised by Les Read and Will Carnell performed at the Schoolhouse, Lustleigh Sep 30th and Oct 1st - no year given
LUSSA:2010.302bookletProgramme - The Threepenny Opera, 20th to 23rd November 200220.11.2002
LUSSA:2010.303bookletSketch - The Ghost (A Sketch Based on Lustleigh)
LUSSA:2010.304documentPunch in the Parlour, Scripts and Cast Lists, Programme and Set Design, 19821982
LUSSA:2010.306bookletLustleigh Junior Drama Group, Programme Bunches of Roses, 21st and 22nd March 19863.1986
LUSSA:2010.307bookletLustleigh Entertains - A Motley Collection 2007/2008?2008
LUSSA:2010.308posterLustleigh Drama Group - File Containing Variuos Posters Advertising Shows
LUSSA:2010.309bookletDick Whittington, 199523.2.1995
LUSSA:2010.310bookletProgramme - Roses of Eyam
LUSSA:2010.312bookletProgramme - Mother Goose February 198820.2.1988
LUSSA:2010.313bookletProgramme, The King of Prussia, October 200619.10.2006
LUSSA:2010.314bookletProgramme, The Seasons an Entertainment in Poetry and Music
LUSSA:2010.315bookletProgramme, A Concert for Christmas the Totnes Symphony Orchestra (conductor Will Carnell) and the Buckland Singers (conductor Nicholas Bourne)
LUSSA:2010.316bookletRecital - The Kochel Quartert, presented by the Lustleigh Drama Group
LUSSA:2010.317bookletSplintergroup Presents - Him, February 198319.2.1983
LUSSA:2010.318bookletContrasts - The Junior Drama Group, May 198518.5.1985
LUSSA:2010.319bookletLustleigh Drama Group Variety Concert, August 197925.8.1979
LUSSA:2010.320documentLustleigh Drama Group Correspondence File, 1976 to 20061976
LUSSA:2010.321documentLustleigh Drama Group Newsletters - 1976, 1977, 1979, 1983, 19851976
LUSSA:2010.322presscuttingPresscutting for Lustleigh Drama Group's production of The Caucasian Chalk Circle, 19871987
LUSSA:2010.323presscuttingReview of Lustleigh Drama Group's production of The Caucasian Chalk Circle, 19871987
LUSSA:2010.324presscuttingDrama Group Plays at Lustleigh, Lustleigh Women's Institute Drama Group's production of All of a Sudden and The Tinsel Duchess, Mid-Devon Advertiser, November 196619.11.1966
LUSSA:2010.325presscuttingSpirited production has Full Houses, Review of The Beggar's Opera, Lustleigh Drama Group, Mid-Devon Advertiser Oct 19837.10.1983
LUSSA:2010.326articleReview of Cold Comfort Farm, Lustleigh Drama Group, June 20016.2001
LUSSA:2010.327documentList of Lustleigh Drama Group Productions, 1973 - 19811973
LUSSA:2010.328bookletLustleigh Drama Group, Programme - Wild Goose Chase, Nov/Dec 197330.11.1973
LUSSA:2010.329bookletLustleigh Women's Institute Drama Group, Programme - The Seven Joys of Christmas, Dec 196813.12.1968
LUSSA:2010.330bookletProgramme - The Majesty of England, September 197329.9.1973
LUSSA:2010.331bookletProgramme - Outside Edge, October 198827.10.1988
LUSSA:2010.332bookletProgramme - Wizard of Oz, January 199126.1.1991
LUSSA:2010.333booklet1920's - The Dansant, Dancing to the Strains of Steve Chisholm and his Art Deco Orchestra
LUSSA:2010.334bookletProgramme - Lustleigh Women's Institute Drama Group, Theatre Night, November 196725.11.1967
LUSSA:2010.335presscuttingGolden Ticket to Ride, Couple Win Prize at Lustleigh Show of Trip in Vintage 1928 Sunbeam Car, in aid of LADS, Mid-Devon Advertiser September 201010.9.2010
LUSSA:2010.336documentEstate Agent's Advert for Sale of Sentry, Mapstone Hill with Permission to Build Contemporary House, Devon Life, April 20064.2006
LUSSA:2010.337articleThe Last Hours of Lustleigh Sorting Office, Nick Wootton Speaks of the Closure of Lustleigh's Sorting office, January 2009
LUSSA:2010.338articleEnd of an Era, The Closure of Lustleigh Sorting Office by Nick Wootton, January 2009
LUSSA:2010.339documentFront Page of Puzzler Magazine with Photograph of The Cleave Inn, August 201031.8.2010
LUSSA:2010.340documentLetter to Devon Life Magazine regarding Finding of Late neolithic - Early Bronze Age Stone Axe found at East Wrey, July 19789.4.2003
LUSSA:2010.341presscuttingIdyllic Lustleigh, Article from Herald Express, February 19824.2.1982
LUSSA:2010.342presscuttingFifty Years Ago Today - Twynkel a Goat Owned by two Lustleigh Women, Estabishes World Record for Milk Production, Mid-Devon Advertiser May 20015.2001
LUSSA:2010.343presscuttingOn The Moor, Reminiscences of Picking Sphagnum Moss at Heaven's Gate, Lustleigh Cleave, Unattributed and Undated
LUSSA:2010.344presscuttingSeventy-Five Years Ago - New Houses Erected in Lustleigh, February 1911, Mid-Devon Advertiser Undated
LUSSA:2010.345presscuttingSeventy-Five Years Ago - State of Road by the Churh in Lustleigh, May 1912, Mid-Devon Advertiser Undated
LUSSA:2010.346presscuttingSeventy-Five Years Ago - Council Schools in Lustleigh Fail to Reopen due to Sickness, Jan 1909, Mid-Devon Advertiser Undated
LUSSA:2010.347presscuttingFifty Years Ago - Council Approve Plans for Electricity Lines at Lustleigh , Oct 1933, Mid-Devon Advertiser, Oct 198321.10.1983
LUSSA:2010.348presscuttingFifty Years Ago - A. Lombardini, Organist of Lustleigh Church, Gives Concert , April 1885, Mid-Devon Advertiser, Undated
LUSSA:2010.349presscuttingOne Hundred Years Ago - Lustleigh Barn Owl Amateur Dramatic Club Performances 1882, Western Morning News, Nov 198224.11.1982
LUSSA:2010.350presscuttingTeign Naturalists Field Club Visit Lustleigh , unattributed, July 188124.7.1881
LUSSA:2010.351presscuttingVillage Walkabout, Brian Carter Visits Lustleigh, Herald Express August 198722.8.1997
LUSSA:2010.352presscuttingYour Village - Lustleigh Lives for Two Days in a Year, South Devon Journal, April 197029.4.1970
LUSSA:2010.353presscuttingRoaming on Devon's Dartmoor, The New York Times, August 19922.8.1992
LUSSA:2011.1bookletProgramme of Service, Funeral of Anne Beaumont, 1930-2011 in St John the Baptist Church, Lustleigh29.3.2011
LUSSA:2011.2presscuttingAnglican Priest Makes Catholic Switch, Reverend Ian Hellyer Defects to Catholic Church, Western Morning News 22nd April 20112011
LUSSA:2011.3transcriptLustleigh Society Lectures - A Perfect Devon Village, A History of Tourism in Lustleigh16.2.2011
LUSSA:2011.4notesExplanation of the Name of Lustleigh, referenced from Brewer's Britian and Ireland and Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Place Names (Leofgiest's Glade and Ley (clearing in woodland)
LUSSA:2011.5documentFamily Tree - Family of William Lionel Galton Bennett
LUSSA:2011.6documentFamily Tree - Fairburn and Bullock-Webster Families
LUSSA:2011.7presscuttingPensioner, 75, Guilty of Assaulting Three Women - Advertiser/Post 4th February 18th 201118.2.2011
LUSSA:2011.8programmeOrgan Recital given by Andrew Downton at Lustleigh Parish Church, 27th February 201127.2.2011
LUSSA:2011.9memorabiliaScrap book and Photograph Album from the Gould Family 1879 - 1980's Programmes, Cuttings, Photos. Dates from Inception of the Lustleigh Barn Owls1879
LUSSA:2011.10posterLustleigh Village Events and Plays - Posters
LUSSA:2011.11documentLustleigh Cleave Commoners Association Minutes of Committee and General Meetings Feb 1981 to Nov 1985, Feb 1993 to 19971981
LUSSA:2011.12documentLustleigh Cleave Commoners Association Extracts from Parish Council Minutes regarding Footpaths 1924 onwards1924
LUSSA:2011.13mapRevised Dartmoor Commons Heather Maps1994
LUSSA:2011.14documentLustleigh Horse Show Entries 19921992
LUSSA:2011.15documentLustleigh Horse Show Entries 19911991
LUSSA:2011.16documentLustleigh Horse Show Entries 19901990
LUSSA:2011.17documentLustleigh Horse Show Entries 19891989
LUSSA:2011.18documentLustleigh Horse Show Entries 19881988
LUSSA:2011.19documentLustleigh Horse Show Entries 19871987
LUSSA:2011.20documentLustleigh Horse Show Entries 19861986
LUSSA:2011.21monographMinute Book, Thomas Hickman Educational Foundation and Thomas Hickman Charity for Poor, 1905 to 19891905
LUSSA:2011.22monographAccount Book, Thomas Hickman Educational Foundation and Thomas Hickman Charity for Poor, 1904 to 19771904
LUSSA:2011.23memorabiliaOsborne's Bakers Delivery Book September 1965 to March 19661965
LUSSA:2011.24memorabiliaOsborne's Bakers Delivery Book March 1969 to September 19691969
LUSSA:2011.25documentLustleigh Village Hall Management Committee Minutes 1976 to May 19981976
LUSSA:2011.26documentLustleigh Village Hall Management Committee Minutes June 1997 to March 20021997
LUSSA:2011.27documentLustleigh Village Hall Management Committee Minutes April 2002 to February 20052002
LUSSA:2011.28bookletProgramme - Snow White 2002
LUSSA:2011.29documentLustleigh School (Independent) - file containing bruchure, programmes for plays and newsletters 1988-20021988
LUSSA:2011.30documentFriends of Church House (FOCH) and The Subsequent FOCH General Steering Committee, Minutes and Proceedings 1987 to 19881987
LUSSA:2011.31documentFriends of Church House (FOCH) and The Subsequent FOCH General Steering Committee, Documents Referred to in the Minutes and Proceedings 1987 to 198828.3.1987
LUSSA:2011.32documentFile Containing Documents Relating to Consultation, Fund Raising and Planning for Redevelopment of Village Hall2001
LUSSA:2011.33memorabiliaScrapbook Containing references to Lustleigh and Local Events and Happennings1942
LUSSA:2011.34extractA Survey of Ash Houses2010
LUSSA:2011.35presscuttingReaching New Heights, Monica Wells Climbs Sydney Harbour Bridge, Advertiser/Post 7th January 20117.1.2011
LUSSA:2011.36documentFile Containing details of the Death of Lieutenant Peter Claude Boileau, Buried in Lustleigh Churchyard1931
LUSSA:2011.37presscuttingBill Squires - The Sinking of the Bismarck5.2001
LUSSA:2011.38transcriptVeronica Hughes Account of the Fire at The Pippins, December 200830.12.2008
LUSSA:2011.39presscuttingCatholics to Welcome new Priest - and his Wife and Eight Children, The Times 21st April 201121.4.2011
LUSSA:2011.40documentSchedules to Accompany Tithe Map1837
LUSSA:2011.41documentCensus for Parish of Lustleigh 1841 and 18511841
LUSSA:2011.42documentCensus for Parish of Lustleigh 18611861
LUSSA:2011.43documentCensus for Parish of Lustleigh 18711871
LUSSA:2011.44documentCensus for Parish of Lustleigh 1881 and 18911881
LUSSA:2011.45documentLustleigh Women's Institute Drama Group, Minute Book 1966 - 19691966
LUSSA:2011.46presscuttingReview of Lustleigh Drama Group's production of The Caucasian Chalk Circle, 1987, Herald express9.10.1987
LUSSA:2011.47presscuttingThe Music Man of Lustleigh, Will Carnell2005
LUSSA:2011.48presscuttingRollicking Historical Drama - Review of Playhouse Creatures, Advertiser/Post 13th February 200913.2.2009
LUSSA:2011.49brochureParticulars with Plans and Conditions of Sale - Parklands, Offered for sale by Auction at the Globe Hotel, Newton Abbot on May 27th 19085.1908
LUSSA:2011.50brochureParticulars of Houses, Thatched Cottages, Meadow Land and Building Sites at Petherbridge (Pethybridge)17.5.1935
LUSSA:2011.51dvdWild River Cold Stone, A Film of Dartmoor Life by Chris Chapman and Kate King2009
LUSSA:2011.52monographBygones, South Devon Memories (A book of Historical Photographs) - Lustleigh references see page 711987
LUSSA:2011.53mapOrdnance Survey Map - Dartmoor, Outdoor Leisure Series Sheet OL28, 1:25,0002009
LUSSA:2011.54mapTimeline Historical Map - Okehampton and North Dartmoor, 1:50,000 for 1809. Matching Ordnance Survey Landranger Sheet 1912006
LUSSA:2011.55mapReprint of First Edition of One Inch Ordnance Survey - Tavistock and Dartmoor, Sheet 90 (Based on Surveys Dating from 1784 to 1807 and engraving dated 1809)1980 (2nd impression)
LUSSA:2011.56mapReproduction of Old Map of Devonshire, 1610
LUSSA:2011.57dvdAlec Coulter Family Films and Village Events - May Day 1970 and Alec Coulter Family
LUSSA:2011.58presscuttingBritish Volunteers Mutinous - Report of Insubordination by the Fifth Devon Regiment at Lustleigh Camp10.9.1894
LUSSA:2011.59documentThe Old Vestry - Planning Notice, Works to Grade II Listed Building, refurbishment to Improve Protection and Storage of Archived Material16.3.2007
LUSSA:2011.60articleA Perfect Devon Village, A History of Tourism in Lustleigh. Dartmoor Magazine Issue 103, Summer 20116.2011
LUSSA:2011.61presscuttingsPresscuttings - Burke and Wills, Australian Explorers. William John Wills, Great-great Grandson of George Wills of Higher Hisley
LUSSA:2011.62presscuttingEarth Tremor Shakes Homes on Dartmoor, Earthquake felt in Lustleigh - Western Morning News 24th June 201124.6.2011
LUSSA:2011.63presscuttingHundreds of Homes Shaken as Earthquake Hits Devon, Earthquake felt in Lustleigh - Daily Telegraph 24th June 201124.6.2011
LUSSA:2011.64presscuttingHaytor Rocks: Earthquake Sends Shockwaves Through Moor Communities, Earthquake felt in Lustleigh - Mid-Devon Advertiser/Post 1st July 20111.7.2011
LUSSA:2011.65presscuttingBovey Tracey Earthquake Shakes Devon - BBC News - Devon 23rd June 2011 (Print out of webpage)23.6.2011
LUSSA:2011.66presscuttingMeaning of the Lustleigh Stone - the Datuidoc Stone1979
LUSSA:2011.67facsimileReduced Photostat of Facsimilie of Inscription on Celtic Stone, Made prior to 1757 by the Rev Robert Walker (vicar of Christow) 1734-17891979
LUSSA:2011.68presscuttingPensioner, 75, is given Guardianship Order - Frederick George Amery - Mid-Devon Advertiser, 13th May 201113.5.2011
LUSSA:2011.69extractExtracts from Legendary Dartmoor (website) - Dartmoor History in Stone, Lustleigh
LUSSA:2011.70presscuttingPublic Notice, National Parks and Access to Countryside Act, Declaration of National Nature Reserve1998
LUSSA:2011.71presscuttingGreen Shoots of Hope Among the Ashes - Derwent May Visits a Silent Devon Beauty Spot Devastated by Fire and finds that Life is Returning to the Scorched Land, Weekend 17th May 19971997
LUSSA:2011.72presscuttingNational Status for Trendlebere. Trendlebere Down Declared part of National Nature Reserve, 24th July 19981998
LUSSA:2011.73notesDetails from 1901 Census Records Regarding Grove Villa and Grove Cottage plus the Druett Family2011
LUSSA:2011.74brochureParticulars with Plan - Parklands, on sale 19951995
LUSSA:2011.75documentEpitome of Title relating to Part Freehold Land at Parklands, Lustleigh, 1887 to 19951995
LUSSA:2011.76documentCopy of Agreement Between Reverend W Fisher and Miss Harriet Jabet, July 1887, Parklands/Rockmead9.7.1887
LUSSA:2011.77documentCopy of Agreement Between Dik and Kathleen Lehmkul and Eric & Jill Smith, Boundary Between Parklands and Easton Lee, 1978, with Plans14.12.1978
LUSSA:2011.78documentPhotocopy of Card for Parklands Guesthouse, proprieter Mr P Kerven (undated)
LUSSA:2011.79presscuttingAdvertisement for Sale of Middle Wreyland, Western Morning news, July 201116.7.2011
LUSSA:2011.80documentOriginal Document - Deed of Sale Land at Knowle Cottage, Between Laurence Clampitt, John Harris and William Soper, 24th Sept 17361736
LUSSA:2012.1bookletLustleigh Burials 1785 - 1837. Index compiled by Devon Family History Society1785
LUSSA:2012.2presscuttingGrant for Repairs. Newspaper Report of Grant made by Dartmoor National Park for Structural Repairs to Old Vestry Lustleigh9.8.1987
LUSSA:2012.3presscuttingLustleigh School - Newspaper Advertisement for small private Infant School opening Sept 1988, mid Devon Advertiser 22nd July 198822.7.1988
LUSSA:2012.4presscuttingLustleigh School Opening hit by registration delay9.9.1988
LUSSA:2012.5presscuttingNew Private School to be Launched1.4.1988
LUSSA:2012.6presscuttingFresh Move on Church House, dispute over status of Church House between villagers and Exeter Diocesan Board
LUSSA:2012.7presscuttingWhy Church House should not go to the diocese, letter from Jeff Cushman, undated and unattributed.
LUSSA:2012.8presscuttingKeep Church House - Villagers. People of Lustleigh give support to continued use of popular meeting house in village, unattributed29.1.1988
LUSSA:2012.9documentPlan of Apple Trees in Town Ochard during 1980's and as at February 19981980
LUSSA:2012.10emailKelly Mine, Information on two Miners c. 1812 - Referenced from Devon Record Office files25.7.2011
LUSSA:2012.11bookletK.P.M.S. - Kelly Mine Preservation Society Leaflet and Membership Form
LUSSA:2012.12documentAuction Details for sale of three Valuable Freehold Stock Raising Farms - Higher Hisley, Waye Farm, Mill Marsh, Ellimore Farm, April 23rd 195223.4.1952
LUSSA:2012.13presscuttingVillage of Everyone's Imagining - the Devon Notebook. Lustleigh Village, unattributed and undated
LUSSA:2012.14presscuttingBlaze Destroys Couple's Home - Villagers Launch Appeal. Fire at Alwoodley (Woodley) Caseley Lane, August 1987
LUSSA:2012.15presscuttingBlaze Victims lose the Lot - Fire at Alwoodley (Woodley) Caseley Lane, August 1987
LUSSA:2012.16presscuttingA Flavour of Christmas Past at Dicensian Market, held at Lustleigh December 1990
LUSSA:2012.17presscuttingTen Years Service - Meals on Wheels Cook Christine Wright (Chrissy Wright) retires
LUSSA:2012.18presscuttingPrincess Takes Part in Mock War, Princess Royal and Rear Admiral Sandy Backus with crew members on HMS Cornwall. Western Morning News, March 6th 2000
LUSSA:2012.19presscuttingFor Teatime Treats this really takes the biscuit - Restaurant of the Week, Primrose Cottage, unattributed and undated
LUSSA:2012.20presscutting100 years of our History - Lustleigh Railway Station, December 18th 1948, awarded special prize best station garden competition, Advertiser/Post 31st december 199931.12.1999
LUSSA:2012.21presscutting100 years of our History - Lustleigh Suffers Gale Force winds, November 24th, 1928, Last week's Gales played Havoc with trees and Roofs of Houses in Lustleigh Advertiser/Post 31st december 199931.12.1999
LUSSA:2012.22documentLustleigh in 1825 - What life was Like in Lustleigh Village in the time of Parson Davy
LUSSA:2012.23documentWestern Morning View, colour photo of Lustleigh, Western Morning News, 1st November 19971.11.1997
LUSSA:2012.24documentHedge Revival - Terry Davy Demonstrates the Ancient art of Hedge Steeping, near Lustleigh, unattributed and undated
LUSSA:2012.25presscuttingRichard Barter - Hill Farmer in Front Line of the Beef Crisis, the Times December 23rd 1997
LUSSA:2012.26presscuttingAway Day - Lustleigh Children kept off school over transport Dispute. Children taught in village Orchard by Jenny Webb. Western Morning News, 16th September 19971997
LUSSA:2012.27extractExtract from Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries - Coode of Morval from Prouz, Moeles and Daumarle (pp 142 to 145, Devon & Cornwall Notes & Queries, April 1963)1963
LUSSA:2012.28monographDevon and Cornwall Notes and Queries - Volume 32, Spring 1971, Extracts Whereabouts of Cecil Torr's papers and Coode family of Morval1971
LUSSA:2012.29imageReproductions map of Pethybridge, From Volume 5 of the Courtenay Estate Papers of 1790 (Held in the Devon Record Office)
LUSSA:2012.30bookletNotes on the Church of St John the Baptist, Lustleigh - Small Booklet
LUSSA:2012.31bookletSt John the Baptist Parish Church, Lustleigh - Small booklet
LUSSA:2012.32bookletLustleigh Church Guide Interim Revision, Correspondence from Joe Crowdy sent to Veronica Hughes17.1.2000
LUSSA:2012.33articleWilliam Davy, Priest and Printer, reprinted from Transactions of the Devonshire Association, 1931 Vol 63 pages 325-3391931
LUSSA:2012.34articleParson Davy The Printing Parson - A true Man of God. Corrected draft dated 29th July 200129.7.2001
LUSSA:2012.35presscuttingToiled for Years to Write and Print 364 Unwanted Books. Devon Parson had press in Rectory. Western Morning News 27th may 194927.5.1949
LUSSA:2012.36extractWilliam Davy Entry in Alumni Oxonienses
LUSSA:2012.37extractWilliam Davy Entry in Dictionary of National Biography
LUSSA:2012.38extractCorrespondence and Research into William Davy conducted by Veronica Hughes. Information regarding Davy's work as vicar of Winkleigh and his Gravestone in Winkleigh Church1999
LUSSA:2012.39notesResearch Notes by Veronica and Mark Hughes Concerning the Church House, Lustleigh
LUSSA:2012.40documentResearch Notes and Correspondence Regarding The Old Vestry, by veronica Hughes circa 19961996
LUSSA:2012.41letterLetter from Jane Dennis to Parents of Schholchildren announcing retirement of Christine Hands and Notice of a Ten Year Anniversay Party9.6.1998
LUSSA:2012.42extractThe Moorstone Age Part One - Gates and Door Hangers. references to Foxworthy and Peck (Page 315). Report & Transactions of the Devonshire Association, Vol 81, 19491949
LUSSA:2012.43extractThe Date of the Dartmoor Antiquities, finds of Copper Spearhead and Glass Bead north of Lustleigh. Report & Transactions of the Devonshire Association, Vol 64, 19321932
LUSSA:2012.44extractArchaeology and Early History of Devon Prehistoric Record - Finds in Narramore Farm of a Stone Axe, Lustleigh. Report & Transactions of the Devonshire Association, Vol 88, 19561956
LUSSA:2012.45extractArchaeology and Early History of Devon, Prehistoric Record - Finds in Lustleigh of Coin, Constantine I. Report & Transactions of the Devonshire Association, Vol 90, 19581958
LUSSA:2012.46bookletLustleigh Cricket Club 50th Anniversary Celebration Dinner Programme12.11.1988
LUSSA:2012.47bookletLicensing Service of Reverend Prebendary Simon Franklin as Priest in Charge of the United Benefice of Lustleigh, Manaton, Moretonhampstead and North Bovey, 6th March 2012. Held at St Andrew's Moretonhampstead6.3.2012
LUSSA:2012.48presscuttingPresscuttings File for May Day 20122012
LUSSA:2012.49presscuttingNewspaper Report - Stink Over Rats Regarding Teign Valley Shellfish / River Teign Fisheries site at Brookfield. Mid-Devon Advertiser 20th April 201220.4.2012
LUSSA:2012.50letterLetter to Residents Outlining Future Plans for The Old Gospel Hall, now to be known as The Lighthouse (Lustleigh Lighthouse Trust)5.2012
LUSSA:2012.51presscuttingFrom GP to MP - Article on Sarah Wollaston, Conservative MP for Totnes. Devon Life May 2012 Issue7.8.2009
LUSSA:2012.52bookletProgramme of Service, Funeral of Mary Camilla Murton Renwick, 1914-2012 at Exeter Crematorium24.5.2012
LUSSA:2012.53bookletProgramme of Thanksgiving for the Life of Camilla Renwick, 3rd December 1914 to 7th May 2012, Lustleigh Parish Church, 24th May 201224.5.2012
LUSSA:2012.54transcriptNotes from an Interview with Belinda Bull, nee Roach, who lived at Knowle30.12.2011
LUSSA:2012.55transcriptNotes from an Interview with Arthur Broom, 17th March 2012, at the Devon Record Office. Apprenticed to Herbert Reed who Rennovated the Rood Screen in Lustleigh Church in 195717.3.2012
LUSSA:2012.56bookletProgramme of Service Funeral of Ted Molloy, 6 March 1940 to 4th Jan 2012, 25th January 2012, Lustleigh Parish Church and Poem by Nick Wootton25.1.2012
LUSSA:2012.57transcriptEdna Young Recalls life as a Guard on the Train that ran from Moretonhampstead to Paignton during World War II. An Extract from "My War, Life on the Home Front"2005
LUSSA:2012.58transcriptThe Monster of Ellimore Hill. Recollections of Growing up in Lustleigh. the Cottage, Sept/Oct 2011, Issue 10610.2011
LUSSA:2012.59brochurePhotocopy of Brochure - Freehold Residential and Agricultural Estate Known as Knowle, A William and Mary House also Detached Cottage, for Auction 28th June 196728.6.1967
LUSSA:2012.60letterDetails and prints of photographs Regarding the Bennett Family, together with Williamson Family mainly outside the Tennis Pavillion on Ellimore Lane25.7.2009
LUSSA:2012.61letterDetails of the Bunclark family of Lustleigh - Email with Brief Details on Five Members of the Bunclark family and notes on their Military Service 24.1.2012
LUSSA:2012.62notesInformation on the Ornate Painted Ceiling at Combe or Coombe Orchard, Mapstone Hill. Article on the Artist Domenico Marcucci3.11.2011
LUSSA:2012.63extractTinners and Tinworks of the Bovey Tracey Area from Prehistory to the Twentieth Century. A Public Lecture at the Devonshire Assoc Annual Conference. Reprinted from Report of the Transactions of the Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, 140, P 15-43, Dec 20082008
LUSSA:2012.64documentTalk - introduction to the Lustleigh Community Archive" Given at Visit by Devon History Society, July 20117.2011
LUSSA:2012.65extractMay Queen at Lustleigh - Report of May Day, 2nd May 1933. Reprinted from Transactions of the Devonshire Association Vol 65, 1933, P 131-1321933
LUSSA:2012.66extractVisitation by the Archdeaconry of Totnes - Istleigh (Lustleigh) 1342, Reprinted from Report and Transactions of the Devonshire Association, Vol 81, 19491949
LUSSA:2012.67poemPoem - Lustleigh Church, undated
LUSSA:2012.68presscuttingTragic Mother Speaks of her Grief after Losing Third Child, Patricia Gibbs (Patsy nee Powell), daughter of Edna Franklin who lived at Pethybridge. Western Morning News 10th August 2011 and Mother Took life after Son's Death 26 October 201210.8.2011
LUSSA:2012.69extractInformation on the Willcocks Family - lived at Pethybridge 1782 -
LUSSA:2012.70notesDetails from 1861, 1871, 1891, 1901 and 1911 Census, Bunclarke Family of Boveycombe
LUSSA:2012.71notesDetails from 1851 Census, Mock Family of Boveycombe
LUSSA:2012.72extractDevon Historic Environment record Sheets for Vinnamore and Boveycombe25.1.2012
LUSSA:2012.73presscuttingStalking Giant in Period Panto - Jack and the Beanstalk, Mid-Devon Advertiser, 4th February 20114.2.2011
LUSSA:2012.74programmeProgramme - Jack and the Beanstalk4.2.2011
LUSSA:2012.75monographDartmoor - Book of Historical Photographs) - Lustleigh references throughout publication2011
LUSSA:2012.76dvdExcerpt from TV Programme - My Tasty Travels with Lynda Bellingham, Broadcast Friday 14th september 2012 on ITV
LUSSA:2012.77monographGuide to Lustleigh, Devon. A Short History of the Village and details of All walks in the Parish1989
LUSSA:2012.78extractNotes on the History of Caseley from 14th Century Charters found amongst family deeds of Narrow Coombe, Ilsington. Devon & Cornwall Notes and Queries, April 1949, page 3314.1949
LUSSA:2012.79extractThe Screen of St John the Baptist Church with diagram and a comment by Mr Baring Gould. Devon & Cornwall Notes and Queries, 1900 pages 113 - 1151900
LUSSA:2012.80extractThe Bridford and Lustleigh Screens. Devon & Cornwall Notes and Queries, 1901 pages 139 - 1431901
LUSSA:2012.81transcriptInterview with Gerald John Horrell together with Statement of Account for Sale of Lower Combe and Purchase of No 7 Lower Brookfield in 19618.2012
LUSSA:2012.82transcriptInterview with David Reynolds-Moreton8.2012
LUSSA:2012.83presscuttingNewspaper Photograph of Lustleigh Cricket Ground in a Flood - Undated and Unattributed
LUSSA:2012.84transcriptMemoirs of Dr Arthur H. Morris and Recollections of Holidays spent in Lustleigh from 1901 2012
LUSSA:2012.85presscuttingA Doctors Strike Would Betray Their Patients - Article by Sarah Wollaston, Conservative MP for Totnes. Daily Telegraph 16th May 201216.5.2012
LUSSA:2012.86presscuttingNewspaper Advertisement/Article Upalong, Mapstone Hill. Mid-Devon Advertiser 8.6.20128.6.2012
LUSSA:2012.87documentsVarious Conveyancing Documents and Mortgage Agreement for Upalong (formerly South Hill Villa), Mapstone Hill dating 1938-2001, Planning Application for Conservatory 20071938
LUSSA:2012.88dvdChildren of the Moor DVD1974
LUSSA:2012.89dvdDVD of Concert Lustleigh Village Hall 23rd October 2011 - Will Carnell Taming of the Shrew Overture and Colin Jackson Cello Concerto1974
LUSSA:2012.90extractFerae Naturae - Hunting the Marten Cat. Devon & Cornwall Notes and Queries, 1936, Volume 68 p 348 (Mention of Hunting Pine Marten in Knowle)1936
LUSSA:2012.91extractExcerpt reprinted from The Times (4.7.34) Lunar Rainbows, a letter from W.L.G bennett of Kemerton, Lustleigh. Devon & Cornwall Notes and Queries, 1935, Volume 67 p. 2051935
LUSSA:2012.92extractGlaciation in the Bovey and Wray (Wrey) Valleys. Address of the President, Report and Transactions of the Devonshire Association, September 1943, Vol 75, pages 36 - 521943
LUSSA:2012.93extractHoly and Notable Wells of Devon, Brook Between North Bovey and Lustleigh. Report and Transactions of the Devonshire Association, September 1963, Vol 95, p. 1331963
LUSSA:2012.94extractThe Bishop's Letter and Queries, Bishop Carey's Replies to Question "Have you any Papists or Dissenters?" Transactions of the Devonshire Association, 1821, New series Volume 4, Vol 21901
LUSSA:2012.95extractDevonshire Church Houses - Lustleigh. Transactions of the Devonshire Association, Vol 95, 1963, p 146
LUSSA:2012.96dvdKelly Mine - Another Era (DVD) 2011
LUSSA:2012.97monographDartmoor - A New Study1977
LUSSA:2012.98presscuttingVillage Unites to Save Its Shop. The Guardian 29th December 199529.12.1995
LUSSA:2012.99presscuttingReview of Lustleigh Drama Group's production of Forgotten Dreams, Performed as Part of the Exeter festival at the Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Western Times and Gazette 28th May 19761976
LUSSA:2012.100notesNotes on the Bowden Family13.8.2011
LUSSA:2012.101articleExtract from Dartmoor Magazine, Summer 2012 - Dartmoor Life in Old Photographs, Royal Celebrations - Queen Victoria Golden Jubilee Celebrations 18871887
LUSSA:2012.102presscuttingThings that went Bump in the Night Fooled Locals, April Fool's Day Sign Angers Villagers. Western Morning News, 3rd April 19953.4.1995
LUSSA:2012.103presscuttingRapid UK Founder is Honoured for World Rescues - Rapid UK Volunteer Barry Sessions Honoured for Disaster Relief Work. Western Morning News, 14th March 200014.3.2000
LUSSA:2012.104presscuttingRotary Club Newton Abbot Visit Lustleigh Mill. Mid-Devon Advertiser 1st september 19951.9.1995
LUSSA:2012.105articleDown in Devonshire - An Uncommon Run on the Edge of Dartmoor, from The Motor Cycle magazine, December 195317.12.1953
LUSSA:2012.106poemThree Poems about the Deserted Station - Lustleigh (undated)
LUSSA:2012.107presscuttingAround the Churches - Mystery of the Ancient Stone, article on St John the Baptist Church, Lustleigh, Express and Echo, 8th February 19948.2.1994
LUSSA:2012.108extractTranscript of Military Tribunal - Newton Rural District Regarding Trial of Conscientious Objectors in Lustleigh Parish. Extracted from Mid-Devon Advertiser July 8th 19168.7.1916
LUSSA:2012.109presscuttingHugh Ruttledge - Monntaineer - He was at the Peak of his Endeavours. Led two Expeditions to Mount Everest and Lived Mapstone Hill. Mid-Devon Advertiser 6th June 20036.6.2003
LUSSA:2012.110presscuttingHugh Ruttledge - Monntaineer - Kettle Climbed a Mountain. Edna Franklin recalls Working for the Ruttledge Family for Four Years at Middle Combe. Mid-Devon Advertiser 13th June 200313.6.2003
LUSSA:2012.111presscuttingLiving the High Life with Views of Everest - John Peacock recalls Attempting to Climb Mount Everest in 1976. Mid-Devon Advertiser 30th May 200330.5.2003
LUSSA:2012.112presscuttingHorse Figures Take the Cake - 80th Birthday of Helen Anderson of Knowle Cottage. Mid-Devon Advertiser 30th June 200330.6.2003
LUSSA:2012.113presscuttingThis is what you should have said, Mr Blair. Members of Lustleigh W I Comment on the Heckling of Tony Blair when he addressed the WI and Made a Political Speech. Daily Telegraph, 9th June 20009.6.2000
LUSSA:2012.114presscuttingAll for the Love of An Old Mine, Article on the work of Kelly Mine Preservation Society. Western Morning News, 22nd September 199722.9.1997
LUSSA:2012.115letterNotes on Lily and Sidney Gowing formerly of West Winds3.12.2012
LUSSA:2012.116documentLustleigh Cricket Club Scorebook 1960 - 19611960
LUSSA:2012.117documentLustleigh Cricket Club Scorebook 1961 - 19621961
LUSSA:2012.118documentLustleigh Cricket Club Scorebook 1965 - 19671965
LUSSA:2012.119documentLustleigh Cricket Club Scorebook 1967 - 19701967
LUSSA:2012.120documentLustleigh Cricket Club Scorebook 1970 - 19711970
LUSSA:2012.121documentLustleigh Cricket Club Scorebook 1972 - 19731972
LUSSA:2012.122documentLustleigh Cricket Club Scorebook 1973 - 19751973
LUSSA:2012.123documentLustleigh Cricket Club Scorebook 1975 - 19761960
LUSSA:2012.124documentLustleigh Cricket Club Scorebook 19771977
LUSSA:2012.125documentLustleigh Cricket Club Scorebook 1977 - 19791960
LUSSA:2012.126documentLustleigh Cricket Club Scorebook 19781978
LUSSA:2012.127documentLustleigh Cricket Club Scorebook 1978 - 19811978
LUSSA:2012.128documentLustleigh Cricket Club Scorebook 1979 - 19811979
LUSSA:2012.129documentLustleigh Cricket Club Scorebook 1981 - 19831981
LUSSA:2012.130documentLustleigh Cricket Club Scorebook 1983 - 19841983
LUSSA:2012.131documentLustleigh Cricket Club Scorebook 19841984
LUSSA:2012.132documentLustleigh Cricket Club Scorebook 1985 - 19861985
LUSSA:2012.133documentLustleigh Cricket Club Scorebook 1986 - 19871986
LUSSA:2012.134documentLustleigh Cricket Club Scorebook 1987 - 19891987
LUSSA:2012.135documentLustleigh Cricket Club Scorebook 1989 - 19901989
LUSSA:2012.136documentLustleigh Cricket Club Scorebook 19911991
LUSSA:2012.137documentLustleigh Cricket Club Scorebook 19921992
LUSSA:2012.138documentLustleigh Cricket Club Scorebook 19931993
LUSSA:2012.139documentLustleigh Cricket Club Scorebook 19941994
LUSSA:2012.140documentLustleigh Cricket Club Scorebook 19951995
LUSSA:2012.141documentLustleigh Cricket Club Scorebook 19961996
LUSSA:2012.142documentLustleigh Cricket Club Scorebook 20022002
LUSSA:2012.143documentLustleigh Cricket Club Scorebook 2003 - 20052003
LUSSA:2012.144documentLustleigh Cricket Club Scorebook 2004 - 20052004
LUSSA:2012.145documentLustleigh Cricket Club Loose Scoresheets - 2005 to 20092005
LUSSA:2012.146documentLustleigh Cricket Club Averages 2008 - 19912008
LUSSA:2012.147documentLustleigh Cricket Club Committee Minutes 1938 to 19631938
LUSSA:2012.148documentLustleigh Cricket Club Minutes of Committee Meetings 1963 - 19961963
LUSSA:2012.149bookletLustleigh Cricket Club Fixtures List 19911991
LUSSA:2012.150bookletLustleigh Cricket Club Fixtures List 19921992
LUSSA:2012.151bookletLustleigh Cricket Club Fixtures List 19941994
LUSSA:2012.152bookletLustleigh Cricket Club Fixtures List 19951995
LUSSA:2012.153bookletLustleigh Cricket Club Fixtures List 19971997
LUSSA:2012.154bookletLustleigh Cricket Club Fixtures List 19961996
LUSSA:2012.155bookletLustleigh Cricket Club Fixtures List 19981998
LUSSA:2012.156bookletLustleigh Cricket Club Fixtures List 20002000
LUSSA:2012.157documentCommonwealth War graves Commission, in memory of Signalman Frank Horrell, remembered with Honour Labuan War Cemetery, Died 30th March 19451939
LUSSA:2012.158monographThe Haig Book of Village Cricket - Lustleigh References contained within1972
LUSSA:2012.159family treeThe Wills Families of Lustleigh - Family Tree, Higher Hisley, Lower Hisley, Rudge and Smallacombe2002
LUSSA:2012.160presscuttingIt's All Light on the Night - the Third Annual Lantern Walk organised by Natural England, which took place in Rudge Meadow, Hisley Woods. Mid-Devon Advertiser, 12th October 201212.10.2012
LUSSA:2012.161documentCorrespondence and Diagram of Plan of Possible Site of Habitation Higher Knowle Woods dating from 1554 - 1550. Survey Carried out by Socierty of Moorland Dowsers26.9.2012
LUSSA:2012.162bookletLustleigh Cricket Club Annual Report - 19801980
LUSSA:2012.163bookletLustleigh Cricket Club Annual Report - 19831983
LUSSA:2012.164bookletLustleigh Cricket Club Annual Report - 19861986
LUSSA:2012.165bookletScorecard for Brockman Cup Final 1997 between Lustleigh and Stoke Gabriel, 11th July 19971997
LUSSA:2012.166bookletProgramme - South Devon League Play-Offs final 1997, Lustleigh Vs Stokeeinteignhead, 14th September 19971997
LUSSA:2012.167bookletExercise Book Containing Lustleigh Cricket Club Secretary's Notes 1949 Season1949
LUSSA:2012.168bookletLustleigh Boy's Cricket Club Report, Season 19501950
LUSSA:2012.169bookletAn Alternative look at Lustleigh Cricket Club in the New Millennium2000
LUSSA:2012.170planPlan and Sketch, proposed Replacement Pavilion For lustleigh Cricket Club
LUSSA:2012.171letterLetter with Details on Lustleigh Cricket Club Tour to France, 19981998
LUSSA:2012.172dvdDVD of Show Dance 1998 and Desmond Bloomer's Party 19971997
LUSSA:2012.173bookletProgramme of Service Funeral of Philip Attenborough 1908-1991, 3th July 1991, Lustleigh Parish Church13.7.1991
LUSSA:2012.174documentDetails about Inscription on Lych gate, St John the Baptist Church10.2012
LUSSA:2012.175documentCounterpart Agreement to Let Lower Woodpark Meadow for use as a Cricket Club and for Grazing, between Mabel Egerton and A N Gould Esquire, 193814.12.1938
LUSSA:2012.176documentParticulars and Conditions of Sale Freehold property Known as Lower Woodpark Meadow, 193824.6.1938
LUSSA:2012.177letterCorrespondence Relating to Sale and Purchase of Lower Woodpark Meadow for use by Cricket Club, 193824.6.1938
LUSSA:2012.178letterTenancy Agreements between Lustleigh Cricket Club and S Amery of Kelly Farm, Lower Woodpark Meadow. To Allow the Taking of Grass and Grazing, covering the period 1939 to 194712.1.1939
LUSSA:2012.179documentCertificate of Registration Lustleigh Cricket Club, Under the Small Lotteries and Gaming Act 195625.9.1959
LUSSA:2012.180documentDraft Lease Between Cyril and Irene Plant and Trustees of Lustleigh Cricket Club, for use of Lower Woodpark Meadow, 19591959
LUSSA:2012.181documentRates payable by Charitable and Other Organisations, Cricket club, Lower Woodpark meadow March 195826.3.1958
LUSSA:2012.182documentCorrespondence Regarding the Lease of Lower Woodpark Meadow and Possible Purchase by Lustleigh Cricket Club, and Installation of Concrete Practice Pitch, 1959-19601959
LUSSA:2012.183documentVarious Documents Relating to Lustleigh Cricket Club - Receipts, Bills, Letters, and Gang Mower Purchase. 1955 and 19671955
LUSSA:2013.1digital imageDigital Image of Presscuttings - Nativity Play Christmas 19601960
LUSSA:2013.2digital imageDigital Image of Presscuttings - Nativity Play Christmas 19601960
LUSSA:2013.3digital imageDigital Image of Presscuttings - May Day 19611961
LUSSA:2013.4documentInterview with John Dray concerning the deaths of two children from polio - or Infantile Paralysis
LUSSA:2013.5documentRecollections of Lustleigh by Norman Tregaskis
LUSSA:2013.6documentInterview with Jean Green and Barbara Coutts
LUSSA:2013.7documentInterview with Muriel Hitt
LUSSA:2013.8documentProgramme of service for Funeral of Roland John Dray23.4.2013
LUSSA:2013.9documentProgramme of service for Funeral of Carolyn Bell, 16th April 2013, Lustleigh Parish Church16.4.2013
LUSSA:2013.11documentMinutes of May Day Committee March 1977 to 19871977
LUSSA:2013.12documentAccounts books - Fred Amery of Mapstone1889
LUSSA:2013.13documentEstimated Value of Furniture Etc. - Fred Amery of Mapstone1933
LUSSA:2013.14documentAgreement - Wise/Amery Part Coombe Lands Lustleigh - Fred Amery of Mapstone1925
LUSSA:2013.15documentTenancy of Kelly - Mrs S A Amery - Fred Amery of Mapston1921
LUSSA:2013.16documentInsurance Policies - Fred Amery of Mapstone1921
LUSSA:2013.17documentSales Document Freehold Building Sites Bovey Tracey, Lustleigh (Mill Meadow) , Hennock and Woodland Insurance Policies - Fred Amery of Mapstone1923
LUSSA:2013.18documentFinancial Statement Lustleigh Parish Council 1941 and 1942 - Fred Amery Mapstone1941 - 1942
LUSSA:2013.19documentAnnual report of Medical Officer 1935 - Fred Amery Mapstone1935
LUSSA:2013.20documentRegulations Public Elementary Schools 1924 - Fred Amery Mapstone1924
LUSSA:2013.21documentProperty deeds for Higher Knowle, Knowle, The Lodge (Knowle Cottage), Conveyance documents, Mortgage of Freehold Premises, Legal Change, Three Photos of Higher Knowle Before the Fire.
LUSSA:2013.22documentMargaret Burgoyne and North Harton Farm 1950 - 1970
LUSSA:2013.23documentNotes from the Pre-war Lustleigh Gathering 2007 - Bunclarke Family2007
LUSSA:2013.24presscuttingWild With Excitement - Lustleigh Pre School Receives Award from May Day Committee for Upgradiing Nature Garden in the Orchard.17.5.2013
LUSSA:2013.25presscuttingJust a Perfect Day, May Day 201310.5.2013
LUSSA:2013.26brochureSales Brochure Pepperdon Mine, Moretonhampstead Road, Lustleigh2010
LUSSA:2013.27brochureAuction Details Moorwood Cottage, Moretonhampstead Road, Lustleigh29.5.2013
LUSSA:2013.28documentProgramme - The Lustleigh Music Society Presents Hiawatha's Wedding Feast, by Samuel Coleridge Taylor. Performed by the Lustleigh Village Choir and the Westerleigh Sinfonia with Gordon Pullin, Tenor19.5.2013
LUSSA:2013.29documentEnglish Folk Dance and Song Society - Traditions of May Day, Maypole Dancing and Various Songs1930 (circa)
LUSSA:2013.30lettersRecord of Girls Danging 1975 - 1981 May Day Correspondence - 1980's and Amended Resolutions on Electing May Queen Passed at AGM 8th February 19821980
LUSSA:2013.31presscuttingVarious Presscuttings Relating to the Death Of Leopold (Leonard) Stennett Amery - September 1955
LUSSA:2013.32mapPlan Showing Proposed Substation Site - South Western Electricity Board1961
LUSSA:2013.33documentDocuments Relating to the Sale of a Cottage at Lower Combe1899
LUSSA:2013.34documentDocuments Relating to George Amery and Scedule of Works Mapstone Cottage2003
LUSSA:2013.35documentVarious Deeds and Documents Relating to Barnecourt 1895
LUSSA:2013.36documentVarious Documents, letters, wills, insurance documents etc. relating to the Amery Family1899
LUSSA:2013.37monographA Lad of Dartmoor and other Stories - Childrens Story (The book opens with "The Ringers of Lustleigh Church.....)1929
LUSSA:2013.38presscuttingReport of Dartmoor Pony Moorland Show 2012 - Picturing Patricia (Tish) Roberts (judge)2012
LUSSA:2013.39presscuttingTea for Two is the Top of the Pops at the Cottage - Primrose Cottage Tea Rooms23.11.1992
LUSSA:2013.40documentPhotocopy of a Receipt for Six days Board at Cleave Hotel 1954, Signed by Lilian Painter17.7.1954
LUSSA:2013.41documentCleave Hotel - Card with Tariff details - date unknown but proprietors named Jarrett
LUSSA:2013.42documentAll Day Menu and Lunchtime Menu for Primrose Cottage Tea Rooms (date unknown)
LUSSA:2013.43presscuttingOn a Good Wicket at Wreyland Manor - Property Market Article, Western Morning News May 198716.5.1987
LUSSA:2013.44bookletProgramme for Lustleigh W I's drama Group Production - Two One Act Plays12.11.1966
LUSSA:2013.45presscuttingW I Drama Group on Top Form - Two One Act Plays Presented at Second Annual Theatre Night1.12.1967
LUSSA:2013.46notesNotes on the Rogerson Family 2013
LUSSA:2013.47notesSome Notes regarding The Wills Family of Lustleigh, notes and Family Trees1.8.1998
LUSSA:2013.48documentProgramme of Service for Funeral of Myles Bowen, Wednesday 3rd July 2013 Lustleigh Parish Church3.7.2013
LUSSA:2013.48.1documentProgramme of Service for Funeral of Myles Bowen, Wednesday 3rd July 2013 Lustleigh Parish Church3.7.2013
LUSSA:2013.49documentSt John the Baptist Church Lustleigh - Register of Services 1904 to 19081908
LUSSA:2013.50documentSt John the Baptist Church Lustleigh - Register of Services 1908 to 19141914
LUSSA:2013.51documentSt John the Baptist Church Lustleigh - Register of Services 1947 to 19571957
LUSSA:2013.52documentSt John the Baptist Church Lustleigh - Register of Services 1957 to 19731973
LUSSA:2013.53documentSt John the Baptist Church Lustleigh - Register of Services 1965 to 19731973
LUSSA:2013.54documentSt John the Baptist Church Lustleigh - Register of Services 1973 to 19831983
LUSSA:2013.55documentRecords of Burials in Lustleigh New Church Yard, Opened May 1932 with a plan of the graves, Kept by George Wills1999
LUSSA:2013.56transcriptHand Written Record of the Burial of the late Cecil Torr at Unitarian Churchyard Moretonhampstead1928
LUSSA:2013.57bookletProgramme of Service and Tribute for Funeral of Jennifer Margaret Katherine Hewison 1931 - 2006, 12th August 2006, Lustleigh Parish Church12.8.2006
LUSSA:2013.58bookletProgramme of Service and Tribute for Funeral of Vivien Howard Drayson "Pope" 1922 - 2001, 24th August 2001, Lustleigh Parish Church24.8.2001
LUSSA:2013.60presscuttingObituary from The Daily Telegraph John Myles Bowen 1928 - 2013, 27th July 2013,27.7.2013
LUSSA:2013.61notesTwo Printed Lists of Names and Information Relating to Ten Men Known to have Died During World War I Listed on the Lustleigh War Memorial or Buried in Lustleigh. 1914
LUSSA:2013.62notesWorld war I - Lustleigh Roll of Honour1914
LUSSA:2013.63notesNotes Regarding the Painter and Bibbings Family and Lustleigh Village During the Period 1947 to 1955. Family Trees for Painters and Bibbings and Notes about Brookside. Annotated maps of lustleigh from that Period Showing Various Businesses and Houses21.5.2013
LUSSA:2013.64presscuttingFlying High at Annual Show - Mid-devon Advertiser 30th August 2013
LUSSA:2013.65letterLetters and a Petition Regarding Four Dwellings at Wood Park and the Allocation to One of them to the Chair of Lustleigh Parish Council11.1967
LUSSA:2013.66presscuttingThe Outsider, Interview with Sarah Wollaston (Sarah James) The Guardian 21st september 201321.9.2013
LUSSA:2013.67presscuttingGetting Creative with Messy Fingers in Peaceful Spot on Dartmoor, Nina Cairns Mapstone Studio. Western Morning News August 24th 201324.8.2013
LUSSA:2013.68oral historyA Welll Spent Youth - Recollections of Growing up in Lustleigh by David Moreton between 1939 to 194703.11.2013
LUSSA:2014.1presscuttingQuatari oil Man Accused of Trying to Burn Down Property, Mid-Devon Advertiser 14th february 201414.2.2014
LUSSA:2014.2presscutting"I Did Not Torch House", Mid-Devon Advertiser 14th February 201421.2.2014
LUSSA:2014.3presscuttingJailed for Ten Years for Arson Revenge on Ex-Girlfriend, Mid-Devon Advertiser 28th February 201421.2.2014
LUSSA:2014.4poemLustleigh, a poem1929
LUSSA:2014.5notesSome Memories of Lustleigh With Specific reference to The Bibbings Family1.2014
LUSSA:2014.6reportHunter's Tor Hillfort, Lustleigh, Devon - An Earthwork Survey2003
LUSSA:2014.7articleObituary from The Newsletter of The Petroleum Exploration Societry of Great Britain. Aug/Sept 2013 - Pioneer of the North Sea oil Industry Dies9.2013
LUSSA:2014.8brochureBrochure, 1924 Auction of The Coombe Estate with Annotations made contemporaneously by Aline Amery (wife of thomas Ford Amery).13.2.1924
LUSSA:2014.9presscuttingFuneral of Mr W Bennett (unattributed and undated)
LUSSA:2014.10landDocuments Ref Land Charges Act - Field Known as Higher Barley Park, Ellimore Lane and Letter regarding Right of Way Agreement with Lustleigh Parish Council, Pethybridge Wood1906
LUSSA:2014.11landConveyancing Documents Relating to Field Known as Higher Barley Park, Ellimore Lane Including Probate of Will and Mortgage1870
LUSSA:2014.12presscuttingPresscuttings File for May Day 20141917
LUSSA:2014.13presscuttingVarious Conveyancing Documents and Mortgage Agreement for Bonwycks, Mapstone Hill (formerly Sun Hill and now Willow House), dating 1887-20071887
LUSSA:2014.14notesNotes and Letter Regarding The Squires Family - Ernest and Jessie in Particular and of Samuel Squires who Built Twelve Houses in Brookfield and Rock Villa24.3.2014
LUSSA:2014.15presscuttingPresscuttings File for May Day 19171917
LUSSA:2014.16documentWill and Probate of Cecil Torr 1924
LUSSA:2014.17letterLetter regarding Veronica Ford (nee Yeoman). This relates to a photo of her when she worked as Ticket Clerk at Lustleigh Station, sometime between 1943 - 194510.2011
LUSSA:2014.18letterLetter regarding Ernest Hine who died in WWI by his sister Gewn Matthews (always known as Maisie Hine) Also includes a reply from Chair, Lustleigh Society6.2014
LUSSA:2014.19plansPlans for the house and garden at Middle Combe and plans for the heating installation on behalf of Col J Chamberlain1961
LUSSA:2014.20presscuttingMoor Merriment 2014 - Dance, Music and legends of Dartmoor, Mid-Devon Advertiser 27th June 2014 and Event Poster27.6.2014
LUSSA:2014.21programmeDartmoor Folk Festival Programme 2014 - Kelly Quarry Blasters 8.2014
LUSSA:2014.23articlereview of DVD - Kelly Quarry Blasters - Forty Years a Dartmoor Legend2014
LUSSA:2014.24documentProgramme - The Lustleigh Village Choir, The Westerleigh Sinfonia, The Choirs of Bovey Tracey and Moretonhampstead Schools Present - The Giant Bolster of Haytor and the Dartmoor Cantata. Composed by William Carnell, words by Alexa Mason. Conducted by William Carnell and Children's Choirs Directed by Andrew Downton. Performed as part of the Moor Merriment weekend, Lustleigh Village Hall, Sunday 15th June 201415.6.2014
LUSSA:2014.25bookletFirst Across Australia, The Journey of Burke and Wills. A Guild of St Lawrence publication, 3rd edition 2010
LUSSA:2014.26bookletProgramme of Thanksgiving for the Life of John Peacock, 25th march 1931 to 20th August 2014, ST Andrew's Parish Church, Moretonhampstead, Friday 12th September 201412.9.2014
LUSSA:2014.27presscuttingIndividual Muffled Peal will honour Village's war Dead, Mid-Devon Advertiser, August 22nd 2014 (Church bells rung to remember 100 years since the death of col. Frank Boileau)2014
LUSSA:2014.28presscuttingChurch Bells Toll for war Victim, Mid-Devon Advertiser, August 29th 2014 (Church bells rung to remember 100 years since the death of col. Frank Boileau)2014
LUSSA:2014.29documentSponsor a Slate For A Fiver - The fundraising Campaign for the rebuild of The Lustleigh Village Hall, 2002 - 20042002
LUSSA:2014.30documentLetter with a Photocopy of a Compliments Slip that was Enclosed with Wedding Cake from the Marriage of William and Mary Ann Painter, 1901
LUSSA:2014.31bookletFuneral Service of Elsie Grage Brinnicombe, 4th April 1989, Prospect Chapel, Newton Abbot together with a Letter from John Dray who was a Pupil of Miss Brinnicombe's at Lustleigh School12.9.2014
LUSSA:2014.32articleExtract from a Book - For The Love of Animals - The Story of Heather Morse - Maiden name Tomlinson, Lived in Lustleigh as a Child 1938-19462013
LUSSA:2014.33articleExtract from a Book - The King's England, Devon Cradle of our Seamen. The Mysterious Stone - Lustleigh Village, 19381938
LUSSA:2014.34articleProfile of Barbara Alma Parker born at Woodfield House Lustleigh 1891.
LUSSA:2014.35articleBrief Biography and Photo of George Risley, Lustleigh Church Organist 1940 to 1947
LUSSA:2014.36documentA Suggestion for a Memorial in Lustleuigh to those Fallen in The War1.1919
LUSSA:2014.37documentProposed War Memorial at Lustleigh - Letter from the Lustleigh and District Branch of the British Legion, December 192315.12.1923
LUSSA:2014.38documentLustleigh War Memorial , Voting form to decide on the Design of the War Memorial Opposite the School - British Legion19.3.1924
LUSSA:2014.39documentChildren of Knowle, Drawings and Writings by some of the Twenty Daniell Children who lived at Knowle around 1810 onwards. These were discovered in a Bedroom hidden under wallpaper. NOTE: 7 Digital Images attached to this record1810
LUSSA:2014.40documentDetails of George Druett and family. George Druett Died in an Accidnet at Kelly Mine in June 1910 1910
LUSSA:2014.41presscuttingLustleigh's Elms - Old Landmarks have been Removed, Exeter and Plymouth Gazette, 22nd December 19501950
LUSSA:2014.42presscuttingSales Particulars Hammerslake Cottage November 2012, Mid-Devon Advertiser 16th November 20122012
LUSSA:2014.43articleBerry Special, article about Mistletoe mentioning Lustleigh Town orchard with photo, Devon Life, December 201212.2012
LUSSA:2014.44emailInformation on John Clothier who ran Country Supplies Lustleigh 24.8.2013
LUSSA:2014.45extractBrief details about Pilot Officer Sergeant A P Wilmott, RAF Volunteer Reserve, son of Arthur and Marjorie Wilmott of Lustleigh
LUSSA:2014.46documentMemories of a WWII Evacuee - Joyce Cotton2007
LUSSA:2014.47documentsVarious Documents Regarding Electricity Supply for Archives Room in the Old Vestry (ex john Peacock)2010
LUSSA:2014.48documentsMinutes of the Lustleigh Society 1997 to 2004 (Ex John Peacock)1997
LUSSA:2014.49documentsCorrespondence file, Lustleigh Society, 2005 to 2007 (Ex John Peacock) Includes Lustleigh Society Constitution November 20072005
LUSSA:2014.50documentsLustleigh Society Archives project - Documents, Correspondence and Minutes (ex john Peacock)2004
LUSSA:2014.51documentLustleigh Cricket Club Presscuttings - Various Years but Undated
LUSSA:2014.52documentLustleigh Cricket Club Presscuttings - 1987, 1988
LUSSA:2014.53documentLustleigh Cricket Club Presscuttings - 1990, 1991, 1992, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999
LUSSA:2014.54documentLustleigh Cricket Club Presscuttings - 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
LUSSA:2014.55documentLustleigh Cricket Club Presscuttings - 2014, Lustleigh on the Up, Mid-Devon Advertiser, 22ndd August 20148.2014
LUSSA:2014.56letterLetter from The Lustleigh Society Regrading Proposals to remove the Old Clam Bridge over the River Bovey - also a reply from the dartmoor National Park Authority and copy of their Press release about replacement bridge11.3.2008
LUSSA:2014.57documentBrochure for Sale By Auction of Long Close, By Cherry & Cherry Ltd, at Rougemont Hotel Exeter 15th february 19461946
LUSSA:2014.58documentParticulars Relating to the Auction of The Capital Mixed farm known as Higher North Harton, 10th May 1950, Hewitt & Co Commercial Hotel, Newton Abbot5.195
LUSSA:2014.59documentParticulars Relating to the Dispersal Sale on behalf of Messrs Burgoyne and Haines of Higher North Harton, 9th September 1969, Rendells, Hewitt & Co Commercial Hotel, Newton Abbot9.1969
LUSSA:2014.60presscuttingFolk Fans Flock to Dartmoor - Dartmoor Folk Festival Article from North Devon Journal Featuring the Kelly Quarry Blasters, 7th August 20148.2014
LUSSA:2014.61documentsInformation relating to the artist Peggy Angus, from a Website Blog
LUSSA:2014.62documentsInformation relating to Jenny Tippin (nee Johnson) International Hockey Player and daughter of Nora Johnson10.4.2013
LUSSA:2014.63documentInformation Regarding Private James Ernest Hine, 1899 to 1918 who died in WWI and is on the Lustleigh War Memorial1914
LUSSA:2014.64documentNew Zealand Soldiers Billeted at Lustleigh Farm House during WWI , presscutting and some photocopies of photographs NB- this is NOT Lustleigh but more likely at Hennock1914
LUSSA:2014.65documentThe Medals of Arthur Nutcombe Gould including Military Cross - World War I1914
LUSSA:2014.66documentThe May Day Rock - new Throne for the Millennium May day Celebrations. Design drawings, prices, Invitation to unveiling ceremony and article on Blackenstone Quarry, where the granite was sourced.2000
LUSSA:2015.1transcriptLustleigh Women's Institute Committee Meeting Minute Book January 2001 - March 20052001
LUSSA:2015.2transcriptLustleigh Women's Institute Committee Meeting Minute Book October 2007 - March 20112007
LUSSA:2015.3transcriptLustleigh Women's Institute Record Book of Friday Monthly Meetings 9th November 2001 - 8th April 20052001
LUSSA:2015.4transcriptLustleigh Women's Institute Record Book of Friday Monthly Meetings 13th May 2005 - 9th February 20072005
LUSSA:2015.5transcriptLustleigh Women's Institute Record Book of Friday Monthly Meetings 9th March 2007 - 14th January 20112007
LUSSA:2015.6presscuttingPresscuttings File for May Day 19331933
LUSSA:2015.7documentMay Day Committee - Record of Points Relevant to The Election of May Queens 1964 to 2006 with Changes to the Rules
LUSSA:2015.8documentMay Day Committee - May Day Rules, AGM Copy 2005. Relates to May Day 1997 - 2004
LUSSA:2015.9documentMay Day Committee - Minutes of AGM 7th February 2006 includes changes to rules on election of May Queen
LUSSA:2015.10posterPoster Describing the Compliation of The May Queen's Crown
LUSSA:2015.11memorabiliaCertificate Acknowledinng Donation from May Day Committee - Sponsorship of Roof Slates for New Village Hall
LUSSA:2015.12articleDevon Customs, Queen of the May. The Village of Lustleigh Follows an Ancient Tradition. Article from Devon Life May 19985.1998
LUSSA:2015.13articleArticle from Orchard Link Newsletter Regarding May Day (2006)24.1.2006
LUSSA:2015.14articleLustleigh May Day, article Examining the history of This Traditional Celebration. Dartmoor Magazine, Issue 118, Spring 20151.2015
LUSSA:2015.15monographDartmoor Farm - An Illustrated History Based on the Southcombe Diaries with Photographs from The Hunt Collection (featuring Foxworthy)2003
LUSSA:2015.16drawingOriginal drawing of Set for Cold Comfort Farm, 20012001
LUSSA:2015.17documentIllustrated talk by Les Read - The Visible Remains of Greek and Roman Theatres, Lustleigh Village Hall, (date unknown)
LUSSA:2015.18mapOrdnance Survey - Devonshire Sheet CI. N.W. North Eastern or Tiverton Division. Six Inches to One Statute Mile. 1906 (Second Edition)1906
LUSSA:2015.21presscuttingPresscuttings File for May Day 2015,2015
LUSSA:2015.22presscuttingPresscuttings File for May Day 2015- Abi To Be Crowned Queen of the May2015
LUSSA:2015.23documentRecollections of Lilian Jones (nee Johns, born 1904), relating to her family and Life in Lustleigh and of Kelly Mine (as written in letters to Tom Greeves between 1984 - 1986)1984
LUSSA:2015.24documentMemories Of Lustleigh - Jean Lane (nee Shillabeer)1940
LUSSA:2015.26documentLustleigh War Memorial , Notes Taken from the Minute Books of the Lustleigh Branch of the British Legion1926
LUSSA:2015.27presscuttingLustleigh Scout Group, Scouts Tribute to Bomber Boys , Mid-Devon Advertiser 27th March 201527.3.2015
LUSSA:2015.28presscuttingDemolition Order Threatens Future of Dartmoor Blueberry Business - Robin Bradford, North Harton Western Morning News 20th December 201412.2014
LUSSA:2015.29brochureSales Particulars of Willmead, Hatherleigh Lane, from the Mail Online18.5.2015
LUSSA:2015.30notesProperty Sale Feature for Lower Sanduck (East Lower Sanduck and West Lower sanduck Cottages), Mid Devon Advertiser, 24 April 201524.4.2015
LUSSA:2015.31presscuttingNatural England to Appeal Parking Decision - Trendlebere Down Reservoir Development proposals. Mid Devon Advertiser 17 October 201410.2014
LUSSA:2015.32presscuttingExploring Valley's Mining Heritage, Kelly Mine Open Day August 2015. Mid Devon Advertiser, 29th August 201429.8.2014
LUSSA:2015.33presscuttingShowering Show with Scarecrows, Skittles and Sheep - Lustleigh Show 2014, Mid Devon Advertiser 29th August 2014
LUSSA:2015.34mapOrdnance Survey - Devonshire Sheet C. N.E. Mid or Ashburton Division. Six Inches to One Statute Mile. 18881888
LUSSA:2015.35mapOrdnance Survey -Devonshire Sheet XC. S.E. Mid or Ashburton Division. Six Inches to One Statute Mile. 1906 (Second Edition)1906
LUSSA:2015.36mapOrdnance Survey -Devonshire Sheet C. N.E. Mid or Ashburton Division. Six Inches to One Statute Mile. 1906 (Second Edition)1906
LUSSA:2015.37mapOrdnance Survey -Devonshire Sheet SX 78 SE Scale 1:10,560, or 6 Inches to 1 Mile1963
LUSSA:2015.38mapBased on Ordnance Survey Plan of scale 1:2500. Plots marked by Michelmore, Hughes & Wilbraham, of Newton Abbot.1974
LUSSA:2015.39memorabiliaLustleigh Women's Institute Pictorial Record - 1960's to 19931960
LUSSA:2015.40mapColoured map of Devonshire by Robert Morden
LUSSA:2015.41mapOrdnance Survey - Lustleigh Parish (North); 1:2500 or 25.344 inches to 1 mile; 19581958
LUSSA:2015.42mapSketch Map of No. 4 Platoon Area; 1 inch to 1 mile
LUSSA:2015.43mapDevonshire with Excester described, and the armes of such Nobles as have borne the titles of them
LUSSA:2015.44mapOrdnance Survey - Lustleigh Parish (South); 1:2500 or 25.344 inches to 1 mile; 19571957
LUSSA:2015.45mapSketch Map of 14th Moorside Battalion. Devon Home Guard; One Inch = One Statute Mile
LUSSA:2015.46periodicalDartmoor News Issue 145, July/August 2015 - contains two articles on Lustleigh Grave of R F Hancock and Beating the Bounds 20152015
LUSSA:2015.47extractExtract from the Travel Journals of Reverend Edward Giddy 2015
LUSSA:2015.48presscuttingSales Brochure from Newspaper/magazine South Harton5.2015
LUSSA:2015.49presscuttingPresscuttings from the Commemoration for Samuel Maunder June 2015 plus a video of the bell ringers ringing a muffled peal. File also contains letter from George and Sheila Marsden and research notes for WW1 book.6.2015
LUSSA:2015.50documentDocuments Relating to Beating The Bounds in 20155.2015
LUSSA:2015.51documentLustleigh Parish Boundary A4 Maps - MASTER COPY5.2015
LUSSA:2015.52documentExtracts from Operations Record Book 16 Squadron RAF, Relating to Wing Commander R F Hancock, June 19416.1941
LUSSA:2015.53documentDevon Historic Environment Record, List of Designated Sites, Potential heritage assets List, Nomination Form (draft) and Two Maps Showing Locations of All Sites10.2.2015
LUSSA:2015.54documentExtract from Devon Within Living Memory - The Old Bakery, Brookfield , Lustleigh1993
LUSSA:2015.55documentField Days event, Talk By Tom Greeves "Parish, Place and People" August 19971997
LUSSA:2015.56documentVarious Documents Relating to the Planning of The Apple Day Event, October 19921992
LUSSA:2015.57documentVarious Documents Relating to the Planning of The Second Apple Day Event, October 1994.1994
LUSSA:2015.58documentLustleigh Society Committee Documents (ex John Peacock), relating ot the Old Vestry Electricity2010
LUSSA:2015.59documentProgramme - The Lustleigh Music Society Chamber Concert 2015, Lustleigh Village Choir with Annie Massey, Roger Hawkins, Patrick Taylor2015
LUSSA:2015.60documentLustleigh Horticultural Society - Newsletters and talks programmes 1992
LUSSA:2015.61bookletIn Celebration of the Life of David Connell, 21st February 1930 to 30th May 2015, Church of St John the Baptist Lustleigh, 16th June 201516.5.2015
LUSSA:2015.62monographWestern Memories - The Great Western Railway (including references to Lustleigh and the Branch Line)2015
LUSSA:2015.63bookletA Flower Festival in Celebration of The Birth of Christ and Christenings (late 1990's)1990
LUSSA:2015.64presscuttingScool Time in Orchard Bus Protest, Lustleigh Children kept off school over transport Dispute. Herald Express, 16th September 1997
LUSSA:2015.65presscuttingClass of 1925 - Lustleigh Schoolchildren (photo asking if anyone recognised the children)
LUSSA:2015.66bookletLustleigh Horticultural Society - Programme Autumn Show 1954, 1957, 1959,1960, 19621954
LUSSA:2015.67prescuttingNewspaper Article, Funeral of Samuel maunder, June 19151915
LUSSA:2015.68buildingA Devon Sketchbook - Drawings by Walter Sweet including Wreyland Manor2003
LUSSA:2015.69presscuttingArticle on Master Thatchers of Lustleigh Mick and Richard Dray - It's Tough at the Top as Dartmoor Master Thatcher Keeps up a Family Tradition. Western Morning News, Sunday 9th August 20159.8.2015
LUSSA:2015.70presscuttingLustleigh War Memorial , Unveiling by General Sir A Godley. Western Morning News and Mercury, Monday April 13th 19251925
LUSSA:2015.71presscuttingTop Award is Just Their Cup of Tea - Roger and Miranda Olver ex Primrose Cottage Tea Rooms
LUSSA:2015.72presscuttingTea Rooms or Inn Choice - Roger and Miranda Olver ex Primrose Cottage Tea Rooms
LUSSA:2015.73documentCorrespondence from Lustleigh Parish Council regarding Proposals for a car park on the site of the old Railway Station Yard19.6.1992
LUSSA:2015.74leafletLustleigh's Voice Newsletter. Made as part of an Art and design Course at Dartington - by unknown person
LUSSA:2015.75articleDreaming of Devon - Pictorial article (source unknown)
LUSSA:2015.76articleExtract from Diary of a Devon Antiquary on visiting Lustleigh
LUSSA:2015.77memorabiliaTicket for event "A Room with a Stew", Comedian Stewart Lee Performs in Lustleigh Village Hall March 3rd 20152015
LUSSA:2015.78posterPoster Lusteligh Society and Lustleigh village Hall Parishscapes Meeting and Display of 1837 Tithe Map, 22nd November 20142014
LUSSA:2015.79newsletterNewsletter of the Lustleigh Preservation Society, January 19941994
LUSSA:2015.80presscuttingLustleigh Handbell Ringers Raise funds for Moretonhampstead Hospital (source and date unknown)
LUSSA:2015.81bookletSurvey of Wreyland, 19th August 1566, for private circulation
LUSSA:2015.82bookletSurvey of Wreyland, 19th August 1566, for private circulation
LUSSA:2015.83mapOrdnance Survey - Dartmoor National Park centred on LustleighNot known
LUSSA:2015.84mapOrdnance Survey - Dartmoor National Park SX78SE - poor quality copy, annotated with tithe map plot references numbers.Not known
LUSSA:2015.85mapOrdnance Survey - Dartmoor National Park SX77NENot known
LUSSA:2015.86bookA Hundred Years on Dartmoor: Historical Notes of the Forest and its Purlieus During the Nineteenth Century1902
LUSSA:2015.90documentProgramme - Andrew Downton Organ Recital Lustleigh Parish Church Sunday November 16th 201416.11.2014
LUSSA:2015.91bookletThe Licensing by The Lord Bishop of Exeter of The Reverend Kenneth E. Jackson as Priest-in-Charge St John the Baptist, Lustleigh14.4.1986
LUSSA:2015.92bookletThey Came To Bethleham by J H Dalton A Nativity Play with Carols. Lustleigh Primary School, 14th December 1961 at the Parish Church, Lustleigh14.12.1961
LUSSA:2015.93documentsCopy of Indenture for Joseph Rex, to George Wills, July 181623.7.1816
LUSSA:2015.94bookletLustleigh Cricket Club Fixtures List 19991999
LUSSA:2015.95bookletLustleigh Cricket Club Annual Report - 19821982
LUSSA:2015.96bookletLustleigh Cricket Club Annual Report - 19851985
LUSSA:2015.97documentLetter relating to Application for Replacement Cricket Pavilion 9.9.1994
LUSSA:2015.98presscuttingVillage Marksmen - Lustleigh (Home Guard) Rifle Club Report on Winter League (probably dates from late 1960's)
LUSSA:2015.99presscuttingDrunk Van Driver Pushed Vehicle into Lamp post. Report of Court Hearing Christopher Bell, Mid-Devon Advertiser/Post July 31st 201531.7.2015
LUSSA:2015.100presscuttingWater Reeds Harvested for First Time in 25 years for South Hams Eco House, Mick Dray Commissioned to find the Water Reed. Plymouth Herald, 24th February 201424.2.2014
LUSSA:2015.101presscuttingNotice - Death of George H M Dray "Mick" on Friday 21st August 201521.8.2015
LUSSA:2015.102presscuttingPresscuttings File for May Day 19971997
LUSSA:2015.103bookletTo Celebrate the life of Mick Dray, Master Thatcher. 6th October 1948 - 21st August 2015. Lustleigh Parish Church, Friday September 4th 20154.9.2015
LUSSA:2015.104presscuttingFormer Postmistress Dies at 104. Muriel Crowhurst (Hitt) Lustleigh Postmistress 1957 - 1962. Mid-Devon Advertiser/Post 21st August 2015
LUSSA:2015.105articleDartmoor Magazine Autumn 2015 (issue 120) - includes two articles on Lustleigh. new Boundary Stone and Rocks and Tors around the Village
LUSSA:2015.106articleWing Commander Richard C Hancock RAF - Article appearing in Dartmoor news, No 146, Sept/Oct 20152015
LUSSA:2015.107family treeThe Wills Families of Lustleigh and Ilsington. Family Tree. Higher Hisley, Lower Hisley, Rudge and Suggested Early Wills Family from Bovey Tracey to Lustleigh, Christow and Bridford etc.2003
LUSSA:2015.108dvdDVD - Desmond Blooomer's Party 6th September 19971997
LUSSA:2015.109dvdShow dance 19981998
LUSSA:2015.110dvdLustleigh Millennium, Whats in a name TV Broadcast and Nick Hewison (Blueberrys)2000
LUSSA:2015.111dvdLustleigh Millennium Year Video2000
LUSSA:2015.112cdPhotographs beating the Bounds and May Day 20102010
LUSSA:2015.113cdPhotographs For Christmas Card Competition 2010 (Snowman on Church Steps and Lustleigh Cleave in the snow)2010
LUSSA:2015.114cdPhotographs of Deeds to Higher Coombe2007
LUSSA:2015.115cdPhotos from Mrs Brooks of Pavilion etc. Bennett and Williamson Families 20092009
LUSSA:2015.116cdLustleigh Railway Station photos and documents compiled by Stephen Coombes 2006/20072006
LUSSA:2015.117cdPhotographs of The Pavilion (Ellimore Lane)1.2007
LUSSA:2015.118cdPhotographs of Schedules of Apportionment ot 1837 Lustleigh Tithe Map12.2012
LUSSA:2015.119cdPhotographs of Lustleigh by Arthur Hitt presented to the Archive by his son Julian LLoyd Hittt
LUSSA:2015.120dvdMay Day 1982 (Copied from VHS Tape)5.1982
LUSSA:2015.121cdPhotos of Lussacombe 1939 to 1959
LUSSA:2015.122cdLustleigh Society Website Images
LUSSA:2015.123cdLustleigh Society Archives HLF Application Photo Pages
LUSSA:2015.124cdLustleigh Society Archives Development Project Docs
LUSSA:2015.125cdPhotos from The Meeting of Old Residents of Lustleigh 2007
LUSSA:2015.126cdLustleigh Society Documents and Minutes etc. by Christine Angus
LUSSA:2016.1dvdDVD Containing the files of W.T.E "Bill" Amery from his research into the Amery family of Lustleigh
LUSSA:2016.2documentDavy Trust Charity, Discharge of Trustee Francis Wills19.3.1880
LUSSA:2016.3documentVarious Papers relating to the History of The Davy Trust Charity4.2004
LUSSA:2016.4documentPaperwork Referring to Children in the Village who are Eligible for the Davy Trust Prize1967
LUSSA:2016.5documentMinute Book for reverend William Davy's Charity plus some accounts - 1895 to 19141895
LUSSA:2016.6documentMinute Book for Reverend William Davy's Charity plus some accounts - 1917 to 1995 ( Includes Original Charity, Church charity and School Charity)1917
LUSSA:2016.7documentMinutes for Meetings of The Davy Trust in 2008 and 20126.5.2008
LUSSA:2016.8documentDivertimento and Eberle String Quartets, Programme January 23rd 201623.1.2016
LUSSA:2016.9articleThe Dray Family of Lustleigh, A Thatching Dynasty4.2016
LUSSA:2016.10presscuttingPicture News, Children and Parents from Lustleigh School Attend Bovey Tracey Primary School Open Evening in Preparation for their Move Next Term when Lustleigh School Closes14.11.1963
LUSSA:2016.11documentsVarious Conveyancing Documents and Mortgage Agreement for Upalong (formerly South Hill Villa), Mapstone Hill dating 1876 - 1940 including land at Hollowcombe Mead and South Vale1876
LUSSA:2016.12letterLetter regarding the Edwards Family who lived at Hollowcombe during the 1950's and 1960's21.2.2016
LUSSA:2016.13bookletIn Loving Memory of Jane Hughes, March 1942 - February 2016 St. John the Baptist Church Tuesday 1st March 2016, Order of Service1.3.2016
LUSSA:2016.14bookletIn Loving Memory of Jan Rowe, July 1938 - March 2016 St. John the Baptist Church Thursday 24th March 2016, Order of Service and Obituary by Peter Mason24.3.2016
LUSSA:2016.15bookletIn Loving Memory of Adrrian John Hugo Munday, November 1963 - October 2015 St. John the Baptist Church Thursday 7th April 2016, Order of Service7.4.2016
LUSSA:2016.16bookletSola Bluejay Funeral Celebration and Celebration of Sola's Life, Bidwell Woodland, Wednesday June 1st 20161.6.2016
LUSSA:2016.17monographSmitten Down Yet Not Destroyed. A record of the war Dead of Bovey Tracey, Its War Memorials and Those who Served2016
LUSSA:2016.18articleA Little Moor Merriment Festival, Lustleigh 17th to 19th June 2016. Posters, reviews of concerts and order of church service plus video of car park volunteers Chris carroll and Colin LLoyd Morris dancing2016
LUSSA:2016.19presscuttingJeremy's MBE Came as "A Total Surprise". Jeremy Grammer awarded MBE IN New Year's Honours1.1.2016
LUSSA:2016.20presscuttingFolk DVD Profits go to Community Archive, Mid-Devon Advertiser 6th December 2013. Profits from DVD on the career of the Kelly Quarry Blasters to Support Lustleigh Community Archive12.2013
LUSSA:2016.21presscuttingOne for The Record Books as Archive Group Gets Award. Community Archives and Heritage group gives Sustainability Award to Lustleigh Community Archoive. Mid devon Advertiser 1st July 20161.7.2016
LUSSA:2016.22presscuttingVets Come to The rescue after Swan Crash Lands in Kingsteignton, Vet Nurse Emma Wills and the rescued Swan12.4.2016
LUSSA:2016.23bookletOrder of Service Celebrating the Wedding of Cressida Creagh Scott and Mac Oliver, Saturday 11th june 2016 St John the Baptist Church11.6.2016
LUSSA:2016.24presscuttingFirst Edition of The Moorlander a Hugh Success. Sarah Brewer sells the First Ever Copy of The Moorlander Newspaper to Emily Hedger in Lustleigh Dairy june 20166.2016
LUSSA:2016.25presscuttingDancing with Warriors, Zulu Tradition Perform at Lustleigh Village Hall February 2016 (Villages in Action Event) Mid Devon Advertiser Friday February 12th 20162.2016
LUSSA:2016.26presscuttingCultural Centre Cutbacks Threat, Alexa Mason Promoter of Villages in Action Protests against Funding Cuts for the Arts in Rural Areas. Mid Devon Advertiser Friday February June 24th 20166.2016
LUSSA:2016.27presscuttingSally Elliott President of Lustleigh Women's Institute with The Cake Made to Celebrate Queen Elizabeth's 90th Birthday. Mid Devon Advertiser Friday February June 24th 20166.2016
LUSSA:2016.28monographThe Worldwide Wills Family and Farms of Lustleigh Wills Family11.2015
LUSSA:2016.29notesSummary of all known references to the early Will family and issues regarding Henry Wyll of Christow, born c. 1530 . Geoffrey of kelly - is he a Will or Willmead? Issues regarding the origins of George Wills of Hisley6.2016
LUSSA:2016.30notesChart - Suggested early Wills Family from Bovey Tracey to Lustleigh, Christow, Bridford etc and Explanation of the chart updated by Greg Ramstedt and Bill Amery2003
LUSSA:2016.31notesFamily Trees (19 in all) for various branches of the Wills family, including those who emigrated abroad. Locally - Pethybridge, Amery Tenements of Lustleigh, Higher Hisley, Eastwrey, Rudge and other Tenements of Lustleigh2001
LUSSA:2016.32documentPhotocopy of Grant by Thomas Wills of Eastwrey of a Piece of Land to add to Lustleigh Parish Churchyard in 188225.10.1995
LUSSA:2016.33documentPhotocopy of Family Group Sheet for Joseph Wills, son of George and Susanna of Rudge
LUSSA:2016.34documentCleave Hotel - Card with pub details - date unknown but probably when Perrings owned it
LUSSA:2016.35articleThe Reverend William Davy and Lustleigh School, Article from Dartmoor magazine No 46, Spring 19971997
LUSSA:2016.36documentNotes on Humphrey Baillie who died in WWI and is on the Lustleigh War Memorial1914
LUSSA:2016.37documentResearch Notes on Edwin Wilfred Wreyford May who died in WWI and is on the Lustleigh War Memorial1914
LUSSA:2016.38bookletKelly Mine - Ann Introductory Guide to the Site and its Equipment2014
LUSSA:2016.39documentPrimrose Tea Rooms -Business Card - date unknown
LUSSA:2016.40presscuttingDartmoor Country Estate on the Market, Narramore Farm. The Moorlander 13th August 201613.8.2016
LUSSA:2016.41extractExtract from "Called Home - The Dartmoor Tin Miner, 1860 - 1940" mentions Tommy Johns of Lustleigh2016
LUSSA:2016.42articleTin Extraction in the Lustleigh Area2016
LUSSA:2016.43presscuttingDartmoor Thrilling, Article on a new film "Dartmoor Killing", The closing Music Written and Performed by Jo Harman9.2015
LUSSA:2016.44presscuttingLeah Edwards, Devon Open Studios 20169.2015
LUSSA:2016.45articleMay Queen and Cider Apples, Janet Palmer visits Lustleigh2000
LUSSA:2016.46presscuttingGem of a Village is an...... part of an article from Western Morning news April 26th 20054.2005
LUSSA:2016.47presscuttingPhoto of Dickensian Market, December 12th 198612.1986
LUSSA:2016.48imageThree Illustrations of local landmarks, publication unknown. Features The weir at Hisley, Sanduck Cross and Cross at Higher Combe (this is on private land in Cross field near top of mapstone hill).
LUSSA:2016.49bookletService to Mark the Refurbishment of the Bells, Saturday 30th August 2008 St John the Baptist Lustleigh30.8.2008
LUSSA:2016.50bookletA Celebration of Weddings, 20th june 1999, St John the Baptist Lustleigh20.6.1999
LUSSA:2016.51prescuttingNewspaper Article, Guardian Notes and Queries, Letter from Peter Mason on the use of Chestnut Flour in WWI, made from Chestnuts collected by Lustleigh School Children. 8th October 20158.10.2015
LUSSA:2016.52articleBook Review, Lustleigh and the First World War, Dartmoor News No 148, Jan'Feb 20161.2016
LUSSA:2017.1mapDevon Home Guard map of Lustleigh Area No 4 Platoon (Restored original) with images of the map before it was restored in September 201610.1943
LUSSA:2017.2map survey detailsSurvey of Lustleigh for Home Guard, done by Miss M.E. Savile of 'Brake', Lustleigh10.1943
LUSSA:2017.3bookWings Over Dartmoor - Military Aircraft Crashes on Dartmoor, 1939 - 1966
LUSSA:2017.4bookKelly Mine and the Shiny Ore Mines of the Wray Valley (Wrey Valley)
LUSSA:2017.5monographJohn Thomas Brock Wills - His Antecedents and his Descendants12.2018
LUSSA:2017.6documentPaperwork and documents relating to the Save the Clam Bridge Campaign Committee, 2006 to 2016
LUSSA:2017.7extractThe Structure of the North Eastern Tract of the Dartmoor Granite, Extract from The Dartmoor Granite1962
LUSSA:2017.8extractThe Lustleigh Fault in the North East Dartmoor
LUSSA:2017.9documentMy memories of Lustleigh by Henry Weeks1916
LUSSA:2017.10paintingWatercolour sketch of Church House14.10.1886
LUSSA:2017.11documentMy memories of Lustleigh by Henry Weeks1916
LUSSA:2017.12mapMap of part of Lustleigh parish (Wrayland to Higher Combe Wood)1905
LUSSA:2017.13documentVarious Deeds and Documents Relating to Amery Family (Frederick and William) Incl Insurance Documents, Deeds and Agreements1899
LUSSA:2017.14bookletA service to Celebrate the life of David Ewart Jenkins, St John the Baptist Church, 16th September 201616.9.2016
LUSSA:2017.15bookletIn Loving Memory of Nora Iris Johnson, 17 April 1921 - 10th January 2017, St John the Baptist Church, 30th January 201730.1.2017
LUSSA:2017.16documentLustleigh in the 1930's to 1950's1930
LUSSA:2017.17documentHigher Knowle Lustleigh - My Second Home1913
LUSSA:2017.18bookletBrian Edwards 30th July 1952 - 16th November 2016 16.11.2016
LUSSA:2017.19presscuttingSociety Award Honour for Mine Group - Kelly Mine Preservation Society receive 20th Annual Dartmoor Society Award, Moorlander 5th May 20175.5.2017
LUSSA:2017.20presscuttingDartmoor Entertainers on Film and Live at Lustleigh, Moorlander 10th March 201710.3.2017
LUSSA:2017.21presscuttingSherlock Holmes Themed Pub to Open in Ashburton and Home of The Hound - Memorabilia for Sherlock Holmes Fans, Moorlander Jan and March 201713.1.2017
LUSSA:2017.22presscuttingVillage and Family Gather to Remember WWI War Hero - George Bunclark, Moorlander 10th February 201710.2.2017
LUSSA:2017.23presscuttingCommemoration Villagers and Family of George Bunclark who died 100 years ago in WWI , Advertiser/post 24th February 201724.2.2017
LUSSA:2017.24presscuttingLustleigh Villagers Remember War Hero, George Bunclark who died 100 years ago in WWI , Herald Express 11th February 201711.2.2017
LUSSA:2017.25presscuttingDartmoor Landlord Doused Tenants in Fuel, Wayne Robinson Court Case, Moorlander 30th December 201630.12.2016
LUSSA:2017.26presscuttingFour Brothers to Walk 200 Miles for Devon Air Ambulance, Moorlander 19th May 201719.5.2017
LUSSA:2017.27presscuttingObjects Found During Dig at Medieval Settlement (Vinnimore) 17th May 201717.5.2017
LUSSA:2017.28presscuttingBrilliant Beauchamp Bowls out Bovey (Bovey Vs Chagford 22nd may 2017) Moorlander2nd June 20172.6.2017
LUSSA:2017.29family treeAbridged Genealogy Amery of Bridford and Lustleigh Omitting descendents of Christow, U.S.A etc.
LUSSA:2017.30documentVarious notes and copies of conveyances relating to Richard Caseley's sales of three twelfths of tenements 1630-1632. South Harton, Boveycombe, Peck, Higher Combe, Foxworthy, Ellimore Deeds and Documents Relating to Amery Family (Frederick and William) Incl Insurance Documents, Deeds and Agreements
LUSSA:2017.31documentAbstract of Title 1965 and explanatory notes Waye Farm. Also photocopy of the will of George Wills of South Knightly referred to in the abstracts of title1892
LUSSA:2017.32documentNotes on Rudge and sketch map of Tithe Map, extract from little Book of Rudge found in house in 18371658
LUSSA:2017.33documentHistory of The Cleave (Commons) by Peskett1973
LUSSA:2017.34documentExtracts from "My Saxon Farm, The Story of Foxworthy"1603
LUSSA:2017.35documentA list of persons in the manor of Lustleigh and the tenements with which they were connected 1608-1805
LUSSA:2017.36documentPeskett's Notes on the Survey of the manor of Lustleigh of 1677 and 17421973
LUSSA:2017.37documentDeed Regarding Posession of Site of War memorial at Lustleigh by the Trustees of the British Legion17.3.1924
LUSSA:2017.38drawingLetter from Newton Abbot Council regarding location of Proposed War memorial and Design and Working Drawing of the British Legion war memorial at Lustleigh by A Dunlop1924
LUSSA:2017.39letterLetter regarding the Completion of the official listing (Grade II) of the War Memorial and the Advice report from Historic England15.12.2016
LUSSA:2017.40plansPlans of the Railway Through Lustleigh - digital images (CD also in folder on shelf 2)1860
LUSSA:2017.41monographAn Exploration of Dartmoor's Antiquities 18921987
LUSSA:2017.42monographA field Guide to the Boundary Markers on and Around Dartmoor1986
LUSSA:2017.43monographThe Great Little Dartmoor Book1986
LUSSA:2017.44monographDartmoor in the Old Days1984
LUSSA:2017.45monograph31.7.2017 David Young's A to Z of Villages1993
LUSSA:2018.1bookletAlfred "Alf" Rogers 24th July 1940 - 5th October 2017 16.10.2017
LUSSA:2018.2bookletRobert John Chisholm, 'Rob' 30th July 1960 - 30th January 201819.2.2018
LUSSA:2018.3bookletProgramme - Mapp & Lucia2018
LUSSA:2018.4articleArticle from Dartmoor Magazine - In the Footsteps of the Victorians. The History of Dartmoor's Wrey Valley during the reign of Queen Victoria 3.3.2018
LUSSA:2018.5presscuttingBuenos Aires beckons for Birchill (Mid Devon Advertiser/Post September 28th 2018)28.9.2018
LUSSA:2018.52leafletThree leaflets/posters advertising the performances of Mapp and Lucia in the Village Hall2018
LUSSA:2018.53presscuttingVillage Shocked after Hall is Trashed, Report in Moorlander about a private party held in the village hall where the drama Group's props were stolen and damaged2018
LUSSA:2018.54scriptFull script for Mapp and Lucia, based on the books of E.F. Benson by Alexa Romanes2017
LUSSA:2019.1monographSpeaking for England, Leo, Julian and John Amery - The Tragedy of a Political Family2007
LUSSA:2019.2monographLustleigh Dartmoor Village in focus2018
LUSSA:2019.3monographAround and About Lustleigh1998
LUSSA:2019.4mapLustleigh Tithe Map, 1838
LUSSA:2019.5monographDays of Fresh Air being Reminiscences of Outdoor Life1939
LUSSA:2019.6monographIn the Footsteps of the Victorians: Aspects of change in the wrey Valley and surrounding area 1837-19012018
LUSSA:2019.7bookletProgramme of Service, Funeral of Arthur Beaumont 'Bill', 12th October 1924 - 14th July 2017 in St John the Baptist Church, Lustleigh28.7.2017
LUSSA:2019.8monograph Dartmoor - A Wild and Wonderous Region The Portrayal of Dartmoor Art 1750-1920 by Peter Mason2017
LUSSA:2019.9bookletProgramme of Service, Funeral of Sally Evelyn Gladys Mary French, 31st January 1915 - 10th June 2018. St Pauls Chapel, Exeter and Devon Crematorium, Friday June 29th 201829.7.2018
LUSSA:2019.10bookletProgramme of Service, Funeral of Neil David Thane Pepperell, 26th December 1936 to 28th November 2018. St John the Baptist Church, Lustleigh, Friday 14th December 201814.12.2018
LUSSA:2019.11bookletProgramme of Service, Funeral of Chris Bell, 10th April 1957 to 2nd August 2017. St John the Baptist Church, Lustleigh, Friday 25th August 201725.8.2017
LUSSA:2019.12monographSoils in Devon IX. Soil Survey Record No 117 (Moretonhampstead and Chagford) Soill Survey of Northeast Dartmoor2017
LUSSA:2019.13notesNotes on the life of Rev. Rupert Edward Gascoigne Newman MC and bar Royal Army Chaplains Dept. Rector of Lustleigh 1945 - 195716.1.2019
LUSSA:2019.15brochureSales Particulars Copperwood, Ellimore Road
LUSSA:2019.18printPrint from a watercolour of Wreyland Manor
LUSSA:2019.19printView of Church house
LUSSA:2019.20watercolourView of Church house
LUSSA:2019.21watercolourView of Lustleigh Cleave
LUSSA:2019.22watercolourView of Lustleigh Cleave
LUSSA:2019.23programmeLustleigh Remembers - A commemoration to mark the end of the First World War held in Lustleigh Church
LUSSA:2019.24monographThe Biography of Margaret Joyce Walker by Ian Willis - who left a legacy of £10,000 to the Church in Lustleigh and £5,000 to the Parish Council for the upkeep of the Orchard2018
LUSSA:2019.25documentLustleigh Society Programme of Events
LUSSA:2019.26documentA poster advertising "Some Rude Monuments of a Curious Kind" - An illustrated Talk by Jane Marchand2019
LUSSA:2019.27press cuttingspresscuttings and a letter from Lustleigh Parish Council with regard to the development of the old station yard - previously known as Southerwold1992
LUSSA:2019.28paintingWatercolour view of Lustleigh on art board
LUSSA:2019.29paintingWatercolour view of garden in Lustleigh on art board1938
LUSSA:2019.30paintingFramed watercolour view of Lustleigh
LUSSA:2019.31paintingFramed watercolour view of Ellimore Farm
LUSSA:2019.32paintingOil on board painting of May Day
LUSSA:2019.33usb stickPhotos form the community dig at Sanduck Cross farm April 24th and 25th 2019. Images are stored in a folder located in directory C:\Users\Public\Pictures\modes\sanduck Dig Photos
LUSSA:2019.34usb stickPhotos, blog posts and various publicity from the community dig at Vinnimore June 2017. Images are stored on USB stick in the CD/DVD storage Folder
LUSSA:2019.35reportVinnimore Farm Excavation, Project Design Document and Full report by Oakford Archaeology11.2017
LUSSA:2019.36monographWalks in the Dartmoor National Park No 1, From Moretonhampstead, Manaton and Lustleigh1977
LUSSA:2019.37documentThe story of Susanna Mortimore who was transported to the penal colonies in Australia on the Lady Juliana Convict ship2018
LUSSA:2019.38presscuttingVillage lad who went to war and never returned. Article on Percy Brimblecombe who died in WWI Mid Devon Advertiser, 25 May 20182018
LUSSA:2019.39articleReview of the book Lustleigh and the First World War in Devon Historian, Vol 85, 20162016
LUSSA:2019.40articleReview of the book Lustleigh and the First World War in The Local Historian, Summer 20172017
LUSSA:2019.41documentFull details of Planning Application for Caseley Court. Includes plans and diagrams and Heritage Impact Assessment report for listed buildings application. DNPA References 0274/18 and 0275/182018
LUSSA:2019.42presscuttingArticle from Mid Devon Advertiser regarding refusal of planning permission for a swimming pool and gym at Caseley Wood12.4.2019
LUSSA:2019.43presscuttingLearning all about the port, Lustleigh Society summer visit to the Port of Teignmouth. Mid devon Advertiser 14 July 20172017
LUSSA:2019.44presscuttingMacarbre tale of the verger and the corpse. the tale of Florence Wyndham (nee Wadham) wife of the Lord of the Manor C 158822.9.1978
LUSSA:2019.45order of service crematoriumOrder of Service5.6.2019
LUSSA:2019.46documentPethybridge Wood Lustleigh. Woodland Management Plan, November 201511.2015
LUSSA:2019.47monographThe Dairies of Roland and Gertrude MacAlpine Woods, accompanied in this volume by Moyra Shewell (nee Dean), aged 19. Volume 7, in Three Parts "Our Seventh Journey" in Siam, Indo-China, China, Malaya, Ceylon, Cypris, Turkey and Syria 1936-19371.2019
LUSSA:2019.48monographA Devon Village's Sacrifice, Lustleigh's fallen in the Great War19.7.2019
LUSSA:2019.49reportTin and the Bovey Valley: Tin Workings (?) of the mid River Bovey Catchment9.2018
LUSSA:2019.50reportTranshumance: Mid 1800s Tithe, as a possible reflection of ancient medieval common grazing rights. Bovey Tracey/Lustleigh/Manaton/Ilsington/North Bovey9.2018
LUSSA:2019.51documentDeed of Gift of Town Orchard Lustleigh, Mrs M E Bennett to the Parish Council of Lustleigh. 1st March 19661.3.1966
LUSSA:2019.52documentAssent to the Vesting of Town Orchard, Lustleigh. The personal representatives of William Lionel Galton Bennett (deceased) to Mrs M E Bennett 28th February 196628.2.1966
LUSSA:2019.53posterPoster advertising the Lustleigh Heritage Weekend 1st and 2nd September 20182018
LUSSA:2019.54documentList of the paintings on display during the exhibition, Heritage Weekend, Sept 1st and 2nd 20182018
LUSSA:2019.55presscuttingRock Legends links to moorland village. Martin Barre launches a new book "Lustleigh:A Dartmoor Village in Focus at Heritage Weekend, Sept 1st and 2nd 2018. Mid Devon Advertiser2018
LUSSA:2019.56presscuttingTull guitarist returns home for book launch, spreading the word about moorland village's history. Martin Barre launches a new book "Lustleigh:A Dartmoor Village in Focus at Heritage Weekend, Sept 1st and 2nd 2018. Mid Devon Advertiser 31st August 20182018
LUSSA:2019.57presscuttingThe Lustleigh Society perform a Cantanta to celebrate opening of Lustleigh Village Hall - by Will Carnell and Alexa Romanes2018
LUSSA:2019.58newspaper cuttingNewspaper Cutting of production of The Green Man by The Lustleigh Music Society to celebrate opening of Lustleigh Village Hall
LUSSA:2019.59monographA Guide to the Parish of Lustleigh in the County of Devon2019
LUSSA:2019.60reportA three day archaeological test-pitting event held between24 and 26 April. Parish landscape funded project to learn more around area at Sanduck. Digital copy of full report attached to this record2019
LUSSA:2019.61pictorial map of the village2019
LUSSA:2019.62bookA Guide to its People, Places and Character with particular interest to Lustleigh are pages 40/41 about the Orchard and pages 178/80 re Anna Robertson1998
LUSSA:2019.63presscuttingLaunch of Lustleigh Society Book - A Devon Village Sacrifice - Author, Chris Wilson. Pictured from left: Lustleigh Society Chairman Peter Mason, RBL president Sarah Lopes and author Chris Wilson2019
LUSSA:2019.64posterPoster by the Lustleigh Society advertising the Launch of "Commorating the Lives of the Lustleigh Fallen in WW1 - written by Chris Wilson1914
LUSSA:2019.65newspaper cuttingNewspaper Cutting advertising production of The Dartmoor Cantata
LUSSA:2019.66programmeThe Green man - A Village Cantata - music by William Carnell and Words by Alexa Mason with Lustleigh Village Choir, the Westerleigh Sinfonia and the Bovey Tracey Primary School Choir
LUSSA:2019.67programmeAn Evening with The Rural English Poets - readings and musical settings of AE Housman, John Clare, Edward Thomas and William Barnes etc. with Gordon Pullin (tenor), Lustleigh Village Choir Andrew Downton (piano) and readers Alexa Mason and Les Read
LUSSA:2019.68presscuttingCentenary of poet Charles Causley to be celebrated with film and music from Jim Causley17.11.2017
LUSSA:2019.69posterPoster In Aid of the Lustleigh Community Archives advertising "Having a Good Time " Presented by Words for Voices with Ruth Bettesworth, Richard Clark, Jo lOOsemore, Leon Winston with Helen Haviland and Margaret Clark on piano2012
LUSSA:2019.70bookMoor Medieval - Exploring Dartmoor in the Middle Ages1348-49
LUSSA:2019.71programmeLustleigh Garden Society and Lustleigh Summer Show minutes for the Period 1892 to 20191892
LUSSA:2019.72presscuttingPresscutting by Christopher Howse from The Daily Telegraph - Saturday August 3 2019 about Small Talk at Wreyland by Cecil Torr3.8.2019
LUSSA:2019.73bookletLustleigh Art Exhibition - featuring works by past and present artists
LUSSA:2019.74usb stickParishscapes Film
LUSSA:2019.75presscuttingCountry Show Well Attended/ The Heat was on at Lustleigh Show, Press Reports on the show for 201930.8.2019
LUSSA:2019.76notesNotes on the Building of Brookfield, together with Notes on the Squires Family (Samuel Squires built 12 houses at Brookfield and Rock Villa)30.9.2019
LUSSA:2019.77extractExtract from The Dartmoor Guide, date unknown (pp74-77), with the entry for Lustleigh and an advertisementsfor the sale of Rudge Farmhouse and accommodation available at Brookfield Dairy
LUSSA:2019.78notesNotes on the Bridge Park Iron Works from Totnes Weekly Times 26th October 1889, East and South Devon Advertiser 21st May 1892 and Western Times 5th August 189230.9.2019
LUSSA:2019.79presscuttingMay Queen Maisie Shines as Brightly as the Sun, Advertiser/Post 11 May 201811.5.2018
LUSSA:2019.80programmeProgramme - A Midsummer Night's Dream performed in Lustleigh Town Orchard by Kennford Productions 23rd June 2017
LUSSA:2019.81presscuttingThe Lost Sound Returns to Darttmoor after Whirlwind Year. Lost Sound Folk Choir perform in Lustleigh Village Hall 16th December 2017
LUSSA:2019.82presscuttingFour Seasons (sic) Four Elements Theme of Village Hall Banners. Village members paint silk banners to decorate the village hall themed on the four elements and organised by LEAP, 1st June 2018
LUSSA:2019.83brochureLyrics - the Lustleigh Music Society Presents Inchcape Rock and A Cornish Cantata by Will Carnell and Alexa Romanes. Performed by the Lustleigh Village Choir and the westerleigh Sinfonia 1st December 20182007
LUSSA:2019.84programmeThe Solaris Quartet, Sunday February 27th, 2005 (possibly)2005
LUSSA:2019.85imageChristmas Card designed by Rob Mason for St John's Church Lustleigh (2018)
LUSSA:2019.86articleNew Lustleigh/North Bovey Boundary Stone installed, Dartmoor Magazine Issue 120, Autumn 2015
LUSSA:2019.87articleCream of the Teas - Primrose Cottage Tea Room (undated, 1990s?)
LUSSA:2019.88articleTea Room in Dartmoor Sells Freehold off Guide Price £430,000 Primrose Cottage Tea Room Western Morning News 26 January 2017
LUSSA:2019.89articleLustleigh Businesses: The Cleave has New Landlord (Steve Cole) and Tearooms reopened with new owner Vanessa Rogers, Moorlander 14 July 2017
LUSSA:2019.90articleLocal Pub Makes a Mess For Charity, Cleave Pub supports Lustleigh Orchard Pre-School, Moorlander 14 July 2017
LUSSA:2019.91articleA True Classic, The Cleave Lustleigh. Patrick's Pub Crawls, Devon Life January 2018
LUSSA:2019.92presscuttingSoldier's Praise for an NHS that's too often under fire (Robin Bullock-Webster). Western Morning News, 28 Sept 201928.9.2019
LUSSA:2019.93presscuttingMr A L Coulter complaint re refusal to allow any development in Lustleigh. Mid Devon Advertiser, 22 March 196822.3.1968
LUSSA:2019.94presscuttingvillage Community Transport Champion - Helen Dray receives award for her work as LADS administrator. Mid Devon Advertiser, 22 June 201822.6.2018
LUSSA:2020.1extractExtract from a directory relating to the Church House origins and history and the Thomas Hickman Charity for the Poor
LUSSA:2020.2programmeProgramme Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols, St John the Baptist Church, 15 December 201915.12.2019
LUSSA:2020.3documentMemories documented by Clare Woodbridge by her mother Barbara Price-Smith, nee Beer1912
LUSSA:2020.4monographClam Bridges of Dartmoor8.2019
LUSSA:2020.5documentHistoric Farm Buildings Group Annual Conference September 2017 - Inclused information on Ellimore and South Harton17.9.2017
LUSSA:2020.6documentReminiscences of David Collier, son of John Collier, headmaster of Lustleigh School1945
LUSSA:2020.7extractExtract from a publication on the railway (source unknown). Information on a building near Caseley Cutting and Wray Barton section
LUSSA:2020.8presscuttingTwo Dartmoor Pensioners Complete Amazing Run Across the Country (Mike Peace) Cottage Magazine, Issue 155, Nov/Dec 201911.2019
LUSSA:2020.9articleRambling Sketches - The Borders of Dartmoor. In Illustrated London News 18878.10.1887
LUSSA:2020.10imageChristmas Card, 2019 - Church and Gould Lamp12.2019
LUSSA:2020.11articleLustleigh Cleave and Lustleigh, walking and history of the area
LUSSA:2020.12articleReview of the book In the Footsteps of The Victorians, published in the newsletter of the Dartmoor Preservation Society
LUSSA:2020.13articlePortable Antiquities Scheme, Roman coin found between Caseley and Eastwrey Barton28.1.2018
LUSSA:2020.14extractExtract from book "21st Century Yokel" by Tom Cox re Lustleigh and May Day
LUSSA:2020.15articleUnderstanding the Dartmoor Landscape Part 29, Mysteries of Anglo-Saxon Wastes (Datuidoc Stone) plus further notes and Correspondence regarding origin of the stone
LUSSA:2020.16presscuttingA Love Affair with Lustleigh, Tim Hall takes a sneak preview at a book to be published next month... Mid Devon Advertiser Oct 200110.2001
LUSSA:2020.17presscuttingVillage Divided in Cycle Route Debate (proposed cycle route between Bovey Tracey and Moretonhampstead)3.1998
LUSSA:2020.18presscuttingEarly Photos of a Dartmoor Farm from the Hunt Collection (Foxworthy) Moorlander 10 August 20188.2018
LUSSA:2020.19articleDartmoor Discovered - Lustleigh Some Tors and Rocks Explained Dartmoor Magazine, no 120, Autumn 20152015
LUSSA:2020.20presscuttingJohn Chudley of Lustleigh appeals against Conscription of his son Percy, Dec 1916. Contained within an article Mid Devon Advertiser December 20169.12.2016
LUSSA:2020.21presscuttingLetter to Mid Devon Advertiser regarding Image of the Tudor Cross wrongly captioned in Mid DEvon Advertiser Nov 201611.2016
LUSSA:2020.22articleArt in the Post - The protrayal of dartmoor on Postcards. Dartmoor News No 154, Jan/Feb 20172017
LUSSA:2020.23articleHidden Stories in Hisley Woods. Dartmoor News No 153, Nov/Dec 20162016
LUSSA:2020.24articleTwo Wild and Wondrous Walks on Dartmoor. Walks to coincide with the exhibition at RAMM of Dartnoor Paintings. DPA Newsletter No 196, Spring 20182018
LUSSA:2020.25articleCPRE General Survey Devon 1932 - Para on Lustleigh1932
LUSSA:2020.26presscuttingThatcher Richard Dray replacing roofs at Babbacombe Model Village, The Times 16 May 201916.5.2019
LUSSA:2020.27presscuttingNational Veterinary Nursing Month - Emma Wills of Kingsteignton Vets pictured, Mid Devon Advertiser May 201811.5.2018
LUSSA:2020.28bookletPrecis version of the publication In the Footsteps of the Victorians: Aspects of change in the wrey Valley and surrounding area 1837-1901 - produced in leaflet form2019
LUSSA:2020.29paintingoil panting showing Hisley Weir on the River Bovey in 1893
LUSSA:2020.30paintingpainting of Higher Hisley Farm Cottage (Barn) before resotration5.1919
LUSSA:2020.31presscuttingArticle from Torquay Times and South Devon Advertiser relating to the mosaic memorial in the church 8.7.1904
LUSSA:2020.32memorabiliaLustleigh Cricket Club 80th Year Fixtures list and Souvenir Postcard4.2018
LUSSA:2020.33presscuttingLustleigh CC Celebrates 80th Year with Sixes Tournament, Mid Devon Advertiser 22 JUne 20186.2018
LUSSA:2020.34articleDartmoor village's shops - Lustleigh Dairy. Dartmoor Magazine, 135, Summer 20196.2019
LUSSA:2020.35articleLove at first sight - article about rennovation of Two Pound Cottage, Devon Life, May 2019
LUSSA:2020.36presscuttingSneak thieves make off with wild orchids (from Town Orchard) Mid Devon Advertiser, 18 May 201818.5.2018
LUSSA:2020.37presscuttingSusie is club champion for third year in a row, Lustleigh Rifle Club annual prizes, Mid Devon Advertiser 28 Oct 2016
LUSSA:2020.38presscuttingLetter from the Amery's in which is given a continuation of their impressions and experiences abroad, 13 July 1909, source unknown13.7.1909
LUSSA:2020.39documentArthur Tozer of Lustleigh and Moretonhampstead6.6.2017
LUSSA:2020.40documentNotes on the Wills and Willmead (Wyllmead) family connection21.6.2017
LUSSA:2020.41documentLustleigh Bell Ringers Outing 1931 by Jim Knight1931
LUSSA:2020.42documentScholars Report for Daphne Knight 1954, Lustleigh Board School23.7.1954
LUSSA:2020.43documentBaptism Certificate Henry George Motton22.8.1909
LUSSA:2020.44documentBill for coffin, from A J Allin to Mrs Motton, April 192228.4.1922
LUSSA:2020.45documentMotton/Knight Family Tree and Houses lived in by Motton family
LUSSA:2020.46documentCertificate to Jim Knight, service in The Home Guard
LUSSA:2020.47documentLetter to Jim Knight, appreciation of attendance to an accident suffered by Mr Bourne, 1940, from E B Dawson14.10.1940
LUSSA:2020.48extractFrances Mary Perry, entry from Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
LUSSA:2020.49documentTwo Cousins, Two Explorers and Two Deaths. The stories of William John Wills (Australian Explorer/Burke & Wills) and Henry Le Vesconte (Franklin Expedition to N W Passage) who were cousins
LUSSA:2020.50articleDevon Property - includes Middle Combe on the market (undated) Devon Life Magazine
LUSSA:2020.51presscuttingNewspaper report fatal accident at Lustleigh Railway Station, October 1872, North Devon Journal3.10.1872
LUSSA:2020.52extractNotes from various sources, Rev John Nutcombe Gould and his early involvement with the proposal to construct a railway through the Wrey Valley, 1858
LUSSA:2020.53documentWritten Notes about the station and railway, includes references to filming of The Hound of the Baskervilles, Visit by King George V at Caseley Cutting, Bombing of bridge in Caseley Cutting during WWII, instruction by Von Ribbentrop that Lustleigh Valley was not te be bombed - unattributed and undated.
LUSSA:2020.54documentNotes on the Squires, Hogg, Olding Families by Peter Fitzimmons, great-grandson of Ethel Squires plus images of various family members
LUSSA:2020.55usb stickProduction Shots from Lustleigh Drama Group's Production of "Mother Courage and Her Children" February 2020 By Jon Arnold
LUSSA:2020.56letterTwo orininal letters found in Rose Glen, from "Ted" to Mrs N E Hall (?) September 1951. Mentions of escaped convicts in the village and moving to Claremont (Post Office) for safety.11.9.1951
LUSSA:2020.57presscuttingPresscuttings and Order of Service for the wedding of Captain Fleetwood Hugo Pellew to Geraldine M Hole, January 1939 at Bovey Tracey14.1.1939
LUSSA:2020.58notesNotes on Number 3 Pound Cottage and Dave and Eileen Williams
LUSSA:2020.59notesNotes on Stable House Gallery18.10.2017
LUSSA:2020.60notesExtract from an account roll for manor of North Huish regarding roofing of Lustleigh church in 1365/667.5.2019
LUSSA:2020.61notesNotes from the Parochial Church Council regarding the Church Clock and Re-wiring14.2.1991
LUSSA:2020.62notesTranscription and Notes Earliest known mention of "Lustleigh", Quitclaim of 1294
LUSSA:2020.63notesVarious notes and oral history about the school plus list of head teachers and Headmasters 1875 - 1907
LUSSA:2020.64presscuttingThree Years Overseas - Gunner B Meardon receives copies of the Western Times Nov 194424.11.1944
LUSSA:2020.65letterLetters, photographs and notes on planning application and objections raised land opposite entrance to South Harton Farm9.12.1994
LUSSA:2020.66notesNotes on Lower Sanduck12.2017
LUSSA:2020.67letterQuotation foer work on Old Vestry Building, January 201422.1.2014
LUSSA:2020.68presscuttingRacist axe attacker kept police at bay for 15 hours during seige in picturesque Dartmoor village involving 71 officers. 17 January 202017.1.2020
LUSSA:2020.69presscuttingArticle from Western Morning News - Museum Expert Spots Rare Carved Panels found to be from the carved screen in St John's Church. 7th Nov 1992 7.11.1992
LUSSA:2020.70videoA film by Steve Price about the Dairy during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Lockdown in March/April 20204.202
LUSSA:2020.71usb stickFilms donated by Sandy French of May Days 1971, 1974 and 1975 and a performance from the 1970s in Town Orchard of The Winged Cupid (no sound)
LUSSA:2020.72monographParishscapes - Exploring Community Heritage on Dartmoor 2015 to 2019. An evaluation report on the project and outcomes12.2019
LUSSA:2020.73articleClam Bridges of Dartmoor article (No 170 Sept/Oct 2019) and review of the book of the same name (No 172 Jan/Feb 2020), from Dartmoor News2019
LUSSA:2020.74articleThe book launch and a review of A Devon Village's Sacrifice book, Dartmoor News, (No 170 Sept/Oct 2019)2019
LUSSA:2020.75articleReview of the new Guide to the Parish of Lustleigh, Dartmoor News, (No 172 Jan/Feb 2020),2020
LUSSA:2020.76articleGhostly Dartmoor - The running horses of Hunter's Tor, Dartmoor News, (No 172 Jan/Feb 2020),2020
LUSSA:2020.77leafletLeaflet - the history of the Old Vestry undated
LUSSA:2020.78articleFlyer and detachable postcard for Primrose Cottage tearooms
LUSSA:2020.79documentIndenture 17th August 1698 Robert Tothill to Phillip Wright, Lease for year three twelve parts of Higher Coombe, Bovey Coombe Cliff17.8.1698
LUSSA:2020.80documentIndenture 15th April 1686 between Samuel Codnor of Ipplepen and Edward Basill of Lustleigh land and buildings at Higher Coombe15.4.1686
LUSSA:2020.81letterLetter from Mary Knight (nee Motton) to Jean Lane about the destruction of the Nutcracker Rock in May 19505.195
LUSSA:2020.82notesCollection of five items from the flat of Jean Lane (nee Shillabeer), evacuee in WWII. Sunday Stamp Album, four letters (some incomplete) from Mary Knight. One mentions Mary's father collecting sphagnum moss during WWI. Mention of Iris Wyse and moss near Heaven's gate. Also see notes1980
LUSSA:2020.83documentHoliday at Middlecot, Lustleigh 20th to 26th January 19451945
LUSSA:2020.84presscuttingThe Devon pensioner (Mike Peace) who has completed every single London Marathon is training for his 40th, Devon Live, 19th February 20201980
LUSSA:2020.85programmeProgramme for Mother Courage and her Children by Bertolt Brecht translated and adapted by David Hare, Lustleigh Drama Group Production 20th to 22nd February 2020. Directed and produced by Alexa Mason2020
LUSSA:2020.86videoMike Peace interviewed on BBC Breakfast Programme, Sunday April 26th 2020 regarding his participation in every London Marathon26.4.2020
LUSSA:2020.87documentTranscript of interview taken during an event in the Village Hall on 9th September, 2007, a meeting of past Lustleigh residents - Chris Cadle1940
LUSSA:2020.88documentTranscript of interview taken during an event in the Village Hall on 9th September, 2007, a meeting of past Lustleigh residents - Joyce Vallance1927
LUSSA:2020.89documentTranscript of interview taken during an event in the Village Hall on 9th September, 2007, a meeting of past Lustleigh residents - Pat Horn
LUSSA:2020.90documentTranscript of interview taken during an event in the Village Hall on 9th September, 2007, a meeting of past Lustleigh residents - Sneap family and Bill Squires1930
LUSSA:2020.91documentTranscript of interview taken during an event in the Village Hall on 9th September, 2007, a meeting of past Lustleigh residents - Chudley Family1930
LUSSA:2020.92documentsVarious Original Legal Documents Pertaining to 2 Pound Cottages. Probate Document Ted Robinson, Death Certificate John Reid1923
LUSSA:2020.93presscuttingThree presscuttings, unattributed, June 1962, Funeral of the late Mr F Amery (Frederick)
LUSSA:2020.94presscuttingLate Rev. G Rogerson, Large attendance at funeral in Lustleigh, Beloved Priest, uattributed and undated
LUSSA:2020.95usb stickUSB Flash Drive containing the scans for all the documents gifted to the archive relating to - Willmead, Higher Knowle and the Oddy presentments of Constables NB these are stored on the PC in Public Documents with Desktop Shortcuts added
LUSSA:2020.96ephemeraLustleigh Millennium Fayre - Car Park Permit and Lustleigh Show Dance 2001 souvenir coaster2000
LUSSA:2020.97articleMagazine Property Article re Uphill, Mapstone Hill, Devon Life, July 20207.202
LUSSA:2020.98digital imageMay Day, or No May Day, report on the virtual Lustleigh May Day celebration 2020 (event cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic) The Moorlander newspaper, 13-26 May 2020
LUSSA:2020.99bookletProgramme of Service, Funeral of Mike Rowe, 6th May 1935 - 30 September 2020, St John the Baptist Church, Lustleigh, Friday 16th October 202016.10.2020
LUSSA:2020.100monographUps and Downs on a Dartmoor Farm by Margaret Burgoyne2000
LUSSA:2021.1documentFour pages of photocopied images (16 in total) of the family and home of Margaret Burgoyne and North Harton Farm 1950s and 1960s and Marraige of Margaret Haines to Alfred Burgoyne
LUSSA:2021.2brochureEstate Agent's Brochure for sale of Brookside, 20042004
LUSSA:2021.3documentRecords from British Red Cross with details of 8 Local Women who served as WWI Red Cross Volunteers 2017
LUSSA:2021.4articleMemorials in the Parish Church of St. John the Baptist, Lustleigh - Possible Connections of those Commemorated to Colonialism and Slavery (PDF version attached)2021
LUSSA:2021.5articleA Devonshire Parson Printer, from British Colonial Printer and Stationer, no 1651, 19101910
LUSSA:2021.6articleReview, Davy's Discourses1825
LUSSA:2021.7articleReview, Davy on Divinity (G Mag Vol 95, undated)
LUSSA:2021.8articleReview, Davy's A System of Divinity (Monthly Review Xvii/xcix 1795)1795
LUSSA:2021.9articleDavy's A System of Divinity (Literary Intelligence, 1809)1809
LUSSA:2021.10articleRare Gift to the Exeter Free Library, Davy's A System of Divinity (Devon and Exeter Gazette, 1906?)1906(?)
LUSSA:2021.11articleTwo extracts from Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries regarding William Davy's A System of Divinity (Vol X 1919)1919
LUSSA:2021.12documentCertificate of Award of Posthumus British War and Victory Medal to Stephen Voaden1914
LUSSA:2021.13spreadsheetExtract of 1911Census, Lustleigh Parish (printed Excel Document)1911
LUSSA:2021.14file noteFile note for Walter Brimblecombe - In 1919 Walter Brimblecombe is listed as a Shopkeeper in Brookfield and Arthur Walker as a Baker; Supplied by Peter Mason whilst doing some research for the Tourism on Dartmoor in the 1920s
LUSSA:2021.15file noteFile note for Scott Thorn Painter - In 1919 Scott Painter had premises in Court Street, Mortonhampstead as a Monumental Mason; Supplied by Peter Mason whilst doing some research for the Tourism on Dartmoor in the 1920s
LUSSA:2021.16monographThe Childhood of a Devon Maid. Memories of an Edwardian childhood in Bridford, Lustleigh and Moretonhampstead parishes2020
LUSSA:2021.17articleThe Oxshott Pottery at Lustleigh. Dartmoor Magazine winter 2020
LUSSA:2021.18articleReview of the book Lustleigh, a Dartmoor Village in Focus, The Historian, Volume 89 20192019
LUSSA:2021.19articleReview of the book Clam Bridges of Dartmoor The Devon Historian, Volume 90 20202020
LUSSA:2021.20articleReview of the book A Devon Village's Sacrifice: Lustleigh's Fallen in The Great War, The Devon Historian, Volume 90 20202020
LUSSA:2021.21articleScans of Moorland Jottings, a series of articles that were written by Sandro Bullock-Webster of Higher Hisley for Devon Life Magazine
LUSSA:2021.22videoRecording of the Lustleigh Society AGM for the year 2020. Held virtually on Zoom due to Covid-19 crisis. Held on Wednesday January 27th 202127.1.2021
LUSSA:2021.23obituaryObituary of Paul Burgoyne, son of Margaret Burgoyne of North Harton Farm from Company of Biologists Magazine Sept 20209.202
LUSSA:2021.24presscuttingDevon Property, Higher Combe on the Market. Devon Life December 202012.202
LUSSA:2021.25documentTin Workings At Knowle4.202
LUSSA:2021.26presscuttingPresentation to Mark the 3000th Journey made by the lustleigh Association of Drivers (LADS). Mid-Devon Advertiser3.2021
LUSSA:2021.27articleMuch of Britain’s temperate rainforest has been destroyed – but it can sometimes regenerate. The race is on to map what survives and restore what we can. Article contains references to Lustleigh Cleave.29.4.2021
LUSSA:2021.28image printPrint of Lustleigh Local Defence Volunteers (Home Guard) outside the Village Hall, with names
LUSSA:2021.29boookletOrder of Service for the wedding of Timothy Barker and Natalie Murphy. St John the Baptist, 11th September 202111.9.2021
LUSSA:2021.30articleHunter's Tor Iron Age Fort2021
LUSSA:2022.31bookletLustleigh Horticultural Society - Minutes 2000 to 20122000
LUSSA:2022.32monographThe Location and Extent of King Alfred's Sudewyrde (the early beginnings of the location of Lustleigh). In The Devonshire Association Report and Transactions Volume 153, pages 227 to 2542021
LUSSA:2022.33dvdCommander Kemp Interview - Prisoner of War 1942 - 1945
LUSSA:2022.34dvdImages copied to PC pictures folder - Mummers and Choir December 2009
LUSSA:2022.35dvdLustleigh Village Choir and Mummers 19 December 2009 - 35 Images
LUSSA:2022.36dvdElizabeth Wetherley Family Photos
LUSSA:2022.37dvdMay Day Photographs 2014
LUSSA:2022.38dvdMay Day Photographs 2013
LUSSA:2022.39dvdMay Day Archive Date 1964 plus other short clips - no sound
LUSSA:2022.40dvdLustleigh May Day 2016
LUSSA:2022.41dvdBBC 1 Production of "Inside Out" featuring Kelly Mine with Dave Wills 22 September 2014
LUSSA:2022.42dvdLustleigh Choir singing Giant Bolster of Haytor - Dartmoor Cantata
LUSSA:2022.43dvdBovey Tracey Tithe Map c Devon Heritage Services - Archangel Software
LUSSA:2022.44dvdRecording of The King of Prussia - presented by The Lustleigh Drama Group - by Nick Darke
LUSSA:2022.45dvdPhotographs of Lustleigh May Day 2019 - (the last for two years after the Covid Lockdown in 2020/2021)
LUSSA:2022.46dvdLustleigh Society 22 October 2014 - Disc 1 of 2 WWI Presentation
LUSSA:2022.47dvdLustleigh Society 22 October 2014 - WWI Presentation Disc 2 of 2
LUSSA:2022.48bookletProgramme of Service, Funeral of Mary Jane Marsham, 24th Sept 1943 - 23rd April 2022. Exeter and devon Crematorium, May 19th 2022.19.5.2022
LUSSA:2022.49bookletProgramme of Service, Funeral of Sean Mark Toman 6 September 1960 - 22nd june 2022. Torquay Crematorium, July 18th 2022.18.7.2022
LUSSA:2022.50presscuttingFuneral of Sergeant Frank C Bunclark, killed in World War Two, Devon & Exeter Gazette, 27 November 194227.11.1942
LUSSA:2022.51articleBeating the Bounds of Lustleigh, Dartmoor News, 185 August 20222022
LUSSA:2022.52articleInscribed Stone at Lustleigh in Devon. Archaeologica Cambrensis, 4th series Vol XI, no XLIII, July 1880, p 161 - 163
LUSSA:2022.53articleThe Origins of Lustleigh Re-appraised. Sutreworda and King Alfred
LUSSA:2022.54articleInformation on the History of the old manor (Great Hill and Uphill), Mapstone Hill
LUSSA:2022.55articleThe Story of the Nutcracker Logan Stone, Dartmoor News, Apr/May 2022 with additional notes by Peter Mason
LUSSA:2022.56articleA History of Town Orchard. Written for Parish Magazine, printed version and digital file20.8.2022
LUSSA:2022.57dvdA DVD made by The Lustleigh Society in association with Devon Films starring Rob Murch, Carl Allerfeldt, Dave Wills, Len Harvey, Richard Prince2014
LUSSA:2022.58dvdA historal collection of photographs and postcards
LUSSA:2022.59articleFarewell to Julia and Chris Vittle - an article of news from Lustleigh St John the Baptist Church within North Dartmoor Parishes Magazine - November December 202212.2022
LUSSA:2022.60digital fileTranscript of Oral History Interview with Joan Ellis (nee Bourne) 11.2022
LUSSA:2022.61presscuttingArticles and excerpts from Air Force Log Books for Sergeant Frank C Bunclark, killed in World War Two
LUSSA:2023.1monographThe Lost Rainforests of Britain (see Chapter 8, The Accidental Rainforest, page 175)2022
LUSSA:2023.2monographAdore an Exhibition at Arnolfini Bristol, 18th Feb to 28th May 2023 (Images of Lustleigh may Day pages 36 and 37)2023
LUSSA:2023.3poemHandwritten poem entitled "Heaven's Gate" (dedicated to my sisters) by L.G.C.
LUSSA:2023.4dvdInterviewed by Angie Liversedge and Paul Wallis
LUSSA:2023.5dvdMay Day 2015
LUSSA:2023.6dvdLustleigh Parish Magazine Articles 2001-2007
LUSSA:2023.7dvdThe Story of Waye - digital version5.1986
LUSSA:2023.8dvdDVD includes The Story of Way - Original Photographs of Higher Knowle which suffered a fire in 1919 and thatch replaced by Delabole Slate plus Wreyland Documents
LUSSA:2023.9dvdPhotographs of Lustleigh May Day 2017 - May Queen Amy Jaggs5.2017
LUSSA:2023.10programmeProgramme for 'A School for Servants', Lustleigh Drama Group performance on 16th, 17th and 18th February 2023.2.2023
LUSSA:2023.11reportReport from HM Coroner - Find of Potential Treasure. Two post medieval silver coins dating AD1567-1605 found in Lustleigh Parish, 14th December 20212023
LUSSA:2023.12dvdFinal Draft of KQB - 40 Years of Dartmoor Legend - not colour graded and audio not mixed
LUSSA:2023.13cd/dvdThe Kelly Quarry Blasters - 40 years A Dartmoor Legend. Featuring Richard Prince, Dave Wills, Len Harvey, Carl Allerfeldt, Rob Murch, Mike Baker, with Mike Price and Chris 'Sid' Matthews, Tony Beard and Bill Murray20.4.2013
LUSSA:2023.14cd/dvdKathleen Chisholm (nee Allin) interview with Dave Wills
LUSSA:2023.15advertisementScans of four house adverts from Country Life magazine in the 1920s1920
LUSSA:2023.16posterColoured poster advertising the Lustleigh Flower Show and Gymkhana, 5th August 19638.1963
LUSSA:2023.17posterColoured poster advertising the Lustleigh Flower Show and Gymkhana, 6th August 19628.1962
LUSSA:2023.18letterLetter from Cecil Torr dated 4th March 1911 to 'Sir Charles' referring to a book by Sir Charles on parts of Somerset, and mentioning small errors in Cecil Torr's own work4.3.1911
LUSSA:2023.19bookletThe Lustleigh Players, Programme for a performance of 'Miranda', a comedy in three acts by Peter Blackmore, November/December 19501950
LUSSA:2023.20bookletFuneral Service of Janet Mary Power (8th June 1935 - 19th September 2022) on 7th October 2022 at Bovey Tracey Methodist Church7.10.2022
LUSSA:2023.21bookletLustleigh Cricket Club Fixtures List 20222022
LUSSA:2023.22advertisementAdvert found in a 1923 Directory confirming that the stone for the Newton Abbot War Memorial came from the East Wrey Quarry, Lustleigh.1923
LUSSA:2023.23cd/dvdBBC South West Production - Civilisations - Dartmoor from Dartkness in to Light -Featuring Peter Mason, Kelly Mine, Wendy Manners Chapman (nee Harvey) Lustleigh May Day, The Mayday Rock, Wen
LUSSA:2023.24usb stickA video of apple picking in Lustleigh Orchard - introduced by David Gee with interview with Barry Sessions with Julia Vittle, and Len Harvey and his parsnips
LUSSA:2023.25usb stickMay Day photo's and video of May Queen Celia Coleman 2012
LUSSA:2023.26usb stickTalk and diary transcripts, Lionel Bennett Nature diary by Shaun Russell
LUSSA:2023.27programmeProgramme for Lustleigh Parish Church Saturday Free Concerts Summer Series Number 1, 24th June 2023, Clare Watson (Soprano) with Tim Matthews (Piano)6.2023
LUSSA:2023.28InvoiceInvoice dated 7th September 1909 from Tucker Brothers, Carraige Builders and Undertakers, to Thomas Amery to provide a funeral for Mr Joseph Amery and to convey him to the Baptist Chapel, Lustleigh for interment7.9.1909
LUSSA:2023.29dvdLustleigh Parish Register - edited transcripts of births, marriages and deaths between 1609 and 1837 also includes information on The Wills Family, Rectors of the Parish and Churchwardens
LUSSA:2023.30dvdCD/DVD Show Dance 1998? Joey and The Lips (can't get it to play)
LUSSA:2023.31dvdMay Day Procession 2023 featuring May Queen Aurelia and The Grimspound Border Morris Dancers
LUSSA:2023.32presscuttingArticle from local paper of Aurelia as May Queen 13 May 202318.5.2023
LUSSA:2023.34presscuttingArticle 'A river carves its own path', Mid Devon Advertiser, 10th August 2023. Journalist Nigel Canham visits the Bovey Valley, including Pullabrook Wood, Hisley Bridge, Hisley Wood, Sharpitor, Peck Farm, Clam Bridge,Houndtor Wood, Rudge Wood and Drakeford Bridge10.8.2023
LUSSA:2023.35brochureBrochure advertising a performance of 'Alice in Wonderland' by the Common Players Theatre company on 2nd July 2023 in the Town Orchard2023
LUSSA:2023.36documentNewspaper extract, dated 14th April 1883, of Inquest into death of William Parson, employee at North Harton Farm, who was gored to death by a bull1883
LUSSA:2023.37documentArticle 'Wounded at Stampforde Worke: Two Devon Tinners Recall their Wartime Service'. Account of petition by two Royalist soldiers, Laurence Elliott and Robert Spray, both of Lustleigh, for pensions having been wounded in Charles I service in the Civil War, notably at the battle of Mount Stamford near Plymouth.22.4.2023
LUSSA:2023.38Sanduck Cross Farm Archaeological test-pitting in Lustleigh, 22nd and 26th August 2022, by the DNPA archaeology team and volunteers supported by staff and students of Leicester University. Digital copy of full report attached to this record.2022
LUSSA:2023.39documentThe Will of Cecil Torr (dated 3rd january 19249) and notes on Cecil Torr and his great froend Edgar F Carritt.1929
LUSSA:2023.40newspaper reportReport in The Guardian dated 30th August 2023 on an archaeological dig at Sanduck seeking evidence of Mesolithic hunter-gatherers on Dartmoor2023
LUSSA:2023.41extractArticle in the Dartmoor Tinworking Research Group Newsletter number 63, dated November 2022, on the Will of John Strobryge in 1531 and bequest of Twenty-Five Tinworks on South-East Dartmoor, referencing a tin works named 'Blakemore' beside the Wray Brook at Knowle Manor at 'Lysteleyth' (Lustleigh)2022
LUSSA:2024.01presscuttingDouble donations from local LADS (contribute to Homeless in Teignbridge Support), Mid-Devon Advertiser 28th September 202328.9.2023
LUSSA:2024.02bookletA service to Celebrate the life of Joan Audrey Jenkins ('Audrey'), St John the Baptist Church, 6th February 20246.2.2024
LUSSA:2024.03postcardPostcard of Moorwood Cottage Guest House & Tea GardensUndated
LUSSA:2024.4bookBradt guide to South Devon and Dartmoor - see pages 300-303 reference Lustleigh
LUSSA:2024.05order of ceremonyThe celebration of Tim Hall's Life 1953-20242024
LUSSA:2024.06bookletThe Lustleigh Society 2024 Events Programme2024
LUSSA:2024.7documentCorrespondence and Minutes Lustleigh Show Committee, covering the period 2003 to 2008. Lustleigh 10k Run 25th Aug 2008, results etc.2003
LUSSA:2024.8bookletStephen Voaden in Heavitree Role of Honour First World War 1914-1918, summary of war service. Also in A Devon Village's Sacrifice (p. 64 et seq.): arrived in Lustleigh 1913, married to Mary Jane Webber. Fifth son Donald Voaden died 11 February 1915 at 9 months old. Mentioned in Parish Magazine March 1915.
LUSSA:2024.9leafletFlyer promoting summer 2023 LEAP programme
LUSSA:2024.10presscuttingLustleigh Bellringers win community heritage award 2023. Article in Dartmoor Magazine issue 153, Spring 2024.1.4.2024
LUSSA:2024.11leafletFlyer for a play - Behold Ye Ramblers, Lustleigh Village Hall, April 26th 2024. Event organised by LEAP
LUSSA:2024.12documentLustleigh Village Hall Management Committee Minutes 18th April 2012 to 31st December 20212012
LUSSA:2024.13bookletLustleigh Cricket Club Fixtures List 20212021
LUSSA:2024.14presscuttingPress article on Helen Dray's retirement from LADS, Mid Devon Advertiser, Thurs 1st June 20231.6.2023
LUSSA:2024.15Military identity card Military Identity Card for Col. Cyril Kent Dodwell Edwards no. A 42171822.4.1944
LUSSA:2024.16documentResearch notes Colonel Frank Ridley Farrer Boileau for WW1 commemorations and books.
LUSSA:2024.17documentResearch notes George Bunclark for WW1 commemorations and books. Some family memories and notice of a memorial service
LUSSA:2024.18presscuttingUnidentified and undated presscutting - Funeral of Private Henry Wills
LUSSA:2024.19documentResearch notes Captain Cecil Aubrey Bradford for WW1 commemorations and books.
LUSSA:2024.20documentResearch notes John Riddler for WW1 commemorations and books.
LUSSA:2024.21documentResearch notes Private Frank Lake for WW1 commemorations and books.
LUSSA:2024.22ephemeraLustleigh Show, Show Dance 1998 - 'Joey the Lips' souvenir coaster1998
LUSSA:2024.23presscuttingA Dartmoor Business - Moorswood (Makers of field rugs, etc.). Article in Dartmoor Magazine issue 153, Spring 2024.1.4.2024
LUSSA:2024.24presscuttingUnderstanding the Dartmoor Landscape - Parson's Brown Loaf, Mapstone. Article in Dartmoor Magazine issue 153, Spring 2024.1.4.2024
LUSSA:2024.25presscuttingPublic Rights of Way improvements in Wray Cleave. Article in Dartmoor Magazine issue 153, Spring 2024.1.4.2024
LUSSA:2024.26presscuttingPress article 'Memories of visits to the fine village of Lustleigh' by Arthur Wilde, date unknown, focusing significantly on St John's ChurchUnknown
LUSSA:2024.27concert programmeVery old programme of a concert held at Lustleigh Church House on Tuesday 1 October 1889 at 7.30 pm - performers include The Misses Bradford, Mr William Wills, Mrs Carew Hunt, Mr. Quinton, Col.A.J Bradford, Mrs Hatchard,1889
LUSSA:2024.28press cuttingArticle from Moorland Newspaper about the Tithe Map on display by Lustleigh Society in Lustleigh Village Hall 6 July 202421.6.2024
LUSSA:2024.29bookletLustleigh Cricket Club Handbook 20242024
LUSSA:2024.30bookletA celebration of the life of Wendy Elizabeth Manners-Chapman, 18th September 1958-18th May 2024. Held at St John the Baptist Church, Friday, 14th June 2024.14.6.2024
LUSSA:2024.31letterLetter referring to Military Cross awarded to 2nd Lieut, A.N. Gould of Lustleigh in extract from 'The Gloucestershire Regiment in the War 1914-1918', by Everard Wyrall.
LUSSA:2024.32imagePhotocopy of an image of HigherKnowle. Originally thatched, fire in 1919, then roofed with Delebole slate
LUSSA:2024.33imagePhotocopy of image of item found under the floorboards, dating back to when the property was built. Board on which is written F Wilcocks, Labourer of Chudleigh Knighton, Age 31, 19141914
LUSSA:2024.34imagePhotocopy of image of item found under the floorboards, dating back to when the property was built. Board on which is written Albert Call Mason, Fore Street, Bovey Tracey, Nov 7th 1914, Age 251914
LUSSA:2024.35imagePhotocopy of image of Higher Knowle. Originally thatched. Fire in 1919 then reroofed in Delebole slate1914
LUSSA:2024.36imagePhotocopy of image of Higher Knowle. Thatched roof so taken before the fire of 1919
LUSSA:2024.37imagePhotocopy of image of Higher Knowle. Thatched roof so taken before the fire of 1919. Owner Mrs Gould in photo sitting outside loggia
LUSSA:2024.38imagePhotocopy of image of Higher Knowle. Thatched roof so taken before the fire of 1919. Owner Mrs Gould + another person (housekeeper) on lefthand side of photo1914
LUSSA:2024.39book'East Dartmoor's Lesser-Known Tors and Rocks' - Book by Max Piper referencing many local Tors and Rocks, published 2022, containing descriptive text and excellent colour photographs. Extensive references to the Lustleigh area - fully indexed.2022
LUSSA:2024.40book'Dartmoor from Old Photographs' - Book by John Van Der Kiste, published 2010. References to Lustleigh on pages 52, 67, 103, 1152010
LUSSA:2024.41posterLaminated poster advertising the Lustleigh Society & Archive Open Day, 6th July 20242024
LUSSA:2024.42press release'Blue Moon to shine over Lustleigh Heritage Open Day' - Press release from the Lustleigh Society advertising an Open Day on 6th July 2024 on which the Tithe Map was on display25.6.2024
LUSSA:2024.43newspaper article'Blue Moon to shine over Lustleigh' - Article from the Mid Devon Advertiser, 4th July 2024, referring to the Lustleigh Society's Heritage Open Day on 6th July 2024, when the Tithe Map would be on display4.7.2024
LUSSA:2024.44newspaper article'Luscious lunchtimes in Lustleigh' - Article from Mid Devon Advertiser about the LEAP lunchtime concerts for 2024 in St John's Church, and the first concert of Mediterranean music by the duo, Baklava6.2024
LUSSA:2024.45documentAssignment between Daniel and John Gould 10th May 18251825
LUSSA:2024.46documentLease between Daniell Gould and Reverend Oxenham, 9th May 18251825
LUSSA:2024.47document16th May 1825 Convenance from F Daniell to John Gould16.5.1825
LUSSA:2024.48document2nd September 1841 Settlement on marriage Rev John N Gould and Miss K Grant + 16th April 1871 Appointment of W. Buckingham as trustee + 22nd April 1874 conveyance of legal estate1841
LUSSA:2024.49document3rd November 1881 Conveyance W C N Gould to Edward Blencowe Gould and Janes Nutcombe Gould1881
LUSSA:2024.50document4th November 1881 Mortgage E B Gould and J N Gould to W Buckingham3.11.1881
LUSSA:2024.51document26th March 1890 Conveyance W C N Gould to E B Gould and J N Gould26.3.1890
LUSSA:2024.52document26th January 1883 Mortgage E B Gould to W Buckingham and 2nd July 1896 Reconnenance and reassignment26.1.1883
LUSSA:2024.53document15th April 1890 Conveyance E B Gould and J N Gould to W Buckingham15.4.1890
LUSSA:2024.54document12th February 1896 Appointment by K Gould of new trustees,12.2.1896
LUSSA:2024.55document24th August 1899 Register of land charges Mrs K E Gould24.8.1896
LUSSA:2024.56document24th August 1899 Improvement of Land Act Mrs K E Gould24.8.1899
LUSSA:2024.57document26th February 1902 Mortgage, The Misses Gould to Mrs Fanny Hugo26.2.1902
LUSSA:2024.58document18th June 1906, Appointment of new trustee of The Rev'd and Mrs J Gould's marriage settlement, dated 2nd September 184118.6.1906
LUSSA:2024.59document30th June 1910, Appointment of trustee - Harry Bennell Kindersley and Edward Blencowe Gould30.6.1910
LUSSA:2024.60document2nd April 1900 The land improvement company assignment of rent charge, Mrs K E Gould2.4.1900
LUSSA:2024.61document1913 Abstract of the title of Edward Gould and others to the Manor of Wreyland and the Knowle Estate in the parish of Bovey Tracey1913
LUSSA:2024.63book'Dartmoor Stone' by Stephen H. Woods, a joint publication with the Dartmoor National Park Authority; Devon Books (Pub.) 1988. A fully illustrated treatise on how granite has been used across Dartmoor over five thousand years.1988
LUSSA:2024.64bookletsSunday School Registers from the period 1932-1941 (incomplete range), Sunday School 'Stamp Albums' and other related documents1932
LUSSA:2024.65scriptFull script for The Summer Mummers Play at the Lustleigh Show, August 20242024
LUSSA:2024.66scriptFull script for The Mummers Play of St George and the Dragon, originally performed on the Church steps and Castle DrogoUnknown
LUSSA:2024.67scriptFull script of The Lustleigh Kitchen Mummers play, first performed in the 'new' Village Hall for Christmasunknown
LUSSA:2024.68leafletFlyer promoting summer 2024 LEAP programme
LUSSA:2024.69leafletFlyer promoting performance by Duo Tutti on 31st August 2024 at the summer 2024 LEAP programme
LUSSA:2024.70videoTwo digitised videos of Wendy Manners Chapman being interviewed about how the village bought the dairy building to ensure the shop remained open.20.8.2024
LUSSA:2024.71documentDraft of Short Story written on the return from seeing Lustleigh May Day 2024 recording the connections between our Family (Carritt), Cecil Torr and Lustleigh16.5.2024
LUSSA:2024.72documentWeblink to detailed description of St John the Baptist Church, Lustleigh
LUSSA:2024.73documentWeblink to two videos of Lustleigh Folk Night in the Villlage Hall with Jim Causley, Geoff lakeman and the Kelly Quarry Blasters, February 2023
LUSSA:2024.74documentLand registry certificate re land change dated 8th May 1911. Signed by Katherine Emma Gould1911
LUSSA:2024.75document18th April 1911 Release of lands1911
PHOTO:2008.1photographic printFire at Yonder Wreyland. Taken from a page in a book, source unknown.
PHOTO:2008.2photographic printFire at Yonder Wreyland. Taken from a page in a book, source unknown.
PHOTO:2008.3photographic printColour photograph of Clive Simpson, standing in a garden
PHOTO:2009.1postcardPostcard Depicting the Lych Gate of Lustleigh Church with approaching steps and with Church in Background
PHOTO:2009.2postcardPostcard Depicting Church Interior Showing Frescos Painted by Mr Reginald Hallward, Honorary Secretary of Guild of Clergy Artists. Also Shows Rood Screen and Pulpit
PHOTO:2009.3postcardView of Church Tower and centre of village from Trapstile Lane
PHOTO:2009.4postcardView of Church and centre of village from Trapstile Lane
PHOTO:2009.5postcardView of interior of Church showing rood screen and pulpit
PHOTO:2009.6postcardView of exterior of Church from churchyard
PHOTO:2009.7postcardView of exterior of Church and Tudor Memorial from Pound showing elm trees
PHOTO:2009.8postcardView of interior of Church
PHOTO:2009.9postcardViews of War Memorial, interior and exterior of Church
PHOTO:2009.10postcardViews of exterior of Church, lychgate, steps and elm trees
PHOTO:2009.11postcardViews of exterior of Church, lychgate, steps and elm trees before clock installed
PHOTO:2009.12postcardViews of exterior of Church, lychgate and steps
PHOTO:2009.13photographic printaltar rail inscription
PHOTO:2009.14photographic printaltar rail and chancel of church
PHOTO:2009.15photographic printformer Rectors of Lustleigh
PHOTO:2009.16photographic printformer Rectors of Lustleigh
PHOTO:2009.17photographic printRev Edwin Deacon
PHOTO:2009.18photographic printview of Rood Screen and pulpit - Lustleigh church
PHOTO:2009.19photographic printcarved detail on 4 panels of Rood Screen, Lustleigh church
PHOTO:2009.20photographic printCarved details of Rood Screen and Lady Chapel and Pulpit in Lustleigh church. Also showing 2 pew ends and upper reaches of organ pipes. Cross on top of doorway through screen.
PHOTO:2009.21photographic printhorse and delivery cart with 2 children
PHOTO:2009.22photographic printploughing with 2 horse team, planting potatoes
PHOTO:2009.23photographic printinterior of old forge, 1920s?
PHOTO:2009.24photographic printdry stone walling at Lussacombe ? with Rachel steele, Jay Steele, Isobel Steele, 1944
PHOTO:2009.25photographic print2 ladies standing by gate
PHOTO:2009.26photographic printMr Woodford's wedding 28.10.1920
PHOTO:2009.27photographic printminer in Great Rock Mine Hennock
PHOTO:2009.28photographic printminers in Kelly Mine
PHOTO:2009.29photographic printminer in Great Rock Mine Hennock
PHOTO:2009.30photographic printRev William Gordon Baillie MA, rector of Lustleigh 1904-1910 on his horse
PHOTO:2009.31photographic printLustleigh School children
PHOTO:2009.32photographic printLustleigh School children
PHOTO:2009.33photographic printLustleigh School children (front row left Charles Geoffrey Collier)
PHOTO:2009.34photographic printLustleigh School children
PHOTO:2009.35photographic printLustleigh School children
PHOTO:2009.36postcardLustleigh Station with train
PHOTO:2009.37photographic printBeating the Bounds 1980 - showing people crossing Drakeford Bridge
PHOTO:2009.38photographic printBeating the Bounds 1980 - showing people in woody clearing
PHOTO:2009.39photographic printBeating the Bounds 1980 -at Boundary Stone on North Bovey road showing Will Carnell bouncing Robert Wright.
PHOTO:2009.40postcardView of Lustleigh from end of Mill Lane
PHOTO:2009.41postcardView of Lustleigh from end of Mill Lane with cart and figures
PHOTO:2009.42postcardView of Lustleigh from end of Mill Lane
PHOTO:2009.43postcardView of Lustleigh from end of Mill Lane with cart and figures
PHOTO:2009.44postcardView of Lustleigh from end of Mill Lane with figure
PHOTO:2009.45postcardView of Lustleigh from end of Mill Lane with cart and figure
PHOTO:2009.46postcardView of Lustleigh from end of Mill Lane with figures
PHOTO:2009.47postcardView of Lustleigh from end of Mill Lane with car
PHOTO:2009.48postcardView of Lustleigh from end of Mill Lane
PHOTO:2009.49postcardView of Lustleigh from end of Mill Lane
PHOTO:2009.50postcardView of Lustleigh from end of Mill Lane
PHOTO:2009.51postcardView of Lustleigh from Rectory Lane
PHOTO:2009.52postcardView of Lustleigh from Rectory Lane
PHOTO:2009.53postcardView of Lustleigh from Rectory Lane
PHOTO:2009.54postcardView of Lustleigh
PHOTO:2009.55postcardView of Lustleigh from Knowle Road
PHOTO:2009.56postcardView of Lustleigh
PHOTO:2009.57postcardView of Lustleigh from Knowle Road
PHOTO:2009.58postcardView of Lustleigh from Railway embankment
PHOTO:2009.59postcardView of Lustleigh
PHOTO:2009.60postcardView of Lustleigh from Knowle Road
PHOTO:2009.61postcardView of Brookfield
PHOTO:2009.62postcardView of Lustleigh
PHOTO:2009.63postcardView of Lustleigh
PHOTO:2009.64postcardView of Lustleigh
PHOTO:2009.65postcardView of Lustleigh
PHOTO:2009.66postcardView of Lustleigh
PHOTO:2009.67postcardView of Lustleigh
PHOTO:2009.68postcardView of Lustleigh - Lustleigh from West
PHOTO:2009.69postcardView of Lustleigh
PHOTO:2009.70postcardView of Path to Cleave
PHOTO:2009.71postcardUnveiling of War Memorial
PHOTO:2009.72photographic printTree planting on the Pound
PHOTO:2009.73photographic printBell ringers
PHOTO:2009.74postcardBell ringers
PHOTO:2009.75photographic printPresentation of the deeds for the War Memorial ground
PHOTO:2009.76photographic printPantomime, Mother Goose
PHOTO:2009.77photographic printLustleigh Women's Institute
PHOTO:2009.78photographic printLustleigh Women's Institute at Powderham Castle
PHOTO:2009.79photographic printLustleigh Bell Ringers
PHOTO:2009.80photographic printBritish Legion 75th Anniversary
PHOTO:2009.81postcardLustleigh Girls Club in Rumplestiltskin
PHOTO:2009.82postcardLustleigh Girls Club in Rumplestiltskin
PHOTO:2009.83postcardLustleigh Girls Club in Rumplestiltskin
PHOTO:2009.84postcardLustleigh Girls Club in Rumplestiltskin
PHOTO:2009.85postcardLustleigh Girls Club in Rumplestiltskin
PHOTO:2009.86photographic printJames Nutcombe Gould
PHOTO:2009.87photographic printBeating the Bounds
PHOTO:2009.88photographic printBeating the Bounds
PHOTO:2009.89photographic printBeating the Bounds
PHOTO:2009.90photographic printBeating the Bounds
PHOTO:2009.91photographic printBeating the Bounds
PHOTO:2009.92photographic printBeating the Bounds
PHOTO:2009.93photographic printBeating the Bounds
PHOTO:2009.94photographic printBeating the Bounds
PHOTO:2009.95photographic printBeating the Bounds
PHOTO:2009.96photographic printBeating the Bounds
PHOTO:2009.97photographic printBeating the Bounds
PHOTO:2009.98photographic printBeating the Bounds
PHOTO:2009.100photographic printBeating the Bounds
PHOTO:2009.101photographic printBeating the Bounds
PHOTO:2009.102photographic printBeating the Bounds
PHOTO:2009.102.1photographic printBeating the Bounds
PHOTO:2009.103photographic printBeating the Bounds
PHOTO:2009.104photographic printHolidaymakers Outside Camping Coach with Some Members of the Grant Family
PHOTO:2009.105postcardFamily group outside Coronation Terrace
PHOTO:2009.106postcardMay Day 1931
PHOTO:2009.107postcardMay Day
PHOTO:2009.108postcardMay Day
PHOTO:2009.109postcardMay Day
PHOTO:2009.110postcardMay Day
PHOTO:2009.111postcardMay Day
PHOTO:2009.112photographic printMay Day
PHOTO:2009.113photographic printMay Day
PHOTO:2009.114photographic printMay Day
PHOTO:2009.115photographic printMay Day
PHOTO:2009.116photographic printMay Day
PHOTO:2009.117photographic printSchool Photo
PHOTO:2009.118photographic printGroup scene outside church
PHOTO:2009.119photographic printLand Army
PHOTO:2009.120photographic printBeating the Bounds 1924
PHOTO:2009.121photographic printLustleigh Guides Brownies and Rangers
PHOTO:2009.122photographic printMembers of the Women's Institute performing 'Widecombe Fair'
PHOTO:2009.123photographic printLustleigh Branch of the Rechabites outside Church House
PHOTO:2009.124photographic printLustleigh Drama Group production of "Roses of Eyam"
PHOTO:2009.125photographic printCrowning of May Queen
PHOTO:2009.126photographic printLustleigh Cricket Team
PHOTO:2009.127photographic printThe farrier at the forge
PHOTO:2009.128photographic printWorkers at Kelly Mine
PHOTO:2009.129photographic printOld May Day Rock
PHOTO:2009.130photographic printMay Queen and attendants
PHOTO:2009.131photographic printMay Queen and attendants
PHOTO:2009.132photographic printMay Queen and attendants
PHOTO:2009.133photographic printMaypole dancing
PHOTO:2009.134postcardMay Queen and attendants on Church Steps
PHOTO:2009.135photographic printMay Queen and attendants
PHOTO:2009.136photographic printMay Queen and attendants on Longtor Rock
PHOTO:2009.137photographic printMaypole dancing
PHOTO:2009.138photographic printMaypole dancing
PHOTO:2009.139photographic printMaypole dancing
PHOTO:2009.140photographic printMay Day procession at the School
PHOTO:2009.141photographic printCrowning of the May Queen
PHOTO:2009.142photographic printMay Queen and attendants on Church steps
PHOTO:2009.143photographic printMay Queen and attendants
PHOTO:2009.144photographic printMay Queen and attendants on old May Day rock
PHOTO:2009.145photographic printMay Queen and attendants
PHOTO:2009.146photographic printBunclark family
PHOTO:2009.147photographic printview of Rood Screen Lustleigh church
PHOTO:2009.148photographic printdetail of Rood Screen Lustleigh church
PHOTO:2009.149photographic printRood Screen Lustleigh church
PHOTO:2009.150photographic printSir William le Prouz effigy Lustleigh church
PHOTO:2009.151postcardgroup of bellringers outside church
PHOTO:2009.152photographic printGroup of men one on horse
PHOTO:2009.153photographic printTwo ladies outside Lustleigh Mills
PHOTO:2009.154photographic printLady sitting in garden
PHOTO:2009.155photographic printLady sitting by fireplace
PHOTO:2009.156photographic printThree adults with baby
PHOTO:2009.157photographic printWoman and child outside tin hut
PHOTO:2009.158photographic printChild
PHOTO:2009.159photographic printHorse and cart
PHOTO:2009.160photographic printPeople in doorway
PHOTO:2009.161photographic printtwo people, one seated
PHOTO:2009.162photographic printperson seated by cottage door
PHOTO:2009.163photographic printBeating the Bounds group
PHOTO:2009.164photographic printV.E. Day Exhibition May 8th 1995
PHOTO:2009.165photographic printV.E. Day Exhibition May 8th 1995
PHOTO:2009.166photographic printV.E. Day Exhibition May 8th 1995
PHOTO:2009.182photographic printV.E. Day Exhibition May 8th 1995
PHOTO:2009.183photographic printMay Queen and attendants on Church Steps
PHOTO:2009.184photographic printMay Queen and attendants at Wreyland Manor
PHOTO:2009.185photographic printMapstone house
PHOTO:2009.186photographic printMapstone house
PHOTO:2009.187photographic printGirl and cat on steps of Mapstone
PHOTO:2009.188photographic printGirl by rock at Mapstone
PHOTO:2009.189photographic printPony in field at Mapstone
PHOTO:2009.190photographic printGirl on pony at Mapstone
PHOTO:2009.191photographic printMapstone house
PHOTO:2009.192photographic printGirl and cat on steps at Hillhayes
PHOTO:2009.193photographic printMapstone from the air
PHOTO:2009.197direct positiveGroup of people in the snow. The family were on their way to a birthday party as per information from a family member Theresa Squires, 21/5/18
PHOTO:2009.198photographic printmembers of Womens Institute (W.I.)at craft session
PHOTO:2009.199photographic printFont
PHOTO:2009.200photographic printExterior view of Church
PHOTO:2009.201photographic printview of churchyard and Old Vestry
PHOTO:2009.202photographic printExterior view of Church
PHOTO:2009.203photographic printChancel with wall painting
PHOTO:2009.204photographic printChancel with wall painting
PHOTO:2009.205photographic printExtension churchyard
PHOTO:2009.206photographic printEntrance to the extension churchyard
PHOTO:2009.207photographic printInterior view of Church
PHOTO:2009.208photographic printExterior view of Church
PHOTO:2009.209photographic printExterior view of Church porch and Prowse Chapel
PHOTO:2009.210photographic printExterior view of Church porch and Prowse Chapel
PHOTO:2009.211photographic printExterior view of Church and part of Stable House Cottage
PHOTO:2009.212photographic printExterior view of Church and centre of the village
PHOTO:2009.213photographic printBennetts and Williamsons on Pavilion steps
PHOTO:2009.214photographic printTennis party at the Pavilion
PHOTO:2009.215photographic printTennis party at the Pavilion
PHOTO:2009.216photographic printTennis party at the Pavilion
PHOTO:2009.217photographic printTennis party at the Pavilion
PHOTO:2009.218photographic printClearing at the Pavilion
PHOTO:2009.219photographic printThe Pavilion
PHOTO:2009.220photographic printCouple with car
PHOTO:2009.221photographic printGroup at entrance to Town Orchard
PHOTO:2009.222photographic printTennis party at the Pavilion
PHOTO:2009.223photographic printChildren on the Church Steps
PHOTO:2009.224photographic printStreet party celebration
PHOTO:2009.225photographic printStreet party celebration
PHOTO:2009.226photographic printLustleigh Brownie pack
PHOTO:2009.227photographic printOwners of the Pavilion
PHOTO:2009.228photographic printThree generations of the Bennett family at the Pavilion
PHOTO:2009.229photographic printBelgian refugees outside Elmfield
PHOTO:2009.230photographic printBeating the Bounds - looking at the map
PHOTO:2009.231photographic printMay Day procession walking towards Brookfield
PHOTO:2009.232photographic printMay Day procession lined up in school playground
PHOTO:2009.233photographic printMay Day procession lined up in road
PHOTO:2009.234photographic printBowling for the Pig at May Day
PHOTO:2009.235postcardLustleigh Infants School children
PHOTO:2009.236postcardLustleigh School children
PHOTO:2009.237photographic printLustleigh School children
PHOTO:2009.238photographic printTeacher - Miss Bennet: Back Row Ernest Tremlett, George Osborne, Bill Squires, Donald Black, Bernard Horrell Middle Row: Josie Amery, Nellie Squires, Joan Bourne, Mary Hicks, Front Row: Peter Horrell, Sonnie Oarsman, Sidney Weeks, George Ellis
PHOTO:2009.239photographic printPortrait of Mrs Bibbings
PHOTO:2009.240photographic printHome Guard parade on village green
PHOTO:2009.241photographic printHome Guard parade in front of Town Orchard
PHOTO:2009.242photographic printHome Guard parade in front of village hall
PHOTO:2009.243photographic printCub pack outside School
PHOTO:2009.244photographic printLustleigh Football Club team
PHOTO:2009.245photographic printHarrowing in field next to Railway
PHOTO:2009.246photographic printChildren playing in river Bovey by Wilford Bridge
PHOTO:2009.247photographic printLustleigh Rangers and Guides at Hound Tor
PHOTO:2009.248photographic printLustleigh Rangers and Guides at Hound Tor
PHOTO:2009.249photographic printLustleigh Guides outside Pound Cottage
PHOTO:2009.250postcardView towards Sharpitor and Lustleigh Cleave
PHOTO:2009.251postcardLustleigh Cleave
PHOTO:2009.252postcardThe Pound
PHOTO:2009.253postcardView towards village from Rock Cottages
PHOTO:2009.254postcardView of Pound Cottages looking towards Knowle
PHOTO:2009.256postcardLustleigh from the Cleave
PHOTO:2009.257postcardPethybridge farmhouse
PHOTO:2009.258postcardPrimrose Cottage
PHOTO:2009.259postcardHisley Weir
PHOTO:2009.260postcardPound Cottages
PHOTO:2009.261postcardStile at Hammerslake
PHOTO:2009.263postcardVillage centre
PHOTO:2009.264postcardInterior view of Church
PHOTO:2009.265postcardInterior view of Church
PHOTO:2009.266postcardPound Cottages
PHOTO:2009.267postcardOld Manaton road, Bovey Valley
PHOTO:2009.268postcardTudor Memorial
PHOTO:2009.269postcardLustleigh Church
PHOTO:2009.270postcardBridge over leat by Pound Cottages
PHOTO:2009.271postcardView of Lustleigh from The Crags
PHOTO:2009.272postcardWreyland Manor
PHOTO:2009.273postcardView of Lustleigh
PHOTO:2009.274postcardView of Lustleigh
PHOTO:2009.275postcardCleave Cottage
PHOTO:2009.276postcardLustleigh Church
PHOTO:2009.277postcardCleave Hotel
PHOTO:2009.278postcardCleave cottage interior
PHOTO:2009.279postcardLustleigh Church
PHOTO:2009.280postcardLussacombe (?)
PHOTO:2009.281postcardMultiple views: General view; The Village; Pound cottages, View from the Cleave; View from Rock cottages
PHOTO:2009.282postcardWreyland manor
PHOTO:2009.283postcardHorsham Steps
PHOTO:2009.284postcardPound Cottages
PHOTO:2009.285postcardView of Pound Cottages
PHOTO:2009.286postcardView of village from Lustleigh Cleave
PHOTO:2009.287postcardCutting Corn at Ellimore
PHOTO:2009.288postcardLustleigh Cleave
PHOTO:2009.289postcardFoxworthy Mill
PHOTO:2009.290postcardPackhorse Bridge at Hisley
PHOTO:2009.291postcardPrimrose Cafe
PHOTO:2009.292postcardPound Cottages
PHOTO:2009.293postcardEllimore Farm and Lustleigh Cleave
PHOTO:2009.294postcardViews of village, Wreyland Manor and Lustleigh Cleave
PHOTO:2009.295postcardVillage centre
PHOTO:2009.296postcardVillage centre
PHOTO:2009.297postcardLustleigh Church
PHOTO:2009.298postcardPound Cottages
PHOTO:2009.299postcardGeneral view of village
PHOTO:2009.300postcardLustleigh Cleave
PHOTO:2009.301postcardWreyland Manor and cottage
PHOTO:2009.302postcardView of village from Rock Cottages
PHOTO:2009.303postcardWreyland Manor
PHOTO:2009.304postcardWreyland Manor
PHOTO:2009.305postcardWreyland Manor
PHOTO:2009.306postcardLustleigh Church
PHOTO:2009.307postcardPound Cottages
PHOTO:2009.308postcardView of village from railway line
PHOTO:2009.309postcardView of village
PHOTO:2009.310postcardPound Cottages
PHOTO:2009.311postcardWreyland Manor
PHOTO:2009.312postcardConvalesence card
PHOTO:2009.314postcardOld Manaton Road, Bovey Valley
PHOTO:2009.315postcardHanding over deeds for the War Memorial site to the British Legion
PHOTO:2009.316photographic printMay Queen and attendants on Church steps
PHOTO:2009.317postcardMay Queen and attendants by Wreyland Manor
PHOTO:2009.318postcardMay Queen and attendants on Church steps
PHOTO:2009.319photographic printMay Queen and attendants on church playground
PHOTO:2009.320photographic printMay Queen and attendants on May Day rock
PHOTO:2009.321photographic printMay Queen and two canopy bearers on May Day rock
PHOTO:2009.322postcardUnveiling of Lustleigh War Memorial April 1925
PHOTO:2009.323postcardUnveiling of Lustleigh War Memorial April 1925
PHOTO:2009.324postcardLustleigh War Memorial after unveiling
PHOTO:2009.325photographic printSoldier in WW1 uniform holding dog
PHOTO:2009.326photographic printSoldier in WW1 uniform
PHOTO:2010.1photographic printLady standing in front of cottage door
PHOTO:2010.2photographic printFamily group on a picnic at Shaptor rock (?)
PHOTO:2010.3photographic printFamily group on a picnic at Shaptor rock (?)
PHOTO:2010.4postcardGroup of workers at building site
PHOTO:2010.5postcardGroup of workers outside building
PHOTO:2010.6photographic printGroup of workers on road
PHOTO:2010.7photographic printGroup of workers on road
PHOTO:2010.8photographic printMan with gun and goat standing in field next to railway
PHOTO:2010.9photographic printGamekeeper with dog and rabbits
PHOTO:2010.10photographic printLady sitting at table
PHOTO:2010.11photographic printReplacing the Logan Stone
PHOTO:2010.12photographic printReplacing the Logan Stone
PHOTO:2010.13photographic printReplacing the Logan Stone
PHOTO:2010.14photographic printReplacing the Logan Stone
PHOTO:2010.15photographic printReplacing the Logan Stone. View of Cleave and pulley system.
PHOTO:2010.16photographic printMan with spade
PHOTO:2010.17photographic printTwo girls with model
PHOTO:2010.18postcardMay Queen on Rock with canopy bearers
PHOTO:2010.19postcardMay Queen on Rock with onlookers
PHOTO:2010.20postcardMay Queen on Old Rock (late 20's - 30's)
PHOTO:2010.21photographic printMay Queen on Church Steps with attendants
PHOTO:2010.22photographic printMay Queen on Old Rock
PHOTO:2010.23photographic printMay Queen on Church Steps with Canopy Bearers
PHOTO:2010.25photographic printV.E. Day Exhibition May 8th 1995
PHOTO:2010.26photographic printV.E. Day Exhibition May 8th 1995
PHOTO:2010.27photographic printV.E. Day Exhibition May 8th 1995
PHOTO:2010.28photographic printV.E. Day Exhibition May 8th 1995
PHOTO:2010.29photographic printV.E. Day Exhibition May 8th 1995
PHOTO:2010.30photographic printV.E. Day Exhibition May 8th 1995
PHOTO:2010.31photographic printV.E. Day Exhibition May 8th 1995
PHOTO:2010.32photographic printPortrait of female
PHOTO:2010.33photographic printSpecial Constable outside Lustleigh Dairy
PHOTO:2010.34photographic printLady and cat in garden
PHOTO:2010.35photographic printFamily group
PHOTO:2010.36photographic printFamily group
PHOTO:2010.37photographic printCouple with dog
PHOTO:2010.38photographic printMan and woman
PHOTO:2010.39photographic printPortrait of boy
PHOTO:2010.40photographic printEvacuees
PHOTO:2010.41photographic printFour men in fancy dress
PHOTO:2010.42photographic printPortrait of lady
PHOTO:2010.43photographic printPortrait of man
PHOTO:2010.44photographic printLady dressed as Russian Peasant
PHOTO:2010.45photographic printLady standing at entrance to Cleave Hotel
PHOTO:2010.46photographic printPortrait of Reverend gentleman
PHOTO:2010.47photographic printPortrait of lady
PHOTO:2010.48photographic printFamily Group of Rogerson family
PHOTO:2010.49photographic printFancy dress group outside Cleave Hotel
PHOTO:2010.50photographic printWedding couple outside church
PHOTO:2010.51photographic printWedding group
PHOTO:2010.52photographic printMay Day procession
PHOTO:2010.53photographic printPortrait of gentleman
PHOTO:2010.54photographic printWedding group on Church Steps
PHOTO:2010.55photographic printPortrait of Woman and two girls
PHOTO:2010.56photographic printMay Queen on Church Steps with Attendants 1935
PHOTO:2010.57photographic printMay Queen on Church Steps with Attendants 1935
PHOTO:2010.58photographic printMay Queen procession coming down by village green (garage in rear now Primrose)
PHOTO:2010.59photographic printMay Day procession outside school
PHOTO:2010.60photographic printMay Day procession on church steps
PHOTO:2010.61photographic printGentleman, dog and cat outside house
PHOTO:2010.62photographic printFamily of John and Elizabeth Wills outside house
PHOTO:2010.63photographic printFamily of John and Elizabeth Wills outside house
PHOTO:2010.64photographic printGolden Wedding group on Church Steps
PHOTO:2010.65photographic printView of centre of Lustleigh
PHOTO:2010.66photographic printView of centre of Lustleigh
PHOTO:2010.67photographic printView of centre of Lustleigh
PHOTO:2010.68photographic printThe Smithy
PHOTO:2010.69photographic printThe Smithy
PHOTO:2010.70photographic printView of centre of village
PHOTO:2010.71photographic printCottages at Pethybridge
PHOTO:2010.72photographic printPethybridge Farmhouse
PHOTO:2010.74photographic printPethybridge Farmhouse
PHOTO:2010.75photographic printThe Smithy
PHOTO:2010.76photographic printNutcracker Rock & Lustleigh Cleave
PHOTO:2010.77photographic printNutcracker Rock
PHOTO:2010.78photographic printNutcracker Rock, Lustleigh Cleave
PHOTO:2010.79photographic printThe Weir - from Photographic View Album of Lustleigh and Vicinity
PHOTO:2010.80photographic printNutcracker Rock
PHOTO:2010.81photographic printView of village in snow
PHOTO:2010.82photographic printKnowle Woods in snow
PHOTO:2010.83photographic printWreyland Manor in snow
PHOTO:2010.84photographic printWreyland Manor side entrance in snow
PHOTO:2010.85photographic printLustleigh in snow
PHOTO:2010.86photographic printLustleigh in snow
PHOTO:2010.87photographic printBrookfield in snow
PHOTO:2010.88photographic printWrey Valley in snow
PHOTO:2010.89photographic printSt John's Church in snow at night
PHOTO:2010.90photographic printCleave Inn sign in snow at night
PHOTO:2010.91photographic printGould Lamp outside church in snow at night
PHOTO:2010.92photographic printThe Old Vestry in snow at night
PHOTO:2010.93photographic printSnowman on Church Steps
PHOTO:2010.94photographic printRice Family at Ellimore Farm
PHOTO:2010.95photographic printLustleigh Cleave and Raven's Tor, an old photograph from early 1890s
PHOTO:2010.97photographic printHunt passing through village
PHOTO:2010.98photographic printCecil Torr looking at map for Beating the Bounds
PHOTO:2010.99photographic printFour members of the Wills family
PHOTO:2010.100photographic printBritish Legion fete
PHOTO:2010.101photographic printBritish Legion fete
PHOTO:2010.102postcardView of Ivy Cottage from Knowle
PHOTO:2010.103postcardWaye Farm
PHOTO:2010.104photographic printWaye Farm
PHOTO:2010.105photographic printLustleigh Cleave
PHOTO:2010.106photographic printHigher Coombe
PHOTO:2010.107postcardThe Cleave Road
PHOTO:2010.108photographic printBottle stall at May Day
PHOTO:2010.109photographic printMaypole dancing
PHOTO:2010.110photographic printHoopla at May day
PHOTO:2010.111photographic printMay Day
PHOTO:2010.112photographic printMay Day
PHOTO:2010.113photographic printMay Day
PHOTO:2010.114photographic printMay Day
PHOTO:2010.115photographic printKelly Cross Cottage
PHOTO:2010.116photographic printFoxworthy
PHOTO:2010.117photographic printFoxworthy Gate
PHOTO:2010.118photographic printSkating on pool at Peck Farm
PHOTO:2010.119photographic printLustleigh Cleave and Raven's Tor
PHOTO:2010.120photographic printLustleigh Station
PHOTO:2010.121photographic printCleave Cottage interior
PHOTO:2010.122photographic printBeating the Bounds
PHOTO:2010.123photographic printBeating the Bounds
PHOTO:2010.124photographic printBeating the Bounds
PHOTO:2010.125photographic printBeating the Bounds
PHOTO:2010.126photographic printBeating the Bounds
PHOTO:2010.127photographic printBeating the Bounds
PHOTO:2010.128photographic printBeating the Bounds
PHOTO:2010.129photographic printBeating the Bounds
PHOTO:2010.130photographic printBeating the Bounds
PHOTO:2010.131photographic printBeating the Bounds
PHOTO:2010.132photographic printBeating the Bounds
PHOTO:2010.133photographic printBeating the Bounds
PHOTO:2010.134photographic printMay Day
PHOTO:2010.135photographic printMay Day
PHOTO:2010.136photographic printMay Day
PHOTO:2010.137photographic printMay Day
PHOTO:2010.138photographic printMay Day
PHOTO:2010.139photographic printMay Day
PHOTO:2010.140photographic printMay Day
PHOTO:2010.141photographic printMay Day
PHOTO:2010.142photographic printNorth Park Refreshment Bungalow
PHOTO:2010.143photographic printPound Cottages
PHOTO:2010.144photographic printLustleigh Village Stores
PHOTO:2010.145photographic printPound Cottages
PHOTO:2010.146photographic printClock golf game
PHOTO:2010.147photographic printLady with book
PHOTO:2010.148photographic printGentleman
PHOTO:2010.149photographic printJohn and Louisa Wills with their four sons
PHOTO:2010.150photographic printGentleman in military uniform
PHOTO:2010.151photographic printColes family group
PHOTO:2010.152photographic printBoy in uniform
PHOTO:2010.153photographic printBoy
PHOTO:2010.154photographic printSouth Devon Hunt, at Greenhill
PHOTO:2010.155photographic printSouth Devon Hunt, at Greenhill
PHOTO:2010.156photographic printLustleigh Cleave and Sharpitor
PHOTO:2010.157photographic printLustleigh Cleave and Sharpitor
PHOTO:2010.158photographic printCleave Hotel and Brookside
PHOTO:2010.159photographic printPrimrose Cafe
PHOTO:2010.160photographic printPrimrose Cafe
PHOTO:2010.161photographic printPrimrose Cafe and the square
PHOTO:2010.162photographic printPound Cottages
PHOTO:2010.163photographic printPound Cottages
PHOTO:2010.164photographic printPound Cottages
PHOTO:2010.165photographic printThe Pound
PHOTO:2010.166photographic printGeneral view of the village centre
PHOTO:2010.167photographic printPrimrose Cafe and the Pound
PHOTO:2010.168photographic printPrimrose Cafe and the Pound and Pound Cottage
PHOTO:2010.169photographic printLustleigh Cleave and the Nutcracker Rock
PHOTO:2010.170photographic printLustleigh from the cricket field
PHOTO:2010.171photographic printView of village looking towards Mill Lane and Pethybridge Lane from railway line
PHOTO:2010.172photographic printView of village looking towards School and Rectory Lane
PHOTO:2010.173photographic printView of village from Ellimore Farm (?)
PHOTO:2010.174photographic printView of village
PHOTO:2010.175photographic printView of village from the Crags
PHOTO:2010.176photographic printView of village from field by Baptist Chapel
PHOTO:2010.177photographic printView of village from bridge by Rock cottages
PHOTO:2010.178photographic printView of village street with Melrose Terrace and Smithy
PHOTO:2010.179photographic printView of village from outside Rock Cottages
PHOTO:2010.180photographic printLustleigh scout troop Camp At international Jamboree
PHOTO:2010.190photographic printLustleigh Scout Troop at International Jamboree, Watcombe, Torquay 1955
PHOTO:2010.192photographic printLustleigh Scout Troop Camping at Doddiscombleigh, 1954
PHOTO:2010.193photographic printLustleigh Scout Troop Marching in Parade at International Jamboree at Watcombe, Torquay, 1955
PHOTO:2010.194photographic printSouth Devon Hunt, at Greenhill
PHOTO:2010.195photographic printMay Day procession at the Rock
PHOTO:2010.197photographic printMay Day procession at the Rock
PHOTO:2010.198photographic printWreyland Manor
PHOTO:2010.199photographic printWreyland Manor
PHOTO:2010.200photographic printPostman in centre of village
PHOTO:2010.201photographic printMay Day procession
PHOTO:2010.202photographic printMay Day procession
PHOTO:2010.203photographic printMay Day blessing on Church Steps
PHOTO:2010.204photographic printCasely Farm
PHOTO:2010.205photographic printWreyland Manor
PHOTO:2010.206photographic printschool pupils
PHOTO:2010.207photographic printLustleigh Station
PHOTO:2010.208photographic printLustleigh Station
PHOTO:2010.209photographic printLustleigh Railway and View of Village
PHOTO:2010.211photographic printPaying guest with parrot
PHOTO:2010.212photographic printView of village
PHOTO:2010.213photographic printPeople having a picnic on Lustleigh Cleave
PHOTO:2010.214photographic printFamily group
PHOTO:2010.216photographic printMay Day Girl attendants
PHOTO:2010.217photographic printLustleigh Railway and View of Village
PHOTO:2010.218photographic printfemale figure in W.I. Drama Festival in Dawlish
PHOTO:2010.219photographic printFemale Adult with two child performersin W.I. Drama Festival in Dawlish
PHOTO:2010.220photographic printtwo young performers in (perhaps) Elizabethan dress in W.I. Drama Festival in Dawlish
PHOTO:2010.221photographic printFemale performer at W.I. Drama Festival in Dawlish
PHOTO:2010.222photographic printFemale performer at W.I. Drama Festival in Dawlish
PHOTO:2010.223photographic printThe nutcracker
PHOTO:2010.224photographic printThe nutcracker
PHOTO:2010:96photographic printPethybridge Wood - Ellimore Lane to right
PHOTO:2011.1direct positiveMichael Howard's Butchers Van Overturns on Icy Road at Brookfield
PHOTO:2011.2direct positiveMichael Howard's Butchers Van Overturns on Icy Road at Brookfield
PHOTO:2011.3digital imageDunns Dairy Delivers Milk by Tractor, to Lustleigh Dairy During Heavy Snowfall
PHOTO:2011.4digital imageDunns Dairy Delivers Milk by Tractor, to Lustleigh Dairy During Heavy Snowfall
PHOTO:2011.5digital imageDunns Dairy Delivers Milk by Tractor, to Lustleigh Dairy During Heavy Snowfall
PHOTO:2011.6photographic printMay Day
PHOTO:2011.7photographRector blessing May Day
PHOTO:2011.8photographBarry Sessions feeding cow
PHOTO:2011.9photographMay Day procession
PHOTO:2011.10photographParson's Loaf
PHOTO:2011.11photographStone stile
PHOTO:2011.14photographCricket field
PHOTO:2011.15digital imageReproduction of etching of Lower Coombe (Lower Combe) circa 1860, showing thatched roof and taken from the garden
PHOTO:2011.16digital imageTour of Britain Cycle race
PHOTO:2011.17digital imageTour of Britain Cycle race
PHOTO:2011.18digital imageTour of Britain Cycle race
PHOTO:2011.19postcardVillage centre
PHOTO:2011.20photographSchool photograph
PHOTO:2011.21photographMay Day children in school yard
PHOTO:2011.22photographBand leading May Day procession
PHOTO:2011.23photographMay Day procession in School Playground
PHOTO:2012.01photographLustleigh Mummers play
PHOTO:2012.02photographMay Day
PHOTO:2012.03photographMay Day
PHOTO:2012.04photographMay Day
PHOTO:2012.05photographMay Day
PHOTO:2012.06photographMay Day
PHOTO:2012.07photographMay Day
PHOTO:2012.08photographMay Day
PHOTO:2012.09photographMay Day
PHOTO:2012.10photographMay Day
PHOTO:2012.11photographMay Day
PHOTO:2012.12photographMay Day
PHOTO:2012.13photographMay Day
PHOTO:2012.14photographMay Day
PHOTO:2012.15photographMay Day
PHOTO:2012.16photographMay Day
PHOTO:2012.17photographMay Day
PHOTO:2012.18photographMay Day
PHOTO:2012.19photographMay Day
PHOTO:2012.20photographMay Day
PHOTO:2012.21photographMay Day
PHOTO:2012.22photographMay Day
PHOTO:2012.23photographMay Day
PHOTO:2012.24photographMay Day
PHOTO:2012.25photographMay Day
PHOTO:2012.26photographBeating the bounds
PHOTO:2012.27photographBeating the bounds
PHOTO:2012.28photographBeating the bounds
PHOTO:2012.29photographBeating the bounds
PHOTO:2012.30photographGroup by tree
PHOTO:2012.31photographGroup outside marquee
PHOTO:2012.32photographGroup in costume
PHOTO:2012.33photographCharabanc tour
PHOTO:2012.34photographCouple outside Higher hisley
PHOTO:2012.36photographWills, John
PHOTO:2012.37photographWills, Elizabeth
PHOTO:2012.42photographAunt Nell outside Higher Hisley
PHOTO:2012.47photographFamily group
PHOTO:2012.48photographFamily group
PHOTO:2012.49photographFamily group
PHOTO:2012.52photographAdult group
PHOTO:2012.53photographAdult and children
PHOTO:2012.54photographAdult and child in village
PHOTO:2012.55photographAdult and child
PHOTO:2012.59photographFamily group
PHOTO:2012.60photographMay Day procession
PHOTO:2012.61photographMay Queen and attendants
PHOTO:2012.62photographMaypole dancing
PHOTO:2012.63photographMaypole dancing
PHOTO:2012.64photographMaypole dancing
PHOTO:2012.67photographMine equipment
PHOTO:2012.68photographMine equipment
PHOTO:2012.69photographMine equipment
PHOTO:2012.70photographPeople outside house
PHOTO:2012.71photomechanical printRev Davy
PHOTO:2012.73photomechanical printPostman
PHOTO:2012.76photographPeople with post office van
PHOTO:2012.77photomechanical printPostman
PHOTO:2012.81photographShop owners outside Dairy
PHOTO:2012.82photographShop owners and staff outside Dairy
PHOTO:2012.83photographBennett family
PHOTO:2012.86photographFamily group
PHOTO:2012.87photographPeople outside house
PHOTO:2012.90postcard albumPostcard sleeve
PHOTO:2012.91photographView of village
PHOTO:2012.92photographView of Church
PHOTO:2012.93photographWreyland Manor
PHOTO:2012.94photographPrimrose Cafe
PHOTO:2012.95photographView of the village
PHOTO:2012.96photograph5 views of the village
PHOTO:2012.97photographWoman and two children
PHOTO:2012.98photographGermon's Post
PHOTO:2012.99photographWillmead Farm
PHOTO:2012.101photographTown crier
PHOTO:2012.102photographThree ladies
PHOTO:2012.103photographMan with pony cart
PHOTO:2012.104photographTwo people on the Nutcrackers
PHOTO:2012.105photographBoy with dog
PHOTO:2012.106photographGirl with box of kittens
PHOTO:2012.107photographPortrait of a lady
PHOTO:2012.108photographGroup of 3 people
PHOTO:2012.109photographKelly Mine before restoration
PHOTO:2012.110photographKelly Mine
PHOTO:2012.111photographWedding Group
PHOTO:2012.112photographRailway Station
PHOTO:2012.113photographRailway Station
PHOTO:2012.114photographRailway Station
PHOTO:2012.115photographRailway Station
PHOTO:2012.116photographBoundary stone
PHOTO:2012.117photographRailway Station
PHOTO:2012.118photographTrain on railway line
PHOTO:2012.119photographRailway Station
PHOTO:2012.120photographTrain on railway line
PHOTO:2012.121photographRailway Station
PHOTO:2012.122photographTrain on railway line
PHOTO:2012.123photographRailway Station
PHOTO:2012.124photographRailway property boundary marker
PHOTO:2012.125photographRailway property boundary marker
PHOTO:2012.126photographRailway Station
PHOTO:2012.127photographDemonstration at WI
PHOTO:2012.128photographGroup of ladies in centre of village
PHOTO:2012.129photographGroup of ladies outside village hall
PHOTO:2012.130photographThatching of the Cleave
PHOTO:2012.131photographThatching of the Cleave
PHOTO:2012.132photographRestoration of Church House
PHOTO:2012.133photographThatching the Cleave
PHOTO:2012.134photographThatching the Cleave
PHOTO:2012.135photographClam Bridge
PHOTO:2012.136photographBell ringers
PHOTO:2012.137photographBell ringers
PHOTO:2012.138photographBell ringers
PHOTO:2012.139photographFootball team
PHOTO:2012.141photographCrowning of May Queen
PHOTO:2012.142photographSchool group
PHOTO:2012.143photographExeter Festival of Food
PHOTO:2012.144photographMilk Lorry crash
PHOTO:2012.145photographMilk Lorry crash
PHOTO:2012.146photographMilk Lorry crash
PHOTO:2012.147photographMilk Lorry crash
PHOTO:2012.148photographMilk Lorry crash
PHOTO:2012.149photographMilk Lorry crash
PHOTO:2012.150photographHunt meet
PHOTO:2012.151photographHunt meet
PHOTO:2012.152photographHunt meet
PHOTO:2012.153photographHunt meet
PHOTO:2012.154photographHunt meet
PHOTO:2012.155photographHunt meet
PHOTO:2012.156photographHunt meet
PHOTO:2012.157photographFamily group
PHOTO:2012.158photographFamily group
PHOTO:2012.159photographBoy on rocking horse
PHOTO:2012.160photographPortrait of man
PHOTO:2012.161photographMay Queen and bower
PHOTO:2012.162photographChildren's procession
PHOTO:2012.163photographRector blessing May Day
PHOTO:2012.164photographMay Queen's attendants and Town Crier
PHOTO:2012.165photographMay Queen's attendants and Town Crier
PHOTO:2012.166photographChildren presenting flowers
PHOTO:2012.167photographVillagers making Canopy on the Morning of May Day 2012
PHOTO:2012.168photographVillagers making Canopy on the Morning of May Day 2012
PHOTO:2012.169photographReroofing the Gospel Hall as Part of Rennovations for new Lighthouse Youth Centre
PHOTO:2012.170photographReroofing the Gospel Hall as Part of Rennovations for new Lighthouse Youth Centre
PHOTO:2012.171photographReroofing the Gospel Hall as Part of Rennovations for new Lighthouse Youth Centre
PHOTO:2012.172photographic printLustleigh Primary School children
PHOTO:2012.173photographic printFire at Post Office / village shop
PHOTO:2012.174photographFox hunt
PHOTO:2012.175photographFox hunt
PHOTO:2012.176photographFox hunt
PHOTO:2012.177photographFox hunt
PHOTO:2012.178photographCharabanc outing
PHOTO:2012.179photographStreet party
PHOTO:2012.180photographTree planting in Town Orchard
PHOTO:2012.181photographTree planting in Town Orchard
PHOTO:2012.182photographWoman at stall
PHOTO:2012.183photographWoman at stall
PHOTO:2012.184photographMan and woman at stall
PHOTO:2012.185photographTwo women at stall
PHOTO:2012.186photographMan at stall
PHOTO:2012.187photographTwo women at stall
PHOTO:2012.188photographWoman at stall
PHOTO:2012.189photographWoman at stall
PHOTO:2012.192photographStall at Dickensian Market
PHOTO:2012.193photographRefreshment servers
PHOTO:2012.206photographApple tree
PHOTO:2012.207photographApple tree
PHOTO:2012.208photographApple tree
PHOTO:2012.209photographApple tree
PHOTO:2012.210photographApple tree
PHOTO:2012.211photographApple Day
PHOTO:2012.212photographApple Day
PHOTO:2012.213photographApple Day
PHOTO:2012.214photographHarvesting apples
PHOTO:2012.215photographApple Day
PHOTO:2012.216photographApple Day
PHOTO:2012.216.1photographApple Day with Barry Sessions Jenny Webb Tim Hall Sue Vicars (green top - middle)
PHOTO:2012.217photographApple Day
PHOTO:2012.218photographApple Day
PHOTO:2012.219photographHarvesting apples
PHOTO:2012.220photographApple Day
PHOTO:2012.221photographApple Day
PHOTO:2012.222photographApple Day
PHOTO:2012.223photographLustleigh Cricket team
PHOTO:2012.224photographApple day
PHOTO:2012.225photographApple day
PHOTO:2012.226photographHarvesting apples
PHOTO:2012.227photographApple Day
PHOTO:2012.228photographApple Day
PHOTO:2012.229photographKnowle House
PHOTO:2012.230photographFarming in fields at Knowle
PHOTO:2012.231photographKnowle House
PHOTO:2012.232photographKnowle House
PHOTO:2012.233photographKnowle House
PHOTO:2012.234photographKnowle House
PHOTO:2012.235photographHughie Chudley and Belinda Roach at Knowle House
PHOTO:2012.236photographRoach family at Knowle House
PHOTO:2012.237photographKnowle House
PHOTO:2012.238photographGarden at Knowle House
PHOTO:2012.239photographGarden at Knowle House
PHOTO:2012.240photographKnowle House
PHOTO:2012.241photographKnowle House
PHOTO:2012.242photographKnowle Cottage
PHOTO:2012.243photographRoach family at Knowle
PHOTO:2012.244photographRoach family at Knowle
PHOTO:2012.245photographRoach family at Knowle
PHOTO:2012.246postcardLustleigh from Knowle road
PHOTO:2012.247photographQueen Victoria's Golden Jubilee festivities
PHOTO:2012.248photographVillage from Mill Lane
PHOTO:2012.249postcardVillage centre
PHOTO:2012.250photographVillage centre
PHOTO:2012.251photographVillage centre and Tudor cross
PHOTO:2012.252photographVillage centre
PHOTO:2012.255postcardWreyland Manor
PHOTO:2012.256photographApple Day
PHOTO:2012.257photographMay Day
PHOTO:2012.258postcardVillage centre
PHOTO:2012.259photographMay Day
PHOTO:2012.260photographMay Day
PHOTO:2012.261photographMay Day
PHOTO:2012.262photographMay Day
PHOTO:2012.263photographMay Day
PHOTO:2012.264photographMay Day
PHOTO:2012.266photographLustleigh Mummers
PHOTO:2012.270photographThe Old Smithy
PHOTO:2012.271photographAerial view of centre of lustleigh
PHOTO:2012.272photographMill Cottage
PHOTO:2012.273photographThe Crags 1920
PHOTO:2012.274photographThe Crags 1920
PHOTO:2012.276photographGospel Hall
PHOTO:2012.277photographSt Andrews guest house
PHOTO:2012.278photographSt Andrews guest house
PHOTO:2012.279photographSt Andrews
PHOTO:2012.280postcardLower Combe
PHOTO:2012.281postcardCottage at Kelly Cross
PHOTO:2012.282postcardBishop's Stone, Caseley Nurseries and Tea gardens
PHOTO:2012.283postcardWreyland manor
PHOTO:2012.284photographDigging Potatoes at Cothland Barn pre 1940
PHOTO:2012.285photographApple Day
PHOTO:2012.286photographApple Day
PHOTO:2012.287photographApple Day
PHOTO:2012.288photographApple Day
PHOTO:2012.289photographApple Day
PHOTO:2012.290photographApple Day
PHOTO:2012.291photographApple Day
PHOTO:2012.292photographApple Day
PHOTO:2012.293photographApple Day
PHOTO:2012.294photographApple Day
PHOTO:2012.295photographApple Day
PHOTO:2012.296photographApple Day
PHOTO:2012.297photographfloods, cricket field and Wreyland path
PHOTO:2012.298photographfloods, Wreyland path
PHOTO:2012.299photographfloods,cricket field
PHOTO:2012.300photographfloods,cricket field
PHOTO:2012.301photographLustleigh Mummers
PHOTO:2012.305photographfloods, cricket pavilion
PHOTO:2012.306photographLustleigh Mummers
PHOTO:2012.308photographLustleigh Mummers
PHOTO:2012.309photographLustleigh Mummers
PHOTO:2012.310photographLustleigh Mummers
PHOTO:2012.311photographMillenium Fayre
PHOTO:2012.312photographMillenium Fayre
PHOTO:2012.313photographMillenium Fayre
PHOTO:2012.314photographMillenium Fayre
PHOTO:2012.315photographMillenium Fayre
PHOTO:2012.316photographMillenium Fayre
PHOTO:2012.317photographMillenium Fayre
PHOTO:2012.318photographMillenium Fayre
PHOTO:2012.319photographMillenium Fayre
PHOTO:2012.320photographMillenium Fayre
PHOTO:2012.322photographMillenium Fayre
PHOTO:2012.323photographMillenium Fayre
PHOTO:2012.324photographMillenium Fayre
PHOTO:2012.326photographMillenium Fayre
PHOTO:2012.327photographCross Dartmoor walk
PHOTO:2012.328photographPhotograph of a table mat depicting a watercolour scene of Pound Cottages and Little Holme - fromt of table mat
PHOTO:2012.329photographPhotograph of a table mat depictiing a watercolour scene of Pound Cottages and Little Holme - back of table mat
PHOTO:2012.330photographPhotograph of plaque on the Old Vestry
PHOTO:2012.331photographPhotograph of the former Post Office
PHOTO:2012.332photographPhotograph of cottage at Kelly Cross
PHOTO:2012.333photographPhotograph of Rudge Farmhouse
PHOTO:2012.334photographSouth Harton farmhouse
PHOTO:2012.335photographLower Coombe
PHOTO:2012.336photographCleave Cottage
PHOTO:2012.337photographInterior of cottage
PHOTO:2012.338photographLussacombe garden
PHOTO:2012.339photographCleave Lodge
PHOTO:2012.340photographLussacombe garden
PHOTO:2012.341photographLussacombe garden
PHOTO:2012.343photographAsh House
PHOTO:2012.345photographLussacombe farmhouse
PHOTO:2012.346photographLussacombe farmhouse
PHOTO:2012.347photographLussacombe farmhouse
PHOTO:2012.348photographLussacombe farmhouse
PHOTO:2012.349photographLussacombe farmhouse
PHOTO:2012.350photographLussacombe farmhouse
PHOTO:2012.351photographMillenium Fayre
PHOTO:2012.352photographMillenium Fayre
PHOTO:2012.353photographMillenium Fayre
PHOTO:2012.354photographMillenium Fayre
PHOTO:2012.355photographMillenium Fayre
PHOTO:2012.356photographMillenium Fayre
PHOTO:2012.357photographMillenium Fayre
PHOTO:2012.358photographLustleigh Show
PHOTO:2012.359photographProtecting Tithe Map
PHOTO:2012.360photographProtecting Tithe Map
PHOTO:2012.361photographPainting Archives Room
PHOTO:2012.362photographPainting Archives Room
PHOTO:2012.364photographModel T Truck "Country Supplies Lustleigh"
PHOTO:2012.365photographModel T Truck "Country Supplies Lustleigh"
PHOTO:2012.366photographModel T Truck "Country Supplies Lustleigh"
PHOTO:2012.367photographTree planting
PHOTO:2012.377photographview of village
PHOTO:2012.378photographMay Day procession
PHOTO:2012.379photographMay Day procession
PHOTO:2012.380photographMay Day procession
PHOTO:2012.381photographMay Day
PHOTO:2012.382photographMay Day
PHOTO:2012.383photographMay Day
PHOTO:2012.384photographMay Day
PHOTO:2012.387photographFox hunt
PHOTO:2012.388photographChristmas carols
PHOTO:2012.389photographChristmas carols
PHOTO:2012.395photographLustleigh Show, transferred due to foot and mouth
PHOTO:2012.397photographLustleigh Show, transferred due to foot and mouth
PHOTO:2012.399photographLustleigh Show, transferred due to foot and mouth
PHOTO:2012.400photographLustleigh Show, transferred due to foot and mouth
PHOTO:2012.401photographLustleigh Show, transferred due to foot and mouth
PHOTO:2012.402photographLustleigh Show, transferred due to foot and mouth
PHOTO:2012.403photographLustleigh Show, transferred due to foot and mouth
PHOTO:2012.404photographLustleigh Show, transferred due to foot and mouth
PHOTO:2012.405photographLustleigh Show, transferred due to foot and mouth
PHOTO:2012.406photographLustleigh Show, transferred due to foot and mouth
PHOTO:2012.407photographLustleigh Show, transferred due to foot and mouth
PHOTO:2012.408photographLustleigh Show, transferred due to foot and mouth
PHOTO:2012.409photographLustleigh Show, transferred due to foot and mouth
PHOTO:2012.410photographLustleigh Show, transferred due to foot and mouth
PHOTO:2012.411photographLustleigh Show, transferred due to foot and mouth
PHOTO:2012.412photographLustleigh Show, transferred due to foot and mouth
PHOTO:2012.413photographLustleigh Show, transferred due to foot and mouth
PHOTO:2012.414photographLustleigh Show, transferred due to foot and mouth
PHOTO:2012.415photographLustleigh Show, transferred due to foot and mouth
PHOTO:2012.416photographLustleigh Show, transferred due to foot and mouth
PHOTO:2012.417photographLustleigh Show, transferred due to foot and mouth
PHOTO:2012.418photographLustleigh Show, transferred due to foot and mouth
PHOTO:2012.419photographLustleigh Show, transferred due to foot and mouth
PHOTO:2012.420photographLustleigh Show, transferred due to foot and mouth
PHOTO:2012.421photographLustleigh Show, transferred due to foot and mouth
PHOTO:2012.422photographLustleigh Show, transferred due to foot and mouth
PHOTO:2012.423photographLustleigh Show, transferred due to foot and mouth
PHOTO:2012.425photographTwo children - Jean and Robert Chisholm
PHOTO:2012.426photographThree Children on Village Green
PHOTO:2012.427photographTwo Children by Tudor Cross on Village Green
PHOTO:2012.428photographFamily Group outside Little Holme
PHOTO:2012.430photographThree Children by Tudor Cross on Village Green
PHOTO:2012.431photographThree Children by Tudor Cross on Village Green
PHOTO:2014.1photographSchoolchildren and teacher at Lustleigh School
PHOTO:2014.2photographOld Barn at Kelly Farm
PHOTO:2014.3photographOld Barn at Kelly Farm
PHOTO:2014.4photographLionel and Ida Bennett with daughter, Lucy
PHOTO:2014.4.1photographLucy in orchard
PHOTO:2014.4.2photographFamily group
PHOTO:2014.4.3photographFamily group
PHOTO:2014.4.4photographFamily group
PHOTO:2014.4.5photographLionel and Peg
PHOTO:2014.5photograph Ida Bennett in conservatory at Kemerton
PHOTO:2014.6photographJohn Bennett as young child
PHOTO:2014.7postcardCast list of play, Creatures of Impulse
PHOTO:2014.8photographPlay, Creatures of Impulse
PHOTO:2014.9photographMay Day
PHOTO:2014.10photographWWI Soldier (Cavalryman) Charles Bowden (Charlie) - shown mounted on horse during World War I
PHOTO:2014.11photographFamily Group outside Little Holme
PHOTO:2014.12postcardThe Cleave Hotel
PHOTO:2014.13postcardThe Cleave from the west
PHOTO:2014.14photographGroup of children with hens
PHOTO:2014.15photographTwo children on bicycles with an adult and their dogs by the gate to a property
PHOTO:2014.16photographTwo adults and a child outside house
PHOTO:2014.17photographWoman with two goats
PHOTO:2014.18photographGroup of Children
PHOTO:2014.19photographGroup of Children
PHOTO:2014.20photographShowing Goats at Lustleigh Show
PHOTO:2014.21photographTwo women outside Church House
PHOTO:2014.22photographChild Standing by sign to Fox Fur farm at Cothland Barn
PHOTO:2014.23photographBellringers in Village Hall at Christmas Time
PHOTO:2014.24photographTwo Women standing by a car
PHOTO:2014.25photographThree women and one man Standing on a path
PHOTO:2014.26photographPhoto of a house - Cothland Barn
PHOTO:2014.27photographPhoto of a snow scene taken at Cothland Barn
PHOTO:2014.28photographGroup of people at the lustleigh Show
PHOTO:2014.29photographTwo Children on bicycles next to sign to Fox Fur farm at Cothland Barn
PHOTO:2014.30photographPhoto of Lustleigh Cricket Field Flooded
PHOTO:2014.31photographTwo men and two children haymaking, with horse drawn hay rick
PHOTO:2014.32photographMan and a child on a hay rick
PHOTO:2014.33photographMan and a child on a hay rick
PHOTO:2014.34photographMen and a child haymaking at Cothland Barn
PHOTO:2014.35photographBand and procession for May Day 2012
PHOTO:2014.36photographMay Queen and attendants May Day 2012
PHOTO:2014.37photographThe procession of children on May Day 2012
PHOTO:2014.38photographProcession through the village on May Day 2012
PHOTO:2014.39photographMay Queen, Town Crier and attendants o fthe may Rock in Town Orchard
PHOTO:2014.40photographSmall print of a watercolour of Primrose Cottage and Stable House
PHOTO:2014.41photographWWI soldier in uniform pictured with his mother
PHOTO:2014.42photographMay Day 1971, May Queen on May Day Rock
PHOTO:2014.43photographMay Day 1971, May Queen on Church Steps
PHOTO:2014.44photographMay Day 1971, May Queen Procession with Canopy
PHOTO:2014.45photographMay Day 1971, May Queen standing in Town Orchard
PHOTO:2014.46photographMay Day children in Town Orchard
PHOTO:2014.47photographMay Day children at home before the procession: Marcus & Duncan Manners-Chapman
PHOTO:2014.48photographMay Day children at home before the procession: Marcus & Duncan Manners-Chapman
PHOTO:2014.49photographMay Day child at home before the procession: Duncan Manners-Chapman
PHOTO:2014.50photographMay Day procession
PHOTO:2014.51photographMay Queen on Church Steps - 2005
PHOTO:2014.52photographMay Queen and Canopy Bearers outside Village Hall - 2005
PHOTO:2014.54photographMay Queen Emma Wills and attendants Duncan & Marcus Manners-Chapman with a pony - 2000
PHOTO:2014.55photographMay Queen on May Day Rock 2000: Emma Wills
PHOTO:2014.56photographMan Standing in a granite quarry
PHOTO:2014.57photographFamily group at Haytor granite quarry
PHOTO:2014.58photographFamily group at Haytor granite quarry
PHOTO:2014.59photographThree women in Town Orchard - Unknown, Pam Murphy, Carol Smith
PHOTO:2014.60photographGirl transporting potatoes on horse drawn wagon on Mapstone Hill
PHOTO:2014.61photographGirl transporting potatoes on horse drawn wagon in a field at top of Mapstone Hill
PHOTO:2014.62digital imagePerformance of "The Bathroom Door" by the Young Farmers Circa 1945
PHOTO:2014.63photographThe Chudley Family at Orchard Farm (now Bickley) circa 1890's
PHOTO:2014.64photographThe Chudley Family at Orchard Farm (now Bickley) circa 1890's
PHOTO:2014.65photographThe Chudley Family at Orchard Farm (now Bickley) circa 1890's
PHOTO:2014.66photographOpening of Lustleigh Constitutional Club
PHOTO:2014.67photographOpening of Lustleigh Constitutional Club
PHOTO:2014.68photographOpening of Lustleigh Constitutional Club
PHOTO:2014.69photographLustleigh British Legion receiving deeds to War Memorial ground
PHOTO:2014.70photographMay Day
PHOTO:2014.71photographMay Day procession assembling at the School
PHOTO:2014.72photographMay Day assembling for the parade at the school
PHOTO:2014.73photographMay Day Blessing on Church Steps
PHOTO:2014.74photographMay Day
PHOTO:2014.75photographMay Day
PHOTO:2014.76photographMay Day
PHOTO:2014.77photographMay Day
PHOTO:2014.78photographLast train
PHOTO:2014.79photographLast train
PHOTO:2014.81photographSchool photo
PHOTO:2014.82photographCricket field flooded
PHOTO:2014.83photographVillage centre
PHOTO:2014.84digital imageMay Day press cutting
PHOTO:2014.85postcardpostcard Lustleigh village
PHOTO:2014.87photographBeating the bounds
PHOTO:2014.88photographBeating the bounds
PHOTO:2014.89photographBeating the bounds
PHOTO:2014.90photographBeating the bounds
PHOTO:2014.91photographBeating the bounds
PHOTO:2014.92photographMay day
PHOTO:2014.93photographMay day
PHOTO:2014.94photographMay day
PHOTO:2014.95photographMay day
PHOTO:2014.96photographMay day
PHOTO:2014.97photographMay Day
PHOTO:2014.98photographMay Day
PHOTO:2014.99photographMay Day
PHOTO:2014.100photographMay Day
PHOTO:2014.101photographMay Day
PHOTO:2014.102photographMay Day
PHOTO:2014.103photographMay Day
PHOTO:2014.105photographMay Day
PHOTO:2014.106photographMay Day
PHOTO:2014.107photographMay Day
PHOTO:2014.108photographMaypole dancing
PHOTO:2014.109photographMay Day
PHOTO:2014.110photographMay Day
PHOTO:2014.111photographMay Day
PHOTO:2014.112photographMay Day
PHOTO:2014.113photographMay Day
PHOTO:2014.127postcardWeir Pool Near Lustleigh
PHOTO:2014.129postcardView Hisley Weir
PHOTO:2014.131postcardView Weir Bridge (Hisley)
PHOTO:2014.146.14photographphotograph of building and person
PHOTO:2014.146.15photographphotograph of person
PHOTO:2014.172photographGroup photo
PHOTO:2014.174photographGroup photo
PHOTO:2014.175photographGroup photo
PHOTO:2014.176photographGroup photo
PHOTO:2014.177photographGroup photo
PHOTO:2014.178photographGroup photo
PHOTO:2014.185photographIris Gould opening new cricket pavilion
PHOTO:2014.186photographConstruction of new cricket pavilion
PHOTO:2014.187photographNew cricket pavilion
PHOTO:2014.188photographCricketer with inflatable umpire
PHOTO:2016.001photographGroup of Schoolchildren
PHOTO:2016.007photographLustleigh School1997
PHOTO:2016.008photographLustleigh School1997
PHOTO:2016.009photographLustleigh cricket team
PHOTO:2016.010photographLustleigh cricket team
PHOTO:2016.011photographLustleigh cricket team
PHOTO:2016.012photographLustleigh cricket team
PHOTO:2016.013photographLustleigh cricket team
PHOTO:2016.014photographLustleigh cricket team
PHOTO:2016.015photographLustleigh cricket team
PHOTO:2016.015.1photographLustleigh cricket team
PHOTO:2016.016photographLustleigh cricket team
PHOTO:2016.017photographLustleigh cricket team
PHOTO:2016.018photographLustleigh cricket team
PHOTO:2016.019photographLustleigh cricket team
PHOTO:2016.020photographLustleigh cricket team
PHOTO:2016.021photographLustleigh cricket team
PHOTO:2016.022photographLustleigh cricket team
PHOTO:2016.023photographLustleigh Cricket Club
PHOTO:2016.024photographLustleigh Cricket Club
PHOTO:2016.025photographLustleigh Cricket Club
PHOTO:2016.026photographLustleigh Cricket Club
PHOTO:2016.027photographLustleigh Cricket Club
PHOTO:2016.028photographLustleigh Cricket Club
PHOTO:2016.029photographLustleigh Cricket Club
PHOTO:2016.030photographLustleigh Cricket Club
PHOTO:2016.031photographLustleigh Cricket Club
PHOTO:2016.032photographLustleigh Cricket Club
PHOTO:2016.033photographLustleigh Cricket Club
PHOTO:2016.034photographLustleigh Cricket Club
PHOTO:2016.035photographLustleigh Cricket Club
PHOTO:2016.036photographLustleigh Cricket Club
PHOTO:2016.037photographLustleigh Cricket Club
PHOTO:2016.038photographLustleigh Cricket Club
PHOTO:2016.039photographLustleigh Cricket Club
PHOTO:2016.040photographLustleigh Cricket Club
PHOTO:2016.041photographLustleigh Cricket Club
PHOTO:2016.042photographMembers of the Kelly Quarry Blasters
PHOTO:2016.043photographTony Perring with daughter
PHOTO:2016.044photographTony Perring with family
PHOTO:2016.045photographTwo cricketers including Mike Wright plus Tracey Wright and another girl
PHOTO:2016.046photographJean Larsson
PHOTO:2016.047photographKathleen Dyer (nee Dray)
PHOTO:2016.048.1photographLynn Jacobs and Jean Larsson
PHOTO:2016.049photographHelen and James Anderson
PHOTO:2016.050photographGeorge Harvey
PHOTO:2016.051photographFour Lustleigh ladies
PHOTO:2016.052photographPhil Attenborough
PHOTO:2016.053photographAlison Perring and baby
PHOTO:2016.054photographPhil Attenborough
PHOTO:2016.055photographTony Perring
PHOTO:2016.055.1photographJohn Larson
PHOTO:2016.056photographTony Perring
PHOTO:2016.057photographRuth McCriuk
PHOTO:2016.059photographAnnette Drewett
PHOTO:2016.060photographMartin French
PHOTO:2016.061photographMartin French and Sarah
PHOTO:2016.062photographMartin French and Sarah
PHOTO:2016.063photographRay Powell, Colin Squires, John Dray
PHOTO:2016.064photographFrank Evans
PHOTO:2016.065photographKennett Mrs
PHOTO:2016.066photographSteve Brown, Terry Lee
PHOTO:2016.067photographTed Robinson
PHOTO:2016.068photographGeorge Osborne
PHOTO:2016.069photographGeorge Osborne
PHOTO:2016.070photographBeccy French, Auntie Osborne
PHOTO:2016.071photographGeorge Dray
PHOTO:2016.072photographPat Johns (nee Harvey)
PHOTO:2016.073photographBill Horrell
PHOTO:2016.074photographJoan Reed/Reade
PHOTO:2016.075photographBecky French (Harvey)
PHOTO:2016.076photographRay Powell
PHOTO:2016.077photographAnne McCrink
PHOTO:2016.078photographBetty Johston
PHOTO:2016.079photographBarry Sessions
PHOTO:2016.080photographMike Jacobs, George Wills
PHOTO:2016.081photographGilbert Adams
PHOTO:2016.082photographKath Chisholm
PHOTO:2016.083photographMelanie Sessions, Mike Wright
PHOTO:2016.084photographJames Manners-Chapman
PHOTO:2016.085photographMervyn Hatherleigh
PHOTO:2016.086photographClive Simson
PHOTO:2016.087photographLuke Lundin, Steve Rudd, Ruth
PHOTO:2016.088photographJohn Mott
PHOTO:2016.089photographGlyn & Marjory Jones
PHOTO:2016.090photographRaymond Powell
PHOTO:2016.093photographPhil Curtis, Chris Adams and Liam Carnell
PHOTO:2016.094photographLionel Edwards and Len Harvey
PHOTO:2016.095photographVantreen Family
PHOTO:2016.096photographPhil Curtis
PHOTO:2016.097photographLiz Prince
PHOTO:2016.098photographJon Wakeham
PHOTO:2016.099photographJoan Raikes
PHOTO:2016.100photographDr Peter Howarth
PHOTO:2016.101photographDr Peter Howarth in Surgery
PHOTO:2016.102photographDave Wills
PHOTO:2016.103photographGroup of People
PHOTO:2016.104photographPeggy Sparkes in Hort Soc Tent at Lustleigh Show
PHOTO:2016.105photographAnne Beaumont
PHOTO:2016.106postcardpostcard Lustleigh village
PHOTO:2016.107photographRita Curtis
PHOTO:2016.108photographGeorge Dray
PHOTO:2016.109photographJan Rowe with baby
PHOTO:2016.110photographPerce Dyer
PHOTO:2016.112photographCouple in Primrose Cafe
PHOTO:2016.113photographEddie and Joan Ellis
PHOTO:2016.114photographEddie and Joan Ellis
PHOTO:2016.115photographRetirement cake
PHOTO:2016.116photographHarold Parker
PHOTO:2016.117photographJanette Brown on May Day
PHOTO:2016.118photographKenrick Foster
PHOTO:2016.119photographNicola Millman (nee Wills) and Duncan
PHOTO:2016.120photographEdward Wollaston Kitson
PHOTO:2016.121photographEdward Wollaston Kitson with wife Marjorie and daughter Joy
PHOTO:2017.1photographCelebrations for opening of new Cricket Pavilion
PHOTO:2017.2photographCelebrations for opening of new Cricket Pavilion
PHOTO:2017.3photographCelebrations for opening of new Cricket Pavilion
PHOTO:2017.4photographCelebrations for opening of new Cricket Pavilion
PHOTO:2017.5photographMembers of Cricket Team
PHOTO:2017.6photographPresentation by John Lloyd of Cup
PHOTO:2017.7photographPresentation by John Lloyd of Cup
PHOTO:2017.8photographAfternoon at The Cricket
PHOTO:2017.9photographPresentation of Cup
PHOTO:2017.10photographPresentation of Cup by John Lloyd to Phil Drewitt
PHOTO:2017.11photographPresentation of Cup by John Lloyd to Robin Millman
PHOTO:2017.12photographPresentation of Cup by John Lloyd to Steve Wright
PHOTO:2017.13photographLustleigh Cricket Club
PHOTO:2017.13.1photographPresentation of Cup to Anthony Summerfield
PHOTO:2017.14photographLustleigh Cricket Club
PHOTO:2017.15photographLustleigh Cricket Club
PHOTO:2017.16photographLustleigh Cricket Club
PHOTO:2017.16.1photographLustleigh Cricket Club
PHOTO:2017.17photographLustleigh Cricket Club
PHOTO:2017.19photograph3 photographs of Firemen at Old Smithy
PHOTO:2017.20photographComic Cricket Match 1960
PHOTO:2017.21photographBeacon on top of Lustleigh Cleave1953 to mark Queen's Coronation
PHOTO:2017.22photographMummers Play in Cleave Hotel
PHOTO:2017.23photographMummers Play in Cleave Hotel
PHOTO:2017.24photographMummers Play in Cleave Hotel
PHOTO:2017.25photographMummers Play in Cleave Hotel
PHOTO:2017.26photographCaseley Court
PHOTO:2017.27photographMay Day
PHOTO:2017.28photographRoman Dolphin Brooch (fibula) Toga Clasp found in Wreyland in 1994
PHOTO:2017.29photographReverse of Three Coins Found in Wreyland 1994 Henry II London Mint Hammered Silver Penny 1180-1189, Elizabeth I Hammered Silver Groat 1558-1603 , Edward II Canterbury Mint Hammered Silver Penny 1307-1327 found at Rudge in 1992
PHOTO:2017.30photographObverse of Three Coins Found in Wreyland 1994 Henry II London Mint Hammered Silver Penny 1180-1189, Elizabeth I Hammered Silver Groat 1558-1603 , Edward II Canterbury Mint Hammered Silver Penny 1307-1327 found at Rudge in 1992
PHOTO:2017.31photographRob Hearne
PHOTO:2017.32photographNicola Millman nee Wills & Duncan
PHOTO:2017.33photographJohn Lloyd
PHOTO:2017.34facsimileFacsimile of a painting of Barnecourt before it was demolished and rebuilt (date unknown, see note below)
PHOTO:2017.35facsimilePhoto of Ann Amery at Barnecourt
PHOTO:2017.36documentSeries of letters Thomas Amery circa 1909 that were published in the Lincoln County, Washington, USA Advocate newspaper regarding a trip he and his brother Jack Amery, my great grandfather, made to Devon to visit the places they grew up, including Barncourt. Lustleigh and Barnecourt mentioned in the second letter
PHOTO:2017.37photographImage of Lower Hisley with Ash House
PHOTO:2017.38photographThe Osborne family outside the Bakery at Brookfield
PHOTO:2017.39photographRita Curtis, Marion Lloyd
PHOTO:2017.40photographMary Rogerson
PHOTO:2017.41photographMrs Glennie
PHOTO:2017.42photographDot Allin
PHOTO:2017.43photographCourtney Wright, Mike, Shaun and Steve Wright
PHOTO:2017.44photographMr Hoare
PHOTO:2017.45photographMelanie Sessions
PHOTO:2017.46photographErica Reade, Lee Wakeham
PHOTO:2017.47photographDaniel Waterman, Liam Carnell, Sam Carnell
PHOTO:2017.48photographJohn Merriott, Belinda Boudroy present reitrement gift to Eddie Ellis from May Day Procession 1994
PHOTO:2017.49photographMrs Chudleigh's Cottage - now Leigh Cottage, Brookfield (1971) with Toby Hewison
PHOTO:2017.50photograph1st Upwey and Broadway Scouts from Dorset at Higher Hisley Farm in 1955
PHOTO:2017.51photographPhotgraph of James Ernest Hine
PHOTO:2017.52photographPhotgraph of James Ernest Hine in uniform
PHOTO:2017.53photographGrave of James Ernest Hine, Berlin SW Cemetery
PHOTO:2017.54photographMr & Mrs Gladys Kennet
PHOTO:2017.55photographHort Soc Judges
PHOTO:2017.56photographIn the Bar at the Hort Soc Show
PHOTO:2017.57photograph3 unidentified people in pub
PHOTO:2017.58photographFloral Bower on May Day Rock
PHOTO:2017.59photographPantomime 1964 for WI Christmas Party
PHOTO:2017.60photographPresentation to Benny Goff
PHOTO:2017.61photographPresentation to Shaun Wright
PHOTO:2017.62photographExeter Festival of Music - WI Banner - Mildred Palmer, Nora Johnson, Space, Margaret Burgoyne, Monica Haynes, May Lacey, Ethl Trimmer, Ann Beaumont, Mrs Alderton, Rob King
PHOTO:2017.63photographCast of Dads Army
PHOTO:2017.64photograph-Beauty and The Beast
PHOTO:2017.65photograph-Margaret Burgoyne with sister-in-law Win Haines at Lustleigh Show
PHOTO:2017.66photograph-Margaret Burgoyne's 80th birthday
PHOTO:2017.67photograph-Wendy Manners-Chapman and her sister Pat
PHOTO:2018.1photocopyGroup of Schoolchildren (date unknown)
PHOTO:2018.2postcardLustleigh Church and Lychgate 1906
PHOTO:2018.3postcardOld sepia print postcard of interior of Lustleigh Church
PHOTO:2018.4photographvery hazy black and white photograph of Lustleigh Village Church - roof repair?
PHOTO:2018.5photographLustleigh Church decorated for Rev R Newman's wedding
PHOTO:2018.6postcardThe parish church of St John the Baptist, Lustleigh in the country of stands stands by the village green surrounded by thatched cottages
PHOTO:2018.7photographMummers Play at The Cleave Hotel
PHOTO:2018.8photographMummers Play at The Cleave Hotel
PHOTO:2018.9photographMummers Play at The Cleave Hotel
PHOTO:2018.10photographMummers Play at The Cleave Hotel
PHOTO:2018.11photographInterior of Stable House Gallery
PHOTO:2018.12photographInterior of Stable House Gallery
PHOTO:2018.13photographInterior of Stable House Gallery
PHOTO:2018.14photographExterior of Stable House Gallery, Stable House Cottage and The Post Office
PHOTO:2018.15photographExterior of Stable House Gallery, Stable House Cottage and The Post Office
PHOTO:2018.16photographExterior of Stable House Gallery
PHOTO:2018.17photographInterior of Stable House Gallery
PHOTO:2018.18photographExterior of Stable House Gallery
PHOTO:2018.19photographExterior of Stable House Gallery
PHOTO:2018.20photographExterior of Stable House Gallery
PHOTO:2018.21photographThatching of Primrose Cottage
PHOTO:2018.22photographThatching of No 2 Pound Cottages
PHOTO:2018.23photographThatching of Caseley Farmhouse
PHOTO:2018.24photographThatching of Caseley Farmhouse
PHOTO:2018.25photographOld Village Hall prior to rebuild
PHOTO:2018.26photographOld Village Hall prior to rebuild
PHOTO:2018.27photographVillage Hall rebuild
PHOTO:2018.28photographOld road signpost
PHOTO:2018.29photographOld road signpost
PHOTO:2018.30photographLower Knowle
PHOTO:2018.31photographLower Knowle
PHOTO:2018.32photographThe Cleave Inn
PHOTO:2018.33photographThe Cleave Inn
PHOTO:2018.34photographThe Cleave Inn
PHOTO:2018.35photographThe Cleave Inn
PHOTO:2018.36photographThe Cleave Inn
PHOTO:2018.37photographThe Cleave Inn
PHOTO:2018.38photographinterior of church
PHOTO:2018.39photographChoir Boys
PHOTO:2018.40digital imageHerbert Ernest Smith, WW1 hero who appears on the War Memorial
PHOTO:2018.41digital imagePercy, Muriel, Freda and Reg Brimblecombe during WWI
PHOTO:2018.42digital imageFilming of footage in the Orchard, for the film night of the Lustleigh Society 40th anniversary Heritage Weekend in Lustleigh
PHOTO:2018.43digital imageFilming of footage in the Orchard, for the film night of the Lustleigh Society 40th anniversary Heritage Weekend in Lustleigh
PHOTO:2018.44digital imageImages of The Rectory
PHOTO:2018.45digital imageMay Day 2017 with May Queen Amy Jaggs under the canopy and on the throne on the May Rock
PHOTO:2018.46digital imageSeven Images of Carolyn Seaward - for details of each image see notes field N.B. Images are all under copyright - no reproduction allowed without consent
PHOTO:2018.47digital imageThe policeman and his family outside the Police House at number 9 Lower Brookfield Terrace
PHOTO:2018.48digital imageBrookfield in early 1900s
PHOTO:2018.49digital imageThe Lost Sound Chorus with Sandra Smith performing in the Village Hall, December 2017
PHOTO:2018.50digital imageImage of the memorial plaque to Jumbo the station cat at lustleigh Railway Station
PHOTO:2018.51digital imageWreyland Manor
PHOTO:2018.52digital imageThe Old Smithy, Lustleigh
PHOTO:2018.53digital imageHall House, Lustleigh
PHOTO:2018.54digital imageWreyland Manor, c.1945
PHOTO:2018.55digital imagePostcards of 'Manor House, Wreyland' and 'Cottage at Lustleigh'
PHOTO:2018.56digital imagePostcard of 'Old Cottage', Lustleigh
PHOTO:2018.57digital imagePostcard of Wrayland Manor, Lustleigh
PHOTO:2018.58digital imageWreyland Manor, Lustleigh
PHOTO:2018.59digital imageWreyland Manor, Lustleigh, with three children by tap
PHOTO:2018.60digital imagePhoto of Lustleigh village looking east
PHOTO:2018.61digital imagePhoto of Lustleigh Church and Rectory Lane
PHOTO:2018.62digital imageTinted postcard of the village centre
PHOTO:2018.63digital imagePhoto of Nutcracker Rock, Lustleigh
PHOTO:2018.64digital imagePhoto of Wreyland Manor
PHOTO:2018.65digital imagePhoto of Lustleigh Church
PHOTO:2018.66digital imagePhoto of Lustleigh village, looking over the railway
PHOTO:2018.67digital imagePhoto of Lustleigh, looking east
PHOTO:2018.68digital imagePhoto of The Square, Lustleigh - Primrose Cottage and Bibbings Stores
PHOTO:2018.69digital imageCelebration of Mary Rogerson's 90th birthday - Miss M Rogerson, Mrs Sonia Baudouy, & Miss Annie Jackson
PHOTO:2018.70digital imageCelebration of Mary Rogerson's 90th birthday - Annie Jackson
PHOTO:2018.71digital imageCelebration of Mary Rogerson's 90th birthday - with Rev Kenneth Jackson and Phyllis Waldron
PHOTO:2018.72digital imageCelebration of Mary Rogerson's 90th birthday - Rev Kenneth Jackson and Phyllis Waldron
PHOTO:2018.73digital imageWallace Kemp, Miranda Baudouy
PHOTO:2018.74digital imageMary Jackson at 90th birthday celebration
PHOTO:2018.75digital imageMary Rogerson aged 91 - sister of Margaret Amery, Melrose Terrace
PHOTO:2018.76digital imageMary Rogerson with Wendy Manners Chapman at Melrose Terrace
PHOTO:2018.77digital imageTrio of Medals from the Great War - George Bunclark, died on the macedonia front in 1817
PHOTO:2018.78digital imagePercy Bunclark - Territorial Force War Medal - WW2 Defence Medal (home guard or ARP Warden) Great War Pair
PHOTO:2018.79digital imageJames Bunclark - India general service medal with Burma 1889-1892
PHOTO:2018.80digital imageCard accompanying photograph from Imperial War Graves Commission
PHOTO:2018.81digital imagePhoto of Percy Brimblecombe
PHOTO:2018.82digital imageNotice of Memorial Service
PHOTO:2018.83digital imagePhoto of Percy Brimblecombe in uniform with pipe
PHOTO:2018.84digital imagePhoto of Ephratah (Freda) Brimblecombe and Percy Brimblecombe
PHOTO:2018.85digital imagePhoto of Percy Brimblecombe at his Passing Out Parade
PHOTO:2018.86digital imagePhoto of Reg Brimblecombe (left) and Percy Brimblecombe (right)
PHOTO:2018.87digital imagePhoto of unknown boy in uniform (found under floorboards at 3 Lower Brookfield Terrace)
PHOTO:2018.88digital imagePhoto of gravestone of Leonard Wright
PHOTO:2018.89digital imagePhoto of graveyard where Leonard Wright is buried
PHOTO:2018.91digital imagePhoto of bridge at Foxworthy
PHOTO:2018.92digital imagePhoto of John Keir Cross feeding pigs at Higher Hisley
PHOTO:2018.93digital imagePhoto of Julian Keir Cross by trough at Higher Hisley
PHOTO:2018.94digital imagePhoto of Jenny Keir Cross and her cousin, Fay, scraping off whitewash at Higher Hisley
PHOTO:2018.95digital imagePhoto of Jenny & John Keir Cross and their cousin, Fay, on a gate at Higher Hisley
PHOTO:2018.96digital imagePhoto of Jenny Keir Cross and two other children with a carthorse at Higher Hisley
PHOTO:2018.97digital imagePhoto of cottage at Higher Hisley
PHOTO:2018.98digital imagePhoto of Higher Hisley
PHOTO:2018.99digital imagePhoto of John (junior) Keir Cross (in kilt) and six others
PHOTO:2018.100digital imagePractising Day Day 1958
PHOTO:2018.101digital imagePhotograph of Mrs Hitt and daughter Judy 1958
PHOTO:2018.102digital imageJulian and Judy Hitt with Aupair (Nanny)
PHOTO:2018.103digital imageR Dolcrow, Mary Amos, Fran Grimm, Renate
PHOTO:2018.104digital imageLustleigh village from behind Wrey Villa looking over Mapstone Hill
PHOTO:2018.105digital imageLustleigh village from behind Wrey Villa looking over Mapstone Hill
PHOTO:2018.106digital imageNativity Play in Church
PHOTO:2018.107digital imageFire at the smithy. July 1963
PHOTO:2018.108digital image View ofthe end of garden. The Old Hall. Rev Herbert Johnson
PHOTO:2018.109digital imageBeautiful Copper ~Beech at end of the lawn and sundial. The Old Hall. Rev Herbert Johnson
PHOTO:2018.110digital imageRev Herbert Johnson. Back of house and lawn at Great Hall
PHOTO:2018.111digital imageGreat Hall House and gardens,showing division of properties
PHOTO:2018.112digital imageGreat Hall House and gardens,showing alterations
PHOTO:2018.113digital imageOutside of dining hall, very old,and kitchen. All the oldest parts of The Great Hall
PHOTO:2018.114digital imageThe Great Hall and peacocks
PHOTO:2018.115paintingPainting shows former village stores and single story building where Primrose Tea Rooms is now sited
PHOTO:2018.116paintingPainting shows Waye Cottage1921
PHOTO:2018.117paintingPainting shows The Bakery at Lustleigh Millsc. 1950
PHOTO:2018.118digital imageJim & Mary Knight, who lived at North Park for 40 years
PHOTO:2018.119digital imageWhite Heather Patrol, 1st Lustleigh Company winning District Shield, 1958,
PHOTO:2018.120digital imageMary Motton and Nellie Motton in Guide uniform at Leat House
PHOTO:2018.121digital imageGeorge Motton and Nellie Kathleen Motton
PHOTO:2018.122digital imageNellie Motton and Frances Motton
PHOTO:2018.123digital imageHouses at Brookfield: Leigh Cottage, Brook House, Sunnyside, Bridge Park
PHOTO:2018.124digital imagePostcard of Lustleigh from The Crags dated 19.04.1911
PHOTO:2018.125digital imagePostcard of The Rectory, Lustleigh (Undated)
PHOTO:2018.126digital imagePostcard - view from the Cricketfield showing railway embankment, Brookside and The Cleve Pub
PHOTO:2018.127digital imagePostcard of the village from the end of Mill Lane
PHOTO:2018.128digital imagePostcard: multiple views (5) of Lustleigh village
PHOTO:2018.129digital imagePostcard: view of Moorwood Cottage Guesthouse (1908)
PHOTO:2018.130digital imagePostcard: View of Lustleigh village and surrounding countryside looking west
PHOTO:2018.131digital imageNotelet: Pencil sketch of Church House, c.1960s
PHOTO:2018.132digital imagePhotograph of the Cleave Inn in the snow
PHOTO:2018.133digital imagePhotograph of the Cleave Inn in the snow
PHOTO:2018.134digital imagePhotograph of interior of the Cleave Inn with Alison
PHOTO:2018.135digital imagePostcard: etching/drawing of Wreyland Manor (by Roulstone?)
PHOTO:2018.136digital imageOld Show Poster: 01.08.1892
PHOTO:2018.138digital imageThe 2018 Remembrance Day service at the War Memorial
PHOTO:2018.139digital imageThe Old Rectory pictured in 1931
PHOTO:2018.140digital imageFrank Lake's nine sisters at wedding on 13th August 1955 of Jane Neville. Frank Lake is listed on the War Memorial, having died during WWI
PHOTO:2018.141digital imageTwo images of Caseley Farmhouse - a postcard and facsimile of a painting
PHOTO:2018.142digital imagePhoto of house - S Richards, Boot & Shoe Maker
PHOTO:2018.143paintingPainting of Hall House, Wreyland
PHOTO:2018.144printPrint from a watercolour view of the village
PHOTO:2018.145paintingPainting of The Old Vestry
PHOTO:2019.1digital imagePrivate Frederick Parker - killed WW1
PHOTO:2019.2digital imageLustleigh School first intake 1988
PHOTO:2019.3digital imageLustleigh School first intake 1988
PHOTO:2019.4digital imageApple Morning with Apple Expert - Circa 1953
PHOTO:2019.6printPrint from scraperboard
PHOTO:2019.7pencil sketchPencil sketch1868
PHOTO:2019.8folder of paintingsFolder of paintings
PHOTO:2019.9presscuttingDigital image scans of two newspaper cuttings relating to the War Memorial and its unveiling
PHOTO:2019.10digital imageRose Glen before demolition and rebuild12.12.2017
PHOTO:2019.11digital imageMaking Cider in the barn at Higher Hisley10.2017
PHOTO:2019.12digital imageLustleigh Society Summer Visit to BBC Spotlight SW Studio13.6.2018
PHOTO:2019.13digital imageMay Queen - Myra Brock with attendants at May Day Rock, Town Orchard1955
PHOTO:2019.14digital imageMay Queen - Myra Brock with attendants 1955
PHOTO:2019.15digital imageMay Queen - Myra Brock 19551955
PHOTO:2019.16digital imageMay Queen - Maisie Roper Melland 20182018
PHOTO:2019.17PhotographGuard of Honour (soldiers) outside Lustleigh Station, circa 1885 - 19011885
PHOTO:2019.18digital imageVarious photos of Frederick Parker, and his family, who died in WWI (Note: the identification of the people featured can be seen in the filename of each image)
PHOTO:2019.19videoThe Lustleigh Mummers perform St George and the Dragon. Outside the Cleave, December 26th 201826.12.2018
PHOTO:2019.20documentReview of In the Footsteps of the Victorians from The Devon Historian11.2018
PHOTO:2019.21presscuttingPresscutting relating to the commemmoration of James Ernest Hine who died in WWI9.2018
PHOTO:2019.22documentReview of In the Footsteps of the Victorians in Dartmoor Magazine11.2018
PHOTO:2019.23documentReview of In the Footsteps of the Victorians in Dartmoor Preservation Assocoation Newsletter Autumn 201811.2018
PHOTO:2019.24photographThe Hall in Lustleigh from where the two Alice's were kidnapped circa 13201981
PHOTO:2019.25photographThe Hall in Lustleigh from where the two Alice's were kidnapped circa 13201981
PHOTO:2019.26photographThe North West Side of The Great Hall
PHOTO:2019.27photographSouth East Aspect of the 1837 wing of the Great Hall
PHOTO:2019.28photographThe Old Rectory - now known as The Old Manor
PHOTO:2019.29photograph Father standing at the foot of the steps (of The Great Hall) leading down from the garden to front door (this is on extreme left of picture)
PHOTO:2019.29.1photograph Father standing at the foot of the steps (of The Great Hall) leading down from the garden to front door (this is on extreme left of picture)
PHOTO:2019.30photographThe Chapel of The Great Hall
PHOTO:2019.31photographAnnex to The Chapel of The Great Hall
PHOTO:2019.32photographCaseley Court c.1925
PHOTO:2019.33photographPostcard of The Square, Lustleigh
PHOTO:2019.34photographPostcard of Lustleigh Village, opposite the Church, 1907
PHOTO:2019.35photographPostcard of Lustleigh Village, opposite the Church, c.1907
PHOTO:2019.36photographPostcard of Brookfields, August 1963
PHOTO:2019.37photographPhoto of Brookfield from Loxtor garden, 1954
PHOTO:2019.38photographPostcard of Brookfield
PHOTO:2019.39photographPostcard with five scenes of Lustleigh
PHOTO:2019.40photographLustleigh Village centre, Pound cottages (2008)2008
PHOTO:2019.41photographLustleigh Village centre, Gospel Hall (2008)2008
PHOTO:2019.42photographLustleigh Village centre, Church House (2008)2008
PHOTO:2019.43photographLustleigh Village centre, Stable House (2008)2008
PHOTO:2019.44photographLustleigh Village centre, Post Office (2008)2008
PHOTO:2019.45photographPostcard of Lustleigh, Tudor Cross and Pound CottageUnknown
PHOTO:2019.46photographPostcard of Lustleigh, Pound CottagesUnknown
PHOTO:2019.47photographPostcard of Lustleigh,Village Green and Tudor CrossUnknown
PHOTO:2019.48photographPostcard of Lustleigh, Pound CottagesUnknown
PHOTO:2019.49photographThe Great Hall Looking Southwest which was used for rolling Red Cross bandagesUnknown
PHOTO:2019.50photographSolar at The Great HallUnknown
PHOTO:2019.51photographSolar at The Great HallUnknown
PHOTO:2019.52photographSolar at The Great HallUnknown
PHOTO:2019.53photographThe Stable Block at The Great Hall build in 1837Unknown
PHOTO:2019.54photographThe Summer House at The great HallUnknown
PHOTO:2019.55photographYonder WreylandUnknown
PHOTO:2019.56photographYonder Wreyland photographed by the niece of Reverand Johnson who was staying in Lustleigh circa 1910 - see letter attached to photograph
PHOTO:2019.57photographClive Simpson - Show Manager, Lustleigh Village Show August 19881988
PHOTO:2019.58photographClive Simpson - Show Manager, Lustleigh Village Show August 1988 with Les and Olive1988
PHOTO:2019.59photographClive Simpson - Lustleigh Village Show July 19871987
PHOTO:2019.60photographMr and Mrs Clive Simpson - Lustleigh Spring Show July 1987 - showing cups either won or to be presented1987
PHOTO:2019.61photographRose Show - Lustleigh Village 19871987
PHOTO:2019.62photographDave Wills - at Lustleigh Village Show 1985 tasting Jeanette Simpson's prize winning pasty.1985
PHOTO:2019.63photographClive Simpson at Lustleigh Bank Holiday Monday Village Show - August 31 19871987
PHOTO:2019.64photographLustleigh Village Show - Raffle with Dennis, Rosemary, Mary and Philys1988
PHOTO:2019.65photographLustleigh Village Show
PHOTO:2019.66photographTotnes Band at Lustleigh Village Show August 1988
PHOTO:2019.67photographLustleigh Show 1989 Produce Tent
PHOTO:2019.68photographLustleigh Show 1989 Floral Marquee
PHOTO:2019.69photographLustleigh Show 1988, David Binney and Clive Simpson
PHOTO:2019.70photographLustleigh Show 1980s? Tombola
PHOTO:2019.71photographLustleigh Show 1980s? Sheep in pen
PHOTO:2019.72photographLustleigh Show 1988 (Three people - not named)
PHOTO:2019.73photographLustleigh Show 1988 (Various people - not named)
PHOTO:2019.74photographPostcard of Lustleigh Village
PHOTO:2019.75photographPostcard of Lustleigh Village: Leat by Pound Cottages
PHOTO:2019.76photographPostcard of Lustleigh Village: Tudor Cross and Pound Cottages
PHOTO:2019.77photographPostcard of Pound Cottage and Littleholm, c.1900
PHOTO:2019.78photographPostcard of Primrose Cottage and Village Green
PHOTO:2019.79photographPostcard of view towards Village centre from Mill Lane
PHOTO:2019.80photographPostcard of view towards Village centre from Mill Lane, with people
PHOTO:2019.81photographPostcard of view from Mill Lane towards The Dairy and Village centre
PHOTO:2019.82photographPhoto of The Cleave Hotelpost 1945
PHOTO:2019.83photographPhoto of The Cleave Hotelpost 1945?
PHOTO:2019.84photographPhoto of Fastigiate beech trees at Wreyland22.11.1918
PHOTO:2019.85photographPhoto of Lustleigh Village, Church in centreUnknown
PHOTO:2019.86photographPhoto of Lustleigh from surrounding hills9.10.1995
PHOTO:2019.87photographPhoto of Lustleigh looking east12.1952
PHOTO:2019.88photographClive Simpson, Show Manager 19891989
PHOTO:2019.89photographLustleigh Sunday School1989/90
PHOTO:2019.90photographLustleigh Sunday School1989/90
PHOTO:2019.91photographLustleigh Sunday School1989/90
PHOTO:2019.92photographLustleigh Sunday School 1989/901989/90
PHOTO:2019.93photographLustleigh Sunday School 1989/901989/90
PHOTO:2019.94photographLustleigh Sunday School 1989/901989/90
PHOTO:2019.95photographLustleigh School Class 19611961
PHOTO:2019.96photographMay Day 1975 - Annette Stephens1975
PHOTO:2019.97photographMay Day 1975 - Annette Stephens1975
PHOTO:2019.98photographMay Day 1975 Brass band leading May day procession up to village centre1975
PHOTO:2019.99photographMay Day 1975 Annette Stephens plus attendants on Lustleigh Village Church Steps1975
PHOTO:2019.100photographMay Day 1975 Annette Stephens plus attendants and viccar 1975
PHOTO:2019.101photographMay Day 1975 Attendants and villagers 1975
PHOTO:2019.102photographMay Day Queen and Attendants 19751975
PHOTO:2019.103photographCrowning of The May Queen - Annette Stephens 1975 - in Lustleigh Village Orchard1975
PHOTO:2019.104photographMorris Dancing in the Orchard on May Day 19751975
PHOTO:2019.105photographCombe House Well2002
PHOTO:2019.106photographCombe House Well2002
PHOTO:2019.107photographCombe House Well2002
PHOTO:2019.108photographCombe House Well2002
PHOTO:2019.109photographCombe House Well2002
PHOTO:2019.110photographOld cob barn, Brookfield, part of Kelly Farm1996
PHOTO:2019.111photographOld cob barn, Brookfield, part of Kelly Farm1996
PHOTO:2019.112photographOld cob barn, Brookfield, part of Kelly Farm1996
PHOTO:2019.113photographWW2 Home Guard Ammunition Store, Rudge Hill2006
PHOTO:2019.114photographWW2 Home Guard Ammunition Store, Rudge Hill2006
PHOTO:2019.115photographWW2 Home Guard Ammunition Store, Rudge Hill2006
PHOTO:2019.116photographWW2 Home Guard Ammunition Store, Rudge Hill2006
PHOTO:2019.117photographWW2 Home Guard Ammunition Store, Rudge Hill2006
PHOTO:2019.118photographWW2 Home Guard Ammunition Store, Rudge Hill2006
PHOTO:2019.119photographWW2 Home Guard Ammunition Store, Rudge Hill2006
PHOTO:2019.120photographView of Lustleigh village from Trapstile, Rectory Lanepre 1904
PHOTO:2019.121photographLustleigh village, looking up MapstoneUnknown
PHOTO:2019.122photographFrederick Foot painting of Lustleigh villageUnknown
PHOTO:2019.123photographFrederick Foot painting of East WreyUnlnown
PHOTO:2019.124photographRethatching of Cobb Cottage, Pethbybridge6.2019
PHOTO:2019.126photographRemoval of Phone Box from Brookfield - Date unknown - So heavy it had to be broken up before it could be removed.Unknown
PHOTO:2019.127photographHeritage Weekend Book Launch for Lustleigh "A Dartmoor Village in Focus" - 1 September 2018
PHOTO:2019.128photographBook Launch - Heritage Weekend Peter Mason (L) Martin Barre (R)
PHOTO:2019.129photographBook Launch - Heritage Weekend Exhibition in Main Hall
PHOTO:2019.130photographImage of Plague - Presented to Mr G Motton by his Lustleigh Friends on his retirement as rural postman 1919
PHOTO:2019.131photograph98 year old Ford Truck that belonged to John Clother at the Heritage Weekend, 2.9.18 (Rod Wallace taking photograph in background) Registration AF 3937 - County Supplies Lustleigh
PHOTO:2019.132photograph98 year old Ford Truck that belonged to John Clother at the Heritage Weekend, 2.9.18 Registration AF 3937 - County Supplies Lustleigh
PHOTO:2019.133photographFront View of 98 year old Ford Truck
PHOTO:2019.134photographVery old photograph of Lustleigh Village Centre
PHOTO:2019.135photographCelebrating 80 years of Lustleigh Cricket Club - Left to Right Sarah and Mike Brewer, Dave Wills, Richard Hughes
PHOTO:2019.136photograph6 A Side and BBQ 17 June 2019 - Len Harvey giving a speech
PHOTO:2019.137photographJunior Class Lustleigh School 27 February 1961 - all these pictures from Allysons Father's Scrapbook, John Dalton. last Headmaster of The School
PHOTO:2019.138photographNativity Play 1961 - Lustleigh Village School
PHOTO:2019.139photographMay Day - Date Unknown - taken from Allyson Father's scrapbook (John Dalton) Last Headmaster of Lustleigh Village School
PHOTO:2019.140paintingView of the Pound, Pound Cottages and the Tudor Cross
PHOTO:2019.141photographRobert Beer, Dorothy Beer and Barbara Beer
PHOTO:2019.142photographLong Tor, 1940
PHOTO:2019.143photographRobert George Beer, 1912
PHOTO:2019.144photographEast Wrey Barton Court - Clive Simpson Archive
PHOTO:2019.145photographEast Wrey Barton Court - Clive Simpson Archive
PHOTO:2019.146photographEast Wrey Barton Court - Clive Simpson Archive
PHOTO:2019.147photographEast Wrey Barton - Rebuilding of Wall on Main A382 Road, May 1988
PHOTO:2019.148photographMay Day 1914 - Postcard of children, including 'Edie'
PHOTO:2019.149photographMay Day 1936 - May Queen Veronica Yeoman
PHOTO:2019.150photographNational identity Card 1948 Kathleen E Daw (nee Amery), Bridge Park, Lustleigh
PHOTO:2019.151photographJohn Charles Stewart Amery - Kelly Farm and Hilda Ruth Gillard, Shilstone Farm, Drewsteignton
PHOTO:2019.152photographAmery Grandparents plus Ruth and Kitty (Kathleen) 1925 outside bungalow next to Middle Cross, Lustleigh
PHOTO:2019.153photographThanksgiving Service for the life of Kathleen Elizabeth Daw - Order of Service -St Pancras church, Widecombe in the Moor - November 21 2012
PHOTO:2019.154photographMarriage Lustleigh Church - Kitty Amery to Gordon Daw 1948 plus Amery and Daw relations
PHOTO:2019.155photographMarriage of Spark Amery to Edith Gillard with Fred Amery, Ida Wrayford and Hilda Amery
PHOTO:2019.156photographJCS Amery plus Spark Amery 1903
PHOTO:2019.157photographJCS Amery's rocking horse outside Keilly Farm
PHOTO:2019.158photographKitty Dad (nee Amery)
PHOTO:2019.159photographHilda Amery Christmas 1916
PHOTO:2019.160photographBirth Certificate Kathleen Elizabeth Amery (Kitty)
PHOTO:2019.161photographBirth Certificate Kathleen Elizabeth Amery (Kitty)
PHOTO:2020.1postcardPostcard from Torquay sent to Mr F. Searle, Devon Constabulary, Lustleigh on 19/3/13 with the message is written in Morse code (translation, see notes field). NOTE: there are publishing restrictions for this item
PHOTO:2020.2photographTwo Images of the railway at Lustleighfrom Bernard Mills as shown at the talk on 22nd January 2020 held by the Lustleigh Society
PHOTO:2020.3photographTwo Images posted on social media by fire crews, fire at Sunnyside 24 Jan 2020
PHOTO:2020.4photographTwo photos and notes from a family member of Jean Lane, long time member of the Lustleigh Society and WWII evacuee, who passed away 7th Dec 2019
PHOTO:2020.5photographThe Launch of the book "A Dartmoor Village's Sacrifice, Lustleigh's Fallen in the Great War" 19th July 2019 in St. John's Lustleigh. Guest Sarah Lopez, area manager Royal BRotish Legion
PHOTO:2020.6photographViewing the Lustleigh Tithe Map,
PHOTO:2020.7photographImages of a memorial plaque at Newton Abbot train station. Records info about two porters (Candler and Ridgway) who worked at Lustleigh station and who died in WWI
PHOTO:2020.8photographPhotos of the wedding of Rosemary Dawn Bunclark and John Prynn Gardiner in the church in Lustleigh June 1953
PHOTO:2020.9digital imageA poem by William David Baker about the Railway through Lustleigh. "The Railway that Died" undated, Image of the author included. This was cropped from a Facebook Post April 2020
PHOTO:2020.10digital imageSeries of production photographs from the performance of Mother Courage and her Children by the Drama Group, February 2020
PHOTO:2020.11digital imageSeries of production photographs from the performance of Mother Courage and her Children by the Drama Group, February 2020
PHOTO:2020.12digital imageSeries of production photographs from the performance of Mother Courage and her Children by the Drama Group, February 2020
PHOTO:2020.13digital imageSeries of production photographs from the performance of Mother Courage and her Children by the Drama Group, February 2020
PHOTO:2020.14digital imageSeries of production photographs from the performance of Mother Courage and her Children by the Drama Group, February 2020
PHOTO:2020.15digital imageSeries of production photographs from the performance of Mother Courage and her Children by the Drama Group, February 2020
PHOTO:2020.16digital imageImages of the old Moretonhampstead and South Devon Railway boundary stone being moved from the riverbank near Caseley Bridge and resited on the new Wray (Wrey) Valley Trail near Brookfield. The work was completed by Glendennings on behalf of Devon County Council, 21st February 2020
PHOTO:2020.17digital imagePhotograph of dolls house toys that belonged to Jean Lane (nee Shillabeer). Given as a gift in 1940 by General James Steele of Lussacombe.
PHOTO:2020.18digital imagePhotographs of Donald Sneap and his Family plus neighbours and of their house Wreyland Cottage (Middle Wreyland when it was three cottages) 1950s possibly
PHOTO:2020.19digital imageFrank Seward and Reg Dalley working at Bullaton Farm 1950s
PHOTO:2020.20digital imageCopy of painting of Lustleigh
PHOTO:2020.21digital imageCopy of painting of Lustleigh Cleave
PHOTO:2020.22digital imageCopy of painting of Lustleigh Mill wheel
PHOTO:2020.23digital imageCopy of painting of Lustleigh
PHOTO:2020.24digital imageCopy of painting of Lustleigh Mill
PHOTO:2020.25digital imageCopy of painting of Lustleigh Mill
PHOTO:2020.26digital imageImage from The Times Newspaper 19th September of a photo shoot staged at Hisley Bridge
PHOTO:2020.27digital imageGazing into the firmament over Lustleigh, article on atstonomical photography and Steve Price, The Moorlander newspaper, 13-26 May 2020
PHOTO:2020.28videoVideo of Mike Rowe taken on Friday 8th May 2020 VE Day bank holiday, also heard are Jill and Rod Latham
PHOTO:2021.1photosSeries of Photos of the family of Mark Thomson during holidays in Lustleigh in 1927. Location of the farm is unknown
PHOTO:2021.2photosSeries of Photos of the family of Mark Thomson during holidays in Lustleigh in 1929. Location of the farm is unknown
PHOTO:2021.3photoEllamore (Ellimore) Farm with Lustleigh Cleave in background
PHOTO:2021.4photoImage of Tom Payne, Blacksmith holding a horse
PHOTO:2021.5photoImage of Tom Payne, Blacksmith together with Mrs payne in a garden opposite the church.
PHOTO:2021.6photoImage of Ronald Tremlett holding a horse and carraige
PHOTO:2021.7photoStereoscopic Postcard of the Mill at Foxworthy
PHOTO:2021.8photoImage of Thatched Cottage with woman standing in doorway (location unknown)
PHOTO:2021.9photoImage of the front of Rock Cottages, with a group of people standing outside.
PHOTO:2021.10photoImage of the front of Melrose terrace with man standing at gate of No 4 (Scotleigh) horse and rider outside No 1.
PHOTO:2021.11photoImage of Gillian Williams, May Queen, 1954, being crowned by two boys
PHOTO:2021.12photoImage of Gillian Williams, May Queen, 1954
PHOTO:2021.13photoImage of Gillian Williams, May Queen, 1954, with large crowd outside the Parish Church
PHOTO:2021.14photoImage of two girls attending the May Queen (Gillian Williams) in 1954, while crowd looks on
PHOTO:2021.15photoImage of Gillian Williams, May Queen (1954) outside the Church with many girl and boy attendants
PHOTO:2021.16photoImage of Gillian Williams, May Queen (1954) under floral bower with six boy attendants
PHOTO:2021.17photoImage of Gillian Williams, May Queen (1954) under floral bower with various boy attendants
PHOTO:2021.18photoGrainy image of Gillian Williams, May Queen, 1954
PHOTO:2021.19photoImage of Gillian Williams, May Queen, 1954, with attendants
PHOTO:2021.20photoImage of Gillian Williams, May Queen, 1954, with attendants and crowd on the Parish Church Steps
PHOTO:2021.21photoImage of Gillian Williams, May Queen, 1954, on her throne in the Orchard with attendants and crowd
PHOTO:2021.23photoLast Passenger Train leaving Lustleigh, Taken from Station Bridge, 1959
PHOTO:2021.24photographMay Day 1960 - Group of Children on Church Steps Left Jenny Jones (Iona's sister), Susan Osborne , Iona Jones (May Queen) and Jayne Nelson
PHOTO:2021.25photographInstallation of lighting column for Devon Air Ambulance night landing site on Cricket Field. The column will be painted green. Friday May 7th, 2021
PHOTO:2021.26photographCarriage or distance markers possibly? On railway line behind the Mill, just before the double span granite bridge
PHOTO:2021.27photographPhoto of Myra Brock, 1955 May Queen, on steps of the village church with attendants and crowd
PHOTO:2021.28photographPhoto of Myra Brock, 1955 May Queen, under floral canopy by Pound cottages with boy and girl attendants
PHOTO:2021.29photographPhoto of Myra Brock, 1955 May Queen's processionthrough the village, with brass band
PHOTO:2021.30photographPhoto of Myra Brock, 1955 May Queen, on her throne in the Orchard with children dancing around the maypole
PHOTO:2021.31photographPhoto of Myra Brock, 1955 May Queen, on her throne in the Orchard with children dancing around the maypole
PHOTO:2021.32photographPhoto of Myra Brock, 1955 May Queen, on her throne in the Orchard surrounded by attendants and other children
PHOTO:2021.33photographPhoto of Myra Brock, 1955 May Queen, on her throne in the Orchard
PHOTO:2021.34photographPhoto of Myra Brock, 1955 May Queen, on Church steps with children
PHOTO:2021.35photographPhoto of Myra Brock, 1955 May Queen, with procession of her attendants by the War Memorial
PHOTO:2021.36photographPhoto of Myra Brock, 1955 May Queen, with procession of her attendants
PHOTO:2021.37photographPhoto of Myra Brock, 1955 May Queen, on the church steps
PHOTO:2021.38photographPhoto of Myra Brock, 1955 May Queen, on the church steps with her attendants
PHOTO:2021.39photographPhoto of Myra Brock, 1955 May Queen, on the church steps with her attendants
PHOTO:2021.40photographPhoto of Myra Brock, 1955 May Queen, on her throne in the Orchard with her attendants
PHOTO:2021.41photographPhoto of Myra Brock, 1955 May Queen, with her attendants in Wreyland
PHOTO:2021.42photographPhoto of Patricia (Patsy) Powell, 1956 May Queen, on her throne with attendants
PHOTO:2021.43photographPhoto of Patricia (Patsy) Powell, 1956 May Queen, on the Church Steps with attendants
PHOTO:2021.44photographPhoto of Patricia (Patsy) Powell, 1956 May Queen, on the Church Steps with attendants
PHOTO:2021.45photographPhoto of Patricia (Patsy) Powell, 1956 May Queen, on the Church Steps with lines of attendants
PHOTO:2021.46photographPhoto of children dancing around the Maypole in the Orchard, 1956 May Queen (Patricia Powell)
PHOTO:2021.47photographPhoto of children dancing around the Maypole in the Orchard, 1956 May Queen (Patricia Powell)
PHOTO:2021.48photographPhoto of children dancing around the Maypole in the Orchard, 1956 May Queen (Patricia Powell) on her throne
PHOTO:2021.49photographPhoto of 1956 May Queen, Patricia Powell, on her throne in the Orchard, surrounded by attendants
PHOTO:2021.50photographPhoto of 1956 May Queen, Patricia Powell's attendants with their poseys in the Orchard
PHOTO:2021.51photographPhoto of 1956 May Queen, Patricia Powell's procession in Wreyland
PHOTO:2021.52photographPhoto of 1956 May Queen, Patricia Powell's procession in the village
PHOTO:2021.53photographPhoto of 1956 May Queen, Patricia Powell's procession by Pound Cottages
PHOTO:2021.54photographPhoto of 1956 May Queen, Patricia Powell, on her throne in the Orchard, surrounded by attendants
PHOTO:2021.55photographPhoto of 1957 May Queen, Janet Horrell, on her throne
PHOTO:2021.56photographPhoto of 1957 May Queen, Janet Horrell,and her procession in the village
PHOTO:2021.57photographPhoto of 1957 May Queen, Janet Horrell,and her procession in Wreyland
PHOTO:2021.58photographLustleigh Post Boxes (Article for parish Magazine regarding the various post boxes in the parish, photographs supplied by Marcus Graham).
PHOTO:2021.59photographImage of a pottery model of The Cleave Hotel, given to the Landlord (Steve Cole).
PHOTO:2021.60photographTwo images of Reginald Crosby Mocock.
PHOTO:2021.61photographImages of May Queen's Coral Necklace and box, as presented to Janye Nelson in 1961. Found in box of items bought online. These items were successfully reunited with Jayne via Facebook.
PHOTO:2021.62photographPhoto of Janet Horrell, 1957 May Queen, on steps of the church with her attendants
PHOTO:2021.63photographPhoto of Janet Horrell, 1957 May Queen, processing around the village with her attendants
PHOTO:2021.64photographPhoto of Janet Horrell, 1957 May Queen, on her throne in the Orchard with her attendants
PHOTO:2021.65photographPhoto of attendants to Janet Horrell, 1957 May Queen, laying posies on the ground
PHOTO:2021.66photographPhoto of Janet Horrell, 1957 May Queen, and her attendants in the village
PHOTO:2021.67photographPhoto of Janet Horrell, 1957 May Queen, processing with her attendants through Wreyland
PHOTO:2021.68photographPhoto of Janet Horrell, 1957 May Queen, processing with her attendants through the village
PHOTO:2021.69photographPhoto of Janet Horrell, 1957 May Queen, processing with her attendants into the Orchard
PHOTO:2021.70photographPhoto of Patricia Powell, 1956 May Queen, on her throne in the Orchard
PHOTO:2021.71photographPhoto of dancing around the Maypole in the Orchard at the 1956 May Day Celebrations of Patricia Powell, 1956 May Queen
PHOTO:2021.72photographPhoto of dancing around the Maypole in the Orchard at the 1956 May Day Celebrations of Patricia Powell, 1956 May Queen
PHOTO:2021.73photographPhoto of Helen Beard, 1958 May Queen with attendants on the Church steps
PHOTO:2021.74photographPhoto of Helen Beard, 1958 May Queen, on her throne in the Orchard
PHOTO:2021.75photographPhoto of Helen Beard, 1958 May Queen, with attendants processing through Wreyland
PHOTO:2021.76photographPhoto of Helen Beard, 1958 May Queen, with attendants, on her throne in the Orchard
PHOTO:2021.77photographPhoto of Helen Beard, 1958 May Queen, with attendants, processing through Brookfield
PHOTO:2021.78photographPhoto of Christine and Diana Stevens at Lustleigh May Day, 1957, in the Orchard
PHOTO:2021.79photographPhoto of Diana and Marilyn Stevens at Lustleigh May Day, 1959
PHOTO:2021.80photographPhoto of Diana and Marilyn Stevens at Lustleigh May Day, 1961
PHOTO:2021.81photographPhoto of Helen Beard, May Queen 1958, on her throne in the Orchard
PHOTO:2021.82photographPhoto of Helen Beard, May Queen 1958, procession through the village
PHOTO:2021.83photographPhoto of Helen Beard, May Queen 1958, on her throne in the Orchard
PHOTO:2021.84photographPhoto of attendants to Helen Beard, May Queen 1958, laying their posies in the Orchard
PHOTO:2021.85photographPhoto of Helen Beard, May Queen 1958, under floral arch with her procession in the village
PHOTO:2021.86photographPhoto of Helen Beard, May Queen 1958, under floral arch with her procession in Wreyland
PHOTO:2021.87photographPhoto of Helen Beard, May Queen 1958, under floral arch with her procession in Wreyland
PHOTO:2021.88photographPhoto of dancing round the Maypole, May Day 1957 - Janet Horrell, May Queen
PHOTO:2021.89photographPhoto of May Queen, Janet Horrell's attendants laying posies in the Orchard
PHOTO:2021.90photographPhoto of Christine Moore, 1959 May Queen, in the Orchard
PHOTO:2021.91photographPhoto of Christine Moore, 1959 May Queen, in the Orchard, with Colin Squires, Henry Bond and Mick Dray
PHOTO:2021.92photographPhoto of Christine Moore, 1959 May Queen, processing through Wreyland, with Colin Squires, Henry Bond and Mick Dray
PHOTO:2021.93photographPhoto of Christine Moore, 1959 May Queen, processing through Wreyland, with Colin Squires, Henry Bond and Mick Dray
PHOTO:2021.94photographPhoto of Christine Moore, 1959 May Queen, and her procession, with Henry Bond and Mick Dray
PHOTO:2021.95photographPhoto of Christine Moore, 1959 May Queen, on her throne in the Orchard
PHOTO:2021.96photographPhoto of Christine Moore, 1959 May Queen, with attendants on the Church steps
PHOTO:2021.97photographPhoto of Christine Moore, 1959 May Queen, on her throne in the Orchard, with attendants
PHOTO:2021.98photographPhoto of Christine Moore, 1959 May Queen, with all her attendants
PHOTO:2021.99photographImage of guests at May Day 1959: Pam Stevens, Annie Stevens, Gladys Moore, Tiny Barlow
PHOTO:2021.100photographImage of Christine Moore, 1959 May Queen, at Mill House, getting into car to go to the ceremony
PHOTO:2021.101photographPhoto of Christine Moore, 1959 May Queen, on Church steps with attendants
PHOTO:2021.102photographPhoto of Christine Moore, 1959 May Queen, processing through the village
PHOTO:2021.103photographPhoto of Christine Moore, 1959 May Queen, processing through the village
PHOTO:2021.104photographPhoto of Iona Jones, 1960 May Queen
PHOTO:2021.105photographPhoto of Iona Jones, 1960 May Queen processing near Brookfield
PHOTO:2021.106photographPhoto of Iona Jones, 1960 May Queen on the May Day throne
PHOTO:2021.107photographPhoto of Iona Jones, 1960 May Queen and attendants outside Wreyland Manor
PHOTO:2021.108photographPhoto of Iona Jones, 1960 May Queen and children on church steps
PHOTO:2021.109photographPhoto of Iona Jones, 1960 May Queen and children on church steps
PHOTO:2021.110photographPhoto of Iona Jones, 1960 May Queen on May Day throne
PHOTO:2021.111photographPhoto of Jayne Nelson, 1961 May Queen on May Day throne
PHOTO:2021.112photographPhoto of Jayne Nelson, 1961 May Queen on May Day throne
PHOTO:2021.113photographPhoto of Maypole dancing, May Day 1961
PHOTO:2021.114photographPhoto of Jayne Nelson, May Queen 1961
PHOTO:2021.115photographPhoto of Maypole dancing May Day 1961
PHOTO:2021.116photographHenrietta Smith (wife of HF Smith) with Arthur, Flo, Herbert Ernest and Mable
PHOTO:2021.117photographHerbert Ernest Smith - presumed taken on his 18th birthday
PHOTO:2021.118photographLeft to right : Arthur Smith (son of HE Smith) Henrietta Smith (wife of HE Smith), Herbert Ernest (son) Marjorie May Baker, Evelyn Baker, Rapson Baker, Geraldine Baker
PHOTO:2021.119portraitDigital image of drawing of Dorothy Tucker by Beryl Newman1962
PHOTO:2021.120photographThis set of 8 photographs show how the water board buried the pipe over the wray brook. The was accompanied by a plank footbridge over the stream
PHOTO:2021.121postcardPostcard of North Harton Farm
PHOTO:2021.122photographPhoto of children dancing in the village at the May Queen event, 1961
PHOTO:2021.123photographPhoto of two participants at the May Queen event, 1961
PHOTO:2021.124photographPhoto of Jayne Nelson, May Queen, 1961, on her throne in the Orchard, with attendants
PHOTO:2021.125photographPhoto of May Queen's parade, 1961, in Wreyland
PHOTO:2021.126digital imageImage of Ellen Crosby, once resident at Long Tor
PHOTO:2021.127digital imageThree images of pages from a publication entitled Only an Ocean Between. Photographic comparisons between America & Britain. Plate on page 25 of the village green and Pound Cotts. First published 1943
PHOTO:2021.128digital imagePerformance of star Crazy by Miracle Theatre, Lustleigh Orchard July 13th 2020
PHOTO:2021.129digital imagePerformance of The Hound of the Baskervilles, a Radio Play Adapted by Alexa Mason. Performed by Lustleigh Drama Group, July 2nd and 3rd 2021 in the Village Hall
PHOTO:2021.130digital imageRethatching Wreyland Manor, August 2020
PHOTO:2021.132digital imageImage of Devon General Bus - School Bus 173 - circa 1970's
PHOTO:2021.133photographPhoto of 1961 May Queen's (Jayne Nelson) parade through the village
PHOTO:2021.134photographPhoto of 1961 May Queen's (Jayne Nelson) parade through the village
PHOTO:2021.135photographPhoto of Debbie Goodfellow, 1984 May Queen, on her throne, with attendants
PHOTO:2021.137photographInstallation of the new May Queen throne in the Orchard (2000)
PHOTO:2021.138photographInstallation of the new May Queen throne in the Orchard (2000) with Doug Cooper (designer)
PHOTO:2021.139photographInstallation of the new May Queen throne in the Orchard (2000) with Doug Cooper (designer)
PHOTO:2021.140photographInstallation of the new May Queen throne in the Orchard (2000) with Doug Cooper (designer)
PHOTO:2021.141photographInstallation of the new May Queen throne in the Orchard (2000)
PHOTO:2021.142photographInstallation of the new May Queen throne in the Orchard (2000) With Doug Cooper (designer)
PHOTO:2021.143photographUnveiling of the new May Queen throne (2000) Dave Wills with former May Queens Nellie Wills, Edna Dray, Eileen Dray, and Douglas Cooper (designer)
PHOTO:2021.144photographUnveiling of the new May Queen throne (2000) Dave Wills with former May Queens Nellie Wills, Edna Dray, Eileen Dray
PHOTO:2021.145photographUnveiling of the new May Queen throne (2000) Dave Wills with former May Queens Nellie Wills, Edna Dray, Eileen Dray
PHOTO:2021.146photographUnveiling of the new May Queen throne (2000) Dave Wills with former May Queens Nellie Wills, Edna Dray, Eileen Dray
PHOTO:2021.147photographPhoto of Lisa Rowe, 1983 May Queen
PHOTO:2021.148photographPhoto of unveiling of the new May Queen throne (2000): Dave Wills with former May Queens Nellie Wills, Edna Dray, Eileen Dray, and Douglas Cooper (designer)
PHOTO:2021.149photographPhoto of 1993 May Queen, Simone Olver on her throne in the Orchard, with attendants
PHOTO:2021.150photographPhoto of crowd and attendants in the village centre for the 1993 May Queen, Simone Olver's ceremony
PHOTO:2021.151photographPhoto of the 1993 May Queen, Simone Olver's ceremony in the Orchard
PHOTO:2021.152photographPhoto of the 1993 May Queen, Simone Olver, on her throne in the Orchard, with Maypole dancers
PHOTO:2021.153photographThe Dray brothers on leave 1943 at Higher Coombe. L-R Ronald (glider pilot rgt), John (Northamptonshire rgt), George (Royal Artillary)
PHOTO:2021.154photograph3 photographs of Ray Leeks at Highbury with small white dairy supply Lustleigh cart from Kelly Farm
PHOTO:2021.155drawings2 personally drawn views of Lustleigh village belonging to Ivy Wills (deceased)
PHOTO:2021.156PhotoPhoto of May Day celebrations in 1993 (Simone Olver - May Queen) in the Orchard, with Maypole dance
PHOTO:2021.157PhotoPhoto of May Day celebrations in 1993 (Simone Olver - May Queen) in the Orchard, with Maypole dance
PHOTO:2021.158PhotoPhoto of Lisa Roberts, 1994 May Queen, under floral arch
PHOTO:2021.159PhotoPhoto of Lisa Roberts, 1994 May Queen, under floral arch
PHOTO:2021.160PhotoPhoto of Lisa Roberts, 1994 May Queen - procession through the village with band and attendants
PHOTO:2021.161PhotoPhoto of Lisa Roberts, 1994 May Queen - procession through the village with band and attendants
PHOTO:2021.162PhotoPhoto of Lisa Roberts, 1994 May Queen under floral arch
PHOTO:2021.163PhotoPhoto of Debbie Goodfellow, 1984 May Queen, with attendants on the Church steps
PHOTO:2021.164PhotoPhoto of Lisa Roberts, 1994 May Queen, with attendants, processing through the village centre
PHOTO:2021.165PhotoPhoto of Lisa Roberts, 1994 May Queen, with attendants, processing through the village centre
PHOTO:2021.166PhotoPhoto of Lisa Roberts, 1994 May Queen, with attendants, processing through the village centre
PHOTO:2021.167PhotoPhoto of children in village procession - Lisa Roberts, 1994 May Queen's ceremony
PHOTO:2021.168PhotoPhoto of attendants of Lisa Roberts, 1994 May Queen, carrying floral decorations through the village
PHOTO:2021.169PhotoPhoto of attendants of Lisa Roberts, 1994 May Queen, carrying floral decorations
PHOTO:2021.170PhotoPhoto of Leigh Biallick, attendant of Lisa Roberts, 1994 May Queen, carrying floral bouquet
PHOTO:2021.171PhotoPhoto of children Morris dancers at the ceremony of Lisa Roberts, 1994 May Queen, carrying floral bouquets
PHOTO:2021.172PhotoPhoto of Daisy Martinez at the ceremony of Lisa Roberts, 1994 May Queen
PHOTO:2021.173PhotoPhoto of children at the ceremony of Lisa Roberts, 1994 May Queen
PHOTO:2021.174PhotoPhoto of Leigh Biallick at the ceremony of Lisa Roberts, 1994 May Queen
PHOTO:2021.175PhotoPhotograph of Mrs Joan Ellis outside the Western Garage and Engineering Works, Newton Abbot where she repaired spitfires. Mrs Ellis is third from the left in the front row.
PHOTO:2021.176PhotoArthur Dray 1st SAS Egypt 1943 - Croix de Geurre operating with 'Maquis Bernard' Montigny-en-Morvan, August 1944
PHOTO:2021.177lithogramLithogram of Clam Bridge by Thomas Hewitt Williams - Published Cole and Co. Exeter 1822
PHOTO:2021.178albumAn album of old Photographs of Lustleigh - Lustleigh from the East, view from Lustleigh Cleave, Village and Smithy, Lustleigh Old Cottage, Lustleigh Path to Cleave, Lustleigh Cleave, Ellamore Farm, View on Old Manaton Road, Horsmans Steps, Becky Falls
PHOTO:2021.179paintingSelf portrait of Beryl Newman (nee Trist) plus scan of condition report and estimate for restoration November 2022 by Sophie Brummitt Studio and subsequent condition report January 2024
PHOTO:2022.1digital imageDigital images of a portrait of Dorothy Tucker drawing by Beryl Newman, prior to restotation3.2022
PHOTO:2022.2photographLustleigh Primary School photo
PHOTO:2022.3digital imageMay Day dancing from 1955 in Town Orchard1955
PHOTO:2022.4digital imagePresentation of card and gifts on the last day that Sarah and Mike Brewer ran Lustleigh Dairy6.2021
PHOTO:2022.5digital imageInitial clearance of land along old railway track, before the construction of the Wrey Valley Trail2020
PHOTO:2022.6digital imageDecoration of the Cleave back bar, before and after photos, carpeted and wood burner installed. Also photo of front bar which will be recarpeted in 202211.2021
PHOTO:2022.7digital imagePhotos of Colin Power (09/10/1925 - 25/11/2021), Janet Power and their family.11.2021
PHOTO:2022.8digital imagePhoto of children at the 1994 May Queen ceremony of Lisa Roberts1994
PHOTO:2022.9digital imagePhoto of children at the 1994 May Queen ceremony of Lisa Roberts1994
PHOTO:2022.10digital imagePhoto of procession along the Wreyland Path at the 1994 May Queen ceremony of Lisa Roberts1994
PHOTO:2022.11digital imagePhoto of children at the 1994 May Queen ceremony of Lisa Roberts1994
PHOTO:2022.12digital imagePhoto of Lisa Roberts, May Queen 1994, on the church steps with the Rector1994
PHOTO:2022.13digital imagePhoto of Lisa Roberts, May Queen 1994, on the church steps with the Rector and attendants1994
PHOTO:2022.14digital imagePhoto of Lisa Roberts, May Queen 1994, processing through the Orchard with her attendants1994
PHOTO:2022.15digital imagePhoto of Lisa Roberts, May Queen 1994, on steps of the church with her attendants1994
PHOTO:2022.16digital imagePhoto of Lisa Roberts, May Queen 1994, on her throne in the Orchard, with attendants1994
PHOTO:2022.17digital imagePhoto of Lisa Roberts, May Queen 1994, processing through the Orchard with her attendants1994
PHOTO:2022.18digital imagePhoto of Lisa Roberts, May Queen 1994, on her throne in the Orchard, with attendants1994
PHOTO:2022.19digital imagePhoto of Lisa Roberts, May Queen 1994, on her throne in the Orchard, with attendants1994
PHOTO:2022.20digital imagePhoto of band processing through Lustleigh at the 1994 May Queen coronation of Lisa Roberts1994
PHOTO:2022.21digital imagePhoto of Hilary Gould, Daisy Beare, and Joely Badger at the 1994 May Queen coronation of Lisa Roberts1994
PHOTO:2022.22digital imagePhoto ofchildren dancing around the maypole at the 1994 May Queen coronation of Lisa Roberts1994
PHOTO:2022.23digital imagePhoto of two children dancing around the maypole at the 1994 May Queen coronation of Lisa Roberts1994
PHOTO:2022.24digital imageLisa Rowe playing the violin at Lisa Roberts' May Day 19941994
PHOTO:2022.25digital imageGarden at Lower Combe4.202
PHOTO:2022.26digital imageThe Great Hall
PHOTO:2022.27digital imageOld Lustleigh, Rylands Manor (Lower Wreyland)
PHOTO:2022.28digital imageGarden at Lower Coombe
PHOTO:2022.29digital imagePhotographs of Yonder Wreyland before the fire which destroyed it
PHOTO:2022.30digital imageRuins of Yonder Wreyland after the fire of 1932
PHOTO:2022.31digital imageYonder Wreyland from a negative supplied by Mrs Christopher Hall whose father worked for Cecil Torr at Yonder Wreyland and was an amateur photographer. He was in Lustleigh in about 1900. See letters (box G004?)
PHOTO:2022.32digital imagePhoto of Maypole dancing in the Orchard at the ceremony of Natalie Davis, 1995 May Queen. Sam and Liam Carnell at front of crowd.
PHOTO:2022.33digital imagePhoto of Margaret Janes, her husband (?) and son, Chris Janes, at a May Queen ceremony in 1997(?). Also A. Horrell
PHOTO:2022.34digital imagePhoto of Laura Dale, May Queen 1997
PHOTO:2022.35digital imagePhoto of Laura Dale, May Queen 1997, and her procession, by the Village Hall
PHOTO:2022.36digital imagePhoto of Laura Dale, May Queen 1997, on her throne in the Orchard. Also shown: Louise Baudony, Sophie Taylor, Tom Webb, Tom Reddaway, James Baudony, Edward Vantreen, Forbes Bialick, Jack Webb and Dave Wills (Town Crier)
PHOTO:2022.37digital imagePhoto of the procession of Laura Dale, May Queen 1997, near the War Memorial
PHOTO:2022.38digital imagePhoto of Maypole dancing in the Orchard at the ceremony of Laura Dale, May Queen 1997
PHOTO:2022.39digital imagePhoto of Maypole dancing in the Orchard at the ceremony of Laura Dale, May Queen 1997. William Wills is the boy nearest the camera.
PHOTO:2022.40digital imageGeneral Sir James Stuart Steele 1894 - 1975
PHOTO:2022.41digital imageWedding of Captain Fleetwood Hugo Pellew to Geraldine M Hole 14 January 1939 - From left to right - Anne Pellew, Hugo Pellow - Gerry Hold - Teddie Bradford
PHOTO:2022.42digital imageMary Knight of Lustleigh aged 76
PHOTO:2022.43digital imageImages of a visit to Lustleigh by Gill Quest (nee Williams), revisiting her home at 3 Pound Cottages and the May Rock where she was May Queen in 1954. Also an image of her coral necklace and the box, presented to her on May Day 1954.
PHOTO:2022.44digital imageTwo images of a memorial gathering at the Mill, for Jan and Mike Rowe, Sunday 10th October 2021
PHOTO:2022.45digital imagePhoto of the grave of Cecil Torr in Moretonhampstead Old Unitarian Chapel Graveyard.
PHOTO:2022.46digital imagePhotos of Highbury (now Wattles) Mapstone Hill taken in approx 2013 as it was lived in by Ray Leeks (notes by helen Reynolds, present occupier of Wattles that now stands on this site)
PHOTO:2022.47digital imageImage of Ashtray presented to Peter Mason when he was Chair of the Village hall Committee in the 1970s, decorated by Jean Chisholm (now Wills) when she worked at Devonshire Pottery
PHOTO:2022.48postcardvery old photograph of lustleigh village before the primrose tea rooms showing stable house gallery
PHOTO:2022.49postcardsFifteenth century Willmead Farm
PHOTO:2022.50photoBand processing through Wreyland at the ceremony of Laura Dale, 1997 May Queen
PHOTO:2022.51photoLaura Dale, 1997 May Queen, processing through Wreyland with her attendants and band
PHOTO:2022.52photoCrowd following the procession of Laura Dale, 1997 May Queen, through Wreyland
PHOTO:2022.53photoLaura Dale, 1997 May Queen, on Church Steps with her attendants
PHOTO:2022.54photoFun and games in the Orchard at the celebrations of Laura Dale, 1997 May Queen
PHOTO:2022.55photoMusicians in the Orchard at the celebrations of Laura Dale, 1997 May Queen
PHOTO:2022.56photoMorris dancers in the Orchard at the celebrations of Laura Dale, 1997 May Queen
PHOTO:2022.57photoChild on a swing in the Orchard at the celebrations of Laura Dale, 1997 May Queen
PHOTO:2022.58photoMaypole dancing in the Orchard at the celebrations of Laura Dale, 1997 May Queen
PHOTO:2022.59photoMaypole dancing in the Orchard at the celebrations of Laura Dale, 1997 May Queen
PHOTO:2022.60photoMay Queen attendants' tea party at the celebrations of Laura Dale, 1997 May Queen
PHOTO:2022.61photoMay Queen attendants' tea party at the celebrations of Laura Dale, 1997 May Queen
PHOTO:2022.62photoMay Queen attendants' tea party at the celebrations of Laura Dale, 1997 May Queen
PHOTO:2022.63photoAdult helpers at the May Queen attendants' tea party at the celebrations of Laura Dale, 1997 May Queen
PHOTO:2022.64photoBand playing in the Orchard at the celebrations of Laura Dale, 1997 May Queen
PHOTO:2022.65photoHelpers in the kitchen (old village hall) at the celebrations of Laura Dale, 1997 May Queen
PHOTO:2022.66photoAttendants to Natalie Davis, 1995 May Queen, near the Church
PHOTO:2022.67photoNatalie Davis, 1995 May Queen, on her throne in the Orchard
PHOTO:2022.68photoNatalie Davis, 1995 May Queen, with her attendants on the Church steps
PHOTO:2022.69photoProcession of Natalie Davis, 1995 May Queen, on the road towards Brookfield
PHOTO:2022.70photoNatalie Davis, 1995 May Queen, on her procession around the village, accompanied by John Druett (Canopy Bearer) and the band
PHOTO:2022.71photoFloral canopy used at the 2000 May Day celebrations of Emma Wills, in the Old Village Hall
PHOTO:2022.72photoJubilee 1977 fancy dress in the orchard6.1977
PHOTO:2022.73photoJubilee 1977 fancy dress in the orchard6.1977
PHOTO:2022.74photoJubilee 1977 fancy dress in the orchard6.1977
PHOTO:2022.75photoJubilee 1977 fancy dress in the orchard6.1977
PHOTO:2022.76photoEmpire Day 1932?1932
PHOTO:2022.77photoLustleigh station
PHOTO:2022.78photoOld Manaton Road
PHOTO:2022.79photoJubilee 1977 fancy dress in the orchard6.1977
PHOTO:2022.80photoTwo screenshots from Instagram (accessed and downloaded 8 Nov 21). Martin Frederick Hamlyn’s wife and children on holiday in Lustleigh, at Kemerton. Hamlyn was an artist (1886 to 1966)11.2021
PHOTO:2022.81digital imageConstruction of the Wrey Valley Trail, almost complete September 20192019
PHOTO:2022.82digital image30th August 2018, contractors digging hole and pumping out groundwater from incredibly shady soil in order to put in the new electricity sub station poles, field at the bottom of Brookfield.2018
PHOTO:2022.83digital imagePhotos donated by Ben Cartridge at Railway station, replacement plaque to commemorate Jumbo, replaces the original one that had rotted away.28.5.2022
PHOTO:2022.84digital image12 pictures cameo series of views of Lustleigh village to include Post Office, the church, Wrayland Manor, Nutcracker Rock and Ellimore Farm
PHOTO:2022.85digital imageView to Rectory Lane from Ellimore Lane
PHOTO:2022.86postcardA selection of buildings within the village
PHOTO:2022.87postcardPrimrose cottage tea rooms
PHOTO:2022.88photographview from end of mill lane up to melrose terrace
PHOTO:2022.89photographview of Lustleigh from Knowle Road
PHOTO:2022.90photographview of Lustleigh Cleave
PHOTO:2022.91photographview of Hisley Weir
PHOTO:2022.92photographview of bridge at Foxworthy
PHOTO:2022.93videoVideo about Lustleigh Dairy by Steve Price at the start of the first national lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Sunday March 22nd 202022.3.2020
PHOTO:2022.94photoPhoto of Emma Wills, May Queen 2000, with horse and attendants by the Orchard
PHOTO:2022.95photoPhoto of Dave Wills, Town Cryer, at the celebrations of Emma Wills, May Queen 2000
PHOTO:2022.96photoPhoto of posy baskets at the celebrations of Emma Wills, May Queen 2000
PHOTO:2022.97photoPhoto of Morris Dancing by the Primrose Cafe at the celebrations of Emma Wills, May Queen 2000
PHOTO:2022.98photoPhoto of Emma Wills, May Queen 2000, on her throne in the Orchard with Maypole and onlookers
PHOTO:2022.99photoPhoto of Lucy James, May Queen 2003, on her throne in the Orchard
PHOTO:2022.100photoPhoto of Lucy James, May Queen 2003, outside the Church, with onlookers
PHOTO:2022.101photoPhoto of Maypole Dancing in the Orchard, at the celebrations of Lucy James, May Queen, 2003
PHOTO:2022.102photoPhoto of Maypole Dancing in the Orchard, at the celebrations of Lucy James, May Queen, 2003
PHOTO:2022.103photoPhoto of Lucy James, May Queen, 2003, and Rector Ian Hellyer outside the Church
PHOTO:2022.104photoPhoto of the procession of Lucy James, May Queen, 2003,in the village
PHOTO:2022.105photoPhoto of the 'Cogs and Wheels' Folk Dancing group at the celebrations of Lucy James, May Queen, 2003 outside the Stable House
PHOTO:2022.106photoPhoto of a group at the May Queen celebrations 2003, including Edna Franklin (nee Dray) and Eileen Williams (nee Dray)
PHOTO:2022.107photoPhoto of Lucy James, May Queen 2003, with attendants including Annie Reddaway, Anthony Beare, William Vantreen, Bastian Harvey, and Tom Webb
PHOTO:2022.108photoPhoto of Harriet Knowles, May Queen 2002, with attendants including Lucy James, Tom Reddaway, Tom Webb, Jo Knowles and Annie Reddaway
PHOTO:2022.109photoPhoto of the new Maypole being brought down Mapstone Hill by Tim Mills, James Baudy, Ned Gould, Tom Reddaway and Rupert Barker
PHOTO:2022.110photoView from Gatehouse balcony 1989
PHOTO:2022.111photoPhoto on card, taken May1949 with the writing "With very best wishes for a merry Christmas and a happy new year. Laurie"
PHOTO:2022.112photoPhoto of members of the team taking a teabreak outside Ivy Cottage January 2020
PHOTO:2022.114postcardPostcard sent May 1938 with picture of lane and Kelly Cross Cottage
PHOTO:2022.115photoPhoto of Loxtor Wrey with description on reverse "Loxtor Wrey with goats (?) in the orchard May 1951"
PHOTO:2022.116print of painting Print of watercolour painting of Cleave hotel
PHOTO:2022.117photoPhoto of house with writing "Souther Wreyland ?" on reverse
PHOTO:2022.118photoPhoto of 1954 May Day procession of Gillian Williams
PHOTO:2022.119photoPhoto of Gillian Williams, 1954 May Queen, on her throne in the Orchard with her attendants
PHOTO:2022.120photoPhoto of Gillian Williams, 1954 May Queen, on her procession through the village with her attendants
PHOTO:2022.121photoPhoto of Gillian Williams, 1954 May Queen, on her throne in the Orchard, with attendants laying flowers in front of her.
PHOTO:2022.122photoPhoto of Winifred (Winnie) Olding, 1933 May Queen, on her throne in the former location (Knowle Woods)
PHOTO:2022.123photoPhoto of Winifred (Winnie) Olding, 1933 May Queen, on the steps of the Church, with her attendants
PHOTO:2022.124photoPhoto of Olive Chudley, the second Lustleigh May Queen, 1906, on her throne with her attendants
PHOTO:2022.125Newspaper photoNewspaper cutting with photo of Edna Dray, May Queen 1939, being crowned by her brother, John Dray
PHOTO:2022.126photoBlack & white scanned photo of Gladys Waldron (12 years old), May Queen 1919
PHOTO:2022.127photoBlack & white photo of a group of Brownies sitting on the May Queen rock in 1962
PHOTO:2022.128photoColour photo of Beauty and the Beast drama club production
PHOTO:2022.129photoColour photo of the vestry 1989
PHOTO:2022.130photoBlack and white photo of Phyllis Waldron
PHOTO:2022.131press cuttingPress cutting of Lustleigh Art Show August 1963, on the right of this group is WI secretary Miss E M I Amery1963
PHOTO:2022.132press cuttingPress cutting of Lustleigh WI drama group members in their first public production "All of a Sudden".
PHOTO:2022.133photoBlack and white photo of Arthur "Jack" Allin outside his house, Little Holme
PHOTO:2022.134photoBlack and white photo of Ruth Matthews, May Queen 1963
PHOTO:2022.135photoBlack and white photo of Ruth Matthews, May Queen 1963, with her attendants in the Orchard
PHOTO:2022.136photoBlack and white photo of Maypole dancers with the Maypole in the Orchard at the celebrations of Ruth Matthews, 1963 May Queen
PHOTO:2022.137photoBlack and white photo of Ruth Matthews, 1963 May Queen, with her attendants, on the Church steps
PHOTO:2022.138photoColour photo of Carola Woodger, 1964 May Queen, with her attendants on the Church steps
PHOTO:2022.139photoColour photo of Carola Woodger, 1960 May Queen, with her attendants, processing around the village
PHOTO:2022.140photoColour photo of 1964 May Queen, Carola Woodger, and her attendants on the Church steps
PHOTO:2022.141photoColour photo of 1964 May Queen, Carola Woodger, and her attendants on the Church steps
PHOTO:2022.142photoBlack & white photo of 1964 May Queen, Carola Woodger, and her attendants on the Church steps, with the rector
PHOTO:2022.143photoBlack & white photo of 1964 May Queen, Carola Woodger, and her attendants on the Church steps
PHOTO:2022.144photoBlack & white photo of 1964 May Queen, Carola Woodger
PHOTO:2022.145photoBlack & white photo of 1964 May Queen, Carola Woodger, with her attendants on the Church steps
PHOTO:2022.146photoBlack & white photo of 1964 May Queen, Carola Woodger, with her attendants on the Church steps
PHOTO:2022.147photoColour photo of the new Maypole being brought down Mapstone Hill, by Tim Mills, James Baudy, Ned Gould, Tom Reddaway and Rupert Barker
PHOTO:2022.147.1photoColour Photographs of the floods at Wrey Villa and the cricket pitch - December 2012
PHOTO:2022.148photoColour photo of Chloe Wright, 2005 May Queen, with her attendants and onlookers on the Church steps
PHOTO:2022.149photoColour photo of Chloe Wright, 2005 May Queen, with her attendants
PHOTO:2022.150photoColour photo of Chloe Wright, 2005 May Queen, with her attendants by the Village Hall
PHOTO:2022.151photoImage of railway bridge in Lustleigh. Could be Station Bridge or the bridge over Wreyland Path.
PHOTO:2022.152postcardPostcard with line drawing depiction of Eastwrey Barton Guest House1974
PHOTO:2022.153postcardPostcard of Weir Bridge, also known as Hisley Bridge
PHOTO:2022.154postcardPostcard of Primrose Cottage Tearooms and Antiques taken from the church tower
PHOTO:2022.155postcardPostcard of view from Lustleigh Cleave, Hunter's Tor
PHOTO:2022.156postcardPostcard of the village
PHOTO:2022.157postcardPostcard of St John the Baptist church
PHOTO:2022.158postcardPostcard of Stable House Gallery
PHOTO:2022.159postcardColour Postcard of 1 Pound Cottage
PHOTO:2022.160postcardView of Lustleigh from the west of the village 1904
PHOTO:2022.161postcardView of Lustleigh from the east of the village 1904
PHOTO:2022.162postcardWeir pool near Hisley Bridge 1907
PHOTO:2022.163postcardLustleigh Cleave
PHOTO:2022.164postcardView of church and village
PHOTO:2022.165postcardView from Lustleigh Cleave
PHOTO:2022.166postcardView from Lustleigh Cleave
PHOTO:2022.167postcardView from Lustleigh Cleave
PHOTO:2022.168postcardView from Lustleigh Cleave
PHOTO:2022.169postcardLustleigh from East
PHOTO:2022.170postcardLustleigh view
PHOTO:2022.171postcardDevonshire stile at Hammerslake
PHOTO:2022.172postcard15c Willmead Farm in the Wreyland Valley with views towards Lustleigh
PHOTO:2022.173postcardThe Rectory Lustleigh
PHOTO:2022.174postcardThe Square Lustleigh
PHOTO:2022.175postcardThe Square Lustleigh
PHOTO:2022.176postcardPound Cottage Lustleigh
PHOTO:2022.177digital imagePhotograph of Beryl Newman and June Vallance
PHOTO:2022.178digital imageLustleigh Goat Show
PHOTO:2022.179digital imageLustleigh Goat Show
PHOTO:2022.180digital imageLustleigh Goat Show
PHOTO:2022.181digital imageLustleigh Goat Show
PHOTO:2022.182digital imageLustleigh Goat Show
PHOTO:2022.183digital imageHisley Weir
PHOTO:2022.184digital imagephoto of people and goat
PHOTO:2022.185digital imagephoto of Lustleigh Home Guard
PHOTO:2022.186digital imagephoto of group of people
PHOTO:2022.187digital imagephoto of group of people at Lustleigh goat Show
PHOTO:2022.188paintingPainting of Lustleigh Cleave1895
PHOTO:2022.189colour photoPhoto of Wendy Harvey, May Queen 1971, in the Orchard
PHOTO:2022.190colour photoPhoto of Wendy Harvey, May Queen 1971, on her throne in the Orchard, with her attendants
PHOTO:2022.191colour photoPhoto of Wendy Harvey, May Queen 1971, on the Church steps, with her attendants
PHOTO:2022.192black & white photoPhoto of Wendy Harvey, May Queen 1971, in the Orchard, with her attendants
PHOTO:2022.193black & white photoPhoto of Wendy Harvey, May Queen 1971, on her throne in the Orchard, with her attendants
PHOTO:2022.194colour photoPhoto of Debbie Seabrook (?), May Queen 1977, on her throne in the Orchard, with her attendants
PHOTO:2022.195colour photoPhoto of Debbie Seabrook (?), May Queen 1977, outside the Village hall, with her attendants and the band
PHOTO:2022.196colour photoPhoto of Sarah Jane Lilley, May Queen 1985, with her procession in the village
PHOTO:2022.196.1colour photoPhoto of Sarah Jane Lilley, May Queen 1985, with her procession in the village
PHOTO:2022.197colour photoPhoto of the procession of Sarah Jane Lilley, May Queen 1985, by Pound Cottages
PHOTO:2022.198colour photoPhoto of the procession of Sarah Jane Lilley, May Queen 1985, by Pound Cottages
PHOTO:2022.199colour photoPhoto of the procession of Sarah Jane Lilley, May Queen 1985, by Pound Cottages
PHOTO:2022.200colour photoPhoto of Sarah Jane Lilley, May Queen 1985, on the Church steps with the rector
PHOTO:2022.201colour photoPhoto of Sarah Jane Lilley, May Queen 1985, on the Church steps with the rector
PHOTO:2022.202colour photoPhoto of Sarah Jane Lilley, May Queen 1985, on the Church steps, with the crowd
PHOTO:2022.203colour photoPhoto of Sarah Jane Lilley, May Queen 1985, with her attendants by the Orchard
PHOTO:2022.204colour photoPhoto of Sarah Jane Lilley, May Queen 1985, with her attendants
PHOTO:2022.205colour photoPhoto of Sarah Jane Lilley, May Queen 1985, with her attendants
PHOTO:2022.206colour photoPhoto of May Day dancers for Sarah Jane Lilley, May Queen 1985, in the Orchard
PHOTO:2022.207colour photoPhoto of Sarah Jane Lilley, May Queen 1985, being crowned on the rock in the Orchard
PHOTO:2022.208colour photoPhoto of the procession of Sarah Jane Lilley, May Queen 1985, near Bridge Park
PHOTO:2022.209colour photoPhoto of Sarah Jane Lilley, May Queen 1985, on the rock, having been crowned, with attendants
PHOTO:2022.210colour photoPhoto of Sarah Jane Lilley, May Queen 1985, and her procession coming up by the Primrose Tearooms
PHOTO:2022.211colour photoPhoto of Maypole dancers at the celebrations of Sarah Jane Lilley, May Queen 1985
PHOTO:2022.212colour photoPhoto of Maypole arena at the celebrations of Sarah Jane Lilley, May Queen 1985, with crowd
PHOTO:2022.213colour photoPhoto of Maypole arena with dancers at the celebrations of Sarah Jane Lilley, May Queen 1985, with crowd
PHOTO:2022.214colour photoPhoto of musicians and dancers at the celebrations of Sarah Jane Lilley, May Queen 1985, with crowd
PHOTO:2022.215colour photoPhoto of Maypole and crowd, together with Sarah Jane Lilley, May Queen 1985, on the rock
PHOTO:2022.216colour photoPhoto of Maypole and crowd, together with Sarah Jane Lilley, May Queen 1985, on the rock
PHOTO:2022.217colour photoPhoto of Maypole dancers and crowd, at the celebrations of Sarah Jane Lilley, May Queen 1985
PHOTO:2022.218colour photoBalloon seller at the celebrations of Sarah Jane Lilley, May Queen 1985
PHOTO:2022.219colour photoChildren playing on the May Rock in the Orchard at the celebrations of Sarah Jane Lilley, May Queen 1985
PHOTO:2022.220black & white photoCrowd passing the village hall towards the Orchard, at the celebrations of Ruth Matthews, May Queen, 1963 with Mrs Chudley (Ellimore farm) and Mrs Olding
PHOTO:2022.221colour photoInstallation of liner for new woodburner in the front bar of The Cleave Pub, Friday 29th July 2022, plus image of woodburner in situ29.7.2022
PHOTO:2022.222digital imageImages of May day, Saturday 7th May 2022
PHOTO:2022.223digital imagePghotos of Janet Power of Wellpark and Elmfield. 8 June 1935 to 19 Sep 2022
PHOTO:2022.224digital imageImage of Foxworthy Farmhouse
PHOTO:2022.225digital imagePoster and Images of the Dartmoor Concert, 22/10/22, Lustleigh Village hall and promoted by LEAP (N.B. Bill Murray did not perform due to illness)
PHOTO:2022.226digital imagePhoto of the Shillabeer family in front of The Round House, Northpark c.1942 (now named Loganstones) with their dog, Spot. Home of the family for over a year. Second image is The Shillabeer children and friends in their swimsuits.
PHOTO:2022.226.1digital imagePhoto of the Shillabeer family in front of The Round House, Northpark c.1942 (now named Loganstones) with their dog, Spot. Home of the family for over a year. Second image is The Shillabeer children and friends in their swimsuits.
PHOTO:2022.227digital imageGroup photo taken at Hawkmoor Lodge 20th April1901 (occasion unknown). Squires family
PHOTO:2022.228digital imageGroup photo taken at The Garden Hut in the grounds of Rock Villa. Squires family
PHOTO:2022.229digital imageColour photo of The Church House
PHOTO:2022.230digital imageTree Planting at Giddaford to raise funds for The Vestry (see photocopy of image to identify various people)
PHOTO:2022.231digital imagePhotographs of the two lodges at the entrance to Lustleigh situated at the West Corner of the road to Caseley, one of which is called Beechnut Lodge
PHOTO:2022.232digital imagePhotographs of the two lodges at the entrance to Lustleigh situated at the West Corner of the road to Caseley, one of which is called Beechnut Lodge, the other is Honeysuckle Lodge
PHOTO:2022.233digital imagePhotographs of the two lodges at the entrance to Lustleigh situated at the West Corner of the road to Caseley, one of which is called Beechnut Lodge
PHOTO:2023.1digital imagePost card of interior of church
PHOTO:2023.2digital imagePost card of interior of church
PHOTO:2023.3digital imagePhotograph of Dennis Clare with Robin. Worked for the Great Hall (manor) as handyman
PHOTO:2023.4digital imagePhotograph of Christine Clare and Robin Clare (baby)
PHOTO:2023.5digital imagePhotograph of Fred Spurling, Christine Clare and Robin Clare
PHOTO:2023.6digital imagePhotograph of Fred Spurling, Christine Clare and Robin Clare
PHOTO:2023.7colour photoMay Day 2008 musicians - photo of Will Carnell, Ned gould, Lisa Rowe, Caroline Cashmore, Alexa Mason, Jean Wills
PHOTO:2023.8colour photoMay Day 2010: May Queen Bryony Bell (left), Anna Bell (middle) in Wreyland
PHOTO:2023.9colour photoMay Day 2010: May Queen Bryony Bell
PHOTO:2023.10digital imagePhoto of Beechnut Lodge
PHOTO:2023.11digital imagePhoto of Mary Stuart (?) on horse outside Mapstone Cottage
PHOTO:2023.12black and white photographBirthday Party for Pat and Beryl Adams in Farmer Amery's field, Kelly Farm in 1943
PHOTO:2023.13postcardPostcard of Lustleigh village, view of Primrose Tea Rooms and church
PHOTO:2023.14postcardPostcard of Lustleigh village, view of church
PHOTO:2023.15digital imagephoto of Remembrance Day at the War Memorial, Lustleigh
PHOTO:2023.16colour photoKim Hopwood May Queen 1989 on May Rock in Orchard
PHOTO:2023.17colour photoKim Hopwood May Queen 1989 with attendants on May Rock in Orchard
PHOTO:2023.18colour photoChildren dancing round the May Pole 1989. May Queen Kim Hopwood
PHOTO:2023.19colour postcardPostcard of tapestry/cross stitch designed by Ruth McRink of children dancing round the may pole with the queen on the rock
PHOTO:2023.20colour photoStart of procession of May Queen Becky Drewett 1996 with James Webb, Ned Gould, Jerome Taylor, Laura Dale and others
PHOTO:2023.21colour photoMay Day spectators 1996 including John Gallagher (child on shoulders) and Edith and Bill Sanders
PHOTO:2023.22colour photoMay Day 1994 with Lisa Roberts (May Queen) and attendants outside the church, including John Drewett, David Harman and Natalie Davies
PHOTO:2023.23colour photoMay Queen Rebecca French (?) being blessed on church steps 1981
PHOTO:2023.24colour photoMay Queen attendant Sinead King? Date unknown
PHOTO:2023.25colour photoMay Queen Rebecca Merriot 1988 with attendants Edward Vittle, Kim Hopwood and Matthew Sessions
PHOTO:2023.26colour photoMay Queen Rebecca Merriot 1988
PHOTO:2023.27colour photoMay Queen Rebecca Merriot 1988 leading the procession
PHOTO:2023.28colour photoMay Queen procession in orchard led by May Queen Becky Drewett 1996 with James Webb, Ned Gould, Jerome Taylor and Louise Baudovy
PHOTO:2023.29colour photoMay Queen procession on village green led by Rebecca Merriot 1988
PHOTO:2023.30colour photoMay Queen procession along Wreyland path led by Rebecca Merriot 1988
PHOTO:2023.31colour photoMay Queen procession outside Wreyland Manor led by Rebecca Merriot 1988
PHOTO:2023.32colour photoMay Queen procession fronted by the band along Wreyland Path 1988
PHOTO:2023.33colour photoMay Queen procession led by Rebecca Merriot 1988 with Eddie Ellis (?) infront
PHOTO:2023.34colour photoMay Queen Rebecca Merriot 1988 on church steps
PHOTO:2023.35colour photoChildren in procession of May Queen Rebecca Merriot 1988
PHOTO:2023.36colour photo May Queen Rebecca Merriot 1988 seated beneath flower canopy
PHOTO:2023.37colour photo May Queen Rebecca Merriot 1988 seated beneath flower canopy with an attendant
PHOTO:2023.38colour photoAttendants by May Rock 1988, May Queen Rebecca Merriot
PHOTO:2023.39paintingPainting of path by Hisley weir
PHOTO:2023.40postcardPostcard of The Cleave Pub showing an Owl . The owl belonged to Tony Perring, landlord of the pub, and kept at the rear of the pub.
PHOTO:2023.41photoInterior of The Cleave - front bar showing fireplace
PHOTO:2023.42photoInterior of The Cleave - front bar showing salad bar
PHOTO:2023.43photoPhoto of exterior of The Dairy (W.E. & J Ellis)
PHOTO:2023.44photoPhoto of house Starparke (built in 1936)
PHOTO:2023.45photoPhoto of houses in Lustleigh (taken 1906)
PHOTO:2023.46postcardPostcard of Lustleigh church and surrounding village houses
PHOTO:2023.47postcardPostcard of Lustleigh village and station (sent 19 Dec 1903)
PHOTO:2023.48postcardPostcard of Lustleigh village (Primrose tea rooms and the church)
PHOTO:2023.49postcardPostcard of Lustleigh church and Cleave Hotel
PHOTO:2023.50postcardPostcard of Lustleigh church and Cleave Hotel
PHOTO:2023.51photocopyphotocopy of painting based on photograph from the Hunt Collection
PHOTO:2023.52photocopyphotocopy of painting based on photograph from the Hunt Collection
PHOTO:2023.53photocopyphotocopy of painting based on photograph from the Hunt Collection
PHOTO:2023.54photocopyphotocopy of painting based on photograph from the Hunt Collection
PHOTO:2023.55photoBlack & white photo with view of Brookfield from the wear
PHOTO:2023.56postcardBlack & white postcard with view towards Lustleigh from the Cleave
PHOTO:2023.57photoBlack & white photo with view towards Rock Cottages, Lynnfield
PHOTO:2023.58photoColour photo of the Tallet House in the snow
PHOTO:2023.59photoColour photo of the Wreyland Manor House in the snow
PHOTO:2023.60photoColour photo of the Church in the snow
PHOTO:2023.61photoColour photo of a barn near Brookfield in the snow
PHOTO:2023.62photoColour photo of a snowplough on road near Lustleigh
PHOTO:2023.63photoColour photo of Pound Cottages with the Tudor Cross in front
PHOTO:2023.64photoColour photo of the village from Mill Lane
PHOTO:2023.65photoColour photo of the village from the direction of Mill Lane
PHOTO:2023.66photoColour photo of the village centre
PHOTO:2023.67postcardColour postcard of The Hall House, Wreyland Manor
PHOTO:2023.68postcardColour postcard of Lustleigh (The Green, Mayday Rock, Cricket pitch, Wreyland)
PHOTO:2023.69photoColour photo of two lodges (Beechnut lodge) near Caseley
PHOTO:2023.70digital imageStone mason carving the names of May Queens Imogen Woodcock (2020) Isla McCabe (2021) and Arabella Kennaird Melling (2022) on the May Rock, 10th December 2022
PHOTO:2023.71digital imageImages of May Day 2022 where three May Queens were Crowned - Imogen Woodcock (2020) Isla McCabe (2021) and Arabella Kennaird Melling (2022)
PHOTO:2023.72digital imageWassail held outside The Cleave and in Town Orchard Saturday 14th January 2023 by Beltane Border Morris. Images plus two videos.
PHOTO:2023.73postcardLady standing outside Cleave Cottage - Refreshment House - Lustleigh
PHOTO:2023.74coloured photoLustleigh Sunday School - circa 1989/90
PHOTO:2023.75coloured photoLustleigh Sunday School - circa 1989/90
PHOTO:2023.76coloured photoLustleigh Sunday School - circa 1989/90
PHOTO:2023.77coloured photoLustleigh Sunday School - circa 1989/90
PHOTO:2023.78coloured photoLustleigh Sunday School - circa 1989/90
PHOTO:2023.79coloured photoLustleigh Sunday School - circa 1989/90
PHOTO:2023.80coloured photoLustleigh Sunday School - circa 1989/90
PHOTO:2023.81coloured photo````Lustleigh Sunday School - circa 1989/90 possible picture of Jean Wills and Belinda Boudray
PHOTO:2023.82black & white photopostcard of clam bridge with handrail over the river Bovey
PHOTO:2023.83colour photoTwo images (front and back) of a hand drawing of Lustleigh which was given to Andrew Collier, grandson of the old headmaster John Collier, by his grandmother Clarice Collier after John passed away in 1992.1992
PHOTO:2023.84paintingoil painting of Rock cottages1943
PHOTO:2023.85paintingwatercolour painting of Wreyland Path by the railway archunknown
PHOTO:2023.86paintingwatercolour painting of Town Orchardunknown
PHOTO:2023.87colour photographpostcardunknown
PHOTO:2023.88black & white photoView of village from end of Mill Lane1970
PHOTO:2023.89colour photographElevated view of the School House
PHOTO:2023.90colour photographElevated view of The Dairy from top of church tower
PHOTO:2023.91artworkLustleigh Village Green in The Snow (artwork for archives Christmas card 2022012.2022
PHOTO:2023.92black & white photoView of village from Rectory Lane, formerly Trapstile Lane1930
PHOTO:2023.93postcardView of Lustleigh from end of Mill Lane C 1914
PHOTO:2023.94photograph black and whitePhotograph of Reverend and Mary Rogerson
PHOTO:2023.95photograph black and whiteVery old black and white photograph of Lower Hisley
PHOTO:2023.96watercolour paintingwatercolour painting of Lustleigh church
PHOTO:2023.97colour photographcolour photograph of The Cedars
PHOTO:2023.98b/w photographb/w photograph of Pound Cottage circa 1960
PHOTO:2023.99b/w photographb/w photograph of Mapstone House 19 September 1938
PHOTO:2023.100colour photographcolour photograph of Primrose Cottage
PHOTO:2023.101colour photographcolour photograph of procession (1960s?)
PHOTO:2023.102colour photographcolour photograph of May day outside church (1960s?)
PHOTO:2023.103colour photographcolour photograph of May day with dancers and crowd gathered around maypole (1960s?)
PHOTO:2023.104digital imageSarah Vantreen and Gill Hepworth Making the Village Hall Curtains at Parklands, January 2005
PHOTO:2023.105digital image"Infectious Folies" a tableau at the Devon Arts Hall, Torquay 1931 Back row - Kay Reed (Scarletina), Margaret Reed (Flee), Muriel Brown, Barbara Martin (Jeyes Fluid). Seated - Phyllis Harman, Teddie Bradford (cold)
PHOTO:2023.106digital image"Infectious Folies" Left to right, back row - L Eggington, M. Lenay, B Blatchford, B de Courcey, B Martin, M Pollard, B Eggington, P Chape, M Brown, B Lambert. Front row - J Bradford, B Marriot, M Mountford
PHOTO:2024.1digital imagePostcard of "The Weir, Lustleigh". By Hisley Bridge
PHOTO:2024.2digital imagePostcard of "Lustleigh, Brookfield"
PHOTO:2024.3digital imagePostcard of Lustleigh and railway
PHOTO:2024.5black & white postcardpostcard of The Path Fields
PHOTO:2024.6press cuttingWedding photo of Miss Chetwyn and Mr Cooper
PHOTO:2024.7black & white postcardView of railway bridge at Knowle
PHOTO:2024.8black & white postcardView of Lustleigh from Slade Hill
PHOTO:2024.10black & white photoPhoto of Elizabeth Ann Amery aged 14 months
PHOTO:2024.11colour photoPostman Brian Roach by the mill leat on Wreyland Path in the snow, January 1985
PHOTO:2024.12black and white photoWedding day photo of Rev Rupert Newman and Beryl Trist
PHOTO:2024.13black and white photoWedding day photo of Rev Rupert Newman and Beryl Trist
PHOTO:2024.14black and white photoConstance & Catherine Mackintosh
PHOTO:2024.15black and white photoPhoto of Miss F Overman
PHOTO:2024.16colour photoPhoto of parachutist at Lustleigh Show 2004
PHOTO:2024.17colour photoPhoto of Hilary Gould and Mick Dray at Lustleigh Show 2004
PHOTO:2024.18colour photoPhoto of Hort Soc exhibits at Lustleigh Show 2004
PHOTO:2024.19colour photoPhoto of Steve Foskett and Chris Bell at Lustleigh Show 2004
PHOTO:2024.20colour photoPhoto of Jenny and Tom Webb on the bottle stall at the Lustleigh Show 2004
PHOTO:2024.21colour photoPhoto of Dave Wills after show auction Lustleigh Show 2004
PHOTO:2024.22colour photoPhoto of Sue Brown and Sue Wollen at the Lustleigh Show 2004
PHOTO:2024.23colour photoPhoto of Vicky Jackson and Meg Gould, dog show at the Lustleigh Show 2004
PHOTO:2024.24colour photoPhoto of the Stump Shy run by the Cricket Club at the Lustleigh Show 2004
PHOTO:2024.25colour photoPhoto of the refreshment tent at the Lustleigh Show 2004
PHOTO:2024.26colour photoPhoto of LADS stand; classic Car owned by Jeremy Grammar - raffle prize car ride at the Lustleigh Show 2004
PHOTO:2024.27colour photoPhoto of Dave Wills and Steve Walker auctioning the remains of the exhibits from the Hort Soc at the Lustleigh Show 2004
PHOTO:2024.28black and white photoPhoto of Beryl Newman, Mrs Muir known as Aunt E, Constance Mackintosh, Old Flo, Catherine Mackintosh at Loxtor Wrey
PHOTO:2024.29black and white photoPhoto of Miss Overhorn "Old Flo" aged about 88 years, August 1951
PHOTO:2024.30black and white photoGroup photo of Beryl Trist, Old Flo, Mrs Muir and unknown others at Loxtorwrey
PHOTO:2024.31black and white photoGroup photo of Beryl Trist, Old Flo, Catherine Mackintosh and Mrs Muir, also known as Aunt E, at Loxtorwrey
PHOTO:2024.32black and white photoPhoto of Mrs Muir, also known as Aunt E, aged 85 at Loxtorwrey taken in 1953
PHOTO:2024.33colour photoPhoto of Mr Ellis
PHOTO:2024.34black and white photoPhoto of Ernie Squires wearing Naval uniform
PHOTO:2024.35black and white photoPhoto of Catherine Mackintosh taken during a motoring holiday at a flower stall, Conservative fete, Milford in July 1950
PHOTO:2024.36pencil drawingFramed pencil portrait of George Henry Ferrel Osborne, made in Tunis 1943, together with his campaign medals
PHOTO:2024.37certificateFramed certificate which was sent to the families of service personnel killed in World War 1, for Edwin Wilfred Wrayford May (killed in action 4th July 1916), with letter from King George
PHOTO:2024.38colour photoPhoto of the burial place of Edwin May of Rudge who died in action during World War 1
PHOTO:2024.39colour photoTinted photo of Edwin May of Rudge
PHOTO:2024.40black & white postcardView of Lustleigh Cleave
PHOTO:2024.41colour photoMay Queen's attendants outside the Post Office, 2019
PHOTO:2024.42colour photoTossing the sheaf, Lustleigh Show 2020
PHOTO:2024.43colour photoUnknown man Tossing the sheaf with Mick Knowles in the background, Lustleigh Show 2020
PHOTO:2024.44colour photoGreasy pole with Ruth Knowles, Maroon Jop and Lucy James, Lustleigh Show 2020
PHOTO:2024.45colour photoTerrier racing, Lustleigh Show 2020
PHOTO:2024.46colour photofire engine and firemen Lustleigh Show 2020
PHOTO:2024.47colour photoJazz band at Lustleigh Show 2020
PHOTO:2024.48colour photoTim Hall playing golf at Lustleigh Show 2000
PHOTO:2024.49colour photoDave Wills at Lustleigh Show 1999
PHOTO:2024.50colour photoDave Wills (to his left) Chris Bell, third person Craig Payne - all lived at Brookfield
PHOTO:2024.51colour photoBelinda Baudouy running Hoopla Stall - Lustleigh Show 2000 - to right of Belinda India Harvey, walking behind James Chapman (striped shirt),plus sons Marcus and Duncan
PHOTO:2024.52colour photoGreasy Pole attraction at the Lustleigh Show 1999 - Far left James Baudy and Toby Bing, on pole Alice Knowles, far right red top Charlotte Vantreen. William Vantreen in the water.
PHOTO:2024.53colour photoArchery attraction at the Lustleigh Show 2000
PHOTO:2024.54colour photoRobin Mills skydiving into the Lustleigh Show 2000
PHOTO:2024.55colour photoAndrew Harvey in the Fun Run, Lustleigh Show 2000
PHOTO:2024.56colour photoSheep Shearing Competition, Lustleigh Show 2000 - Raymond Palmer on far left
PHOTO:2024.57colour photoSheep Shearing Competition, Lustleigh Show 2000 - Courtney Wright drinking beer, Peter Harvey 2nd on right of Courtney
PHOTO:2024.58colour photoGreasy Pole competition, Lustleigh Show 2000
PHOTO:2024.59colour photoGreasy Pole competition, Lustleigh Show 2000
PHOTO:2024.60colour photoJean Wills, Dog Show, Lustleigh Show 1999
PHOTO:2024.61colour photoBar, Lustleigh Show 2004
PHOTO:2024.62colour photoRefreshment tent, Lustleigh Show 2004
PHOTO:2024.63black and white photoJill Salmon, Lustleigh Show 1970s
PHOTO:2024.64black and white postcardRev William Gordon Baillie, Rector of Lustleigh 1904 - 1910
PHOTO:2024.65black and white postcardCranford Tableau "Lustleigh"
PHOTO:2024.66black and white postcardBilly Arnold, fishman, 1 Melrose Terrace, "A drinker!"
PHOTO:2024.67colour postcardPostcard of Lustleigh Cleave (Edwardian?)
PHOTO:2024.68black and white photoPhoto of railway taken from the garden of Mill Cottage (1935?)
PHOTO:2024.69black and white photoPhoto of the mill wheel at Lustleigh
PHOTO:2024.70black and white photoPhoto of the The Mill
PHOTO:2024.71black and white photoRail coach campers at Lustleigh - Devon publication cutting 1935
PHOTO:2024.72black and white photoChilton - Mapstone Hill
PHOTO:2024.73black and white photoChilton - Mapstone Hill
PHOTO:2024.74black and white photoTea party at Chilton, Mapston Hill
PHOTO:2024.75black and white photoKenrick Foster on horse - approximately 5 years - possibly 1928 plus unknown woman
PHOTO:2024.76black and white photoKenrick H Foster and HE Foster (possibly Father)
PHOTO:2024.77water colour paintingView of the centre of the village looking towards the school
PHOTO:2024.78water colour paintingWatercolour portrait of A R Trist
PHOTO:2024.79water colour paintingView towards Manaton from near the Hartons
PHOTO:2024.81colour postcardColour postcard of The Cleave Hotel
PHOTO:2024.83colour postcardCaseley Close
PHOTO:2024.84colour postcardColour postcard of Lower Combe, Lustleigh cost of postcard - 1/2d (old money)
PHOTO:2024.85black and white postcardblack and white postcard of Lustleigh Cleave (spelling Cleeve)
PHOTO:2024.86black and white postcardsBlack and white postcards of Lustleigh church (view of lychgate)
PHOTO:2024.87colour postcardsColour postcards of Lustleigh church
PHOTO:2024.88black and white postcardsblack and white postcards of Lustleigh church (interior)
PHOTO:2024.89black and white photoPhoto of the The Mill
PHOTO:2024.90digital imagePhotograph of Police Constable George Henry Skinner who served as the local Police Constable from 1941 to 1946.
PHOTO:2024.91digital imagecolour postcard of Caseley Farm (16th Century). Sent to Mrs R Allam in Surrey by her son, Dick
PHOTO:2024.92postcardview of village from Rudge
PHOTO:2024.93postcardNorth Park Refreshment Bungalow
PHOTO:2024.94postcardPostcard of Bishop's Stone
PHOTO:2024.95postcardPostcard of Lustleigh Cleave-
PHOTO:2024.96postcardPostcard of Lustleigh views
PHOTO:2024.97postcardPostcard of Hisley Weir
PHOTO:2024.98postcardPostcard of Hisley Weir
PHOTO:2024.99postcardPostcard of Lustleigh Cleave
PHOTO:2024.100postcardPostcard of Lustleigh
PHOTO:2024.101postcardPostcard of Lustleigh Cleave
PHOTO:2024.102postcardPostcard of Lustleigh Cleave
PHOTO:2024.103postcardsPostcards of Lustleigh Cleave taken from watercolour painting
PHOTO:2024.104postcardsPostcards of Moorwood Guest House, Lustleigh
PHOTO:2024.105postcardsPostcards of Manaton taken from Lustleigh Cleave and Postcard of The Bovey Valley Dartmoor
PHOTO:2024.106photoTwo images of the village presentation to Brent Oliver on his retirement from running Orchard Garage, 13th Sept 2024
PHOTO:2024.107photoImage of a mock up of film projector made by Don Badger for the Lustleigh show bash 24th August 2022. Film Night themed.
PHOTO:2024.108photoImages of Lustleigh May Day 2024
PHOTO:2024.109photoPage from Devon Life May 2024 re Nick Bruce White of Devon Wildlife Trust - mentions PrimroseTearooms
PHOTO:2024.110photoImages from wreath making session in the Village Hall December 2022.
PHOTO:2024.111photoCard drawn by artist Sarah McIntyre of the Lustleigh Bellringers. 2023
PHOTO:2024.112photoImage of a large group of people in front of Lych Gate of church in 1907. Occasion unknown.
PHOTO:2024.113photoImage of the weir at Hisley incorrectly captioned river Teign - should be River Bovey. Date unknown
PHOTO:2024.114portraitDigital image of pencil drawing of Rev. Rupert Newman by Beryl Newman (nee Trist)
PHOTO:2024.115Digital image of a portrait of Ian Large aged 8 by Beryl Newman in 1955. This portrait was exhibited at the Royal Society of Portrait Painters in 1955/56. Also attached a photo of the rather dilapidated exhibition label on the back of the portrait.
PHOTO:2024.116sepia postcard view of Lustleigh from Sharpitor
PHOTO:2024.117sepia postcard view of Lustleigh from Sharpitor
PHOTO:2024.118sepia postcard view of Pound cottages
PHOTO:2024.119colour postcard view of village from above Rectory Lane
PHOTO:2024.120colour postcard view of village from above Rectory Lane plus The Cleave and Wreyland manor
PHOTO:2024.121black & white postcard showing individual pics of the church, the Cleave, Kelly's Cross and Wreyland Manorview of village from above Rectory Lane plus The Cleave and Wreyland manor
PHOTO:2024.122black & white postcard showing 4 individual pics of the area around the church, including Primrose tearooms and Pound cottages
PHOTO:2024.123sepia postcard showing 5 individual pics of thhe area including a view from the hillside, the church, Kelly cross and the village
PHOTO:2024.124coloured postcard showing view of village from Sharpitor
PHOTO:2024.125black and white postcard showing view of village from South East
PHOTO:2024.126sepia postcard showing view of village from South
Updated to 14th October 2024